I Attempted a Nuzlocke Only Using Pink Shinies In Pokemon Scarlet! (I regret my decisions 😢)

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I attempted a Pokemon Nuzlocke only using pink Shiny Pokemon yeah pretty insane and although I borderline went crazy trying to hunt for Shiny Pokemon while simultaneously taking on a Nuzlocke challenge trying my hardest not to lose my Pokemon that took I don't know 10 to 15 hours just to receive I still wanted to make sure I could do this in a reasonable amount of time so the goal is to defeat a whole entire Pokemon Nuzlocke only using shiny pink Pokemon but doing it the most efficient way possible well that I know and can learn because imma be rude with you guys I'd never done this before so please feel free to roast me in the comments and teach me a thing or two because I have no idea what I'm doing I learned this from a YouTube video and before we even get into the video I want to ask you guys what is your favorite Shiny Pokemon could be from any generation I'm just curious to see your guys's comments but if you guys actually enjoy this type of content and think I should do more let's get this video to 500 likes I typically don't even get that many views and from there I'll do a hardcore Pokemon Nuzlocke which is even more intense than this and harder than this and we'll do one of your shiny suggestions such as blue Shiny Pokemon black shiny Pokemon dog Shiny Pokemon anything like that well I'll do it if you guys get this to 500 likes that being said we're doing a traditional Pokemon Nuzlocke but the only twist is that we can only use pink Shiny Pokemon and we're playing Pokemon Scarlet it's not that complicated but immediately when we start the game we're met with a roadblock you can't even get a shiny starter although few Coco is actually a pink shiny that we could probably use and would be able to use for this challenge we can't because they decided to shiny lock him which really sucks I'm like what is the point of shiny locking the starter what so you don't have a weird intro anyways after completing the first portion of the game we're met with the Obstacle of actually getting a pink Pokemon that's shiny I'm gonna be playing this in full odds which means there is a one in four thousand 96 chance of us actually encountering a Shiny Pokemon that is absolutely ridiculous but I don't know why I decided to do this so in the first area of the game what Pokemon can we catch that is actually pink in area one of the paladilla region there's actually a minor palmy infection and there is a one in 4096 chance that upon me that spawns could be pink so that's what we went for first but me just sitting around walking around hoping for the chance to encounter a palmy and it just so happening to be pink is nearly impossible so we're gonna have to manipulate the game to only spawn palmy so this is where we decided to utilize the restaurants in mesogoza if you didn't know this I didn't know this before I tried to do this challenge but there's actually a lot of restaurants you can go to and interact with in Pokemon scarlet and violet I knew they existed but I never actually utilized the benefits they actually give you but after some quick research church I discovered this Gopher Broke Grill in mazagoza they have this meal cloth out oh my God they're just serving Pokemon to us okay look look I knew people in Pokemon eat Pokemon but oh my you don't have to tell me that's a cloth anyways purchasing this meal right here actually gives us encounter Power electric level one which basically makes the encounter rate of electric type Pokemon spawning in an area to be increased I don't know what I'm out specifically but every time I use this a ton of palmy started to spawn and this is when I knew this was actually possible the amount of palmies that are spawning in the combination of us being able to manipulate the spawns period and force them to spawn constantly within the span of 30 minutes I knew eventually we'd probably get one how long it would take was the big problem that I couldn't predict and this was a battle of willpower so basically I just had to go in and out in and out in and out of this area where the palmies were spawning so I decided to do this for a good seven hours and I didn't encounter a Pokemon at all I was starting to think that maybe the Pokemon in this area was shiny log it really felt like a myth that Shiny Pokemon even existed and you can actually hunt for them this way but about 12 hours into my journey this happened oh is that it oh the steel okay okay okay we got it boys a shiny palmy oh God man I was really about to give up please get in a ball please please get in the ball please get in the ball please please please and we got it let's go boys oh my goodness all right let's see let's calculate how much time this bit all right I have a timer on my phone and yes it's been 12 hours and 21 minutes just to get this Pony holy crap so yeah they actually exist and you could actually get a shiny palmy here I was so close to giving up on this Challenge and just doing another video but we pulled through and for traditional Nuzlocke rules we have to nickname every single Pokemon that we received so I added puffball to my team this now means I can release the previous Pokemon that I have on my team after training pup paw a little bit and this is only the beginning of the challenge because we only have one Pokemon but any wild Pokemon can appear in knock or palmy out and they're dead we we lose the Nuzlocke right there traditional Nuzlocke rules isn't just locked down to just trainer battles so we're not in the green light we need to get another Pokemon but man can I say puff pod looks awesome this is when I did even more research and learned that mareeps are actually pink and they stay pink all the way up to them being amphredosis and luckily for us right here we can encounter Mareep so I decided to go back eat some more claws oh my God they could have just kept it a secret man I didn't want to know this and manipulate to spawn a bunch of mareeps the first time this took 12 hours and I couldn't tell if I was just being very unlucky or it was just really gonna be this bad but only time will tell I've tried every single method just using the picnic table to just spawn all the Pokemon running in and out of the area to despawn the Pokemon and come back it just took a very long time all we had to do was keep the spawning and spawning the Pokemon over and over and over again and hope that one of the mareeps were pink it took days and nights in gay just running around on a karate on hoping that we encountered a Mareep but not to drag it out even more than we have to during the day while riding around on a cried on this hat yes oh my god let's go yes okay I gotta make sure that I actually encounter this I don't want it to spawn it okay yes all right I'm pretty sure Marine can't even kill my puffball but we need you to get in the ball right now all right we got Marie and looking at the timer that actually only took five and a half hours so yeah that was actually a lot faster than the other time and I think it's because I've actually started learning how to despawn the Pokemon correctly after a long time of not even battling anyone in this video we're finally able to level up our Pokemon and take on the first gen we have a new sleeky on our team and they have a minus special defense nature but a plus b nature so that's pretty cool but amphredos doesn't really get that fast but whatever but enough a jibber jabber it's time to face Kathy she has bug Pokemon and we start the battle with our pup paw as her Nimble comes out I'm not gonna lie I was very terrified in this battle but we had to do it we start off the battle by nuzzling and using thundershock as they use struggle bug on me lowering my special attack which really sucks but I just used another thundershock to take it out forced to stay in because it's an ozlock and we decided to nuzzle the tarantula that comes out they use bug bite on me a get me to 17 HP I'm not trying to lose any Pokemon here I switched to sleeky and they get fully parrot which allows me to to rationalize into an electric type and use thundershock taking the tarantula out in one shot and finally Teddy Ursa comes out and terrazolizes into a bug type we're forced to just Spam Thunder shot out speeding to Teddy Ursa and them using a fairy cutter on me which does oh my God 20 damage but Arch ability static actually paralyzes to Teddy Ursula but it doesn't matter because Mareep out speeds on the very next turn and takes him out just like that we gain the first badge oh man we could actually get some progression in but man what I tell you I was so freaking scared to lose a Pokemon by a random crit or anything happening outside of my control I was really panicking but after this we're able to evolve our puff paw into combo and it turns into a fighting type look at it it's pretty cool cool oh in this challenge I decided to just do the gym leaders because I'm only doing the elite four but in order to catch all the Pokemon that we need we need to face a couple Titans in order to do that so right after taking on the gym we decided to take on the flying type look these Titan Pokemon are infamously known for being very very strong and they have the ability to kill my Pokemon instantly but hopefully us using electric type on the sky Titan will give us an advantage we immediately swapped the sleeky and take oh my God a rock slide only takes me out but I decide to rationalize into an electric type oh barely survive this pluck but staticking them which gives me the ability to thundershock twice and take him out holy crap if it decided to use rock slide I definitely would have lost leaky there but oh my goodness this is what I realized like holy crap I'm not good enough talking at all but it's not over yet because we have to do round two of the sky Titan this time I decided to rationalize my Puff Hall and use thundershock doing a decent chunk to him as Arvin decides to rock throw and we're able to take him out the very next turn not losing a single Pokemon yes good job puff paw and I'm gonna be honest with you guys I definitely thought I was gonna lose a Pokemon there but we made it through I started losing my nerves a little bit and started evaluating on how we're gonna actually complete this Challenge and what Pokemon we are probably gonna need the shiny hunt for so next we have to go against brassius the grass gym but we're using electric type Pokemon so there's a very high chance that we would just lose against him because all of our moves are resistant against him and he can hit us for neutral damage and like I said I'm really not trying to lose the Pokemon here this is when I saw that murkrow actually had the ability to become pink it was a dark flying type which would actually be very useful for later down in the game and it becomes Hodge crew a very strong Pokemon in general so I decided to make my way to midalley during night time and test my chances on getting a Merc Pro and this is when I realized guys we can lose the run while shiny hunting because I made it all the way to this area and these Pokemon were 10 levels above me they could easily knock me out which is insane I encountered his level 28 haunch Crow and I tried running and I couldn't get on way oh my God it decides to use Haze but the very next turn we're able to run but that's when I came to a realization like holy crap even if I didn't manage to catch this murkrow I wouldn't even be able to obey it and it has a chance to kill a Pokemon while we're shiny honey so this is when I reevaluated completely and stuck to the bottom of the map we were running around and we ran into this room where we found a bunch of drowsies typically speaking drowsy isn't gonna be the Pokemon that we're gonna need to beat this but in general we just need some Pokemon we can move with and shiny hunting this area was actually pretty easy because they automatically spawned in a group like this so we decided a shiny hunt for a drowsy and all we had to do was run back and forth from this Rune it was actually pretty easy I got the concept of despawning Pokemon properly down and I felt a lot more confident shiny hunting in general because I did it two times before this yes let's go okay we found the pink drowsy let's go boys let's go boys third bug we caught up in the first ball let's go and that actually only took three hours yep just like I said it only took three hours so it seems like if I'm efficient it it speeds up the process a little bit but at the end of the day it's truly random so it could take 10 it could take 15 but we added Winnie to our team and I think you can see why I named him Winnie he looks like Winnie the Pooh but as you can see Winnie here has a calm nature which means his attack is lowered and especially defense is boosted which is really good because he has pretty decent special defense in general but this means we can't use any physical attacking moves with this Pokemon although we added winning to our team typically speaking psyche type Pokemon in the beginning of the games are typically very weak because they only have 40 bass power psychic moves but like they say the more the merrier and it's time to take on brassius despite me being absolutely terrified to do so we start off the battle with puff paw as bracia sends out Petaling we decided to use Arm contrast because that's the only move that we could use that was neutral we attacked but we get four hits in and almost take them down as a mega drain and barely do any damage at all we're able to just arm thrust again and take him out well we took down the first Pokemon did by Pokemon only took like five damage so that's pretty good and small love comes out and we're able to arm thrust it for a two-hit KO because it's weak dividing but this is when The Suitor brutal comes out he tracelizes into a grass type but before he's able to move I'm able to nuzzle him paralyzing him but right after that he was his troll please and it does a ton of damage because he's tiracilized fortunately we have an orangeberry so this is when we decided to swap to Winnie as they trailblaze again raising their speed but when he's able to take it we decide to use disable on their trailblaze so they're not able to get any faster and they can't use a grass type move anymore which allows us to teracelize into a psychic type and use confusion when he's still faster than sudowoodu almost taking it out he uses rock throw on me doing a decent amount of damage taking me down to 26 HP but were able to use an ornberry to give us 10 HP back we're able to out speed it the very next turn and use confusion and we confuse him pair of Fusion on is really good hacks but he's able to break through and rock throw but the very next turn we're able to out speed him and take him down just like that and Drowzee was actually the move being able to disable the strongest hitting move he had made it so drowsy was actually able to contend with it him getting paralyzed gave us the chance to hit him without taking damage although he didn't get parrot hacks it gave us speed control which allowed us to ultimately out damage his Sudowoodo and there we go we somehow managed to utilize our drowsy that we thought was gonna be useless but the challenge is nowhere near being done we decided to stop by this cloth oh my God I'm sorry I'm sorry I ate you earlier I feel so guilty and palmy's able to destroy him because he's a fighting type this gives us the ability to dash but next we have to go against the electric type and if you look at her team yeah we have two electric type Pokemon and a psychic type typically speaking it doesn't mean we can't win but I'm not confident with this team so I decided to look for a new Pokemon this is when I did some research and found out that gloomy is actually a Pokemon that we could use because it's pink and looking up on the Internet he spawns south on the map and he only spawns in your palms so we learned where they spawned but we still need a way to be able to spawn these Pokemon in an abundant amount because there's a one in 4096 chance that one spawns unfortunately being in the beginning of the game we do not have a lot of the recipes that we could use to be able to catch these Pokemon and we can't get any more Gym badges because we don't have good Pokemon in order to take on the gyms so I had to get a little creative once we get the second gym badge we learn 13 new recipes and we unlock hamburgers smoke fillets and avocados why am I saying this well because we can actually increase our encounter power rate for catching Dragon type Pokemon by making great avocado sandwiches which requires one avocado one smoked fillet salt and a tomato which gives us an encounter power of Dragon 2 level 2 utilizing this we're able to encounter a ton of Dragon type Pokemon by these pawns making it so only gloomy's spawn so we increase the chance to be able to actually encounter these Pokemon so it was only a matter of time until we found one and from here I actually just started writing down the times that it took so I could do it in post because I wanted to talk to my friends and chill while doing this because this took a very long time but yeah it took a decent amount of time to be able to find the gloomy and I wanted to see if there was a more efficient area to go catch a gloomy so when I went to this portion of the map that said that gloomy spawn there all I got was Sizzlers in a ton spawn it was actually ridiculous but the brief moment of me being in this area a shiny scissor spawn which is crazy I encounter honored it and holy crap it's level 28 7 levels above me but I couldn't run away from it so I had no choice but to just throw Ultra Balls at it fortunately my pup paw survives the flurry of attacks that it does while I throw Ultra Balls at it then it u-turns and takes me down to one HP but puffball survived because it loved me which is insane so I decided to swap the sleeky hoping that we just paralyze it but it doesn't happen we just keep throwing Ultra Balls at it and eventually we catch a Sizzler all of that and we almost lost a Pokemon but unfortunately even though this is a shiny it is not a pink shiny what does that mean we can't even use this Pokemon well on the bright side when he learned cybeam we finally approached this Gloomy in five and a half hours can someone tell me am I getting really lucky or am I just shiny hunting efficiently I don't really know is this supposed to be taking longer or shorter because I would really love to know a more efficient way of doing this if there is one shiny hunting is hard man but we added so as of now we now have a dragon type Pokemon on our team in dragon types resist electric which will give us the ability to Pivot on these Pokemon exactly what I was gonna need so we make our way back to leventia and we decide to take on the third gym finally oh hi the watching how have you been I haven't seen you in like two weeks oh it's nimona she's our neighbor who so happens to be the champion of this region hey uh you know I'm doing this Pokemon Challenge where I can only catch Shiny Pokemon Shiny Pokemon what the hell is a Shiny Pokemon let's go battle uh actually no I don't want to battle too bad we're gonna go battle Yeah so unfortunately we're forced to go against the Mona throughout the whole entire game and she actually has a decent Pokemon and although in the base game these battles aren't required they're required in this run because we're doing a Nuzlocke if we lose a battle we lose the game that being said she starts off with a rock rough as we swap the gloomy and use Giga drain it does no damage but we swapped the palmy the very next turn holy crap poppy can look like that why did your mommy look so weird uh anyways we use Arm thrust and take them out the very next turn her palmy comes out which is actually pretty trivial because this palmy has dig but fortunately we're able to out speed the palmy and use Arm thrust hit him once twice three times then four being able to knock it out if we got one less hit we wouldn't have been able to take out that pawn and finally her quack spell comes out she tracilizes into a water type if this is actually going to be a very trivial Pokemon to go against but we're able to out speed spark almost take wise boost water pose on me taking me down to 19 HP but luckily we know that our Palm is faster than his quacks well and we outspeed the very next turn and take it out and just like that we beat nemona without losing a single Pokemon man while I was playing this I totally forgot about this battle but now it's time to take on aiono she is all electric type Pokemon and she's definitely going to be very very hard to go again so I decided to prep my team as much as I possibly could as she starts off with water out we send out our puff paw watero is an electric flying type so that means they're actually neutral to Electric knowing that in the combination of them not having a lot of Defense I decided to just use spark taking oh my goodness Landing a critical hit and taking water out in one shot but next her belly bolt comes out and belly Bowl has an annoying ability electromorphous which means every time you hit this belly bolt it charges his electric moves we use Arm thrust Landing a couple critical hits in the process hitting him four times as he water guns we then arm thrust twice Landing a critical hit in the process knocking down to 50 but he uses Spark and this is what I'm talking about holy crap that did so much damage but we luckily have a citrus Berry so we're able to eat that and keep arm thrusting we hit him three times as they water gun again but the very next turn we outspeed him hoping that we can get more than two hits almost taking him down oh and we only get two hits he decides to not use Sparks so we survive and we take him down the very next turn next Luxio comes out we swap the sleeky as we Dodge their bite and use Swift taking him out in three hits and finally Miss Maggie has comes up her AIDS she to rationalizes into an electric type and crits me with hex oh my God that definitely mattered with Critter with swift barely doing any damage at all but the very next turn she uses hexagon but we Dodge it because of love and we confuse Ray them the very next turn we then swapped leaky out it swapped to gush gush has a decent amount of special defense so we decided to rest specialize into a dragon type and use Dragon pose they confuse Reyes which makes this very trivial but we're able to get the dragon breath off and almost take it out Miss magius is still confused but breaks through and hits me with hex we're able to eat a citrus Berry bringing our HP up to 41 but we hit ourselves in confusion the very next turn we decide to swap the Winnie and Miss magius decides to use confused Ray for some reason so the very next turn oh my goodness we survived the hex and we have to break through the confusion to win and we do we destroy her with Nightshade winning us the badge unfortunately we didn't lose any Pokemon so it looks like getting gushed on our team was definitely the move now we gotta go against kofu he's a water type gym so I was actually more confident to go against him because we already have some decent electric type pokemon on our team so after leveling up our Pokemon a decent amount we decide to go against kofu but just because we're going against water type Pokemon does not mean that this next gem is going to be a breeze at all ultimately kofu has some pretty powerful Pokemon so we start start to fight with puff paw against palooza and we use spark and paralyze the values of the very first turn but palooza breaks through and use Aqua cutter and crits me almost taking me out were able to eat her Citrus Berry and out speed at the very next turn taking it out with spark but now puff paw is very weak so as what trio comes out we decide to send out sleeky we terrazolize into an electric type and use thundershot but what trio was very fast and flinches me with headbutt the very next turn we get hit with another headbutt but we break through the Flinch hacks and use thundershock to take him out in one hit Ampharos is actually very strong but finally crab honorable comes out and he tracelizes into a water type which is actually going to be a very big threat but fortunately our amphredos has enough power to take out the cremometable in one hit easily gaining us the fourth badge gaining the fourth badge actually gives us the ability to catch level 40 Pokemon so if we do need a shiny hunt we can definitely do so looking at the next gym leader we have to go against it's Larry and Larry he has some very hard-hitting normal type Pokemon so this is when I decided hmm type Pokemon this is way until the top top of the map on the snowy mountain and I just so happen to run into a shiny toad so cool I saw this and it was level 53 which is actually insane but before I was able to encounter them another Toad's cocaine and encountered me getting hit by this once means death but we managed to escape it look this is a shiny Toad's cool here but unfortunately like I said if we lose a single Pokemon although this is not a trainer battle they will be dead at this moment I didn't care I saw a Shiny Pokemon and I wanted it until it's cool is the Pokemon we could use so I immediately threw Ultra Ball at it hoping that we would catch it and we caught it in the first ball holy crap if that didn't happen we most likely would have lost a Pokemon but my luck is impeccable that being said we add floppy tents to our team and for beer I was still looking for a Heracross and I saw some and it was the same issue we had before these Pokemon up here were level 53 56 and it was actually insane although we could get a good fighting type Pokemon here it wouldn't obey me which means ultimately I just needed to get out of here so that's another thing in this challenge that we're gonna have to overcome because we're doing a Pokemon as lock we can't lose any Pokemon anyways we use a rare candy on floppy tents and it evolves into Toad's cruel and this is what it looks like it's pretty awesome and although we have this Toad's crew learner team we can't use it because he's level 54. but on the bright side we have a Shiny Pokemon we can use that being said we started trying to look for a murkrow since we're actually decent level to not die by murkrow but unfortunately mercurs only spawn at night which means we only have a limited time to get this Pokemon I created the ultra avocado sandwich which only required a tomato lettuce salt avocado and a smoked fillet giving us an encounter power of dark level 2 hoping that we would get one but after five hours of non-stop searching and waiting for it to become night over and over again we we just gave up I felt like murkrow was just gonna take too much time so I decided to search for another Pokemon that was pink and could be a good Pokemon to use on our team jump love though this is when we decided to go to mezzagoza and go to burritos to buy a salisbury steak with fried fixings this gave us encounter power flying level one which gave us the ability to go into this field in search for hop-ips this is mumi simultaneously decided to try evolving our puff paw by running around in circles but after six and a half hours of searching we finally found the shiny Hobbit we just threw a gray ball at it and caught it in the first ball so everyone invite cotton baby to the team and although he has this cop pip is green right now once we evolve it it turns pink that being said it's time to do some training so we decided to make some ham sandwiches and go against some chanties our team looks pretty awesome man all pink Pokemon look at this this is a sight to see but we finally evolve our and this is when we went to mezzagoza and decided to go get Eevee training items just to give our Pokemon the best Advantage they have but enough training it's time to take on Larry start off the battle with cotton baby as Larry sends out Kamala we decide to immediately acrobatics almost taking it down as he yawns me unfortunately yawn makes it so I'm forced to take him down at the cost of going to sleep which really sucks but we take down the Kamala Dunham's first comes out and we decide to swap into pup paw we use Arm thrust hitting him two times doing a decent oh my God he is drill run well luckily our puffball is physically defensive and we're able to oh crit him with arm thrust taking him out the very next turn and finally pistoraptor comes out he has intimidate so I decide to swap into sleeky because he's a special attack Larry terrazolizes into a normal type as we terrazolize into an electric type he uses facade on me but we are physically defensive with our sleeky it takes me down to 74 but we thundershock and almost take him down in one hit he uses facade the very next turn but we survive on 22 HP we eat our Citrus Berry and use thundershock on him the very next turn taking him out just like that we win the 5th gen badge at this point of the game I was getting very very confident unfortunately after taking down Larry we're only able to have level 45 Pokemon listen to us so we still can't use our toad screw and now we gotta go against the Ghost type gym leader and it would be very nice if we had a dark type Pokemon just for resistances and be being able to Pivot and we're kind of forced to go against a double battle so I decided to look for a weevile we decided to make some more Ultra avocado sandwiches and we went traversing in the snow looking for a weevile tons of sneasels were spawned and I kid you not in the span of 50 minutes we managed to come across a pink Sneasel right here level 36 so I was very hyped at this moment we managed to catch it and we named her Big Snip we decided to level up our Pokemon more and we evolved our gush into a slugo getting it some decent moves and we decided to evolve Big Snip into Wii uile that being said we're definitely ready to take on the next gym and now it's time to go against Ron she starts off with mimikyu and Bayonet as we swap into pup paw and Big Snip unfortunately this mimikyu is a fairy type so I was very afraid and I decided to immediately swap into sleeky as we terrazolize puffball and we use spark on mimikyu Breaking the disguise the mimiku decides to slash my sleeky and Bayonet uses icy win reducing my speed to both of my Pokemon which kinda sucks the next turn bayonet uses Sucker Punch staticking itself and going down to a spark as mimikyu slashes me and we use discharge but puffball was able to dodge by me shouting again that is the weirdest mechanic ever but the very next turn mimiku gets paralyzed from there we take down mimikyu with a spark and we go ahead and use power gin on the Hound Stone almost taking it out but then it uses Phantom Force which is very trivial that move is actually pretty strong the next turn toxicity comes out and then teracolizes into a ghost head uses hyper voice doing a decent amount of damage to my Pokemon but puffball is able to spark and take it down in one hit but houndstone is left and we have to survive this one turn we could still lose a Pokemon here houndstone uses Phantom Force but we're able to survive and sleeky use his power gin to take it out the very next turn just like that we gain the next battle but at this point of the game in order for us to progress even further we're forced to go against another type the false dragon type so I decided to use amphredos we terrazolized into an electro type and decide to use cotton guard raising her defense a massive amount of Dane that barely did any damage and staticking him in the process we're able to discharge and absolutely destroy him he gets paralyzed the very next turn and he's not even able to hit which is pretty awesome but this next Pokemon is going to be a big threat he's very especially defensive and oh my gosh almost takes me down in one hit with a dragon balls we barely do any damage to him but we're forced to swap into winning I hate these Titan pokeballs they could just destroy you but we decide to teracelize into a psychic type and use psychic on the false Tire katsuguri uses icy win on us lowering our speed and we oh my gosh that psychic does nothing he takes down greedin which means this is a 1v1 now I decide to use poison gas on him as he makes me pop my Citrus bear I know we're specially defensive so I decided to take another hit barely survive and use another psychic the poison takes his toll and he's very weak now now I need to be able to switch into another Pokemon if I switch into gush he's just gonna die because he's weak the dragon so I decided to swap him to Cotton bait and he decides to taunt the next turn I have no idea why but cotton baby is very strong so we're able to use acrobatics to take out the false type and just like that we managed to not lose a Pokemon there we gain the ability to climb and now this is the time we you can go against the psychic gym but before that I wanted to get some more Pokemon we were decently strong and I really really really wanted a hair across on my team the fact that it's a pink Pokemon is insane so I immediately went back to the area I was talking about before and now since we have the sixth gym badge we're able to unlock herb sausages which gives us the ability to make herb sauce with sandwiches that gives us an encounter power of fighting level one that ultimately means in this area where no fighting type Pokemon bonds but Heracross we're able to make hair across a spawn oh man my Pokemon are pretty awesome I love picnic mode and a ton of hair crosses started spawning but the thing about catching these Pokemon is that these Pokemon are actually pretty strong holy crap I accidentally encountered a Heracross and it used thrash on me and I couldn't run away from it because pardos is just very slow but before we go down we static them oh and we're able to run like I said we're not safe so I decided to use puff paw to be at the start of the party because he's a lot faster but after a decent amount of time four hours would be exact we finally encountered a haircut cross man look at this Pokemon it's pretty epic Heracross is pretty strong so I wanted a higher chance to catch this Pokemon he uses throat Chop on me as we use nuzzle on it and this was actually a big mistake the next turn he uses megacorn and I'm resistant to bug but holy crappy almost takes me out oh my goodness yes this hair across has guts which means us paralyzing him gives us the ability to kill us but we throw Ultra Ball on him and we catch him oh oh my goodness if you use another Mega horn that definitely would have took us out solution is now on our T and although I thought Heracross is going to be the solution to the next gym we can't use him because he's level 56 and we had to beat all the gym badges in order to have level 50 Pokemon obey us so we kind of did all that for nothing but we went ahead and got a hair cross like we wanted that being said we make it to all for NADA it's time to take on tulo in this battle we decided utilize big snap so we immediately terrazolized into a dark type in home claws on her giraffe Pokemon and we decided to spam beat up we were able to take out her draft thinner Gardevoir then her esperada and finally when she sends out her Florida just interracialized into a psychic type we take her down in one turn and now we're at the final stretch all we have to go against is the eighth gen and they have ice type Pokemon they start to battle with frost moth as they tell when we get paid by bug Buzz holy crap we almost died why did we switch to witty but we took about what's like in the very next turn then we swap the puff paw as beer tick comes up we use Arm thrust hitting it two times almost taking it out but getting hit by an earthquake holy crap but our defense is coming through in the very next term we decide to use close combat to take down the beer tip but now we're Midas one attack and defense so we've decided to swap into sleeky as setting comes up and we decided just use power gym almost taking it out as it uses ice spin doing around 40 damage and US using power gym the very next turn taking it out next ulterior comes out and they terasolize into an ice type as we just decided to rationalize into an electric type and they use Dragon pull songs we're able to eat that up and use discharge almost taking it out and the next turn they use ice B taking me down to 35 HP holy crap but we're able to take it down the very next turn oh man if that crit we would have lost sleepy right there but that being said we finally made it to the Elite Four we beat all eight gym badges with our pink Pokemon and we got some very decent Pokemon on our team we have floppy tents solution gush cotton Baby Big Snip Winnie sleeky and puff paw energy they're all pink Shiny Pokemon we actually made it to the Elite Four in a nuzola and it only takes one battle for us to lose this whole entire thing so let's see if we can do this so we start the battle with cotton baby and we immediately tarantulas into a grass type and bullet see the wish cash taking it out in just two bullet seeds but next the camera comes out so I'm forced to swap into gush and get yawn and we decide to muddy water and take it out in one turn but we go to sleep because they yawn Don Finn comes out and we swap the cotton baby they use earthquake but it doesn't do that much damage we're able to bullet seed the very next turn hitting them four times and taking them out and duck Trio comes out they decide to use Sandstorm and we just see them twice to take him out and finally the clot sire comes out and then terrazolizes into a ground type we bullet see them and almost take them down and take a earthquake they're your next turn they protect twice in a row but we ultimately beat him beating the first Elite Four member the next one is definitely going to be tougher we gotta go against all Steel type Pokemon so looking in my box hmm I'm definitely gonna need Solution on my team but they do have a pesky corvo Knight we have to go against so Heracross is actually going to be kind of difficult to swap in unless we take out that corbinite but we decided to start to battle with cotton baby sleeky floppy tints solution puff paw and gush and we start the battle by swords dancing with solution using brick brick to take out the copper Raja in the next hit but corvini comes out we can't take a bravery it just does too much damage so we swap the sleeky unfortunately we get the static off so the very next term we're able to out speed it oh and critically hit him with discharge bronze on comes out and I know this bronzong is actually physical and he is in headbutt which makes this very problematic so we're forced to swap in a cotton baby we get hit by rocks but we Dodge the earthquake coming out the next turn we decide to use strength stat a move that drains the enemies attack and fully heals us we decided just keep using strength sap and slowly chip it down with acrobatics because it's 110 base power move and take down the bronze off the variant extern magnesium comes out so we decided you turns into floppyton he decides to use light screen which is kind of problematic but we decide to use Spore I don't know why we did that because we're four times effective against ground but we take on the magnet Zone and tinkerton comes out and This is Gonna actually be a big threat they terrazolize into a Steel type as we use earth power oh it does nothing the gigaton hammer almost takes out my floppy tints I'm kind of forced to swap in a cotton baby but they have Stone Edge and they almost take me down with Stone Edge holy crap we get Super Lucky but we're able to strength stop taking their attack down by one stage and terrazolize into a grass type going all in we strength sap again because we just don't want to get hit by any hard-hitting moves and we decide to use bullet seeds and we hit them four times with a critical hit almost taking them down taking a good ton Hammer chipping it down slowly trying to win without losing a single Pokemon they brick break but the very next turn were able to bullet seed two times to take it out taking down the second Elite for a minute whoa that was very intense so we decided to use Big Snip sleeky floppy tints gush puffball and Winnie we start the battle by hone clawing against Tropius and just using a hard-hitting eye spinner strapped everything comes out and intimidates us which is very very problematic and it has close combat I know that so I decided to swap into sleeky because defensive hoping for the chance that it paralyzes itself by Static he out speeds me the next turn in close combats me almost takes me down but gets stabbed and we take him down with discharge the very next turn ulterior comes out and we swap The Big Snip and they have flamethrower holy crap the sun's up he almost takes me down but we survived only because it's not stabbed we swapped a Winnie next as the moon blast and they dropped my special attack which really sucks but a nasty plot the very next turn and I decide to use side shock on it taking two dragon pulses almost getting knocked out and taking out alteria oricorio comes out and they Teeter dance me which confuses me and we hit ourselves in confusion we only have 50 HP so I decided to swap to gush as the Revelation Dance in it barely does any damage at all they are slash and I decide to Dragon pulse almost taking him down but then they Teeter dance me confusing me as flamigo comes out ghost does not have that much physical defense a lot of My Pokemon can't even survive a hit from this so I decided to take my chances in acid armor as they terrazolize into a flying type and uses braver but gush actually Dodges the Brave Bird and gets a acid armor off this means we're two times physically defensive and we're able to take A Brave Bird as we terrazolize and uses oh like we hit ourselves with confusion which sucks and we probably shouldn't have to wrestlers Pokemon so we're kind of forced to sack Winnie Winnie goes down rest in peace Winnie but the very next turn we're able to swap into puffball finally and take out flamigo ah dang we can swap in before that because puff Paul is a fighting type which means a bravery bird would have took it out but we got our first death in The Run unfortunately we have to say goodbye to Winnie and we have to put him in a dead box but we have a lot more Pokemon to use we got floppy tins Big Snip sleeky gush a lot of decent Pokemon but the very next term we're going against hassle with his dragon types the first turn would decide a home claw as a superfang me taking my HP down to half and we ice spinner Haxorus then comes out and we're able to out speed it and use ice spinner to take it out in one hit then dragly comes out and we use ice spinner to take that out in one hit and Falafel comes out and we do the same and finally Bax caliber comes out interracializes into a dragon type we ice spinner and take it out and just like that we made it through the Elite Four ah we only lost one Pokemon but it's not over yet we have two battles we gotta go against until we beat the game and we have to go against the champion so we decided to start the battle with Big Snip and immediately use beat up on esperada taking it out because we have six Pokemon our team and it hits as many times as the amount of pokemoner but avalug comes out and I know this Pokemon has body press so I decided to swap into solution because he's resistant to fight we take that and we decide to Swords Dance immediately take an avalanche as we eat our Citrus Berry and use brick break on it taking it down in one hit go go comes out and we decide to use Mega horn taking it out in one hit and King Gambit comes out we take that out with a brick break one shot in it and Volusia comes out and this is when I decided to use Mega oh my God we missed and they have cycle cut which means we just lost solution yes I know I know I know I know I had throat chop which probably would have killed him but the very next turn we use puff paw and take it down with a double shot and glamora comes out but now we lost our Electro type which means we can't go down to any ground type moves so we decide to use a close combat taking our chances to see if we beat Gamora and recruit her winning the challenge and beating a Pokemon Nuzlocke only using pink Shiny Pokemon ah you did it boys we lost two Pokemon in the Pro what the is wrong with the screen oh my God this game is glitchy as hell but unfortunately we have to pay our respects to the two Pokemon we lost preparing for the last battle against nimona solution we only got the battle with you like two times but you're one of my favorite Pokemon by default and Winnie you're really the reason why we got here in the first place so I appreciate your dedication and hard work and I apologize for sacking you but because of your sacrifice we became champion and now we have to go against the Mona and you already know she has some pretty crazy Pokemon so she starts to battle with lycanroc and uses Stone Edge on her floppy tents as we use earth power and take her out in one hit Goodra then comes out and we decide to swap into big snit as a ice beam and we eat it up we go ahead and just use ice spinner and we take it out on one hit like I said gudra does not have that much defense I learned that the hard way Palm it then comes out and we swap into cotton baby anticipating for the only use a fighting type move and they use close combat we're able to eat that up with ease and we decide to use acrobatics but palmett survives and oh my God and uses ice punch to take down cotton baby yeah how you like that the motor you haven't said anything the whole entire video now you want to talk but we lose cotton baby which sucks we decide to swap into Big Snip the very next turn and take it out with an ice spinner knowing that we're going to be faster than this three balls like one of the fastest Pokemon ever earthworm comes out and I decide to stay in and terrazza lies into a dark type and use hone claws not knowing that this earthworm has body press and a lot of Defense so we lose big sniff oh my God you're so ass I see why you didn't want to do a hardcore Nuzlocke now shut up we decided to swap into puff paw and just use Arm thrust hitting them five times in a row almost taking them out as they earthquake but were physically defensive luckily and it's not stabbed so we're able to survive that and hit the earthworm two more times to take it out Gundam sparse comes out and I'm anticipating them to have earthquakes so I use double shot doing 60 of damage to them as they coil then we decide to use Arm thrust hitting them three times and taking down the sparse and finally quack quavo comes out I don't know if I'm saying that right I hope I am and we decide to use Devil shot as they terrazolize into a water type and we're faster though okay you can't use double shock twice oh my God and it fails which means able to Aqua step destroy my puff paw almost taking it out as we pop our Citrus Berry in the next turn we decide to spark hoping that we paralyze it but it raises the speed from Aquos with the step but we survived on win HP because puffball loves us and we spark it but we do not paralyze it which means puff paw goes down to what Brent break the very next turn we lost three Pokemon in this battle sleeky now comes out and we decided to just use discharge as they Aqua step do 100 damage to us and we take them down the very next turn winning the Pokemon as locked but losing a lot of our Pokemon but I did it I actually completed a Pokemon Nuzlocke only using shiny pink Pokemon holy crap this challenge was very very fun tedious and very time consuming but as you just witnessed you see why I did not want to do a hardcore Pokemon that's Locker unfortunately we have to boxer puff paw our cotton baby and our Big Snip and this is all the Pokemon that we lost this run Big Snip you were a beast man cotton baby the most OG and clutches Pokemon on our team and puff paw our starter the one that witnessed it all all in a dead box and we're just left with floppy tents sleeky and but like I said if we get 500 likes I'll do a hardcore Pokemon Nuzlocke same format and different shinies and maybe even a different game drop suggestions on what I should do the very next video and if you enjoyed this video please make sure to like comment and subscribe and that's it ah we actually did it boys foreign [Music]
Channel: Duwajii
Views: 309,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke shinies only, pokemon nuzlocke but only shinies, Hardcore Nuzlocke Shiny Only, Hardcore Nuzlocke, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Shiny Pokemon Nuzlocke Challenge
Id: hZPK2AxHyvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 4sec (2824 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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