Ruining a Minecraft Server with a Single Chicken

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you log on to your Minecraft server you click tab sees on no one you're completely alone on the server but how did that chicken just build that in just seven days the monopolist MPS starting up the second season and I want to sneak in my pet chicken named Luke that's just a normal chicken ass nothing special about it quiet me Tara top tier s p player superhero and most importantly has no allergies to chickens I don't know if that's really a thing but I don't want to be sued I'm gonna turn tie rod into a chicken and trick the entire server into thinking this chicken is just normal chicken how am I gonna do the salty mask well a lot of coding like a lot a lot like so much I had to get my genius coder friend to help like bro imagine asking one of the best coders you know hey so yeah um I was wondering if you could help me um turn the sky into a chicken but not let other people know he's a chicken and then yeah whatever sure hours of coding fixing problems and then realizing there's a plug-in that made this like a hundred times easier we had done it Louie was born and we can now do anything we ever will hear that's just a random chicken oh the server's starting in just one day and to get everything set up we got tired on we made a suite only had to run one command and everything would work perfectly and no one would suspect a thing next time Tyra to join no one would even know he did so it was the day of the launch and everything was ready tart is probably gonna be about 30 minutes late but it's fine because we already ran the command and hopefully the server would still be peaceful by that time and so the server began everything was going great we're all having a blast chilling playing Minecraft what's going on chaos destruction death the server was imperiled a player going by the name pimento had created a scene with the sole goal of killing everyone without any Rhyme or Reason that's exactly what we wanted to prevent server was descending into chaos and we needed Louie now luckily this is when I finally got a call from Tyra but what he said was not what I expected hey gear shift I've got some bad news I'm really sorry but something just came up I think I'm gonna be too busy to be the chicken this was it our only plan the server was gonna die pimento was getting kills and gaining Power by the minute I had failed my only goal was about to fall through and there was nothing I could do but I wasn't ready to give just yet I wasn't ready to let everything I worked for die I would save the server and bring it back to peace if it was the last thing I do so Wookie do you have any allergies to chickens the plan was back in action and without a moments of spare it was now time to bring Louie to life we also made a plan to fix our problem see before everything was coded the tirad but to change it to wookie wookie would need to First log out that means everyone would see Wookie join the game our plan was to blame it on this guy named John the only other person who knew about Louis and the server admin since last season he played around with telrock commands making it look like people joined the game we just blamed him and ran the command right away no one should expect a thing although well that's the plan anyway okay so this is gonna be really scuffed actually but I think it's gonna work on the count of three join because then I'm gonna run a command right away Hold Up Wait I need to find out where three okay I feel like that that could help me out a lot yeah it's a little yeah okay whenever you're ready all right three two one you want and I'm gonna send it now or show up on topic are you you're not there see me you're not there you're not there you're good you're good I'm not wait can people see me no they can't you're literally invisible I see myself on Tab and I'm invisible um you're good you're good am I and I'm not visible to people you're not where are you I'm right in front of you you are wait you see me yeah I'm right behind you I'm literally right behind you this is epic let's go right behind you right now yep wait can you see this oh what that's okay now I need to make it so you turn into a chicken basically oh I don't know if this command is gonna work let's go and worked it works I'm a chicken oh my God bro oh I like take slow falling inside that sick okay what do I get what do I get gear up I can't kill you like yo okay so you like act like chicken people can people see the Lewis chicken no they yeah they see the chicken is it called Lewis for them and all that yeah also if you're wondering why everyone isn't just suspicious that an unkillable chicken is walking around well it's because I told them about it in a few days before the service started I suddenly started talking about a video I was making just saying I was a funny video where I test Louis with different YouTubers to make sure he's an unkillable pet and I've said that for the end of the video I would just put them on Monopoly for final reactions people totally bought this fake video idea and no one was worried at all that Lou was dangerous they thought he was just on there for a tiny piece at the end of the video Little do they know Louie's really just Lego Chewbacca stuck in a chicken's body with Wookie now on the server I can now finally start to bring balance oh that's what I wanted anyway but Wookie had other plans so that they don't know I'm secretly the chicken baby chicken things right chicken things what does a chicken do best probably go fishing yeah this is what chickens do can they see me fishing chickens normally fish right so let's go bro I am literally chicken mode right now let's put me in a boat [Music] okay I'm pushing you in okay love I'm off sport mode engaged sport mode engaged the chickens like make their own boats and stuff pretty sure they do yeah that's a normal chicken thing you still lay eggs too by the way all right dude that's baller yeah have some uh have some scrambled eggs you know now although we are having fun messing around with Porky being a chicken this led to a problem while we were just messing around Wiki walked downstairs into a base he was just looking for free stuff in a chest but didn't realize that he'd get locked down there Wilkie was trapped with multiple members of the s p staring right at him they're feeding me they're feeding me bro they're like looking at me and stuff they're just observing me what how did chickens move bro I've never had to be a chicken before they're just following me right now I don't know how to be a chicken bro I'm not a good chicken there's every all of them are in here with me right now okay I need to get out of here without them realizing and then we have to start trying to find where those people are oh I see you I see you coming down can you hold Siege can you hold seats I have a lead too I can just like take you away just like way back wait I lost the lead I lost the lead no [Music] [Music] yep there you go drop the lean there and I'm gonna pick it up drop it drop it I got it I got it I got it okay let's get it oh my God you got the lead okay now you're gonna open it up and just drag me okay let's go let's go after this Close Encounter of almost getting discovered and with the death messages from pimento piling up wooki finally realized that we had to do something we tried to think of the best thing to do and we realized that just killing fermento wouldn't work because Wookie would show up in the death messages so we had the idea to steal from them don't promise we have no clue where it's bases wait wait everything I could have tried tomato pimento's over there what if we followed wait I'm a chicken can I like follow him back or like maybe he'll follow wait he brings me back to his base because you tell if you make him think this chicken is powerful he'll want me to follow him right so he'll use seeds to make me come back to the base with him what if I just sold you like a I get items but B like he keeps you and you can just like spy on him and like get stuff on him but morally you could sell you could sell lowest lowest duck lowest chicken pimento I've I've got I've got a okay I just need this I just need this funny clip for the in my video you know my whole video is like getting these people connected to Louie so I think it'd be really funny if at the end I just like sold him so would you be interested in purchasing Louie hmm what do I have to give you man I mean what do you have I mean I take Louie is pretty I mean look at this look at this chicken you cannot kill this chicken like look at that thing I'm banging approaching Barbara you can't kill them like where else are you gonna get that like void just kill him like come on how does the boy didn't kill him they're just follow in and be there forever no no tp's up like there's nothing that would kill Louis I've tested with so many people that's my entire video I just think it'd be hilarious if I just sold them because like the viewers will like be loving him by the end and then I'm like nope I'll let an egg first time for everything what would you want like a life if you can make me a helmet pants and Boots the diamond ax in life I'll give you Louie but here's the thing you can get that any time of the server like this is just day one loot you're gonna get rid of it but Louie Louie will be there forever this is boring by me I'm a little chicken who doesn't want a little chicken named Lois okay I'll do it for life how about that I'll do it for life one life okay hey Wheatley can I have your life so I can give it to gear no please please I just want I just don't like come on I don't want to take it from you I want you to hand it over to me you won't have to just just you already have like Max lives right yeah just give me your life and I'll give you Louie I'll give you wheatley's life no no my life it's got to be yours from outside pimento you've you have five you have 10 seconds give me your life and then you can kill Wheatland get his life later all right all right I just need this content okay wait I'm gonna I need to say it like I'll buy him I'll buy him with John's life let me go get it real quick this guy he's going around killing people to pay for stuff he can literally already pay for like imagine that happening in real life oh lemonade how much is it uh just one dollar ah man I only have five dollars wait excuse me for a second I can pay for it now okay whatever back to the video pencil I I shipped the go soon like I need this clip here all right that's the left okay oh why'd you leave all right I'm so sorry guys oh I'll be right back he left the call this pimento guy is literally being a widow goofball right now he's refusing to VC and what just did I just get I just are you serious I'm in crawl mode okay just let's just do the deal I'll take the diamond ax and I'll give you Louis and I'll give you the delete and stuff too all right okay I take out okay I'll take him I bought him okay wait I need your ax though there's a guy right here this is the Box [Music] um this is the box if you know it's hanging along I know this is actually for a video on like yours is just randomly killing people just follow me come to the Mesa I'll give you my action no come Louise over here this is where I'm selling Louie I can't like bring it takes forever to bring its chicken do you know how like hard it is to move chickens you have a I saw your diamond accent [Music] I just need this clip come on um I should be asking for like five lives because you can get those lives so easily okay whatever thank you was that that hard okay here's the lead here's the seed oh I need seeds you can have Louie okay whatever that took so long gosh y'all bro you're officially the property of pimento before we continue on I just want to mention how long that took it may not be clear because I cut it up but that literally took 15 minutes the entire time well he was just unboxed and we were trying to get pencil to buy a Wookie I could just give them to pimento but that'd be way too obvious that there's something more going on with Louis but still 15 minutes for three diamonds and two sticks and that time probably could have got a full set of diamond armor also real quick I know every YouTuber says this but if you're enjoying the video so far then please consider subscribing I'm currently in sub race with gear shift and ever since I started my channel we've been taught so subscribe to helping beat him to 100K also I don't know how about if we had like 5K likes I'll force Wookie to release the full version of The Box on he's walking around with me right now it's gonna do he can't kill you the lead broke okay just just walk away just walk away this guy bro yeah wait he's about to lose to a freaking chicken eventually he will he will this pimento guy has the he's got the ego and he's about to lose to a chicken Mentor just killed another player pimento is literally the villain of the server he's killed Wheatley bro he pimento's going on a rampage and they put me in a box yup well they're kind of ruining my day I've been I've been in a box for probably a total of 30 minutes so well most of these days ruined by the end of it he just killed another guy oh my God this way pimento is just gonna kill everyone on the server pimento had crossed the line being a certain villain I get but killing without reason to the point he did was too far I even got messages from certain members of the s p saying they were thinking about Quinny because of puento pimento has to be stopped so we came up with the plant bed trap him being a chicken Wiki can't just go up to someone and kill them meaning he has to go around it somehow our plan was to bed bombshell's team well he would be able to set off the bed bomb without killing himself and without getting discovered I'm sure we gotta kill him if people are wanting to quit the SMP because of pimento pimento you are now like the villain villain this isn't supposed to be an event it's supposed to be an SMP Eco and we're like yeah half the server's already like half of it alive so that's like it was this is not it's all pimento if we take him out then everything's everything he goes to jail the server will regain its balance see I don't like pimento he's clearly he's killing everyone people want to quit the s p because of him we need to bed bomb everyone he's watching me to see if I have like a remote or something okay wait gear shift what if you lured them into the nether I was waiting there and then I just blow them all up when they get in I'm coming I'm coming so you're gonna need to get a good bit through the portal before him but I'm in position hold on let me let me go through oh wait pimento's going to go through first I'm gonna hide oh no I'm going through first I'm going through first okay you're gonna have to run immediately [Music] I don't think they're coming through bro are you serious dude I got him oh let's go oh my gosh let's go I don't idiots I have to create him I can't you know you guys have to kill him yeah okay now now they all hate me I'm so screwed that's fine you literally have an invincible chicken named Lois on your side that's true that's true oh wait hold on let me help you foreign [Music] nice good job good job oh wait I'm in jail did you die yeah can't revive me it's the same command I got you we have to track them down okay where I see that I see pimento I see them the OPI chicken is the demon I guess they're on their way they're on the way they're on the way oh monster look out they're coming they're coming they're coming there's two on you I know I know I know I'm turning away I can't run faster because the chicken is slow falling shoot you're gonna have to like okay yeah they're gonna fight us okay I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming shoot no no run run run run run oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead you can't run waiting on them [Music] literally walking on water right now is a chicken as I chase them down oh no oh no wait permission might die here the chicken via the pimento oh my God I'm dead oh my God no he got rid of my lava wait I have to I have to ask him otherwise I can't kill him because my lava is broken but I reveal myself this is it I sacrificed for you I sacrifice for you guys this server will be a better place now that he's gone but they now know it's me and I'm banned they know it's me oh my God I'm I'm done now I'm banned but I saved it I saved the server [Music] [Music]
Channel: GearShift
Views: 488,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4GyOZQ6X40s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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