I Found Baby Preston's 3 Biggest SECRETS! - Minecraft

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in today's video i'm revealing baby preston's biggest secrets each unlock a mystery that he's been keeping from us all who is his new girlfriend where has he been living and what mysterious portal has he been hiding from me the only question is if i can learn each of these secrets before getting caught can i unlock each secret stay tuned to find out do you notice anything wrong with this picture other than the fact my infant baby preston was able to make an entire house by himself hello oh baby preston is upstairs question mark you should have known your mom would occasionally visit you you are like zero years old chloe who is chloe sir oh he sounds embarrassed guys we're gonna call baby preston jerry because it's weird if baby preston is looking for a girl he needs to be cherry hi bree i am your mother you should say hi mother what are you up to i am not leaving until you give me an answer uh i don't know of course you know what you're up to sir i don't know who that is he is acting so suspicious i actually didn't even ask who chloe is where are you going nope never heard of them are there multiple chloes he said them how many chloes are we talking about i am her mother and i'm not leaving wait where are you going to so he's gonna leave oh okay but you're just standing by a table sir uh yeah sure he's acting like a teenager oh my goodness why does he always run so fast excuse me gotta go what is that it's like a golden jesus cross but in a teleporter form i gotta try this out please buckle up your seat belts and like this video it is happening oh i have a halo oh i feel angelic you have so many secrets and magma is floating in the air that is very suspicious no why do you not like me jerry i'm just your mom i'm trying to hang out with you stop following me you'll never get past this sir get back here are you serious i sent to the start don't get hit there are guards in here whoa what is happening hold on the floor oh there's a guard so many guards what is happening you know what this reminds me of pacman you turn the floor color by eating the little circles this is gonna be a little hard and tricky to figure out there are guards literally everywhere we're just gonna cover everything for right now because i just want to cover my bases and it's kind of like following the yellow brick road except it's red he almost got me he almost got me oh no i've been this way before that is unfortunate at least i can tell where i have been and haven't been excuse me sir we are gonna ignore you and go this way you guys i just figured it out i think i literally have to make everything red just like in pac-man you have to eat all the little dot things no sir please don't eat me bloop no casually turn this carpet red there are 25 guards in front of you bri complete the gate opened what gate hey what how did you do that are you ready to tell me who chloe is no should i be shocked mind your business go away why does my child not love me i have absolutely no idea what we're in front of other than it is very large tower is this chloe's tower is she rapunzel baby preston is levitating what is happening well it leaves me no choice i guess i have to somehow get up here status effect change okay i am currently floating uh what is this status effect changed what is this one what is this one a jump boost right that's a long way to boost give it my best shot i'm proud of myself and i'm very afraid of heights i don't know what's wrong with me but i think the effects are affecting my brain if i'm ever going to find baby preston i'm going to need you guys to look under this video and if your subscription button's red make it great for me like these parkour blocks oh wait i did really good with that i'm literally just rainbow and beautiful right now everything is the same it's changed again isn't another double jump there is more parkour ladies and gentlemen hot potatoes hot tamales sugar plums status effect has changed again how many different effects are in here i've so far only seen two so i feel like he's trolling me i literally almost died just there i don't know if you'll notice but it was a rough one i am terrified because not only does my life depend on this because if i fall i will die but also i need to find my child and what he's up to oh goodness run jump i almost did not make it out alive what's in here it better be a peanut butter and jelly no it is elytra firework rockets well i don't mind if i do i look like an angel now or a superhero let's make sure this works oh i am a superhero with rockets and i am flying through a tunnel and breathe take the lighter off free are you ready to finally tell me what's going on so nosy hey i am your mom i have a right to be hey don't jump off a building oh my goodness water there's a water puddle okay baby preston where are you going why are you so fast a portal what definitely thought i already looked through one of these this has a lot of decorating going on interesting choice baby preston he is on his way to be an architect why is he running hey oh my goodness i am having to go to a lot of effort how am i supposed to get through this is it just a regular parkour status effect changed guys is that good or bad i literally only have lava surrounding me and uh we have to take a deep breath i feel like i'm walking faster than usual but i could be losing my mind because of all the lava fumes oh no where do i go from here i guess i jump we are good we're good status effect changed now i'm going to jump real high what if i cheat and crouch ah goodness gravy apparently that will not work we're gonna bloop oh that wasn't too bad it's like really athletic people they do those like hurdles that i've never done before and wow this is actually like probably a level 2 jump boost isn't that a thing you guys because i'm going very high do i use this again for the spider webs because that is going to be a mess to clean up if i get stuck in there we're going to get a running start [Music] we're just going to take a moment to say comment down below that bree should get out of here that wasn't too bad does that hurt you i don't think anything in this situation will hurt me i'm i'm getting a little tripped out am i walking on water oh they're blocks i'm really speedy now i need a jump boost guys like uh that's poison water isn't it it's bubbly like a bath but it's a bad thing where did that just help boost me up so i thought this was poisonous water but it's literally helping me it's like slime in water form look blue i like now that jump is absolutely impossible so if this does become poisonous i'll say i knew you went oh oh oh so far so good three you are killing it sister so now i'm really fast and i have practices in front of me i feel like this is some sort of obstacle course which all probably already caught on to and i just now realized it will that kill me it's magma yep it will breathe no breath hurry breathe breathe hurry hurry you know what if my status changed why wasn't it fire resistance maybe it was but it didn't work i mean a baby did make this obstacle course so oh this is the biggen this is the biggen oh i couldn't even tell that those are ladders they look like wheat thins or is that just me i just hurt myself that looks like a big wheat thin cracker and i need some cheese now we're going to carefully go what what we are on the big diving board surrounded by lava and it is very dark whatever this is i don't like it i have the power of jesus with me and i can fear not because it's just like you're being cool and wearing sunglasses i'm fearless i'm over lava i literally see nothing over there just keep walking just keep walking obstacles complete baby preston just said this is unreal but here i am i am real please stop running away from me jerry you need to go away he just went through another portal well on delay we have made it through a 12th 50th a ton of portals and this is kind of creepy i don't really like an all-white room it's kind of eerie okay you want to get me obviously that's why i have followed you constantly hello i promise you i'll talk after you get through this room timed button puzzle round one where are the buttons what oh my gosh oh oh okay it is it's going it's going this one is green like a traffic light that probably is good right no maybe if i cry it'll work no these are happening fast so apparently i have to make the buttons go away before they turn red there's another one oh i wasn't expecting that if this is round one i think there's no luck for me to do round two i assume there's gonna be a round two because let's just be real it's baby preston where's the other one how many are there golly gee willikers that is too tall for me i am five two oh i can breathe round one oh no round two i feel like i feel like this round is gonna be even harder i already messed up [Music] this is too much exercise oh no oh oh yeah i already missed the first one that's a great start i feel like the time is slowly going quicker and quicker i don't know if slowly going quicker makes sense but uh round two i rambled enough that i got all the buttons where are they they're hiding from me this round ollie ollie oxen free all your oxen are free me i definitely did not expect to make that one in time no i missed it i missed it because i'm too short guys that's why i don't normally look up oh oh that was real fast it's again it was in the same place that made my life easier i feel like baby preston just had pity on me and made that way easier are you through this door i didn't think you'd actually get past it uh psych what have i done what have i done as a parent to make baby preston so rude another portal okay this portal looks very pretty i i think this one is my favorite so far what why are there chickens down there preston you have to explain yourself if chuckles is down there i am going to hurt you there are lots of chickens they are unable to move there are cows i have no idea what this challenge is fishing rod what does this sign say collected zero rush chicken i don't know if i can ever figure out preston's secret because i can't hurt animals hold on maybe i'll just fish them out and then set them free that's what i'll do let's go sir i'm gonna set you free first oh my gosh he literally exploded and died oh no that was not good i don't want to have to do this ever again i'm literally crying right now how many chickens do i have to get guys this is my least favorite challenge i have ever had to do he knows i love chickens and he always says he's gonna make chuckles into a chicken nugget and i don't appreciate that i don't like it here is four chickens four chickens should be plenty i just saw something that said times ten we need ten chickens are you kidding me four should have definitely been enough i need to emotionally prepare myself for the rest of this challenge i literally need six more my fishing rod is literally about to give up because he my fishing rod is a he and he doesn't like the challenge either i'm finally done with the worst challenge i've ever had and chuckles were any of these your relatives i need to know they weren't you but i think one of them looks like your brother and i don't really like that at all i hope he still loves me it's acting like it only has nine and i for sure threw ten chickens in there i'm sorry rest in peace jaken the door has opened baby preston you have made me almost cry today no way i actually understand him not thinking i would pass this one whatever you still can't catch me why did the wall just explode please tell me he does not have another portal so you guys i finally caught up to preston and i don't think he's actually thinking that i'm following him he doesn't think i'm fast enough to catch up to him which in this case is actually working in my favor whose house is oh we're back at his house i'm gonna secretly hide behind this wall sorry had to get my mom to leave me alone that's okay baby chloe wanna make a cake it's a pink baby preston oh ye cake i just got really mad cause i thought of preston but yet again it's a baby jerry is dating baby chloe i get the ingredients baby preston never offers to bake me a cake only chloe gets a cake jerry wanna introduce me to your new friend what why are you so angry i just wanna know oh no no no no no this isn't what it looks like please don't set fires are you kidding me i just want to know your new friend out are you are you serious she seems nice he literally is running outside well at least i can get to know chloe hi chloe she said princeton and ran out i have never been so offended in my entire life two babies ran away from me in terror essentially so baby preston and chloe who i'm assuming is his girlfriend literally just ran out of the house but they're babies so there's no way they could have ran far if i was a baby i would i saw a name tag i would probably be near the house because i wouldn't think a lot as a baby who is this baby chloe i feel bad that i found her first but it has to be done baby chloe you're so cute but uh dad ha ha you found me aha maybe she doesn't mind that i found her i hope she goes back inside now where is baby preston i found chloe by seeing a name tag so i hope i can see baby preston's of course he would be harder to find i am not shocked by this i got really excited that that was baby preston just standing in the open but of course it's not it'd be real nice if chloe would give me a hint as to where preston went but of course hold on hold your phones that's baby preston in the grass but i don't see him in the grass what is this is this a secret underwater cave not another portal ah nope it's just him i'm very shocked that you didn't run away found preston and chloe bringing them back to the house no no no how chloe was a lot nicer than that it's okay guys you don't have to hide there is nothing to be ashamed of your cute little babies i support you no no no is that all you can say right now baby preston no i didn't want you to find out you'll make it weird chloe run are you kidding me i'm not trying to make it weird i'm just trying to get to know your new friend what is that oh there's a letter i'm coming with you there's a portal down there i have found baby preston's girlfriend and she will not even talk to me chloe's secret house well you betcha i'm definitely going to take a look at that home sweet home look how pretty it is however i'm even more excited to check on baby preston baby jerry baby preston i always get them confused let's just oh cake i'm getting distracted yum oh i just broke it i didn't even eat the cake that was very sad baby preston baby preston hey preston where are you baby jerry preston oh no he's definitely eating cake he's probably on the counter i just looked right past him eating kate no oh no guys where is he this is a joke this is a joke no oh my goodness you guys this window is open that means all he had to do is jump and then go outside no there's no way oh no you guys what is behind me it looks like a haunted spooky laser beam i have no idea but i apparently need to follow it because i think baby preston had something to do with this i should never leave him unattended maybe i just need to give him a bath maybe this is just like pig pen from charlie brown oh i'm getting all of my steps in this morning nice do you see what i see is that a secret house did baby preston make a secret house there is no way the only skill that i've seen him use is explosion technique he's too young to be a builder i gotta check this out oh no carefully carefully there's a trap it's a trap well i am almost at the front door this is a very big moment for me i'm going to see what baby preston has made guys is this an actual door there is no way that i can physically fit through that that's unfortunate it's the opposite of baby-proofed it's adult-proofed there's got to be an alternate way in maybe ah windows are these windows i can't even tell they're too tiny oh my goodness these are the smallest windows i've ever seen guys have figured it out there's a ladder here for a purpose three the mom can check on her child you just have to go up to the adult-sized chimney door and then huzzah it's gonna work just fine i i think so far the ladder is proving difficult oh he needs somebody to clean up after him three two one oh i am being slowed down i definitely see some lava down there no no where where is the normal floor i am only seeing lava maybe that's why it is so hot in here it is toasty we are going very slowly into lava and i don't really appreciate that see right there right there if i could just no that's not even inside the house right here there it is regular flooring we just have to go for it reach for it as we fall and no no guys no i died i am literally back at our house baby preston jerryless hmm what am i gonna use i don't have any crisco so i can't butter myself up to slide through the door i don't have any good snacks which that's just a random fact i do have a possible potion let's see yes totem of undying and an awkward potion now don't ask me why i have those things at my bedside it was apparently luck on my side because i can make a ghost potion those potions obtain the properties of a ghost to phase through solid matter i've actually never done this before i only had it just in case so this is my first time let's breathe in and out okay that is absolutely terrifying i nobody do this at home do not become a ghost because you will look like this oh that's unfortunate here i am as a ghost in front of baby preston's house can a ghost be burned by lava yep okay apparently that makes no sense to me three two running start and one oh whoa oh my gosh it actually worked why does baby press didn't have so many books i haven't even taught him how to read yet i can finally breathe again because i'm no longer a ghost human is it just me or is the ceiling really short i guess that makes sense because i'm in a child's house but i didn't know children pet houses of their own what about me the mother trying to help the child it is a maze cake i told you he likes cake a secret staircase and is that baby preston's name tag get back here sir sir you are not that sneaky although wow this is amazing no hey don't run away from me oh dare him lock his mother out of wherever he is good luck get past my security system you'll never get these questions right what is my favorite mob a lava creature uh explosions he likes explosions and so creepers correct i need to teach him how to spell what is better lava or water preston loves lava for no reason even though it's unsafe so we're just gonna say lava what is my favorite snack oh this is difficult he likes to eat everything uh cake wrong not tea and tea jeez that was very rude there has to be a clue he does not like pickles or a chest to say snacks rotten flesh this has to be a mistake apparently the only snack baby jerry keeps on him is rotten flesh correct i'm gonna have to give him some stomach medicine later and he also just asked what is this animal elephant did he draw that wrong what is that not more tnt jeez it does say giraffe spelled incorrectly so we're just gonna correct am i done door's unlocked i'm jerry's mom i knew i would get those questions right is that baby preston what is he doing down here oh wait oh he is very good at parkour already no how did you get past the security system because i'm smart but you put lava literally everywhere oh man oh bri be careful what wrong can't handle lava oh i can handle lava but i can't see you where'd you go he literally jumped in a lava pool i i mean i can't do that i will take too much damage i think the only option is to make a potion to help with the situation because there's a bunch of potions stand so it's making me think it's a possibility ah let's see is there anything on the stands yet no that means everything should be in these chests i assume right water bottles let's just grab a couple of those a couple isn't three but i tried and we've got a lot of water bottles what else do we have oh i need that fire resistance more water bottles okay if he only has water bottles we're gonna have a problem another wart that's good we need to make an awkward potion first oh no breathe oh no you're on fire everything's gonna be fine see i told you that fire wasn't even strong what is this a rabbit's foot guys that looked like an old hot dog or something i i don't really want an old rabbit's foot but i guess i might need it for something he thinks apparently because there's a ton of them people do find them lucky there is magma cream all the way at the top of the ceiling it's time for some leaping potions just get some water in there we're gonna get a wart in there and some blaze powder [Music] it's awkward i'm glad he has a lot of blaze powder just in case i messed this up but i'm pretty sure now i put a rabbit's foot over it cause rabbits jump high it's glowing that's a good sign it's a potion of leaping and it's three minutes that's always good oh it almost worked bree come on oh we're almost there jump click yes magma cream we are going to make a fire resistance potion we've gotta make a potion of awkwardness we made something awkward now we're gonna add some magma potion of fire resistance three minutes oh it's working he walked through this wall of lava oh it's toasty let's see where oh what i literally was walking into the room and then i exploded it's a minefield how do i even preston walked in here so there has to be a path is it these little dots oh i'm nervous if i take one wrong step it's immediate death just keep walking just keep walking it's split in half but this side has a door i definitely want to get out of this area so i'm going to go this way slowly where am i and it's locked of course it is the key has to be over here i feel like i'm learning how to walk again the ocean a key but literally all there are is puffer fish i told you baby preston makes things very difficult get as close as i can before i jump in and go did i get the key i can't even see the key no i'm so close to the key stop it fish stop it you bad fish did i get the key no free oh i found the key now we have to get to shore i almost died because of a fish if i'm gonna die it at least has to be to a shark zig here we are ladies and gentlemen about to open the door into the unknown that's surrounded by tnt baby preston i'm right here get back here sir you have to go to your actual home he's too fast he is very fast come back here hey why did that close go away mom that's so rude all i am is nice to you hahaha you're trapped now you will face the wrath of my toys huh toys what there are baby mops goodness at least they're kind of cute but literally i'm about to die already this is not looking so great skeletons are my least favorite mob i've decided i've just decided this oh there's a lot of these little toilet i think they're like lego statues of mobs samuel the skeleton get out of here wave one complete just one more toys incoming please no why this is a horrible toy room please no please no we're gonna run away a little bit just a little bit focus on samuel here seth the spider and now i don't know what the zombies zed the zombie zechariah the zombies oh no i'm literally about to die die it felt bad to kill a baby a boss toy appears what no not a wither absolutely not sir wanda the wither get away you're a toy can't even tell if it's health is going down oh i have a bow and arrow oh goodness i'm literally backed into a corner yup it's definitely a boss it's not dying very easily ah i'm hanging on by a literal thread all i'm trying to do is get baby preston i'm not trying to harm him almost almost and wave three complete lego boss defeated play time is over that didn't feel like play time to me and i really don't know how i didn't die but i got another star that's exciting oh and look the door opened there must be a secret code oh this is cool oh i just got teleported by lava why is baby preston on fire sir just slow down no how did you get past my legos it wasn't that hard ah you can never catch me sir yes i can you have to be fast like me to catch me goodness his feet go faster than mine where is he going whoops almost got me oh and there's not a side entryway too slow what is this emergency door unlocker all i have to do is apparently find red blue and green wool let's see maybe there's a chest back here oh 20 chests are back here red wolf got it a lava bucket i i don't think i need that right now i might regret i might regret that later but blue wool now there has to be green in here no no side of green wool just blue and red easy that means they just must be downstairs oh yeah look there's tons of chests this way and cake i told you he liked cake but apparently he likes rotten flesh more seven sixteen ender pearls and i just take that for safe keeping can't trust baby preston with that so does that mean if i use it on the window i'll teleport is that what an ender pearl is typically used for i didn't know it does teleportation box of cookies and broccoli proud of him for having some broccoli on hand lime wool now all i have to do is i'll loop and get back up here now all i have to do is place the blue place the green in the red requirements met opening door i see you baby jerry preston but i don't so i think you're hiding and i can't find you it's through a maze guys he's definitely hiding or escaped escape through the ventilation that's for sure what is happening we have to think of a way to lure baby preston back down but what is below me that i can use to lure a preston oh lava bucket i definitely feel like i need to use this for something he loves rotten flesh he loves lava he loves lava toys do you have a toy in one of these chests nope but i bet you i can make one with my nether star what items are here box of cookies and broccoli still and cod fish where's a crafting bench why is it all the way in this awkward corner i was going to be a lava toy i would have another star and some lava and i'm going to use a fish because that's what i'm going to use see lava toy an ordinary toy this is an extraordinary toy ladies and gentlemen i don't know what i'm being told but look it's fabulous it'd be more fabulous if it's royally b colors but lava is pretty cool too now i just have to place my distraction that looks a little scary we are going to hide whoa he's already up here did he get the toy hey hey preston get back here baby jerry preston get back here sir he is so fast no i have to come up with a better game plan so i went down to preston's spooky lab and uh retained some interesting resources to help trap preston now the main problem left is how to bait him remember we found cookies over here 16 to be exact and also we're gonna grab some broccoli because if he eats all those cookies he's gonna need a healthy snack too let's get these cookies out of the box and place them in the perfect spot the trap has been set bree just has to hide now me i'm talking about myself in third person and wait for oh there he is there he is he didn't even notice me and yes no let me go it is fair and also you need some healthy snacks too yucky it's pretty good guys did you hear that sounded like a portal what's under here oh this looks a little dangerous oh oh that was lucky i'm almost down to solid ground and is that a portal made out of abc blocks wait baby preston hey hey what's behind here no sir don't you dare for good luck go ahead and give this video a like or i could be attacked by lava creatures i'm not sure three two one oh this is beautiful from the looks of this we are in a crib seriously guys i have no idea where i baby preston omg mom this is my secret place good thing you never catch me bye what he literally just vanished through the floor and mocked me well he leaves me no choice i must find a way to escape what are all these levers for there is no way baby preston made all these contraptions he can barely pass crafting class there has to be a rhythm to this madness oh a chest my favorite creeper head guys comment down below if you know what having a creeper head in my hand means maybe i need to pull the levers ignite tnt and the lamps in order to make a creeper face we're gonna make this mouth happy this means he has beautiful golden teeth but he needs the frowny part where it goes down right oh no guys i might have messed up oh no y'all i think that this is gonna be wrong because this is all supposed to be igniting the face and i guess he needs to see somehow we're gonna flip this switch so you guys if we have set this up correctly all i must do is pull these levers let's see if i'm correct opening has revealed itself baby preston jerry sir made it it is uh oh oh guys guys i'm afraid of heights i'm afraid of falling i won't uh ride roller coasters but uh three two one three two one oh no there's lava no oh he was smart and he put water at the bottom so i actually took no fire damage now baby preston is in front of the rainbow castle hi there you won't make it through her what it's a rainbow castle i'm sure gonna try sir get back here why are you so fast guys look under this video and if your subscription button's red make it gray for me or i will never get out of this maze what is that oh we are trapped in glass and doing a maze this is i'm i'm a little claustrophobic i thought that orange wool was uh lava but luckily it's not uh this is confusing mischievous baby preston this this is tough this is tough i am already back at the beginning which i am apparently very good at doing maybe preston said see if you can make it maybe that's a hint because we are in front of little letter blocks so maybe the letter c is the answer see there are only c blocks on this wall so i'm assuming i follow that the letter c there's only one over here oh that was like a secret hallway c is this way see senorita um oh oh more c blocks i don't know if i can go on much longer if this is incorrect i don't know what i'm going to do guys i was right the letter c led me on my perfect path and now we have numbers so first we had english class and now we have math oh no i thought he was bad at school so now that i am in some sort of majestical fortress i no longer see preston and i'm scared it kind of reminds me of a weird abandoned library i don't know why but we're just gonna go to number one cause we're number one plushy panic they better not have hurt chuckles he's a plushie there are so many holes in the floor he has an emoji face he has don't fall in the lava breeze of frog i feel like i recognize that as a character from a video game angry birds and a whale oh they're so cute but they're protected by lava this frogman has a hole his booty has a hole in it what about the emoji it's looking great i'm sure he's happy what is this this is one of the most creepy sheep i've ever seen it's like preston in sheep form don't tell him i told you it was creepy but uh do i follow the majestical sheep maybe i follow him i'm getting distracted apparently this is a challenge so all of the toys have holes in them maybe it's my job to repair them that's why there are sheep in here they can make the wool to solve the puzzle now he made a majestical toy shop sheep farm with a hut inside of it so that's an interesting choice preston uh let's see what he's left for me in here cheers a bucket and die that makes sense because there are four different colors of toys wait there's no yellow the sheep are yellow that's convenient these sheep look like they need to be sheared yep he asked for it so oh oh close them in but brie don't let them escape lava sheep have you guys ever seen or heard of a lava sheep i'm worried they might be mean bubba lava sheep have you any wool yes you do and i have a sheer ah the lava sheep burns guys what do i do oh oh i'm okay did you guys see that i was given shears i was given a bucket i haven't used the bucket and didn't really plan to but maybe i need lava for some reason maybe you need to combine the lava with the shears because everything baby preston does involves mischievous things like lava bucketing that wasn't english but lava shears can be used to shear lava sheep will burn you when carrying what so how am i supposed to uh shear a sheep with something that burns me oh he was not lying at least it goes away once i put it in my inventory we are going to approach another lava sheep henry and juliet you better be nice to me or uh or else we're gonna just one second you look excited and we're gonna oh oh lava sheep cheered how many of these do i have to oh he's scary-looking lava sheep lava sheep we're just gonna go for it for a minute we're gonna get a lot done yes i definitely sheared more than four sheep where did there will go i've been cheated it's going in the lava no i have 14. there are more sheep over here though that's a big grouping of toys i feel like we have to get a lot of sheep sheared um this sheep attacked me and now he's on fire why are you on fire that makes me sad that wasn't the goal of any of this why did he turn blue i'm i'm confused that's that's an interesting one he's the unique sheep of the bunch oh you're close to the lava sir guys they are literally re-rolling i think i've seen enough naked sheep though today so i hope that this is enough okay so i have tons of yellow wool but i obviously need blue red and green as well so what if we combine a little bit of yellow wool with green what if we just oh yellow stuffing can be used to repair yellow stuffed toys interesting we'll just grab a couple of those if you combine yellow stuffing and lime dye you get green stuffing and then red dye with yellow that would make orange typically but red stuffing so guys we also still need blue and ah blue dye that makes my life a lot easier i wasn't sure how i'd get that in here we are going to combine some yellow stuffing and blue dye and there we go so we have all four colors firstly i think we should definitely fix the smiley face he can't be sad now we're gonna replace the blue stuffing now we're gonna fix the green plushie and now we just have the angry bird he's angry that we left him or last challenge one complete huzzah now on to challenge number two the path is on fire oh no baby preston i hope you're not in there oh of course he's not because he has set this trap for me i have a watering can magical watering can for exterminating fires i am so accident prone this is definitely not the challenge for me but oh it's not too bad i could click from pretty far away but there is a parkour now over lava pray for me you guys there we go on to the next one that wasn't enough flame extinguished ah oh that was a close one gonna go this way because i like the color pink that is literally my only logic that i just had oh man i'm like holding my breath right now but it's fine we're gonna make through i'm gonna get through this together i think okay all the fire is out back there just have that one this one oh it looks like a portal actually fire portal wow i barely made that wow this is a far jump of course preston would put this here i was about to just run already with the fire still lit i'm not gonna lie i was about to just run for it uh before i extinguish the fire hot dogs hot dogs on the grill sorry i'm kidding i'm getting very nervous sugar plum fairies sugar plumps are yummy in christmas time i've actually never had one but we're gonna think about christmas time because it's my favorite time of year now um i'm left here with a predicament because uh i can't tell which direction i'm supposed to go please go away fire oh maybe i have to just literally put out all the fires today just a small job baby preston has set for me why can't he just let me leave if this is a secret house why do i have to complete challenges to leave that doesn't really make sense why did i just hear a good noise i just heard a good noise but i don't know why nothing has happened nothing good has happened yet i feel like i need to receive a prize at this moment or something i heard another good noise and yet have not received any sort of prize chipotle would be a nice prize a nice hug would be a nice prize oh literally everything is on fire i i don't know i heard good sounds but nothing happened so we're just gonna go on the strawberry here and see if this is the answer oh a couple of these weren't on fire thank you preston for not trying to constantly kill me oh my goodness there is so [Music] much fire but i have done on a hundred layers video with a firefighter before so uh pretty much trained for this moment is this like a swing set it kind of looks like a ton of swings i heard yet another good noise there is a chest in the distance that is a good sign right better not have to hop through all of this again in order to get out of here that's all i'm gonna say i will be a salty mcsutherland baby key one can be combined with another part to create a full key they say three is the magic number so it's on to the magical challenge find the key part two one baby preston is enough why are there eight of you there's literally eight baby presents what's happening um hello wow she found us quick she can't catch us all run seriously guys seriously why why is one of you the real baby preston are you all clones i'm gonna i'm gonna catch you um i don't know where to start first so i guess this challenge is to find 20 000 baby prestons oh i see them they are not going to get away from me i don't think he's at the beginning he is really close to the beginning so this is going to be easy for breezy i've never called myself that but there you go how do i get him do i jump on him blue found the baby okay he exploded that was a little disturbing another baby preston right there now i actually feel a little bad now catching the baby prestons because apparently they uh explode but what am i gonna do it's the challenge oh no guys i forgot that there's a maze one of them is definitely gonna be in here i feel it are we following the c again i saw a name hey i saw a name tag and it definitely helped me i was a baby preston clone i would definitely go near the plushies how about y'all this is not going well for me something's on fire it's definitely baby preston he has to be in here are they disguised as sheep or one of the baby prestons disguised as sheep oh no harriet i'm sorry you're on fire but i have other things that i have to fix why are they all in a corner right here why why are they all hey sir ma'am i i'm trying to do something here oh gosh there were tons of shenanigans and baby preston is hidden under a hay bell now i just went back to this other sheep mobile and i see they're all congregating here baby preston so i have six out of the eight i were a baby preston where would i hide honestly i'd probably hide in lava one of them has got to be in the lava i'm feeling it oh he is literally look at his little head it's really that's kind of hilarious i guess he's a lava creature so he's not gonna you know uh burn up but so far that's the best hiding spot found baby preston one more to go okay so we have sheep prestons we have a lava preston a crafting preston i see you little guy over here that's actually a pretty good spot too challenge completed found all baby prestons now that i've completed the challenge maybe i can get through the third challenge room baby preston are you the real baby preston okay mommy you can get the key thank you but you'll still never find your way out i don't know why i feel like a baby would laugh like that that made no sense sir can i have the key bye bye um why did it get so dark for a second now i have baby key number one and two i am feeling really good about this and look i literally spawned in front of a crafting bench and now i can make a key [Music] a baby key a completed baby key i've never heard of a baby key before today but i'm glad to have it and there's a button let's hit it with a key baby fortress access granted i lost my key well i guess i don't need it a chest this is looking real convenient i bet there's another key up here and literally it's surrounded by lava free what is this place maybe baby preston is right i'm not gonna get out of here can i walk up these stairs oh no i cannot it is magma blocks and they are not fake well if i can't get up the stairs this chest must be the answer can i reach it i can actually reach it magma boots boots of magma now i've never worn magma boots before today but uh go ahead and put these on guys do i look pretty to you because i can't see absolutely anything this gave me blindness oh no okay no damage no damage this is super spooky i'm afraid of the dark and now i'm having to climb a lava stairway okay this is gonna be great at least i'm not taking damage this is now a parkour in the dark are you guys kidding me this is a prank for sure i hope after i do this i can officially get out of here i'm just gonna hop skadoodle to this one i really doubt that baby preston had to do any of this because he's able to sit in lava why like what is he protecting apparently there must be something pretty special hidden in here or it would just be not secret and anybody could go inside i can't see anything and it's really creepy i'm getting tired of this yes i finally made it out of here let's go ahead take these boots off and see oh no there's tons of dancing i am back where i started from and i completed all the challenges hi bri do you wanna make music oh i am a singer i love me some music so uh yeah yay let's do it i go first watch oh xylophone we may need to remember what he's doing so red orange boop d bop oh that's a nice noise actually oh no i didn't pay attention to the end was i supposed to remember all that because i definitely didn't now you go i watch i feel like this is some sort of trick and if i don't do it right i'm stuck forever red orange yellow green blue green blue i think this is what he did purple bloop bloop bloop wait what is happening apparently he liked my music so much that now he's glowing what is this sir what are you what are you doing yeah i'm gonna jump with you wow you mad it okay then you'll still can't catch me you're you're right here ha ha ha what where did he go literally he went through a flashing beam of light so that means three two one i literally just teleported from a baby mobile preston baby brianna oh i'm so cute you guys go ahead comment down below if you would like to see more videos with baby brianna and remember if you comment on my videos in the first hour of them being posted i will read your comments and feature them down below also click one of these two videos youtube is suggesting you
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 7,857,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 11sec (3011 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 11 2021
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