I Survived 100 DAYS as a SNIFFER in HARDCORE Minecraft!

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on day one I spawned in as a baby sniffer beside a tough Golem and a rascal what year is it I can't remember anything just then a strange entity appeared before us and said you all have to prove D the judge why you should stay alive so you will be partaking in a game of survival where the last mob standing wins if there is not a winner by day 100 then all of you will perish but I can't remember how I got here how am I supposed to survive on day two we were all just staring at each other did he just say Survival game you don't think that means he wants us to fight each other do you why can't you die here I gotta get home the Rascal lunged at me whoa I thought Rascals weren't supposed to be hostile I couldn't fight him I was just a baby with five Hearts get away from me man the tough Golem and I both ran away and I went looking for a cave to hide it eventually I found a good spot to hide I made it come out come out wherever you are I'm really good at hide and seek and I'm not gonna lose this game I knew they were close by but I was too scared to peek out and see where they were coming from wait what's that smell I took a big whiff and suddenly I could sense all the other mobs through the walls whoa I got super smell using my newly discovered spelling Powers I was able to sense where the Rascal was coming from I discovered another exit where the coast was clear and made my escape on day three I had fled the cave and it seemed like the coast was clear that's when I realized I was really out here on my own I was just a baby with no parents to look after me and I was feeling really lost and scared I just wish I could remember something anything wait what is that I followed my nose and it led me to a seemingly insignificant patch on the ground huh I know there's something here I dug down and out popped an ancient seed whoa wait I remember these look at you Max come home for dinner my mom is calling me same time tomorrow yeah don't be late I'm not sure how long my surprise is going to wait come on Samuel can't you just tell me what it is nope see you tomorrow fine did you stay in our village like I told you to yes ma'am that's good sweetie remember it's too dangerous to leave stay here and our people will Thrive for generations to come huh so we sniffers used to rule these lands but something must have wiped us all out I have to find more seeds to unlock more memories from my past on days four through seven I decided that before I continued seeking out the history of my people I would need some materials to survive this challenge time to get to work I punched some trees to get wood and made myself a wooden pickaxe next it was time to mine some Stone and make myself a set of stone tools including a pickaxe ax shovel sword and a gardening hoe I made a small shelter for myself and filled it with my crafting bench as well as a furnace and chest it ain't much but it's home I took the agency I dug up and planted it in a garden ah my Garden Of Memories I need to find more seeds to uncover what happened to my people just then I got a whiff of something tasty hmm you get a devil that smells delicious I followed the scent and it led me to meet small village with a farm full of wheat well it's not ancient but it'll be tasty I guess I can sniff out other stuff too I harvested the wheat and collected the seeds and then turned the wheat into some loaves of bread nothing like the smell of fresh bread I Chow Down and grew into an adult sniffer with 10 Hearts whoa awesome now I'm feeling much more prepared on days eight through ten I returned home to find the dirty Rascal waiting for me aha I found you I knew this must be your ramshackle base ramshackle why'd you little what do you want from me I'm just trying to survive here like you you heard what the judge said the last one standing wins I have to do this suddenly a Berserker came barreling towards me from behind my house whoa where did you find those guys you learned some things being a sneaky little guy like me the first one attacked me he was both Swift and Powerful but I was tough too using my sword I dwindled down his health bit by bit unfortunately for me two more Berserkers joined in they all grouped together to land devastating attacks luckily I was able to get away to restore my health with some food and jump back into The Fray after a lot of back and forth I took all three down Nick I gotta get out of here hold him off boy boy just then a giant Berserker appeared on top of my house where are you guys coming from I wanted to chase after the Rascal but I couldn't with this monster in the way I did my best to take down the monster's Health but he was just so big with each swing of his ax he dwindled my hearts down more and more I wasn't gonna give up though I kept at it swinging my stone sword as hard as I could it seemed to work and as we continued fighting I could tell they were getting tired with one final slash in my blade I took the giant Berserker down once defeated I noticed the Berserker had dropped a strange map huh I wonder where this leads on days 11 through 14 I followed the map until I reached a place that looked very familiar wait a second I know that Boulder anywhere this is my home the whole place was deserted I knew there had to be some Clues around here somewhere so I started sniffing around I searched the old sniffer area and didn't find much so I kept wandering into the outskirts of my old home eventually I came across a cave and I was overcome with a powerful feeling I know this place is important some now all of a sudden I transformed into a news that perform whoa okay this place is definitely important I ventured into the cave and came across some strange statues there was a little one that looked kind of like a tough Golem but lighter you're a cute little guy suddenly it started moving whoa hey watch it buddy no it's okay Mama do you write Gollum not a tough Golem my name is Dominic oh I'm Max what are you doing here I live here ever since the judge showed up things have been pretty scary out there well you're welcome to come live with me really that would be amazing hey you don't happen to have any seeds on you do you yes I do actually here you can have them as a peace offering sweet more seeds these are some strange ones for sure come on the surprise is just a little bit further Samuel we're outside the village mom said it's dangerous it'll be fine a sniffers now have evolved into our new upgraded forms we should be a lot tougher now you have a point besides look whoa there are other mobs here yeah I'm gonna take a closer look no wait don't there are you ah don't eat me what gross why would I do that I'm Tiffany we tough Golems live here in peace oh uh I'm Max my mom said it's dangerous over here the only thing that's dangerous is where you guys come from my mom said that sniffers eat Golems for breakfast we're vegetarians [Music] gotta run see you Tiff I remember now tough gobs and sniffers were separated and we feared each other but Tiffany seemed like a nice person why are we so scared of each other I'll have to learn more on days 15 through 17 I returned to my base with Dominic in the sky covered the tough column running out of my house what the hey I ran in to check my chest and all of my materials were gone I've been robbed I chased after him but he was just too quick not even my nose could find him dang it lost the scent I need to find that guy again soon he might have more information about my past I got back to work Gathering more materials for myself boy I sure wish I didn't have to gather all this wood again luckily having tools this time made things go quicker I went Mining and this time I found some coal and iron sweet time for an upgrade I went home and used my furnace to smell some iron ingots I use those to craft some iron tools and a shiny pair of boots after that I worked on expanding the bass that's right tough guy you're not gonna slow me down I built a room for Dominic and let him settle in next I built a farm for my wheat and then planted the seeds Dominic gave me in the garden things are looking pretty good around here on days 18 through 21 I was just minding my own business tending to my garden ah this is night all of a sudden I was teleported to a new location what the where am I hello puny sniffer it is I the judge yeah I remember you as you are aware I am trying to determine which of you is worthy to stay in the Overworld yeah uh-huh right so on that note I need to know which of you is the most talented fighter but I'm not a warrior I'm an Explorer a researcher yeah too bad I don't care the other two have already fought my monster and now it is your turn oh no good luck the judge's creature charged to me and I defended myself with my iron sword it was really tough It's Big Stone Fizz kept slamming down on me and hitting me back making it hard to reach him he glowed green charging up with energy and hit me with an extra tough blow he was too strong for me and I retreated into the brush to figure out another plan of attack where did you go little sniffer I activated my sniffing Powers using it to pinpoint his location with my ability I was able to sneak around him and Chip down as hell stop that come out and fight me I kept at it until he was defeated well done little thing your actions today will affect my ultimate decision yeah I would hope so okay run along now whoa just like that I was teleported back to my garden man that guy is the worst on days 22-24 I went out to gather more wood while doing so a player ran up to me whoa a sniffer I thought you guys went extinct a long time ago we did but for some reason I'm back it's weird I know I wonder what you drop wait what what what do you mean like if I killed you I wonder what goodies you've got inside uh well I don't know let's find out without hesitation the player took out a sword and chased me down ah leave me alone I ran away as fast as I could but he was right on my tail come here little sniffer I just want to know where your drops are get away from me you weirdo I didn't know what to do maybe my sniffing powers can help me hundred of cows in the distance bingo I ran over to them and squeezed into the middle of the crowd I used some weed to get them to crowd around me ah dang it where'd it go hey you cow seen a sniffer around here sniffer never heard of it sorry Belle and just like that the player walked away oh thanks for the help guys I really appreciate it no problem bro actually would you want to come live in my base maybe if the judge sees that other mobs like me he'll keep me alive yeah sure why not on days 25-28 I got back to the base with the cows I built them a nice pen that they were very happy with thank you no problem just then a pig walked by sniffing in the dirt hey Pig what you doing why I'm searching for truffles I don't mean to brag and I got the best tank sniff around these parts oh really I know a thing or two about sniffing myself oh yeah I bet you this and chain of both of my Honkers better than yours you're on we both set off smelling for truffles huh I just realized I'm not sure what a truffle smells like I dug down where I thought there might be something but it was just some iron nope I followed the next Trail and dug down huh so sorry to disturb you sir it's quite all right my good man I followed a third Trail and dug down and it was a truffle [Music] you hit back up you're bummed man all of that sniffing in I could only find this dang old seed did you see seed I'll trade you this truffle for it deal oh and here your prize is Promised sweet thanks on days 29 through 31 I was staring at the third agent seed What secrets do you hold little seed are you sure we should be doing this Tiffany last time I went out this far I got in big trouble yeah but that was the time that you met me I want to see a rascal I've never seen one before yeah that's true okay let's do it whoa I've never been in this part of the Overworld it's so pretty aren't you glad you snuck out yeah I guess so wait a second what's that what follow me there it is right up ahead it's a rascal I never thought I'd see one with my own eyes and it's starting a wildfire let's go give it a piece of our minds yeah let's do it yay yo get out of here a sniffer in a tough column stay away from me I can't believe that guy started a fire for no reason I can rascals are the worst wow it seems like Tiffany and I really became good friends but I thought tough golems and Rascals were the bad guys on days 32-35 I decided it was time to expand my base I really wanted the judge to see what a talented Builder I am so I put a lot of hard work into it are you watching judge check this out I added a second story to my house and made sure everything looked perfect next I expanded and reorganized my garden to fit more ancient seeds that's one more ancient seed in the dirt finally I expanded my home further to add a chess room and filled it with chest to hold all of my stuff let's see the tough Golem try to steal these I decided to go mining to gather a bunch of materials and fill up my chests I found some iron and even a little bit of diamond oh yeah awesome I returned to my base and smelted the iron then I crafted myself an iron ax and a chest plate I'm gonna be the best mob in Minecraft on days 36-38 I decided to test out my nose in search of more scenes let's see if my schnoz can pick up a new Trail I took a good whiff and caught on to something sweet I couldn't help but follow the aroma to see what it was I trailed it until finally locating a group of strange blocks on a tree again I couldn't help but try to take some of the sweet food for myself suddenly a swarm of red-eyed insects flew at me and attacked with their Stingers I had never seen such strange creatures before what are those things I tried to escape but they were crazy fast thankfully a larger one of the insects stepped in Holt what brings you to our domain whoa I've never seen a mob like you before are you new sort of us bees were added back in 2019. you don't know what a b is I'm from ancient times so new mobs are a mystery to me but maybe you could help me out I told the queen bee about my situation and how I had to prove myself as the best mob to survive the judge's 100-day game I have a tip for you embrace your cuteness we had the cute Edge in 2019 and that was how we got so many to fall in love with us okay I will thank you so much you're welcome good luck on days 39-41 I went to look for some more food when I spotted the judge talking to a creepy mummy whoa I wonder what they're up to I don't know boss I don't think they're gonna buy it forever they're going to buy it as long as I want them and how do you know that because they're mobs just like every entity in the Overworld I choose whether they exist or not whatever you say monitor this area I don't want the tough Golem Rascal or sniffer mingling again just like that the judge walked away huh I wonder what that was all about does he not want us hanging out because it would be dangerous for us I began to head out when the mummy spotted me look yeah what of it I'm going to prove to the judge that you're not worthy of the Overworld me lunch at me full speed I readied my weapon and braced myself for battle he had the ability to levitate sand blocks and throw them at me from afar not only could he do that but he also summoned a variety of mobs to come to his age I avoided the Army for as long as I could and evaded his projectiles until I could come in close with my iron ax each time I landed a hit though he's turned the blow uh yeah after a lot of back and forth I finally dwindled down his health to zero winning me the battle The Mummy then dropped a shield of the deep this is gonna be super useful on days 42-45 I was sniffing around the desert when I caught the trail of something strange it smells strangely homey I gotta check this out I followed the trail until eventually arriving at a pyramid maybe this place holds some secrets from my time I needed to find answers so I went inside in hopes of some good news as I walked through however I set off a trap an arrow went flying and hit me hard ow this doesn't seem like a normal desert pyramid I navigated the pyramid the best I could using my nose to try and sniff out any traps finally I managed to locate the treasure room however what awaited me inside was none other than the Rascal get out of here this is my treasure please I need anything that can help me remember my past no I have to survive no matter what the Rascal jumped at me and began to fight me off they were small but they sure did pack a punch I ducked behind my new shield and Swang down my iron ax Whenever there was an opening eventually I managed to hit him enough to scare him off you'll regret this sniffer The Rascals scurried away dropping the treasure on the way out that guy is more annoying than scary I picked up the ancient artifact it was an ancient forbidden sword but I didn't remember anything about it another dead end but this could still be helpful on days 46-48 I returned home to find the tough call at my base again hey are you stealing from me again ick the tough Gob scurried off once again and I pursued it with a Vengeance I chased him down but he was still much faster than I was eventually after much chasing I came to a dead end with a lone statue that's weird he was just here I sniffed around a bit to then realize something wasn't right about the Statue wait a second I gave it a smack and it came to life revealing the tough Golem please don't hurt me I don't want to hurt you let's just talk I then explain to him my past memories with Tiffany and how tough gobs and sniffers could have actually been friends our people were allies in the past yeah and I think maybe we could get out of this mess together let's form an alliance I don't know that sounds kind of dangerous my mama always told me that you sniffers were a dangerous mob I know my mom told me the same thing both of our parents were wrong and we're just listening to the words of their parents before them trust me sniffers are a peaceful mob and I know now that toughgums are too I never wanted to fight you or the Rascal I'm just scared of what's gonna happen on day 100 I'd love to work together please take this as a peace offering he then gave me another ancient seed adding the fourth one to my set wow I have to know what Memories this one holds on days 49-51 I am serve the seed that the tough Golem had given me this has got to bring me one step closer Max Max wake up huh what is it something horse night come here oh no the boulder that's been a monument to our people for Generations oh the adults think it's the Golem's doing this Mom Mom where are you Max you're awake I can't believe this happened it has to be the doing of the Rascals and the tough Golems I don't think the tough Golems would do this what are you saying the recent outbreak fires increase in hostile mob activity and now the destruction of our Boulder all of this has to be because of the other clans who else could it be I just thought this is for your own safety no more crazy talk let's help rebuild the destruction that was done yes ma'am with my memory restored I planted the fourth ancient seed my people were so quick to assume the other clans were causing trouble I can't speak for the Rascals but I don't believe the toughgumps would do all of those horrible things on days 52-55 I decided to work on expanding my base some more ice melted Cobblestone into stone and build the tough go on my room using a mix of the stone and glass huh this place is missing something needs some color I went out and gathered a bunch of poppies and dandelions and then made them into dying now I found some sheep and moved them in next to the cows I shoot them for wool dived the wool and added accents of colored wool around the room there it's the same colors as you I love it thank you so much um it's me what are you two doing we're a team now it's easier to survive with more friends by your side team you do realize one of you has to go by day 100 otherwise you will all perish yeah I think we can figure something out very well just know that one of you will eventually turn on the other that guy really doesn't like teamwork on days 56-59 I went exploring for more clues to my past eventually my nose led me to a cave whoa this looks new I excitedly ventured into the cave hello anyone got any seeds in here eventually I came across a cute little pink dude hey there buddy what are you I'm an axolotl huh you must be new to the Overworld yep we got here in 2020 I don't think we're that popular anymore though oh why not well we kind of just swim around in these caves we don't really do much else what no secret powers um I've Got The Power of friendship that's good enough for me want to come join my base yeah sure I pulled out a bucket for the Axolotl and scooped him up into it I turned around and left the cave when suddenly I was attacked by a snow leopard he leapted me and left me nowhere to run I had to fight back the leopard was passed and had powerful claws to match but I wasn't a over either I use my forbidden sword to strike at the Beast bit by bit I was getting the upper hand but suddenly more leopards emerged slowly I was getting overwhelmed by their attacks but I realized that I suddenly began to regenerate Health whoa the Axolotl must be giving me regeneration Powers thanks buddy with the added buffer I was able to defeat the pack of snow leopards and continue on my way on days 60-63 I returned home with my new Axolotl friend and quickly made him a room full of water for him to swim in wow this is great thank you no thank you you were able to give me regeneration Powers it really saved me back there I have powers I never knew cool in that case here take this it might help you out I went up to the roof and he tossed over a few splash potions which gave me Health regeneration for a short period of time this is great thanks afterwards I went out to test my new splash potion to see how well it worked come on freaks Give Me Your Best Shot as I font I get the close eye on my health when it got low enough I threw the potion at my feet and it began refilling My Health Works like a Char I gotta save these for a real fight suddenly a baby chick walked up to me mama no little one I'm Max are you lost mama you look funny okay let's go find your real mom I began sniffing around to try and find a trail that might lead to the little chick's mom slow down Mama eventually I found a village full of chickens this must be the place I went deeper into the town until I finally reunited the baby with their family oh oh my gosh my baby where have you been thank you ugly chicken for saving my baby I'm not I'm not again I'm a sniffer and I'm not ugly thanks ugly mama ouch take these eggs as a gift of things bye bye ugly chicken mama they grow up so fast on days 64 through 66 I returned home for my strange quest to find the tough Golem waiting for me hey tough what's up I wanted to give you a gift to thank you for everything oh you shouldn't have he handed me an ancient time Jim wow thank you this is wait a second where have I smelled this before well it's an ancient storm that's been used by my people for Generations I think it might have something to do with Tiffany I'm gonna follow the sentence see what I find okay good luck I followed the scent Trail and ended up in an area with one big tree why is this so familiar I haven't been here before have I suddenly a night appeared from behind the tree my owner of the judge you are prohibited from entering this area turn back now but I need to unlock my memories I know I'm close to something big well then you leave me no choice the Knight charged me and stabbed me with a sword so I blocked it with my shield and retaliated with my forbidden blade he was doing a fair amount of damage so I took a regeneration potion and kept fighting but he had some healing potions of his own I used my bow and arrow on him while he was drinking his potion to catch him by surprise eventually I was able to wear him down and deal one final blow to take him out after I beat the Knight I noticed that it dropped an ancient seed he had to see it all along why is the judge trying to stop me from finding them they must be even more important than I thought on days 67 through 70 I was checking out the new ancient seed huh here goes nothing thank you for meeting me all the way out here I know it's hard to sneak out because your mom so anything for you Tiff what's up I wanted to give you this it's a gem I people have used for generations and I think it would be a good term for you wow it's beautiful thank you I'm really glad to have you as my friend sniffers really aren't as bad as they thought I could say the same about tough Golems Max Mom it's not what you think I knew you've been sneaking out at night but to think you were with a tough mom you're coming home with me right now mister you're never allowed to leave the village again I remember now the giant tree is where Mom Banned Me from ever seeing Tiffany again it can't end here I have to find the next seed to see what was dividing our people on days 71-73 I was heading home when my nose picked up a delicious smell hmm where's that coming from I followed the smell and came across a cooking contest in a village yummy excuse me good sir I was hoping your key to sense of smell could help me out with a little predicament sure what can I do for you I'm trying to judge this cooking contest but I have reason to believe one of the contestants may have poisoned their food could you sniff out the tainted dish so I can judge in peace you got it hmm yeah that one's definitely clean well that one's not poisoned it's just gross oh that's wait a second this is this is the poisoned the chick is up gonna enter I Surrender another no good criminal Behind Bars my hero thank you so much for your help here take this they gave me some of their yummy food and sent me on my way hmm thanks on day 74 through 77 I decided to go mining for some diamonds I've found them before so I had a good idea of what they smelled like making them easier to find after finding enough I plopped out a crafting bench and made some diamond armor once fully crafted I suddenly got a whiff of something strange what kind of smell is that I quickly followed the scent to see what I could find I've never smelled anything like this before it feels like it's dark and dangerous as I reach the source of the smell I felt a chill run down my spine whoa what's all this near the entrance I found a sign that read warning Warden inside what the heck is a warden huh I stepped inside to take a look around revealing a massive alien looking Cave System holy moly as I continued inside I stepped on a strange block that made a noise fun I've been I've been jumping around the area and having fun unaware of the monster that was on its way oh oh uh sorry I didn't see you there um hello are you the warden ah I began running away but this monster was able to hear every footstep I took giving away my position luckily I was able to find a place to hide and collect myself this guy is no joke okay sound versus smell I got this just need to concentrate I think my ability to smell extremely well gave me the advantage to see where the monster was at all times now I just gotta quietly sneak out of here or else I'm toast while trying not to get caught I came across a chest I took a look inside and found diamond leggings and some bone meal I could definitely use this being as silent as possible I made my way towards the exit and managed to inch past the warden to make my Escape the new world is terrifying on days 78-80 I returned home and decided it was time to finish up my base build first I added an extra bedroom for any potential residence next I went out to gather some more flowers for dye afterwards I napped some cactus from a nearby desert I dyed some will lime magenta and yellow then I took those blocks and decorated my base with the colors of a sniffer this is gonna be great I had to pass outside and planted some flowers around hmm why did I do this sooner they smell so nice finally I built myself a mini Boulder to remind myself of my home from ancient times now I'll never forget where I came from my base was finally finished ah a base perfectly Fit For A sniffer nothing could ruin this moment as I was taking in the Splendor of my finished base the judge suddenly appeared before me oh man what do you want on days 81-83 I was talking to the judge I was really enjoying my finished base so this better be good I'm here to remind you that the clock is ticking your 100 days are nearly up I know I need another clue I'm so close to remembering what happened to my people no no I'm on your back on test that's not true why does this contest matter if I don't know why I'm here to begin with do what you will just know you're tough golemalley [Music] liken with your past what points your game doesn't make any sense besides tough would never do that why do you want to separate us so bad I ask the questions here you showing me just how unworthy you are prove to me your strength in battle with that he vanished summoning a huge Golem in his wake up give these games I fired Arrow after Arrow but they did nothing against them I switched my sword and shield and charged at him but he had a super powerful knockback that kept sending me flying luckily when he hit me my shield had a bleed effect on him he wore my help down quick so I threw my splash potion of regeneration on myself by repeatedly running up to him with my shield I was able to give him the bleed effect and then hit him a few times before retreating that was working for a while but then my shield broke I kept at it anyway dodging around him and wearing him down and eventually I was able to defeat him upon defeating the monster it dropped an ancient seed whoa he had another seed the judge must have not known he was carrying that what Secrets does this little thing hold on days 84-87 I was finally getting to check out the sixth seed huh let's see why the judge didn't want me to have you it's been weeks since I've last seen Tiff I miss her hey sniffer hey what are you doing here please I have something to tell you why should I listen to a rascal because your friend Tiffany is in trouble you have to save her Tiff say no more awesome okay just follow me this way hey Tiff I got your back uh yeah thank you Max but isn't this the Rascal that set all those fires I didn't make those fires I was trying to put them out until you went back scared me off wait so the Rascals haven't been causing the disasters so it wasn't the Rascals or the tough gobs wreaking havoc on the sniffers but if it wasn't them who was it I have to find the final seed to find out on days 88 through 91 I went to find the tough Golem and tell him about my new revelation wait wait wait wait wait so you're telling me that the Rascals didn't cause all that Mayhem in the past exactly they were innocent like the tough golems and sniffers then who is the real enemy I I don't know there's one vinyl seed missing the only thing I know for sure is that the Rascal is not our enemy thank you for telling me this Max we should seek out and recruit the Rascal just like you did with me I agree together we'll be able to take out the real threat suddenly a huge horde of zombies emerged and started attacking the base what the where did these come from I don't know we don't have time for this go seek out the Rascal and I'll protect the base okay thank you I ran off in search of the Rascal leaving the tough Golem to defend the base on days 92-94 I knew I needed a lead if I wanted to find the rest school he was really good at hiding after all I just need something that he touched so I can sniff out his Trail aha I have just the thing I took out my forbidden sword I had snacked from the Rascal some time ago and gave it a good whiff luckily it still had the Rascal scent all over it time to go I followed my new lead until I made it into an abandoned mine shaft I knew that the Rascal had to be close but there were countless tunnels spanning all over the place this place is a maze where could he be hiding I use my smelling powers to try and find him I followed the tunnels until I finally got into his base thick the sniffer found my base but that can't be we're great at hiding and I'm great at smelling I won't lose here the Rascal lunge me and began to attack just like all the other times before I didn't want to hurt him so I tried to avoid fighting but he left me with no choice I fired a few arrows at him and sparred until I could wear him out after a final blow I knocked a bit of sense into the little guy please I'm not here to hurt you I want you to join the tough Goblin me join you I explained everything to the Rascal about our past and how there was a bigger enemy at play that makes a lot more sense I'm sorry for everything I've been scared and trying to survive too but I have something that could help you the Rascal tossed over the seventh and final seed oh my gosh now we can finally reveal the true enemy on days 95-98 I finally had the chance to reveal the culprit of all of the disasters from my past let's end this once and for all the disasters are becoming too extreme at this rate all three Clans will be wiped from existence we need to put our petty squabbles behind us and unite pathetic mobs none of you have been able to with my tests a face who are you I'm the one who decides what happens to you the one who has been causing all the disasters your people have been facing I am the judge what why would you do that I want you to see which mob is the most worthy but I can see now none of you are at least it was fun watching you all turn on each other please give us another chance I do have to say you're the most intriguing of the bunch very well you will be reborn in the future where you will then prove to me once and for all who is the best mob what about my family and friends this is I choose to eliminate I can't believe it the judge was the one who caused the disasters and wiped out all of the Clans he was the True Villain All Along on day 99 I went to the Rascal and tough Gollum and told them everything I had learned from the final seed so it was the judge all along I'm as shocked as you but it makes a lot more sense now why he was trying to keep us from collaborating then we know what to do next let's prepare to take down the judge before I began the final preparations I planted the final seed completing my garden of ancient plants this feels like a little slice of home but now that I remember everything there's no time to waste with my garden finished I started to do everything I needed for the battle ahead I crafted armor and refilled my stock of food I was going to need a lot if I wanted to survive as I was finishing up the Rascal came up to me I know I've only just joined but I want to help as much as I can take this the Rascal gave me a mysterious potion what does this do let's just say you need to drink it outside very young this thanks for the tip I headed out of the base and chucked down the potion causing me to grow into a giant sniffer I gained 20 Hearts hello I'm like those big sniffers for my old colony I'm unstoppable suddenly the judge appeared what do you foolish mobs think you're doing stopping you once and for all you don't think I can stomp out your little Uprising taste only a fraction of my power the judge summoned a horde of Frozen ghouls to attack our base and vanished however he was sloppy and dropped a strange map I quickly ran up and grabbed it this must be where his base is I begin fighting the strange ghouls but then the tough Golem ran up to me he's trying to waste our time with this horde go after him me and the Rascal got this thank you I'll make sure we all get to live in the Overworld I ran off in pursuit of the judge while my friends took care of the Army on day 100 I arrived at the location on the map to find the judge waiting for me you took my bait now that you have your memories you know our little conflict is personal Shu took away my family and friends yes and I took great pleasure in it you're always so interesting to watch no matter what I throw at you you always keep trying if I give up I'll definitely fail but if I keep trying there's always a chance to win well I'm afraid it's the end of the line for you and your little allies you're all becoming thorns in my side rather than toys to play with we're not toys we're living creatures who deserve to be here just as much as you you stand Max you don't deserve to be here as much as I do I am the one who deems each of you worthy but trust me young sniffer I have a strong feeling the final ruling will have you winning my vote I don't care I don't want to win in a contest with my friends all three of us should get to stay I'm sorry you feel that [Music] now that will never happen though let's finish this thing okay but I warn you I'm not gonna go easy on you I have all of my memories back and with that comes all of my power this is your Tiffany with that the final battle between me and the judge began he charging me with his Claymore and I blocked it with my shield I start retaliating with arrows and he shot at me with his magic snap we continued exchanging blows back and forth and I filled him with arrows but it didn't seem to phase him my health started getting low so I use my final regeneration potion with that extra boost I was able to run in with my shield and get some more hits on him wearing him down finally I overpowered him and landed the final blow taking down the judge once and for all I did it sniffers tough gobs and Rascals can now all stay in the Overworld and live in peace together I won I'm the only one getting added to the game who did you vote for let me know in the comments bye-bye [Music]
Channel: MaxCraft
Views: 3,200,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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