31 Ways to Prank PrestonPlayz in Minecraft! - Funny

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ladies and gentlemen you are about to witness 31 of the most epic pranks you could ever pull on preston legend has it that there is an old man a villager just a very experienced villager who definitely has a lot of diamonds and a lot of magical things the goal of this video is for me to find said magical things and then prank preston with them in order to get these pranks started let's go find the old man we're trying to find the house of magic it hasn't happened yet don't lose hope if you want to help me find it leave a like on the video it'll it'll totally help me what is this you guys i'm a good christian woman i i pray when i'm nervous pray for me i guess i'm gonna jump hot dogs hot pockets okay so now i'm here i don't know where here is but it happened i am i'm here it looks like i can't do anything in that hole so i'm gonna go back up where to i'm not sure i'm obviously having trouble swimming right now but this waterfall has to lead to somewhere right that's what they say follow those waterfalls see i was totally taught that in school i don't exactly know how i'm gonna get down here safely um um how do i get down there guys i guess i can fall into the water right oh i used my brain that that was helpful to do what is with parkour always being a thing i just don't need it all the time you know there's other things there's other things i'd rather work on now i feel like this must be leading me down the path to victory but i don't know what i am supposed to be looking for in here obviously somebody was hiding something okay you guys so i've been doing parkour down this whole hallway i don't know why i'm doing this i just have a feeling that uh guys is that a good thing i love the color purple but it kind of looks like the wall in the stranger things show where like there's a demogorgon behind there and it's like shining and it'll eat you i'm gonna mine it anyway let's see oh magicite ore what did i tell you this old man has a bag of tricks i'm gonna use this somehow how have you all ever crafted with this before help me now the only thing i can think of that i probably should use is a diamond you know you can't go wrong with having extra diamonds in your inventory so i thought you know before i head back to the village i would just take take six diamonds and he's not gonna miss them okay have you seen how many things are in this cave now if i'm going to craft anything with this magical magic magic site then i need to make a crafting bench and do something with it there's a crafting bench now what would i do if i was a crafting bench slash table same thing you guys i definitely need some magic dust it made me feel fancy so now we have that what if i combine this with this it can imbue living things hold on let me go to google m boo is this a word inspire or permeate things with a feeling or quality am i the only one who had never heard that word in their entire life we're gonna we're gonna combine these oh matt just like core can improve a living being with diamond now if this is saying that i can you know and boo things with it maybe i should have a test subject there was a grumpy old zombie monster up here i think he would be my perfect target for my first try because if it goes wrong i'm really not gonna feel bad about it because he was terrifying i'll show you him this look at this thing he's scary he has red eyes he's ready to kill me so we're just gonna boo we now have a diamond golem he doesn't look anything like an avatar but uh maybe he's less scary i don't know all i do know is i'm terrified of him so we're gonna like make a helmet just in case he decides to go rogue gonna put this on and what what sir sir um he was rude and in booed why did he care that i was wearing a diamond helmet why did that affect him in any way oh my gosh preston just came on to the server and he is wearing full-fledged diamond armor i i don't think that this uh zombie man gollum is uh liking him oh so i have signs and a camera now the goal of prank number two is essentially to just blow preston up when he tries to open his own chest guys it'll be funny if it works and i conveniently have a camera so we can document it and watch it later too now i just have to find his bedroom he actually is very good at building so oh here we are now we're just conveniently going to place these here edit sign message let's say i have diglett i mean you can't see it but it's there eloise is now all your response i couldn't fit all of that but eloise is now your responsibility i'm better at cod than you guys i got 26 kills in one game so that side i'm better at cod than you eloise is now your responsibility and i have diglett now i think that's enough to keep him intrigued here i definitely feel like he's going to rage after reading all of those and maybe he'll even think i still diglett and shoved him in a chest the most important part of this guys is i have to be able to eavesdrop now i just have to place this camera and oh i have to actually activate the prank so i have a diamond locks menu i can either spawn a creeper spawn a fireball spawn tnt all options go big or go home baby i'm from texas we do it big so okay that actually scared me so i'm gonna run and get into the camera oh my goodness he's coming up the stairs that did not take any time he is going to rage when he sees these chests okay what are these things on my chest are they locked yes they are you should try to open them can i open them oh that worked even better than i expected for prank number three be prepared to be amazed we're gonna go down into the caves below preston's house and replace all the iron ore with diamond or essentially leading him down a breadcrumb trail and then if he follows it all the way he will actually fall out of the world don't believe me keep watching it'll happen and also you guys if you haven't subscribed to my channel already how about you go ahead and do it we want this prank to be a success so uh now secretly going into preston's house and he is upstairs oh we are going to go downstairs to avoid that i almost just fell to my death just now let's get these out of there okay so now we just need to find the best spot to lay the trap if we're gonna do just like a little trail of diamonds we can do one there and how about right here and let's keep going they're just conveniently sprinkled everywhere just enough to lead him onto the trail oh we put one there oh he can't walk through that so we're just gonna go right there make it make it possible for him to fall down here and oh let's let's get these out he doesn't need any diamonds other than the ones i gave him there we go i conveniently made an entire trail to a diamond wall so now that i'm at the end of the cave it is time to find a place to hide how about we uh conveniently i definitely want to see this diamond wall so we're just gonna do a little bit of that and a little bit of that guys i don't really think he'll see me because i'm going to crouch down i have to witness this and so do you oh oh there he is that happened really fast i could have sworn i cleared this mine out no silly look at all those diamond blocks uh uh uh where's preston is he falling out of the world yet oh he's still digging he's still digging i kind of i kind of want to witness it can i see can i see oh ah tbr frags fell out of the world prank number three successful i'm gonna reveal a little secret to you guys i actually have a hideout so this is my secret hideout welcome yes it's beautiful you don't have to tell me but we have more important things on our hands pranking preston so i'm actually going to be doing two pranks right now so one is we're gonna make a beautiful fishing rod now this fishing rod is not just any fishing rod it is going to help me troll preston essentially by stealing his items one at a time then putting him back and just essentially confusing him and making him angry now part two will come later i am super close to preston's house so ooh ooh there he is i gotta be super quiet but the trick is to use this fishing rod to my advantage there is preston's inventory i'm just gonna do a diamond you won't notice we're just gonna oh we're gonna go over here nope nothing nothing to see here doesn't notice it's gonna go here and we're gonna take like five diamonds this time he hasn't noticed oh he's coming back downstairs he literally walked right past me where is he going where is he going guys there's only one way preston could have gone down here oh i see his name tag he is down here somewhere what is he doing trying to make another portal no i'm gonna take that obsidian from you sir now that i have some obsidian i'm just gonna run this way a little bit because i don't want him to see me see i knew he was working on something this is perfect for a portal so now for part two i'm going to place an item frame here and then just add a beautiful diamond because preston's definitely gonna fall for it i just know him he's going to think oh that means diamonds are inside this dugout he should go exploring and i'll drop him because i now have the power where did my obsidian go you didn't notice when i took your diamonds i don't remember this being here because it wasn't let me just uh take your pickaxe real quick maybe there are diamonds in there oh yes yes rihanna i can see your name tag i know it's you let me out how did you get my pickaxe oh that had some good payoff literally he's just stuck back here he's probably bound to get hungry soon so before that happens let's move on to the next prank we're going back down into my hideout and let me show you something i have pink dye and diamond blocks so when you combine the two one it's very pretty but also you get this pink diamond blocks pinkify diamond blocks that are absolutely useless so let's just make quite a lot of them you know let's just let's go big or go home do you guys think this is enough i am ready to prove to him that pink diamonds i was gonna say aren't useless but in this case they are how sad so you guys i am back in front of preston's house i'm about to replace all of his diamonds and you can see this his name tag is very low beneath me so i'm feeling no need to be sneaky right now i think i can just go on in now remember i told you he has a secret vault where he keeps all of his super important diamonds here it is let's try to just click it he didn't even lock it are you serious uh oh enter the vault code here guys it's obvious three four five six of course i knew it i knew he was gonna make it simple but not that simple well let's go ahead and get to work quite a lot of replacing to do i'm not gonna lie this is definitely giving his vault some extra pizzazz i think it's gonna look even better when we're finished he has a lot in here i may not have enough so we'll just do what we can but even though we don't have enough we're still gonna make sure and take all of these because these are the ones that i actually want and then just you know a couple over here he's totally gonna fall for this no i'm not being correct he definitely will not fall for this but i'm gonna watch it let's see let's see this camera is so useful he's already coming down he must have mined some really good things down there why is my vault door open no reason maybe he likes it he hasn't complained yet how did this even happen nothing i'm just i have super powers someone has to be messing with me brie i know it was you why do you just assume it's me i bet you're watching this from somewhere oh no oh no don't look at the camera no no he killed me i mean he didn't fully kill me but he found me in the camera guys please give this video a like because i have to continue pranking this next prank is really fun so you know normally i am very good at cleaning the house and keeping things tidy but for this prank i am going to be untidying by creating diamond strength spider webs if you don't believe me just watch see oh and it's pink i didn't even know that would happen indestructible threads made of diamond powder oh perfect timing he's leaving oh brie hide breathe don't let him see you don't let him see you i can't even tell where he's going oh well that works out well for me well now that preston has left let's get to decorating just put some spider webs like all in the entry make it really interesting to uh enter go ahead and put one right up there definitely in front of his cave mine entrance in front of his vault for sure oh and duh in his bedroom he's definitely done some remodeling since last prank let's put one over the bed and i have the perfect idea how about we just fill all of this with beautiful spider webs so he can get to his chest super easily even put one kind of over the stairs and you know what before things get too crazy how about i go ahead and place this and try to make it home uh i don't want to get stuck in here i can't believe i actually made it out of that house even though it's covered in spider webs pretty impressive oh wait he could be getting home at any time let's go and access the camera oh he's already coming home that was perfect timing why is my door open i could have sworn i closed it yeah you did i forgot to close it back dagnabbit hello i didn't do anything he he what is this oh it's cotton candy you should taste it just taste it it's it's really good i can't mine it nope it's made out of diamonds where is he going wait come back what are you doing guys i think preston just gave up he's angry i also don't think he can get to his bed anymore this next prank is sure to wake him up now like i said this prank is for sure to wake preston up because it involves a lot of tnt did y'all know you can make diamond tnt you just need diamond dust and some gun powder so let's go ahead and get over here and see if this is true if it is i'm gonna use this all the time oh it's pretty wait what does it say explodes and changes everything to diamonds maybe this won't be a prank for him if he gets free diamonds out of it guys you make just a few more that took me a long time i literally made five now before i uh use this in preston's house i definitely want to check this out because it said it turns everything around it into diamonds and that's all so i want to see if this is actually going to be a prank that's beneficial for him because if it is that's not going to work oh so apparently you know it doesn't blow up the blocks around it like normal but these diamond blocks that it creates do blow up oh there he is he's leaving again how many times does he have to mine or get groceries guys he is out all the time it's time to put this tnt to work and avoid all the spider webs as much as possible now i do know preston knows if you place a diamond block it won't explode so i know he's gonna try to mine it to get some free diamonds but he's gonna have a little bit of a surprise now i definitely want to witness this so we are going to go hide behind this pillar easy does it he's already home obviously diamond tnt doesn't hurt you he's excited to get more diamonds for his vault this is just gonna be free diamond blocks i'll just fix up my house later yep you're right there's some diamond blocks for you now i can craft a bunch of backup diamond tools yeah can you i don't know we'll we'll see oh what did i tell you i told you that these diamonds blew up he met the demise i expected oh preston ah yeah yeah yes brie i'm i'm a little busy okay i'm playing video games right now ma'am but something really really magical is happening wait is that window is that cake wait is that chocolate cake whatever cake you want is it strawberry ganache [Applause] i need cake i need a cake preston it's gonna be okay just just breathe i'll you threw the cake i can't eat the cake when it's in the webs how could you do this to me i'm literally going to drown in lava so you guys preston's house has been looking just a little drab recently and i know that he loves paintball so i thought i'd just get a few magical girly paintballs myself and decorate his house a little bit oh no i think i hear preston hey he can't catch us bree you don't see anything why is my house so girly now there's purple blocks there's terracotta there's even pinkster you changed everything uh president it's beautiful i don't want it to be evil my favorite house structure as you know is modern modern breed this isn't modern this is just pink and girly and this is coming from the man wearing a pink flame shirt yeah well tough guys wear a pink brie okay that's just how it be sometimes you know what are you doing what are you doing you're gonna explode your own house think about this wisely preston i don't think i'm a boy i prank you guys this prank is going to get preston better than any of the rest so far i love me some chickens that's why chuckles is my pal he's gonna help me with this one so i have this prankin preston button and all i have to do is right click it hear that these chickens are gonna lure preston into the trapdoor down here that i just conveniently broke he's gonna come down here and that pressure plate is going to secretly set off a huge tnt explosion i better hurry preston's probably gonna come super fast he does not really like chickens i better hide i'm hearing chickens i don't remember hiring any chickens to come to my house what in the sam houston hold on when did this get added to my house i don't remember this door being here what why are there 30 chickens under my house inside of this little room this must have been brianna she loves chickens guys oh my gosh is this another one of brianna's pranks oh a little afraid of tornadoes so i thought it'd be kind of fun to play this prank on preston preston oh my goodness goodness said but brie i was literally eating chocolate pudding and then you came up here and interrupted me what is going on i found this thing and it's in my hand right now and it's called a house tornado no that's a sponge it's not a tornado bomb that's just a sponge i told you nothing happens bree those are just fun yeah they're sponges bree nothing's gonna happen um a lot of rebuilding what have you done to my house bray hold on that's it let me get a bow and arrow and take you out you little cactus jones get what yeah yeah you try to run i got arrows for days you can't escape me wait a minute i'm placing more breathe no okay that's it i'm disconnecting i am rage quitting don't you just love the sound of the rain especially when you have a weather man who can help you with pranks to prank your husband well bree privacy i'm literally taking a bath not now i think you're taking a bath in the sink wait is this the oh well okay that's your fault for not getting a bath installed in our house bree i mean sometimes you gotta resort to resorts i'm a little afraid of this storm preston what about you i mean it's just a storm breed in fact i sleep so good when there's storms not if i have anything to do with it oh what is that oh that's lightning lightning's not good oh no no no no no no no i don't like lightning oh bree it's uh breathe we just lost part of our house part of our ass is breaking oh my gosh oh oh my gosh part of our house what is happening no no no no no no no oh my gosh we worked so hard on this i can fix this i can fix this i can do this it's all good it's all good no it's not pretty rs there's not only being ruined to that storm oh no it's all dead so if you know preston at all you know he loves cats and that's called sarcasm so i have to do this prank on preston preston come inside i have some lemonade that is not lemonade those aren't cats your favorite lemonade oh no i gotta get out of here i can't be here you're gonna bring my minecraft that's how many cats i literally can't even i got i'm i'm lagging oh my gosh i'm lagging lagging there's too many cats there is no way we can keep these cats there's too many guys we can't no we cannot there's just too many goodness gracious i have decided to create a spawn egg with some really cute you know animals some casual things you know some creepers some things to start a mom inside our home and the best part is is it's really pretty so it's going to get his attention it's going to be great oh man that was a crazy video game session in the basement guys what is this i've never seen something so beautiful is this where barney the dinosaur came from oh i want it i want it wait special pet spawn egg wait what what the what the heck what's that um okay wait wait wait that's not a special pet wait whoa preston's favorite thing is a sunny beach vacation just laying out on the sand i won't give it away you might as well just watch and see what happens oh right now matey that was a big day at the office it's time to come home and take a nice little bath inside of the sink if you know what i'm saying ah now that my bath is over it's time to go relax in the living room wait a second they're staying in our house no no no no no you are not going to dirty my house up and ruin my nice day of relaxing after a hard day of work hey where where is this sand coming from i have not seen any reasonable what what okay get out of my house once and for all stay go sit stand stop drop okay that's it i'm gonna get rid of the sand once and for all i'm a master cleaner i even have my certificate in cleaning expertise get out of here sand there we go 19 sand blocks in my oh no wait okay wait okay my house is turning the sand wait a second wait a second where is brianna where is she no oh no we might actually suffocate oh no guys guys guys guys guys we might suffocate oh no no no no no it's i can't get rid of all this sand i don't even have a shovel on me dad comment guys oh no no no no the sand's gonna fall on my head guys so you guys for this prank since preston is you know the fire nation guy why don't i just prank him with a little bit of water fire water don't really seem to mix so i hired some guys to help me out with this one oh it's that time to use the restroom again in the middle of the night wow it's so dark did our power go out or something i don't remem um wait uh is that seaweed how did seaweed get outside of our house no no no no this must be a dream oh let me take my glasses off this is it's so dark it's not a dream our entire house is underwater what the heck how did this happen while i was asleep i literally just had taken a two hour nap hey preston hey do you believe in magic no i don't yet chungus the only magic are these guns baby i'm flexing right now check out this trick what is this okay i see your oh um bri that's a tnt uh why is it following me breathe a t into you're welcome it's following me wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait tnt is following me turn it off turn it up turn this off breathe turn it off turn it off brianna right now this is like evil voodoo witch doctor magic turn it off bree it's gonna kill me i can't keep it up forever i'm gonna run out of stamina i'm going no it does not like me bray i'm gonna run out of stamina oh no why did i turn around oh brie i have four hearts right now if you let me die i'm gonna be so salty brie bye preston have fun i don't want this see you next year oh you blew up maybe i won't see you next year so you guys i know how much preston cannot resist armor so i thought i'd just lead him on a little goose chase or in this case a rabbit chase you'll see what i mean in just a second what's free armor oh just got a helmet oh diamond chest plate yes hold on wait wait wait we're missing the legs and we're still missing the boots oh there's the legs come here legs oh put those bad boys on and the boots no way dude there's even a diamond sword oh oh hi preston are you kidding me oh my gosh and you're in gamer so i can't kill you no breathe no no no no no not the rap that's it i'm taking these rabbits down with me no you can't i haven't taken it i don't i'm not gonna stop no bree i am going to kill all these rabbits and there's nothing you can do about it the last thing i do present this is no you are mean to bunnies guys i'm hiding from brianna i feel like she's watching me preston no you found me what do you want bri i just wouldn't be left alone no more pranks nothing i just want to eat my chicken by myself okay i promise no more pranks but i think something's wrong with your house whoa no what do you mean something's wrong in my house i just checked it i just had the electrical engineer oh not again no no no no no no no no what is it this time what is it this time bri it's fine you lied to me there's literally nothing wrong no i'm literally looking at my house right now and it's perfectly fine is that a giant blob of law breeze stop this stop it stop the lava breeze breathe stop the lava right now you know the firemen are out of town this weekend they're not gonna be able to put out the fire on my house it's gonna crush your house what are you gonna do preston i'm gonna just have to go build a new hahaha but you're made out of lava you're supposed to be able to protect it i know but that's my cousin lava larry and lava larry's way meaner i don't like lava larry oh lava larry to have mercy on my beautiful home so you guys i thought you know preston could use a little bit of a makeover why not make him look really pretty you know like a girl he's gonna love it especially if i don't tell him anything about it but yeah oh brie what are you doing at my front door dad gummit and what the heck was that there was like smoke all around me oh preston have you taken a look in the mirror lately no what are you trying to do you're trying to call me fat bree huh because i've been going to the gym at least once a month definitely not but i i think you might should look at yourself what do you mean look at myself oh no what did you do to me what do you mean i look beautiful hold on let me find a mirror where's the bathroom breathe what did you do to me i'm a girl bree i'm a girl turn it back turn me back right now turn me back right now or i'm going to eat all of your nutella but we can cheer clothes no you're rose i don't want to be a girl i want to be a boy this is horrible you guys it wasn't that long ago that preston destroyed my entire house with a ton of acid rain so it is time for me to get my vengeance i see him right through that window too what's he doing playing fortnite this must stop oh oh my gosh this rain is really really hot oh oh what is this it's breaking into my bedroom oh no not my computer and my bed yikes oh oh okay oh no i gotta call the plumber i gotta call the roof guy what is this like acid rain or something i've never seen this kind of color rain in minecraft in my entire life and i've never seen rain strong enough to break through a roof you guys i'm starting to just feel really bad because i've pranked preston an awful lot today so you know what since he calls me chungus all the time i know what'll make him smile preston i think i should tuck you in it's time for bed uh already it's literally broad daylight outside bree it's like wait what time is it it doesn't matter i think you should take a nap i did slash time it's 6 p.m i've never gone to bed at 6 00 p.m what am i like two years old i can tell you're tired it's okay well yeah i'm a little grumpy because somebody keeps pranking me and i'm literally still a girl fine i'm gonna go to bed just because maybe i can go to bed and actually have a nice stream give me some privacy and make sure i have chick-fil-a in the morning yes sir good good good sermon i died i've barely woken up what is it good morning it's a beautiful day it's time to get up come on oh no come on breathe did you do some fall decorating i don't see anything what are you talking about breathe there's literally chungus heads everywhere inside of our house you're telling me you didn't notice any of the breathe there's definitely nothing here what i'm loving it what is this big is thing i hope you're not right at home i do not feel right at home brie i don't like being called chungus i like to be calling other people chungu says you know what if i'm just gonna get pranked inside this house i'm gonna leave and i am going to make a new house with rob aka mr waffles i'm going away to visit unspeakable and used to dect as i'll see you all later preston's gone out of the office so i just thought i would take a look around this house and i'm gonna be honest this looks exactly like what i would picture his house to look like if i wasn't involved because he loves modernization if that is a thing anyways there's tons of windows oh my goodness this pool i'm actually shocked how beautiful this is seriously preston is getting better every single build he does also i'm really impressed he is keeping flowers alive because he never buys me any for those of you who don't know preston has a naughty habit he likes to wake up in the middle of the night or the middle of the day it doesn't really matter what time and gets snick snacks and when he gets snick snacks he gets crumb diddly crumbs everywhere in the kitchen and i have to pick them up so you know what i have a little trick that i'm going to prepare in the kitchen to attempt to get him to not go to the fridge so as you can see here i have a couple handy devices that i just pulled out of my magical pockets thank you chuckles i have a dispenser two trip wires um some string and 64 heat seeking arrows so the goal here is i'm going to set up a tripwire preston is going to trip over it which will cause explosive heat seeking arrows to come out of the piston gotta put your string in between and then i'm going to set my fancy dispenser over here which i really don't think is going to distract him because it kind of looks like a dishwasher or this emoji i'm going to put these heat-seeking arrows which apparently follow the nearest player and explode on impact that's very aggressive i'm going to place them inside the dispenser have fun preston when you get your midnight snack or middle of the day snack you never know with him i'm looking for a snack maybe some pizza to match my merch wait what the heck um what um seriously hey you guys take your phone turn it vertical underneath this video there's a subscribe button if it's red make it gray right now this prank may seem a little aggressive but preston has trolled me so bad in minecraft that i have actually died multiple times so it's payback it's out of love look what preston made all the way up here as a diving board who in their right mind would walk and jump up there all the way down here i'm going to bring preston and make him have to respawn because he's killed me numerous times this is asmr so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna put some stained glass on the top layer of the pool he definitely won't notice this take a look especially like look at this angle look if you are jumping from all the way up there no especially when he has his cactus swim shorts on all he cares about is getting in that water it is all done oh that took me a long time i actually had uh my chicken assist me because they they swim really well i was i was really impressed and i don't so he had to do the middle section for me good luck with that preston because i don't think your swimming capabilities can help you i know you're a lifeguard but good luck with this this might sound silly but even though i'm made of lava i love to swim in fact i used to be a lifeguard oh um um my poo who keeps killing me at my house dude i swear the pool was full of water not stone slabs you will appreciate my next prank right here preston has a mob grinder and i just find that rude why would you intentionally spawn mobs and trap them so that you can kill them for their stuff i feel like these are little animals that are being trapped in a cage and i i want to set them free and then also not tell preston so then he can walk down and not know there's mobs in the room surprise i feel like i'm just setting an animal free you know i'm not even gonna take their stuff i'm too nice also this is probably good karma maybe i won't get attacked by mobs anymore let's go okay actually i'm getting a little nervous now um good luck preston cause i'm not gonna stick around to watch this one um there's a problem at my mob grinder guys what the heck dude all the mobs got out of the mob grinder they were not like that when i had set it up originally oh today is so irritating this next prank is obviously chuckles favorite we're gonna be spawning a lot of chicken we're not gonna tell preston why he's gonna have no idea but he's gonna hear a lot of forgot i don't know i don't really know how to sound like a chicken and i really shouldn't have done that that was embarrassing we have some out of place blocks that i have placed here and i'm too smart to just throw a chicken out in the open he would obviously notice that my plan is to disguise where the chickens are coming from under the floor i've hit two blocks down and i have a magical dispenser i am going to put just you know i'm not gonna math that but quite a few eggs and then i'm going to put some concrete powder back over that and i'm gonna be honest preston won't really pay attention to the detail and notice that there's a block that's different because he has carpet right here you know it just looks like feng shui preston will never know why a bajillion chickens are in his living room that sounds like a lot of mess to clean up i didn't think about that oh well why are there chickens everywhere in my living room are they spawning this is my house not the chicken's house i'm gonna what okay what is going on what is going on there's so many chickens i'm allergic i can't do this the only thing i can do no stop stop stop it why are there even more chickens now this is getting ridiculous i hate chickens man they smell so bad so i am a part of the team trees initiative with mr beast and i want to plant more trees in the world i feel like this modern house could use like 20 million trees in the yard all over the place it goes really well with the um design of the home i have to plan 20 million of these one second you guys are you impressed hello subscribe to my channel if you're impressed i love you some of these trees are already like getting really big i i didn't really expect this all all of them are turning into big trees in real life not in minecraft that takes like 50 years and i don't even think preston's gonna be able to get into his house at least you know his diving board could come to a good use you know he could use that to get in the south somehow you're gonna need to hire a gardener bob what seriously there's a forest in my house now get the heck out of here i mean i love trees i even donated ten thousand dollars to mr beast's team trees thing do you know how long it's going to take for me to cut all these trees down oh today could not get any worse okay so here i am in the nether this portal is all the way from preston's house one it's a little fishy that he has a portal that takes him all the way to the nether from his house and uh two i'm gonna prank him again like i said he trolls me and makes me respawn all the time we're just gonna give him a little surprise when he goes through his nether neville when he goes through his nether portal next i'm not the most agile person in the world so i really hope when i cover this portal and lava but it won't work [Music] be fast be fast oh man oh man i'm kind of caught on fire go go go go go that looks really awesome i'm not gonna lie we should invent lava portals but that's gonna be a fun spicy surprise when he goes through the nether portal next have fun president fire nation i just want to go to the nether i want to go to the nether and get away from my house because it's driving me insane of course of course my nether portal would lead me to lava who is doing this so here i am in preston's room hello it's a very wonderful sight he has a creeper face outlining his bed because i think it's a little scary i think it's for sure i have to give it a makeover make it a little girlier it doesn't have my touch yet so let me give it the flick of the wrist we'll put a painting there and a painting there let's you know the creeper face is a little scary so you need you know a little silhouette over your bed and he doesn't read so we can put some over the books and you know another face which you know that's kind of creepy but that's besides the point by the cat we'll put another cat cause he loves cats you know leave this video a like if you feel bad for eloise because preston doesn't like her i'm gonna put another painting over this and uh i can't put a painting on the carpet who what a thought i'm gonna put another painting up here and up here and uh up here [Music] um yeah i think this uh groom is coming along and he's gonna really enjoy it so uh i'm gonna keep decorating and we'll see what preston thinks of it i wonder if he'll let me keep all the decorations up i'm pretty good at it i actually have a minor in college and interior decorating after i finally made it back from the nether to my home it's literally caked with girly stuff pink lemons i don't even know what this is oh it's it's it's it's too girly it's too girly i don't even want to be in my room anymore i'm gonna break down all this girly stuff as i brought up before i like preston's taste but it's a little more modern than mine i think i could use some color you know also i didn't get any choice in the matter and it could use some girly flair and for those of you who don't know preston loves paintball so you know he might even like this prank all i'm gonna do is you know just put a lever right here and these little things called normally a snowball are actually paintballs filled with pink paint and when preston pulls this lover here beautiful pink paint is going to shower the house and turn in a beautiful color that he has never seen before well i mean he's seen the color pink but he's never seen his house pink before and i think he's gonna love it actually and i'm not being sarcastic like like i said this house could use some color i think he could like it once he pulls the lever these uh lovely paintballs will be thrown at the house from just a few dispensers i mean i'm not getting aggressive or anything we're gonna fill it with snow like elsa letting go what's wrong with me like i i can't be taken anywhere we're locked and loaded i didn't put this lever here what the heck is what what's good what wha what what paintballs no no no no no no why are there paintballs being hit no no no stop it paintballs stop no it's coloring my my house is perfect it's modern it's exactly what i want i don't want it to be pink clay anything but paint clay so i told y'all that i had a surprise in the end i didn't lie i have magical wooden buttons right here let me just show you an example of a magical button you walk up to the magical button you push the magical button you receive a diamond it's beautiful right especially you know it's getting close to the holidays you have you know a wonderful mom and you want to thank her for being a wonderful mom and you want to give her a minecraft diamond instead of digging straight down like i've done multiple times anyways yes these are magical buttons however preston may not have the same experience when he pushes these buttons that's all i'm going to tell you i want you to see the secret surprise that happens to preston when he pushes these buttons it's a good one i did good on this one i did good i did good with the bad buttons i'm proud of this prank i can't deal with this anymore i'm pressing the buttons in my house these are my de-stressing buttons they give me diamonds which makes me feel better about myself but this is really ridiculous look i finally got the paintball slash snowballs to stop but my house is still partially ruined i'm going to spend a lot of money on contractors what was that no no no no no
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 906,827
Rating: 4.8443236 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: oRxWa8HeXKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 23sec (2783 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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