NOOB vs HACKER: NICO & SHADY Build Challenge

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today we're doing a Nico and Shady building competition but we're sickly cheating using slash paste which lets me spawn in this massive Nico look how cool he looks but are we filling him up with traps like this nuclear TNT and this Iron Knight okay let me mine through the wall and see what crazy's building Bro Look at Her Shady my Shady looks amazing and I'm gonna spawn in these OB mobs and tons of traps to make sure James he doesn't win the 500 dollars wait 500 okay guys I need a win but I gotta hurry up we only have 15 minutes oh my God only 15 minutes okay I need to build the entrance to my Nico for my entrance I'm gonna use these tiny little blocks look so I'll make a little entrance and there we go there's a tiny little hole and then in this secret chest I'm gonna hide this is a string device which lets me fit through my door Amazing Grace is not gonna figure that out but if she does when she gets into my Nico I'm gonna leave a little trap for her I'm gonna spoil this queen bee we're just gonna kill Gracie wait I have this one as well we'll do two creamies this one's definitely cooler and then I'll make some little hidden ladders with this tool which Gracie can climb up to the next room but with the first trap done it's time to go troll Gracie so I'm gonna morph into a worm ah there we go I'm now a little worm perfect okay I just sneak into Gracie's Shady somehow let me just break a little war there we go oh guys look at this lava parkour this is super scary it looks like I have to get over here oh I know I'll do some each crafty I'm gonna get some of this fake lava and I'll make a little fake lava pathway all the way across there we go because fake lava doesn't actually hurt you it's like water amazing the first trap I can now skip wait a second guys to get inside of her base I need a lever oh wait I've got an idea I could just put a torch lever right here it looks like a normal torch but it's actually a lever I like that I could just open the first trap amazing and then finally I want a troll Shady's face so let me just make him a little bit ugly I'll give him a little bit of a frown there we go and I'll make him look a little bit silly there we go Shady's looking a lot worse there's no way I can lose this building competition now okay what should I do next a minute what happened to my Shady oh no guys she's noticed his face looks so nice before and now it looks like ugly yeah oh no she's fixing it oh it's so ugly wait is that a flying worm oh she might have noticed me so weird okay what oh no oh let me go inside yes I can escape how did it open up there's no lever here this torch is suspicious that the worm put a torch that for you wait it did don't get out of here we only have 10 minutes left you silly silly okay guys I had to speed up not much time left I need to thank my base way better I need that money phew okay I'm back to human now okay so for my next trap I'm gonna use some of these fans so I'm gonna make the entire floor out of them and if you stand on these flands you get floated to the air look at this I'm up with the bees but on the roof of this trap I'm gonna put all these lasers so let me just put some redstone blocks and then some lasers like that and there we go if Gracie touches those lasers she's die so she has to avoid touching the fans ah the only way she's gonna be able to do that is by following a secret maze pathway so I'll start off like that I'm gonna use these secret dummy blocks you see it will make this look like a fan but it doesn't actually work meaning Gracie won't know what fans work and which one start own so I'll make a little pathway out of these dummy blocks which Gracie will be able to follow to make it through this trap but just to make this possible I'm gonna give her a stacking from Flash and you may be wondering what's that what's that called Jamesy well you could use to detect where the fans are by chucking them on the floor look we know this fan isn't working because the rotten fish isn't flying up but that one is because look it's on the sky I wonder how long that's a crazy death solve wonderful but when she figures that out she can go to the next trap and then here I'm gonna put three chests and each One's Gonna have different armor in it so in this left one I'm gonna put lever armor which is really really bad guys in the middle I'm gonna put diamond armor which isn't too bad but the third one I'm gonna put this protection never armor and gritty only is allowed to open one of the chests so give her a little clue behind the chest our person blocks and the one with pink wall is the best one because that's her favorite color and then I'm gonna use the secret clamber blocks that she can have to use to get to the next trap look you can't see them but you can actually walk up them like that and using the armor I just gave Gracie she's the National Boss Battle I'm gonna make a fight a redstone Golem which is super super duper powerful if she didn't get that never armor then she's probably gonna die okay so next I'm gonna name this name tag one three five six okay there we go and I'm gonna give it the Redstone Golem and that's gonna be important because I'm gonna put a password protected chest over here so wait what just happened wait my orange wall just turned yellow am I being crazy no way wait hang on a second guys Gracie's building Shady which is yellow did she just turn my whole face it's a yellow world to troll me no way she must be around it somewhere I need to find her where is she wait a second what has happened she doesn't placed all the blue with yellow as well oh no no guys she must be around here somewhere okay I'm gonna look down here okay I need to find Gracie she's not in here where is she maybe up here there's signs shady is better than Nico whoa whoa whoa no he's not Nico is better than Shady hey why is there a b in here that's kind of weird how did it get in here hmm okay okay let me go to the room above wait what's this bee doing wait so Jamesy isn't here right now and I'm gonna put amazing Epic Loot in all of these chairs gosh um hello B hello Gracie you're not fooling me I know it's you demorph right now I didn't know you we're here crazy just because I trolled you doesn't mean you're allowed to troll me now get out of here we only have seven minutes left hurry up okay there we go I managed to fix all the blue and orange world that's a little bit better oh there's some more here as well go away okay like I was saying I've named my Redstone Golem one four five six and then in here I'll make this one four five six to open this password protect the chest and in here I can put some even better loot for example up a dark matter minigun and I'll also put some gold apples just a few and Gracie's gonna need that to complete future rooms trust me and finally I'm also gonna put eight ladders in there which she can use to get to the Next Room in this room I'm gonna make Gracie answer some questions about shady and Niko and see if she's a real fan okay so for the first question I'm gonna ask what is Nico's old Channel if you guys didn't know Nico used to have an old YouTube channel before his current one and it was called not Nico I know it's ironic and on the other side I'll put hmm I'll just put Nico Vlogs there's no way Gracie thinks it's with this one right but if she does that I'm gonna make her fall into this lava but if she gets it correct then she can swim through this fake lava which won't hurt her amazing okay next question the next question is when did Nico post his first video guys let me know in the comments down below what do you think the answer is was it November December January I don't know so on the right I'm gonna put September on the left I'm gonna put October and if you haven't already commented the real answer is October he posted an October 25th his first video so I'll make this the fake lava and this side the real lava but before I do the next trap I'm gonna go troll Gracie because she told me a minute ago so I'm gonna come over here and I'm gonna smash myself with invisibility there we go and then I can break through the wall and sneak into her base whoa guys look in this room there's fishies everywhere wait oh my gosh guys Gracie's right there oh no if she spots me I'm so screwed hopefully she doesn't smell me ew I haven't had a shower today you'll pee you what is that smell oh my gosh guys she smells me okay I need to run away oh I can't let her find me there we go I'm in the room below whoa that is a lot of spikes this is scary okay guys I've got a perfect troll idea you see all these spikes they are super deadly have I touched them in survivor mode I would instantly die but what if I replace them with secret dummy blocks look this looks like a normal Spike but it won't do any damage and Chris is gonna have no idea so let me just replace all these spikes with stummy ones and that way I can just walk straight through this massive trap okay there we go I'm done all the Spikes have been replaced oh amazing guys Gracie's still over here she's building some sort of underground water cave but I got a super funny way to troll her so you guys know what happens when you pour lava over water right it turns out at obsidian so let me just do that there we go yes look at it go it's covering up all this water amazing she's got to spend ages fixing this wait what guys I have a feeling she might have figured out I'm trolling her oh no no I had to get out of here stop Jamesy did you do guys she's fixing it no this is no good let me paste back the lover again this is so funny you're in phone oh my gosh my visibility ran out ah to get out of here dare you do you want me to draw your base too okay guys I need to win I need to win this video I have to do some more traps before the time runs out and for my last question I wrote how many Subs does Jamesy have which is me and for this one I'm gonna use a keypad door we currently have 78 457 subscribers but if you guys subscribe while watching this video that number will change which means if Gracie tries to cheat and checks on the channel it'll be wrong meaning I will win this video so please please please subscribe right now so I can win but if you guys don't I I guess that's okay in this next rumor I'm gonna film it with Mountaineers and Whisperers which are super cool mobs I gotta try and kill Gracie I wonder if she'll survive so let me place a bunch of these down and there we go and then over here in the corner I'm gonna play some of these ghost blocks down crazy won't be able to notice because they Blended super well but if she finds it in here I'm gonna put a sign and this sign is gonna say two six six one two four two three four which takes her to some courts over here and where those courts are I'm gonna put down a secret chest and inside I'm gonna put an ender pearl which Gracie's gonna have to use to end a port of this Gap and if Gracie makes it to this final room I'm gonna make I'm gonna make her fight two of these Ender Golems there's no way she kills them but with that said that's time up now I have to go to Gracie's build crazy crazy time's up time what are you doing uh yeah not as good as my dad's though look at me going hmm you're right ah okay Gracie remember Whoever has the best base inside and out wins the money so your outside is looking uh not great but ah says the inside first hmm well Gracie I seem to see there's a secret entrance here but the lever to open it is on the other side it sure is so you definitely need a lever on your side okay I had to find a lever let me see if I can look for one wait crazy what's this doing here there's a random like dirt slab I didn't know that those existed it's not a slab it's a trap door you figured it out whoa it has a leather okay I can use that to open this trapdoor amazing perfect let's go wait Gracie I can't get in using this I won't fit I'm too big fat sorry James [Applause] [Music] I'm kidding you're just really tall and that's really cool than you that's true and you need to find something that lets you get in okay so I need some sort of ender pearl or something like that yeah floated I'm looking for something maybe it's over here Mr and a pearl where are you come on Jamesy I've gone right in a circle and I found nothing are you see serious maybe you are short just look up wait oh my gosh there's a chest but how am I supposed to get up there there must be a way I can't reach Jamesy what about something that you can't see maybe there's something that is invisible that could help you are you in a barrier block right now yes this barriers okay guys I have to do some Parkour there's a barrier here oh I see I'll jump from here to there oh my gosh oh okay Gracie I'm getting close okay you sure are try not to fall because then you have to restart all over again it's here I'm nearly there come on come on stop dancing you're funny sorry wait that's not Nepal that's a shrinking device oh I know what this does I know what this does okay Gracie I'm gonna fit through this whole wait I'm stuck oh Barry I'm blocking the way what are you doing silly okay let me shrink down there we go I'm now a little tiny guy oh so cute [Music] so cute okay I'm going again I'm locking you out goodbye going too crazy oh my gosh this is scary I know right this so much in love but like I'm burning wait guys guess what this is where I replace the lava with fake lava and I bet you crazy didn't replace it which means I can just jump in right here and I'll be fine wait what happened oh I'm gonna die okay well I guess that didn't work but there must be another way across hmm wait there's a park over here I should just do this yeah wait a second have you shrunk yeah [Music] yeah but it also that's so funny Grace you're so cute okay I'm nice parkour now there we go to here and then finally to this one wait what fly away that's so weird it's like the Hulk pushed me where did he come from that's weird I think it was just a glitch how about you try again wait a second I know what's going on there's some fans or something that isn't there yep oh no okay there's one thing I could try and do I don't know if it will work though nope definitely did not work Gracie that's not gonna work there is something interesting in me though what do you what do you mean there's some really weird lava down here it's like hanging out no Steve the love is just there randomly no it's not I think this is some sort of fake lava or something so I'm gonna jump on it no no don't do that don't do that wait what is actually killing me I don't know hmm I guess if it's not fake lover maybe there's something around it or underneath yes there is I should have found that out earlier Gracie I'm silly you really should have but you know what it's okay so these are sticky boots they make me slower but they allow me to completely ignore the effects of fans you should be talking just jump straight up there well I'll just give you a path instead thank you Gracie yes I made it over there and I'm ready for the next room let's go get trolls lol this isn't funny I'm not laughing out loud this is not cool Gracie I did all that for nothing I don't like you right now even though you're my girlfriend that you're very very pretty ah real entry entropriately wrong entrance but maybe there's something here in here dang it there's a hidden wall how was I supposed to know that well if you look from the outside you could tell that hey this original room is a little bit skinnier than it looked from the outside I'm not that smart what am I supposed to do here okay Gracie I think this is fake lava yeah because if it wasn't then there's no way across so I'm just gonna jump and yes you think I'm silly I do actually but you're so brave for jumping in good job Jamesy oh thank you Gracie that's so nice of you well could you hurry it up please I want to see who wins the money so do I I need to see who wins this video okay I'm up well welcome to the next room we're doing here well just go through here it's a maze oh no crazy it's a barrier maze oh I hate this Gracie there's no way there's just it's completely covered wait I think I found something yeah invisible ladder problem solved so I go in here or up there you know what I'm gonna go to the next room I'm gonna go up dang it whoa okay let me open this chest a book and quill you have to find all the numbers in the Maze no I have to do the mates below first yep you need those numbers in order to get the password for the store I made this password really hard really let me see about that so I'm looking for numbers in the Maze huh okay Gracie let me explore this maze wait what these you found the first mob no I can't fight these I don't have any armor or weapons well maybe if you come inside here you'll find something okay they won't attack unless I attack them first never mind oh let me put this armor on a run run run get away from me oh okay now where do I go well I'll get something just as a gift because I love you no no no no no it's a wooden sword would you expect me to move this well think about it the mimik cubes mimic your weapon so if you have a really weak weapon they'll be really weak too okay I'm gonna see if I can kill them wait they have numbers oh it's four that'll be useful for later right yep remember the book said that you had to collect the numbers from inside the maze okay Gracie they have really strong armor and I have a really weak weapon this is gonna take hours oh I killed one two I told you they're doing no damage because they have a weak weapon pretty nice of you thank you you're welcome okay I'm gonna go on the date through here now where do I go it's a maze oh my gosh Gracie those are super scary are those vindicators I've got idea can I hit them through the yes I can hit them through the fence no never mind wait no Gracie they're really powerful I don't think I can kill them well Jamesy there's a chest in here if you need it I'm just saying oh they've got the number six okay I need to remember that for later guys please remember that for me there we go I killed all of them you actually killed them all and look what you've got whoa that's one of the most powerful swords in the game 25 damage 1.6 attack speed that is super op I know right you're gonna be the strongest boy ever thank you Gracie okay where do I go next wait basically I already found another chest you found another chest what's in it golden apples wait Jamesy but that means the next mob you fight is gonna be super duper strong wait I see him he's a mutant zombie no no I don't know if I'm ready for this I'm going in come on Mr zombie I'm gonna kill you yes wait this sort of so much damage I already killed him let's go you killed him so quickly you're so strong Jamesy thank you Gracie okay wait what was his code oh no I did oh guys I think you might have saw the code right okay if you saw the code please leave a comment I totally didn't read it please tell me the code please tell me the code okay well you guys are commenting that I'm gonna go see if I can find any more any more mobs anywhere looks like that's the end okay well I'm gonna go downstairs now let's go I mean upstairs so there was a four and there was a six but what was the other code let me check the comments okay you guys commented and most of you said it's free well I hope that's correct let me try six four three no nope that's four six three no that doesn't work either four three six none of the combinations work are you guys wrong what's happening Jamesy I regret to inform you but there's actually a fourth letter in this code a fourth number sorry oopsies hmm where would it be I didn't see it anywhere well maybe you're missing something but it's not in the Maze that's my only hint could you give me another one please well what's my favorite color come on guys do you know this this doesn't help me though wait a second there's a pink block here let me see if I can open it whoa it has a name tag with the number one okay that must be the last code let me try four six three one no way it worked now I've been hiding a secret from you I replace all of these spikes with dummy spikes they won't do any damage to me what's this Jamesy you're so easy the trick did you really think I didn't replace them these are all real spikes and they'll do real damage to you oh no she figured that out yeah okay I'm gonna have to do some Parkour okay let me jump around ouch ouch okay don't hurt yourself I'm definitely hurting myself I'm cjmc there must be something in this room somewhere wait crazy over there found my secret ladder ladder yep there's a camouflaged ladder I'm gonna climb up to the Next Room wait it's blocked off with a dirt block you got tricked Jamesy that's not just a normal dirt block that's a secret iron trapdoor no way okay I guess I need another lever hmm yep where would it be Gracie yes you said pink is important and there's pink blocks over there let me go test that out what if I just placed them there accidentally no no no you don't do anything by accident let me test this out and yes it's worked yep it's secret ladders Gracie I can't wait until you go to my base but first I need to complete yours guys what do you think of my base so far do you think I'll win the money hit both targets for a lever oh my gosh guys look there's Zombies going back and forth that's so funny I know but they're gonna block the target so you need to make sure you attack the target when the zombies aren't there oh okay I have to hit the targets not the zombies I understand okay let me get my bow and arrows so I have to hit that Target without hitting the zombies I have to time it correct so when the zombies come back now I'm gonna shoot ready and fire yes [Music] okay now let's go I'm thinking one wow you're so fast Gracie that's because I can fly and you can't if oh no no no it's such a high fall please don't do that please don't do that guys tell me tell me okay so I'm gonna fire the the point as soon as they both go past ready go go go nice I think I did it did you get anything in your inventory wait yes I got a lever that's so awesome but what do I use it for well remember the secret iron trap door no way yes let me go do that now ah okay Gracie I'm gonna go over to that trap door without dying hopefully okay now I place down the lever and there we go Jamesy thank you you're welcome okay let me go this ladder now whoa it's an aquarium should I jump in yeah let's go let's go swimming but before you do look behind you oh my gosh no way I know this from SpongeBob guys I'm ready to go in the ocean don't I look so funny you look always go in the water now wait Gracie you think I'm silly don't you this has poisonous water isn't it um but where am I supposed to go if this is poisonous water wow wait it's not kidding me it's not poisonous water it's normal water you're silly because look if it was poisonous water the fish wouldn't be able to live true and wow this scuba kiss let me breathe forever that's cool that's awesome you're literally a fish now yep fishy fishy huh where do I go in this cave well boy that's pretty cool I built this by the way all of it wow look at this fish he's so funny it's an underwater cave wait why is his name LOL because you make me you a chest let me open this up it's a hidden secret yeah but it only has a button that's not very exciting what do I do with it well that's really valuable wait there's a door over here I'm gonna go inside on my way wait a second I almost just fell down that's a big drop oh I know what I need to do I need to jump down that slime and bounce onto that block yes yes three two one that was amazing nice job thank you I'm gonna jump to here wait a second that's a big jump I can't make that come on just jump for it it can't be that hard no no no I don't give in to peer pressure I know I can't jump that far there must be a secret to this any barrier blocks oh I know sticky honey let me just go right there we go I'm sticking to the honey now the honey is so sticky and you're gonna smell so much better after being in the honey unlike you do now oh no but in my base there's gonna be some bees oh they're gonna beats they're gonna be stinging me oh no let me jump onto here and there we go okay nice jump wait can I make that jump though well can you make it now no Gracie that's too me no I can't do that sorry Jamesy I'm just a little bit mean aren't I hmm there's no way to jump that high it really isn't or is there I'm on the Piston oh this gives me an idea I can press this button to go up higher that means I can jump that block are you ready okay press the button and jump dang it let's do this oh yes because I just did that was amazing Jamesy you made it look so easy thank you okay I'm going up here now hey what's up a sign how many Subs does shady have hey there's a chatter well of course he does he's really big isn't he true hmm zero or a hundred thousand come on there's no way he only has zero subscribers so I guess he has a hundred thousand subscribers okay huh he's not as famous as I thought wait he doesn't have a shadow at all then yep any other channel isn't him it's probably just somebody else oh yeah I've seen those fakers around well never mind okay next question what color is his shirt is his shirt huh let me think about this hmm well there's pink everywhere but I don't think it's pink wait the walls look they're yellow that must be a shirt wait you just changed it all to Pink oh I may be silly but I'm not that silly dang it so which color is it then yellow yep I was correct oh Jamesy you're nearly done with my my butt yeah what do I need to do Gracie I reckon we're back for this one uh oh no no no no guys spawn a frost more two of them okay nope three I'm gonna wipe them all out let's go oh I've been frozen I can't even move come on there we go I'm hitting them I'm doing a lot of damage Gracie well you said you said crazy yep they hate fire and I'm gonna give it to them come here dang it frozen again two down one left there we go I killed them all thank you Gracie now let's go to my build yep I can't wait let's go let's go let's go okay Gracie remember Whoever has the best bass inside and out wins so now we have to do mine and what do you think um it looks too good to be true yep I'm just really really really good Builder right guys okay Gracie you have to find a way in though I bet it's gonna be something really easy because I want sure I win all the money okay Gracie I'll give you a hint it's right at the front you're just missing it wait a second what is that it's a little hole for mouses huh in there I guess you need something to shrink down is there something around here that could help me maybe Gracie try one of these blocks yeah Not only was there armored but there was also a strict device so let's shrink down as small as you can go wait you're right that means I'm gonna be small enough to fit in that how are you gonna get in here uh I think a hole okay Gracie watch out there's a killer be quickly double size oh my gosh there's a queen bee she so strong there we go oopsies start killing her Gracie you've got iron armor you can do this okay I'm gonna do my best focus on the Queen B because the little ones will keep on spawning oh wait you're right come on Gracie you're doing so good keep hitting her these bees are really annoying yeah just finish her off though you'll be able to kill the bees after yes well done Gracie look I told you the bees all disappeared yeah I'm so happy she dropped a bunch of honey and like a royal staff a giant stinger and honeycomb yeah let's keep that for later yum there's even royal jelly yeah okay Gracie let's go to the next floor I have loads of traps ready to try and kill you wait a second there's a camouflaged ladder right here yeah it wasn't that hidden let's go up it awesome wait a second oh the Laser's gonna kill you you need to get out there quick okay Gracie you have to be more clever than this look you didn't even open the chest the side of you wait you're right there's just rotted Flash there yeah it doesn't seem useful but trust me you're gonna need that to complete this challenge I'll give you a clue wait a second are you not getting blown up by that fan no look walk over here okay okay wait I'm not getting blown up it must be fake fat somewhere and crazy as you can see neither does the items now throw it over here if I don't over there it gets block okay yeah you have to throw the items to know where the fans are okay you just found them a fan so that's definitely a no why did you walk into it after you figured out it was a fan silly I did it I'm gonna die get down quick okay Gracie come on you can do it this time be silly no don't be silly okay Gracie the Block in front of you is a fan now you need to figure out which way you need to turn yep I definitely know that one's a fan now so I'm gonna go this way whoa okay keep going then I guess it's like this is safe then maybe that one is safe too yep turn left okay great so you're pretty much there now come on oh it's right there yep let me go well done Gracie oh that was really scary yep but this room's gonna be a little bit more tame now Grizzy don't open the chests in front of us there are three different options all with different gear ends some of it really really good and some of it really really bad but you have to pick which one you want the pink world the black wall or the green wall wait I remember I was in this room and I put op Lou in all of that wait you did didn't you I forgot to change that oh no so which one are you gonna pick I remember putting the best with the big one oh yeah yes well I guess that's okay it already has glue in it anyway well done Gracie okay let's go to the next room now but how are you gonna get there you're right it doesn't look like there's anything around you that could help me come on Gracie use your brain do I have to do parkour like over here nope crazy in the corner let me see oh wait it's a fake ladder yes place here so strategically let's go up it let's go be careful Redstone Golem super powerful try to kill him there's even a bee here I'm gonna kill the B first oh no poor bite the Beast different other bees oh no I think I might die Gracie you have to be careful here look there's a pass or chest you need a password from this room for somewhere wait a password but I don't see any signs or anything in this room wait a second this Redstone Golem has a name and what's his name it's one four five I guess we can see it in the chat huh well I'm glad you figured out the code Gracie at least now you can kill the rest of Golem what if I find what's in the chest first no oh my gosh this helps so much I have an amazing gun yeah that's cheating oh I didn't think you're gonna do that oh I'm so smart dang it oh she outsmarted me guys what else did you get apart from the gun well apart from the gun I got the bullets for obviously and golden god apples wait there's also a ladder yep you're gonna have to use those oh this must be for getting up to the next room yeah there's a hole here let's go up wait before we go up Jamesy yes I want to show you something really cool okay look at what what's dropped it's a it's ahead oh Gracie why are we wearing ant antennas that's no good take them off you need the helmet it's a it's a tenner not an ant attack you need the helmet for your protection trust me okay I put it back on now Gracie for this room I'm gonna need to take all your arm off though please [Music] but can I keep the antenna on yeah okay okay Gracie first question was Nico's old channel the one before he did with the Nico Channel not Nico or Nico vlogs why would he call it not Nico that doesn't make any sense true I guess we're gonna have to figure out if you're a true Nico fan right now I mean not Nico just doesn't make sense because he obviously is it ego so it must be Nico Vlogs okay try uh oh that's wrong crazy that's wrong yeah you're dead Okay next question when did Nico post his first video what was the month October or September I don't know they're both so close to each other September is 9 and October's 10. you should know this I don't I don't know is this one a sign pick a sign I I don't want to pick but I'm just gonna pick October because that's the month my birthday is in oh so true and it was correct yes yes birthday would save me okay Gracie the next question is how many Subs does Jamesy have that's me okay Jamesy I've just checked and guess what it is wait guys she's checking the channel if you subscribe right now she'll be wrong quick subscribe do it quickly now okay let me try seven eight four five nine okay let me go two more still not correct Gracie this is gonna be it seven eight four five seven five seven no she made it dang it oh okay I have guys you almost got me on that one okay Gracie for this room you're gonna have to fight these guys whoa whoa they trapped me in here oh my gosh they did didn't they I can't leave oh I'm out I'm out okay so I need to hit these little guys I keep spawning the biggest whoa those are super powerful no way quickly Gracie get out there put your armor on silly my armor armor off your phone okay now you won't die so easily maybe shoot them with the gun good idea I'm gonna gosh Jamesy okay looks like my thumb but let me kill the last two I guess you killed most of them by firing the gun through the other stuff right yeah but looks like there's flowers still here what the heck kill him Gracie oh there we go well done those guys were super scary but you have to get out of this room somehow wait Jamesy they dropped Vines no no no no no that's cheating that's cheating that's cheating you're not allowed those dang it fine I won't use them there's a secret room in here that'll be your hint something a little bit more obvious Gracie more obvious yo you're right it's right here right here yep oh what does that sign say wait that's a lot of numbers James yeah I don't know if I can remember all of that you don't have to really remember them what do they mean though two six six one two four two three four what does it remind you of wait are those corinths what's caritinates they're coordinates Gracie oh my gosh I'm so silly I meant coordinates the last number is the same as what you have right now which means it must be on this line yep I've put the number in the chat so I don't forget it okay let me move to this side it looks like it wants me to be up one so I have to go this one yeah you're getting very close and then I have to go to 266 which is wait it's right here hmm But Where what are you looking for maybe something in the corner it definitely is because it wouldn't make any sense if it wasn't it's ready yep there was a chest at those exact Corners this block is those Corners okay what are you gonna do with that Ender Port though well I must have to use it to get up somewhere oh there's a hole over here let me throw them up let me throw it throw it out let's go oh Gracie look where's Landing no no right next to you and their Golems this is not good shoot them I don't know wait your gun doesn't work it doesn't do any damage to them let me take a guard apple and hit them with another right sword you've got this Gracie keep attacking them don't forget to eat your cold apples yep I I keep going Gracie you're doing so much damage I know they're getting close they really are Valley buff Iron Golems even cooler I know right keep going I know you've got wait you killed one of them no way wait he's blocking me in the corner though I need to get away kill the other one Gracie you've got this heat truck war and I can spawn my own fit come on Gracie finish him off yep I'm gonna do that right now with his finishing move right there yes you did it Gracie well done well guys in the comments down below let us know who won and whoever you vote for the most will give all the money to yes guys and also let us know what he wants to build maybe it's a favorite game of yours or something else and we'll see you in the next video bye bye bye thank you for watching
Channel: Jamesy
Views: 1,839,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jamsey, Gracie, Jamesy and Gracie, Jamesey, Jamesie, Jamesy Minecraft, Jamesy, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft building, Build battle, Minecraft mutant mobs, Minecrafft theme park, Nico and cash, Cash, Nico, maizen, maizen build battle, Wiederdude, MongoTv, Smirky, JJ and Mikey, House Build challange, Maize, Aphmau, Jamey, James C, Gracey
Id: 0Ij5lO_SNTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 19sec (2419 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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