I Survived 100 Days in Herobrine's Minecraft House...

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it was late one night and i was finally making my way up to my room there was a flash of lightning and then i saw him i tried to ignore it but it was too much i had to investigate and here's what happened this is the master bedroom it is awesome with my orange bed it's my favorite and there's a really nice view whoa [Music] who's was that steve was that my okay he's he's gone that was so weird steve dude i'm not playing around here guys i saw steve staring at me from the window oh my gosh my lights are out dude i'm scared of the dark i don't care that i'm 25 years old i'm freaking terrified of the night time i can't see a thing i do remember leaving a chest that had a torch in it downstairs i think it's yeah it's this one oh thank god okay we have light it doesn't light up that much but it lights up enough i need to make sure my doors are locked yup and this door too yup locked as well this is just really really creeping me out why was steve staring at me or am i seeing things i haven't slept really well the last couple of nights so maybe i'm just seeing and hearing things but i i feel like you guys are hearing something don't you like you guys heard all those random knocks and crazy sounds [Music] oh that's it i can't just watch tv anymore and pretend like nothing happened i saw steve staring at me through the window i'm going outside to check on the house maybe he has something wrong with them i don't know it could be really anything if you think about it this is really really scary and i don't the doors just open by themselves did you see that diglett they just opened by themselves okay why does steve have a giant picture of himself wait he's got two three oh this is not cool and there's no furniture just pictures of himself redstone torches there's even cobwebs like this place hasn't been cleaned in years and these aren't even blackout curtains these are literally just black blocks blocking the windows so you can't see anything earlier they were talking about blacking out the windows for a football game and now they're not even here i mean i see nothing this is really creepy dude i wonder if i should call the cops this is really suspicious what do you think diglett dude this is the opposite of normal if you think this is normal you are crazy maybe steve is gone i'm just gonna go upstairs i'm not gonna worry about shifting and sneaking anymore [Music] what was that was that a gast what was that what's what was that sound dude this house is creeping me out upstairs there's a little bit more fur there's these gray blocks what i don't know what they're doing here but i'm seeing i'm seeing multiples of these blocks for some reason steve is definitely not home was he was this way this is where he was staring at me oh my gosh dude that just scared the heck out of me this is where he was staring at me from from his house wait a second this painting is lower than every other painting in the house hold on is there a secret room behind this guys there is oh that's suspicious what is this chest what is this skull of the fallen what why are there skulls in his house wait wait wait you shouldn't be here get out the sign just updated in real time like somebody was typing to it is this place haunted is steve a ghost dude i need to get out of here but the one thing i'm starting to notice is that the skulls are matching to these oh what was that sound should i not be doing this oh my gosh oh no i haven't been this scared of minecraft in a long time maybe we shouldn't do this maybe we should just leave should we really put the last one down guys all right here goes nothing yeah oh where's that what is that what was that downstairs that sounded like a piston oh my gosh okay okay where's the piston where's the piston i heard the piston sound steve are you here steve wait what oh my no this was not here we came down this is what the pistons opened i don't know if we should go down this this looks absolutely petrifying okay okay you know what no no i am a brave person i am wearing preston styles.com fire merchandise which has given me the ability to have the strength and the courage to accomplish anything i'm ready whoo slowly slowly not too fast not too fast we will go man what was that what was that what was that what was that um hello what what what is this are these my neighbors they've got giant x's on them wait a second i'm circled i'm circled oh wait what the ancient herobrine shrine legends say that this shrine has the power to summon harold brian himself i don't want to summon herobrine no no no no no i never even got to meet these two neighbors jim and carl when i moved in they weren't even here i'd heard they disappeared but i thought they were just gone you know maybe on like a business trip or something i don't know and i just met james today don't tell me james is captured by steve and this definitely means i'm next i don't know how you could ever misconstrue this as not me being next on the list this whole place is freaking me out man carl oh my is that a dead person is that a body no no no no wait jim oh that's another body's chained up bro what what james no i can't wait maybe we could save james it might not be too late to save james debian our frags that's me what no no no no he was planning on capturing me all along what's that what's that sound what is that hello what is what's going on whoa who's there come on out you're gonna pay for what you did to my neighbors i gotta get out of here guys this place is so dangerous i'm out i'm sorry guys i couldn't save you i can't be in this place anymore oh oh okay oh no wait the pictures have changed harold brian is our neighbor we gotta get out steve is heir of brian we're going back home oh my steve they're upright no no no no no i'm going inside shut the door we need to go get our gear asap oh my gosh nope going upstairs where's our gear where's our gear come on it's got to be in our room right here there it is here we go here we go we might be able to defend ourselves from here brian once we get fully geared up is he still i don't even know if he's still outside come on here brian i'm not afraid i'm not afraid of you bro i'm not scared i'm not scared whoa oh my what just happened well i'm losing health i'm losing health what was that no no no what wait did i just get to did i just get teleported i just got teleported wait this is the cell i was just in oh no oh no i'm coming for you [Music] another neighbor has fallen from my trap looks like you're going to be stuck with me forever what are you going to do now i don't even know what to say to that we need to find a way to escape herobrine's house i need you all to do me the biggest favor leave a like and subscribe so we have a chance to escape herobrine's house because man i'm terrified like guys i'm serious he could literally come at any time literally any moment in time i'm terrified oh my you will never escape your cell and even if you try it will always find me you'll be with me forever what was that oh my gosh what was that if you didn't know these cells carl and james unfortunately they were my neighbors and herobrine got to them before i could save them and they are no longer with us on this earth but don't worry i know they're in heaven and that's what matters but i can't go to heaven yet guys i got a wife i got brothers and sisters and i got you guys i'm getting out of here alive if it's the last thing i do we just have to find something in some way to escape there's usually yes things underneath a cauldron we've got an oak button and we've got adam's journal oh no i think adam is the guy that was in the cell right next to me that passed oh what does this journal say november 18th 1997 i was born in 1994 that means this guy was trapped in here for like 22 years day 963 trapped in this cell i'm running low in supplies but freedom has never been closer he apparently found a sewer system beneath the neighborhood he's hitting the button that must be the button that we found in the chest and the button reveals a secret passage and he says if you're reading this we can also escape we have to find the entrance to the secret sewer i wonder if we place this button down if we can like break it and then place it in new areas oh gosh oh thank god we can okay somewhere on this agnes site leads to the secret sewer we just have to keep placing in enough spots and technically something should open for us maybe it's on the ceiling somewhere what about this spot oh that was it oh no here brian says what are you doing oh my gosh i gotta hide the button hide the wait oh gosh hide it close it hide it hide it hide no no no no no no no no no hide hide hide oh my gosh what's all that noise down there nothing here oh brian bro we were so close to being found out what we just did that was so scary okay deep breaths deep breath nothing i am just wishing you were dead he's a murderer guys a literal murderer well being quiet otherwise being trapped in a cell will be the least of your problems yeah i mean like i'm probably gonna die here anyways except the fact that he doesn't know i have a secret button what do you guys think is it safe if you guys think it's safe make sure you subscribe and leave a like down below but i think it should be safe right now let's grab the button and grab the book and get the heck out of here let's see if we can break the button and take it with us oh we can finally this has got to be the sewer he was talking about in the book this might be the secret escape that he was talking about oh yeah it's got to be look at this place this is exactly what a sewer looks like at least in my opinion i've never been in one but i would assume this is what it looks like oh what was that sound did you guys hear that that sounded like herobrine oh i do not like that sound wait maybe we could escape on the vines do you think i don't know about that won't chief these vines look really good but dude this sewer is huge does herobrine even know this exists i mean technically this is the neighborhood sewer but i don't think any neighborhood sewer system has any place this big and like what is this oh my gosh there's skulls around a trap door no thank you and then we have this random blue room oh what is that um an arrow pointing towards the door no no no no no no no no no no i just have to find out how to get out of here man i do not want to be in this creepy sewer anymore and i keep hearing random scary sounds there's even a green room dude how many go what the heck was that wait but this room has levers oh wait do do do do what does that mean and why wait do these levers open the trap door do we even want to open the trapdoor i don't even know what's down there man i do okay are these levers just for like looks or do they actually do something hello levers wait a second it's not do do do it's down down up down up hold on so down down up down up up down down do you go whoa wait wait what oh my gosh we just got a diamond sword with enchanted sharpness one holy smokes batman with this we might actually be able to defend ourselves against herobrine if the green area had something maybe the yellow area has something too i didn't really explore it a whole lot it looks pretty barren and pretty wait dude literally the world's sneakiest button over here ladies and gentlemen full of yo dude with full diamond gear we legitimately might be able to defeat era brian and this has protection too with feather falling four there's no way we can lose the hair or bride with this kind of gear if we found something in the green and the yellow wool that means there has to be something in the blue and the red ones as well oh why did i not see this earlier there's arrows on the roof which have to be marking something i'm thinking we walk forward left and then this way oh did we do it nothing happened what the heck oh a notch apple with 10 golden apples okay i need my diglett diglett you have to be here to help me man i can't handle this alone i need your help as well viewers we found amazing things from each part of the sewer but the last and not least is red my favorite color out of the ones we've seen with all of the skulls i just don't know what we're gonna do here there's a bunch of wait a sec oh wait do we make them i think we make them all face the iron trap door oh that's what i'm talking about what's gonna spawn i don't get it i moved all of the skulls facing the center and i just i don't see anything did anything even happen okay declan i'll try the center of the room i just don't think anything is there see it looks completely normal to me i don't see anything different inside the sewer unless it's like a is it that hole i don't i think that was already there oh dummy it's easy for you to say diglett you're literally on my microphone and you don't even have to do anything in fact let's see if the diglett was even right we're gonna move all the skulls facing the middle trap door oh i'm hearing a lot of ding sounds that might actually be the correct thing to do dude if diglett's right i'm gonna be so mad i already owe him a hundred thousand v bucks as it is last one oh what is that sound what the heck is that it's coming from the center of the sewer wait a second oh my is that is that a staircase a staircase is literally being built before our very own eyes yes walk it baby walk it oh my gosh i can't believe niggling was right now i feel very very silly but you know what at least we are progressing through this house although i don't even know if it's a house anymore it's technically a sewer i just hope hair of ryan doesn't catch up soon okay that would be terrifying i think we are finally free from the clutches of herobrine and his house told you guys we can escape from here brian's house i knew it was gonna happen easy peasy in fact i see my house in the distance let's just go back herobrine you thought you were safe did you think you would just walk away you know what i knew this would happen i knew i couldn't escape aaron brian's clutches the only way we're gonna escape from him is to fight him head-on face your fears ladies and gentlemen let's pop that golden apple and let's get this bread oh dude your fireball attacks ain't gonna do nothing to me hera brian look at this these show oh my dude this guy is literally the hair this whole time i was scared of you this guy doesn't even do any damage to me man i got protection to gear this is so easy you know what let me go and eat this enchanted golden apple if only i had a strength potion this guy would be dead in like half a second although i am impressed herobrine has a couple of decent moves up his sleeve ones that i was not aware of like a tnt lob attack oh yeah nice try budster a fireball attack really what is this 2013 minecraft throw attack okay literally you just threw me you didn't even do any damage to me you bleb what is the earth shatter attack oh okay that move is actually pretty dangerous but still no match for me and my protection two diamond armor although instead of protection two diamond armor right now i wish i had a sharpness five sword and like iron armor or something like that this would make this so much quicker somehow herobrine is actually doing a decent amount of damage to me how did you eat through my notch apple whoa rapid fire punter tech thank god i got more golden apples oh sneak attack what is this guy naruto they say an enchanted apple a day keeps the doctor away wait wait wait death from above whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay i didn't know herobrine had a trick up a sleeve now i'm feeling a little worried no we're so good we still got eight hearts he's so low he's less than twenty percent almost there almost come on yes let's go this isn't over tv and our frags i'll have my revenge we'll see about that hera brian today we are spending 100 days in herobrine's minecraft house but first we have to get inside of this house as you can imagine his door is locked and it also makes a weird sound on top of sneaking into his house we also don't want to get caught by mr herobrine himself oh hello oh we have a rock okay i need this rock for something but i need to oh excuse me i'm currently digging up graves at herobrine's house because we need to craft something of epicness i'm crafting a grappling hook i think we've all played enough video games to know what this is gonna do for us and if you don't know what this is whoa jeez that's not even a gravestone that's just a that's dangerous oh i don't like those i hate jump scares so much i look like a porcupine oh my favorite another rock stop it mr bully oh oh oh this is what i'm talking about okay rope let's go baby um what is wrong with a zombie there is definitely something wrong with the zombie what okay does herobrine have like radiation or something like that oozing from this house and finally okay we have everything we need to make the grappling hook boom bam mimi oh yeah look at this yeah look at that technology i'm on another level baby oh no no no no wait wait hold on there's not a door up here oh god oh please herobrine do not hear this this is officially the first day we're gonna be spending in harrell brian's minecraft house i'm not gonna get cop though i'm too sneaky i'm too sneaky okay every single door in this house is locked why it is now day two in here at brian's house and i almost got caught by herobrine because i was watching tv he dropped this book it's his favorite milkshaker recipe i don't even know what herobrine's drank milkshakes no judgment but this is a very girly milkshake a man's got to do what a man's got to do i'm getting these ingredients i had to sneak out of here at brian's house just for literally 60 seconds to get the ingredients for this milkshake all right one more one more all right hello mr store click thank you hello don't worry about it kid it's on the house thank you that's actually pretty nice of you nicest thing somebody's done for me all day i appreciate you oh everybody in the store just looked at me and said i'm sure he will enjoy the milkshake i'm so uncomfortable right now all right it is still day number two by the way um okay um please leave a like down below in this video i'm terrified i get so scared of jump scares and videos i don't know why uh the pink milkshake would be a sweet milkshake but it's a bit spicy you know some people do like spicy and their milkshakes i think that's kind of weird oh dear oh dear okay does he drink the he's got the milkshake he likes does he lie oh my gosh how did he not see me there what's wrong with him why is he walking funny i can't say what's he doing i can't i can only whoa what is that he's leaving a smoke particle trail behind how spicy was that spicy extract it is now day eight in herobrine's house and he is currently coming up from his bookshelf okay what what what was that what was that i knew there was something in the basement of this house okay what was oh my gosh what was the code what was the oh where's it go was it like four now that was like two four five oh baby put the chicken in the basket what are we about to get ourselves into we really want to be going down this like okay let's just think about this for a second do we really want to be doing what we're about to be doing right now you know i don't know oh dear lord in heaven um yeah before i walk across the scary bridge could you all please hit that subscribe button if you are subscribed to the channel already and you get here in the first hour i'll feature your comments on my forehead free real estate it's free real estate now let's get out of this oh we didn't die okay maybe i was being a player but for no reason oh whoa whoa flying skulls oh i don't like these ah oh they're shooting with their skeletons go stop stop what are you doing no stop no no stop it what are you doing hey stop it i said stop it will you stop it okay yeah stop it hey come here me amigo me amigo me me oh i don't even know i hit that one clearly my bow skills are unparalleled unmatched and unrivaled a gibberish note oh that is definitely some gibberish this is what i sound like when i film youtube videos for you just gibberish um okay so i'm not quite sure oh what hello hello brian is coming i didn't even mean to sit down in the throne oh dear lord oh my gosh okay please do not look this way do not look i'm like two inches to the right what is happening i'm actually terrified oh what was that sound what oh my gosh dude he's got like red and blue particle effects on him okay so brian it's day 24 herobrine is playing playstation 5. i had no idea that okay now that he's gone i can raise my voice i had no idea harold bryan was this wealthy i'm gonna sync this player two controller and play right behind him without him noticing the entire time yeah look he's coming back welcome to mortal craft bath 12. totally not a play in mortal kombat alright so the objective of this game is to either eliminate the other person or to knock them into the lava i am going to try to not yes this is like the biggest troll you could ever do [Music] no no dude he got so mad he blew up his playstation 5 and tv day 48 in herobrine's house so herobrine right now is on the computer like a noob all right so listen up i had so much fun trolling herobrine on the playstation 5 we're going to troll him again basically as you can see warning ongoing renovation please wear a helmet not wearing a helmet i'm going to cut off herobrine's internet because let's be honest the only worse like there's nothing worse than when you're on the computer or on your phone and you lose internet connection pretty much this video's turned into like trolling herobrine while we're inside of his house and spending a hundred days on it you get the gist yes okay what yeah okay i'm also collecting iron rods and iron ingots because we are going to make cutters why did i say wire cutters like that i don't know where is the no no i need i'm missing an iron abroad has anybody seen a spare iron rod come on man thank you there it is okay here we go baby look at that one bam i meant ironing it not iron rod hey listen don't correct me down below in the comments okay boom why i love the description of these wire cutters i'm sure you won't cut nothing important like herobrine's internet but hold on before we cut harrow brian's internet all right uh no you know what yeah damn to cut the internet baby whoa that was kind of a cool little oh oh look at that oh it's smoking okay please don't catch on fire and burn the house down otherwise i can't complete the challenge of spending 100 days in herobrine's minecraft house honestly he's gonna be so mad where's he what's he doing he's gonna be so mad oh he already looks upset all right but listen i didn't tell you the other part of my genius game plan we are gonna go on his computer i wanna change his computer password um but apparently there's a firewall should be pretty easy okay this was probably the easiest firewall i've ever had to deal with what is this select an application draw the system preferences icon this looks like a terrible pokeball oh you know what listen it accepted my beautiful art changing the password baby please enter new password herobrine is noob yeah i like to keep it nice that wait his old password was hero pass 2010. all right here we go here we go come on come on come on let's get a good reaction oh hera bride [Laughter] dude you can't just blow everything up that you don't like somehow the computer the computer magically survived the explosion but nothing else did i don't know how that happened but it was quite magical to witness alright good night good night sweet prince all right finally mike can raise my voice again by the way beautiful people i have not done a merchandise plug all video so you know what time it is if you want to get yourself some of the freshest fieriest merch in the game this is the block hoodie on firemerge.com this is the noob1234 squishy and this is the new one two three four plushie which sold out because you guys are amazing but he's going to be back in stock soon however i forgot to mention what this does so this is the treasure map that we stole from his room with coordinates which which brings us to this pickaxe and apparently we got to play a beat oh oh let's go oh okay that is weird why did why is that i don't know what what that oh hold on honey i've been playing minecraft long enough to know that these are going to shoot arrows stupid you think of that dumb silly head okay oh whoa whoa what okay do i want to step on this i don't think i want to step on this but i don't think i have a choice is insane listen it pays to play minecraft whoa what is the passphrase state the password to open the vault wait what was his password yeah that's what it was it was so dumb it was so dumb it's so easy to remember hero pass 2010 if you remember that's that's the old password we got from his computer anyways look at this baby man stealing hair lebron's diamonds it doesn't get much better than this you know i'm kind of living the life right now whoa whoa whoa okay that was a rookie mistake hi baby it's day 93 in harold brian's house and he's throwing a party with some of the most interesting individuals i've ever seen uh gentlemen i'm gonna be going in thank you what do you mean monsters only loser hey buddy i mean look at this fine you know i'll be back okay zombie haters human they they probably hate humans i understand hi mr zombie how can i become a zombie brains no gosh i do apologize i don't know what came over me why do you need to turn into one party i'm gonna keep it simple all right i want him to know that harold brian's got a party down the street all right if you could answer three zombie questions correctly i'll turn you into one how much health does a zombie have 20 come on that one's so easy what effects can you get by eating rotten flesh hunger easy come on man what animal do baby zombies occasionally ride on chickens that was the easiest thing i've ever done great job you seem to love zombies so i'll turn you into one oh yes i never thought this day would come ladies and gentlemen we are officially a zombie in minecraft step aside plebeian [Music] we vibing in this baby oh what's going on over here what just happened it's time for celebration you see the top of the screen right now 100 days in herobrine's minecraft house without getting caught by the way all right so we are on promazon clearly um as you can know no no we're not going to buy a tuxedo no we're not going to buy a flower bouquet we are going to buy c4 why can you buy this on promezon well because it's chromazone and they have some of the weirdest stuff in celebration of being in here oh brian's house i just used this credit card and i bought this a package with 64 c4 baby so basically i'm just gonna be placing this down and around throughout his house and if you don't know how c4 works it's kind of like tnt but you can detonate it remotely so it explodes everything it's gonna be uh beautiful to save the leaf well i almost forgot to put these in his bedroom i don't think this is his bedroom this is his office but i should probably go play some of these actually that was just his office i think we need to play some in the bedroom oh mr hatter pride dude imagine you just like come back home and see c4 you're that's not good well beautiful people it has been a fantastic video i hope you have enjoyed yourself but it is time to troll little run three two one yay [Applause] [Music] here brian someone looks like boss it wasn't me i didn't do it please ah no no what is this don't do it please i'm sorry listen i got a little excited no no don't do this the hair bro you don't gotta do it like this please
Channel: PrestonPlayz
Views: 7,172,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, challenge, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: plZpKXUIWlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 39sec (1839 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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