I Sent Baby Preston to RICHEST School In Minecraft

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what would you do with the million dollars new card new house well I'm sending baby Preston to the richest school in Minecraft can he prove what it takes to be rich or was it all just too good to be true it's time to wake baby Preston that is never a good thing but he should be happy today because he's going to millionaire school I hope this is a good surprise oh gosh what does he say no boy I don't want to go to stupid crafting school or stupid doctor school I'm gonna light the whole house on Fires you should not deal with your problems by being aggressive and lighting fires everywhere it is millionaires cool what millionaire School sounds kind of fun exactly and don't worry I even got you a new outfit mine is from royallybee.com go get you some oh this school is fancy I'm so excited this school looks so sick no one is sick in this school that's not allowed oh Augustus Pennington III Welcome to our lovely establishment Brianna we nurture the next generation of millionaires here would you like to enroll your son I'm just gonna say we don't look that alike so I don't know why he just assumed he was my son Jerry would like to enroll in I love your mustache magnificent we have our finest class ongoing as we speak now if you follow me to your homeroom I can get you started hey the same students as always I shall enroll baby Preston into class now one dollar I'm not that each child's net worth is by their name every child is worth a bajillion dollars they're Priceless have fun I am going to leave you to it it looks like the Sun is setting and I just left Mrs Brianna our substitute instructor seems to have slept in could you perhaps take over for her today since you are a multi-millionaire after all wow he watched my millionaire server video now Augustus Pennington I am very flattered that you have asked me so of course but I will let you know literally every time I go drop off baby Preston to school no one shows up to teach him here is your uniform for today in the course curriculum oh wow oh this is not flattering I don't want you to look at me this way hello class welcome to valuable or mining I literally can't get over how horrible I look we have to teach you what is valuable and what is not so this block will make you lose money here money lost you've lost 25 this block earns you money money earns you've made a hundred dollars y'all ready oh they are hurrying real fast Sunday you gotta catch up oh that is a big fall I'm just gonna watch from up here because I'm a little afraid okay they're going up this is taking's too long baby he's put TNT all throughout the cave and is just exploding everything Waits I'm breaking more bad blocks not fair it is fair because you're doing this to yourself that's not fair millionaires are honest people it's okay it's making him lose money oh my gosh this is very chaotic actually unspeakable is following the rules I'm shocked time's up teleporting all candidates back to the start whoa this was super easy see I could tell he was doing well baby unspeakable 1467. baby jelly 1589 baby Preston 1585 70 1209 and Leah Ash one thousand five hundred and eighty way to go you guys and congrats to Baby jelly high five okay now it is time for accounting and finances which sounds horrible apparently there will be a new student joining us we Dons need more students I hope he's nice I agrees with question no he's gonna be great come on in oh it's baby Mr Beast and his balance is already almost at a million dollars what's up what's up hello millionaires I'm pumped to join your class now where do we invest according to this chart how should I knows I'm a baby I honestly understand that response hey guys he drops money if you punch him what is happening no oh my gosh or beast even though he's dropping cash that's not nice oh my gosh oh my I don't know how to stop this Shenanigans oh no he's lost all of his money what just and if damages gives you money maybe this gives me a lot of monies are you kidding me kidding me in order to get rid of all this chaos look below this video and hit that subscription button I gotta find baby Preston uh what's in here normally important things are in chess a Preston lasso in case of Preston emergency this is Preston's first day at this school and they already know he's a terrible mess where is he where is he unspeakable Sunday how are y'all not dying like it's fire oh I forgot I have superhero powers and I can simply punch fires and make them go away welcome to being the parent of baby Jerry I forgot baby Mr Beast is up here so we've got to make sure he can come down safely because he definitely can't as of right now he's literally levitating to get away from the fire okay where's Phoebe Preston I'm gonna get you this is not okay sir ice always Brianna no you're not I won't do it again yes you will I know you will but at least I can drag you with my lasso you need to say you're sorry that's manners if you heard someone's feelings you have to apologize I sorry for taking your monies I'll give it back I swear make sure make sure he can hear you though I have to teach him more manners get ready for hide and seek the winner will receive a large sum of money hide and seek whoa this is gonna be super froggy I'm very good at hide and seek this gonna be radical on your mark get set go ah no peekings boy baby Preston was able to Blind me but don't I have a special drink up my sleeve called a magical baby tracking stick don't ask questions I received this when I became a teacher so we are just gonna oh so if you click with this magical stick it will draw a line to the closest child wait it looks like it pointed directly in here did it not oh oh I see you baby Mr Beast baby Mr Beast found there are five babies left I think Zeus cheated no definitely not okay so another child is here I do feel kind of bad cheating so if you lose you get sent to this beautiful gel cell and uh baby Leah thought it would be a good idea to hide next to it so there are now four babies left up we and a no go to jail oh so another one is this way [Music] where are you where are you where are you you're hiding in here and I know it I can feel it I can see it but I can't see it back here oh that was a good spot three more left things I wanted all the extra monies oh behind me are they in the same room no they came in here right I saw it I saw it oh this room is different okay I see no one my magical stick lied to me [Music] what did you see it literally pointed into the bookcase I am very confused I see no one maybe they're on the other side of this wall what is happening I'm so confused it's fine I'm just gonna do this fair and square okay so apparently there's a student in here and I totally missed them oh back here I found baby Cindy two more oh I don't want baby Preston to win I'm gonna be honest here bro yeah you shouldn't hide in a bathroom what if a random person came in and didn't know you were playing hide and seek Sunday looks so sad maybe unspeakable so that means only baby Preston is left comment down below who you wanted to win the hide and seek this is this is the end of July baby Preston where are you behind me okay I was born for this I see you I don't want you to have one but congratulations uh Brianna no hey you still won ladies and gentlemen things have taken a drastic turn baby Preston is in the lead for his net worth what challenge are we doing now boy so according to my course curriculum we are going to be doing archery why is that a millionaire school thing it does sound kind of fancy actually for this lesson you're going to be earning money by shooting blocks with your bow and arrows I'm gonna be good at this I'm not the best with a bow can't we do something with stocks I'm feeling confident I believe in you guys ready go 20 seconds to get as many points as possible oh I am in the fire range that was not good oh wow I didn't even know that was behind me no fears Leah is cheating Bree never said we couldn't go over that's not fairs oh Leah is up there get over it while she's gonna cheat so am I you can't just throw exploding arrows this was a mess baby Preston is the winner no Affairs he cheated super cheated yeah too bad losers I win by bot you can't just run away where are you going first baby Leah hopped over the wall and then baby Preston literally exploded everything I hope things go better in harvesting Money Trees class for this class the students are going to be harvesting Money Trees in order to earn more cash do you all know anything About Money Trees what the heck is a money tree I think she's just messing with us no they're real I studied them exactly they are right behind me Feast your eyes you guys are going to be harvesting them this should be super fun I'm ready to go I like this attitude start wait maybe Preston how eager's day are question doesn't need to rush why I don't understand all shows you hey these kids are working really hard I feel like you should hurry up to try to beat them what is that what are these oh my gosh oh that smoke from a huge tractor bulldozer this is awesome he's cheating again yep this cannot be allowed don't worry we already randomly have a barricade to drop and deploy a barricade right outside the school why I don't know I guess they were prepared for this moment come on let's slow down here's Buffalo hey Buffalo Joe slow down float I'm almost here I'm almost there [Music] yes I put up a barricade and I trapped baby Preston not fair Brianna are you kidding me I literally stopped you from cheating and luckily now the winner is baby Leah not true I won no you cheated leave this video a like to stop Preston from cheating okay class this lesson is practicing your luck you have to be both smart and lucky to become a millionaire we're going to be playing a lucky chest game where you have to find as many diamonds in the chest as possible this just seems like luck this stupid getting rich is mostly luck not any hard work guys I'll go first I'm obviously the best oh well wow this is super easy I am just getting all diamonds 11 diamonds okay bad baby Lee is going I've memorized the patterns I know all the diamonds I'm gonna destroy this baby Preston oh my gosh she's doing ridiculously well [Music] oh oh 21 diamonds found wow I bet that's better than even Bree could do yeah no ways boy can beat that you just watch me I'm already a millionaire on Minecraft watch this you guys oh gosh start I don't have much time here's a diamond there's nothing nothing nothing nothing it's okay part of a millionaire is being lucky and lucky for me I am already one and I have a super power oh my gosh that was ridiculous everything is like glitchy because I got so many diamonds 1932. she cheats that's not fairs that totally isn't cool boy once you become a millionaire in Minecraft you will have the same Powers as well you'll get there one day oh my gosh it looks like Preston actually has a million dollars now hello Augustus Pennington the third oh I see that baby Preston has achieved becoming a millionaire however he will need to withdraw his million to become a true millionaire follow me and I'll show you our ATMs now that is kind of weird that he has to withdraw it to become one but uh excuse me receptionist Nathan and Christine why why are the other two receptionists named and that one is it go ahead and withdraw some of your money sir baby Preston oh my gosh oh my gosh hmm indeed it is Sir baby Preston this is epic I can't believe I made this much money oh here Brianna you may gift this certificate to Sir baby Preston give me give me Brianna okay here you go on to the millionaire only server whoa hey guys you are not allowed to see me this way I am still in my PJs and oh this was Preston I swear it wasn't me hold on don't look much better don't tell anyone don't tell anyone that's our little secret like this video because I'm really embarrassed and I need your support we're gonna go get baby Preston he is flexing over here okay baby Preston you got a million dollars why don't you share with your mother sir are you ready for billionaire school oh yeah let's go okay baby Preston's all excited for school now that he's feeling all swagalicious why are you looking embarrassed he literally is by the car doing this Are you ashamed to be seen with me what this um a car okay my baby has a Lamborghini Sheila I love you you're an old man car though so we're gonna Flex today and take baby Jerry to school in a Lambo well hello Augustus Pennington the fifth uh welcome Miss Brandon baby Preston we were expecting you my receptionist will take baby Preston to his class come along baby Preston new classmates away I couldn't find a single teacher to teach your boy baby Preston and I happen to notice you net worth happened to reach a billion dollars hold on first off whose name is Augustus Pennington the fifth and since when am I worth a billion dollars did you see my car would you like me to teach today this has never happened before actually this is so new for me ah if you insist of course you can teach the children now I didn't insist Augustus as usual we have the Children's Network every baby is worth one million dollars we are going to be shooting balloons today that are full of money here are the million dollar balloons in three two they are beautiful whoa they are worth way more than I expected yes I know you're excited so am I let's be real presenting my new triple shot crossbar are you kidding me sir hey you are cheating now yes as baby Deli is pointing out Miss Brienne I know Leah there's you know he already started and he already has over 70 million dollars so it is doing him some good but I know I know it's no fair baby Preston you can't do explode people and of course he now has over 71 million dollars we are now going to be doing cash absorption apparently you're ready for it already so they have vacuums and is able to absorb all the money which also looks like emeralds they are rolling in the dough oh it looks like baby Leah is in the lead oh now baby jelly might be in the lead don't leave anything behind you're also helping me clean because uh I I don't honestly want to pick this up all on my own trying to put me in TNT this has nothing to do with the lesson there are still some money left so I think baby Preston is literally trying to create an explosion in order to obtain the rest of the money oh he lost money everyone knows billionaires have to access their money in the bank without paying Bank fees so we're gonna try it again for free today my dad owns the bank so I'm going in dude did you really believe her why are you acting so innocent we all know it's not true we up yes of course baby Preston would go to the very back of the bank because he would sneak in that way yes you just have a trampoline in in your pocket makes total sense that was a big jump well you notice if I follow him I sure hope not because I'm going to oh my gosh that was intense hey first of all I almost died and he also just went in this thingy oh I don't like it I don't like it get me out get me out so I'm currently climbing through an air duct promising I'm gonna take a leap of faith and see if it works uh oh I see his name tag right here I think we're close whoa whoa down into the bank vault now son what are you doing with the TNT you realize you can't always keep what you explode um your mother is here Jerry please please be careful please be careful I Don't Wanna Die oh my goodness well actually his explosions did work in his favor blocks out of it respect piggy banks you guys have to store your money very safely do you guys want to see a magic trick poof your monies are now my property it's fine no pigs are allowed to be harmed just like chickens my body chocolate is available on royallyb.com and uh so are invisibility goggles not really but I wish so when wearing these goggles you are able to see things that are invisible hence why they're called invisibility goggles whoa okay I'm gonna put these things on hold up I see a pig already so we're gonna shift click get rid of them and uh Bree you have to remember exactly where Herman is there he is so oh no I'm sorry I found one Pig I love you no I know you're ashamed I hit you I see another one I saw him right here right here there he is okay two out of five have been spotted I'm really digging these goggles though oh I I am good at this and I think that's because I'm an animal person hi Jim hi Gerald so we only have one more pig to find I've done pretty well so far if I do say so myself humble brag and there it with present hold up Preston's invisible if you don't believe me let me show you one more time he's chilling with a pig now he only likes this pig because it contains money how dare you baby Preston in this class it is a chicken race it may sound silly but billionaires need to be fit as a fiddle each chicken you can catch gives you money spawning money chicken now I want one oh my God there are emerald and diamond chickens around us everywhere baby Preston is growing very fast okay okay they're doing very well why is baby Preston getting every single chicken um sir that chicken is lost he's on the football field doing well Jelly's doing well where's Leah did we lose her oh there she is there she is uh we have Sunday coming in clutch what are you doing baby Preston what what are you doing you look suspicious spawning more money what is that potion in your hand Jerry Jerry he just drank a potion of speed so he can collect the most money chicken dude that's not right unspeakable and sudden they literally look like they've given up all of the students have given up because of this cheating nonsense those chickens don't want to be with a cheater they're honest chickens they're honest Birds give it up now we we know that you took a potion and you're not being stealthy whatsoever we're gonna create what's called a billionaire storm now we're gonna need a firework star emeralds and golden arrows and with these materials you will be able to make a special kind of Rocket when they are launched into the sky they create money clouds are you guys ready to start crafting go okay they are getting their materials oh they're already they are all ready to go okay well let's go to the roof here we are they all are ready to shoot off their Rockets oh okay they are all launching the rockets and they have collected a ton of diamond and emeralds hey baby Leah I share your money no way get your own hey I want them too wait me too give me somebody so they are stealing money from each other's Rockets this is mass chaos here ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness who's going to have the most money I can't tell I can't tell they are slowly racking up the point literally when is it gonna stop raining from the sky this is crazy I feel like they're even done with it they're like I don't need more diamonds they're just falling on me where's baby Preston though dude they were too busy picking up money and I was too busy watching them to know baby Preston left fat rocket was all me okay so since I can't find baby Preston I am just going to go to my old job I don't know receptionist if that is your real name oh miss Ben I'm surprised to see you I thought you put baby Preston in charge of everything so you could retire what are you doing here the real name how do you believe that I'm young I'm too young to retire too young to retire that is not true oh my he's upstairs how far of a walk was that I feel like I had to literally walk for miles to get here and he's upstairs really he was supposed to be at school and now he's telling people I'm retired and he's at my old job this is a huge huge mess I iron golems are not nice right he said no entry comment down below do you think baby Preston spawned in this Iron Golem because I don't remember him being in my office everyone knows though Iron Golems are secret teddy bears they love little flowers so I'm gonna give him a little flower hi we're gonna pretend to be friends take it take it take it take the flower take the flour take the flour well okay that worked at work he walked in the opposite direction of the flower now there he goes he's gonna stare at it for a while okay so I'm also gonna mention I don't remember what my job is I don't know what kind of office this is but they're Oh weird why the new CEO would want to burn all the money oh well we don't get paid to ask questions these please don't even have names what is wrong with gold there has to be something to help me is there like a chest nearby with water inside of it or what oh here's a chest they've probably got scissors and a pin in here and super vacuum looks like a bat wing I don't think you're ready for this I'm going to use a vacuum to swoop up the Flames oh that literally takes no effort from me okay oh free you almost set yourself on fire that was not your best oh it literally just comes to me so I kind of just have to hop there we go now it is time to go upstairs to my office oh I feel like I'm radiating I don't know why I have particles all around me to be honest maybe Preston has already made a parkour this is a little ridiculous because I literally thought he just got here and he made a roadblock how am I supposed to get around this guys wait I did it I did one let's see if we can do two I am so proud of myself it kind of looks like baby Preston made a money thrown oh there a lot of money up here I don't remember having all this but there are magical chickens and a throne oh I'm mommy I'm in trouble aren't I yes you are I can't even find you under all these piles of money where is weirdo at least he admitted he's in trouble okay okay so uh the closets have it full so far and I don't know what else to teach you guys so I have Mr Beast here hi everyone is it cool if I help out with the class yeah your timing was uncanny because I literally was telling them I don't know what to teach them anymore alright guys we are going to do three challenges the first challenge is simple just keep jumping winner gets 20 million dollars ready what who gets 20 million dollars okay so far unspeakable is a frog so he is doing pretty baby Preston what is he doing I'm just gonna look away so far so good I'm getting tired for them got baby Preston you automatically lose spider webs honestly that's pretty smart I'm not gonna lie but Mr Beast you you've gotta you've gotta tell him he can't win that's cheating GG baby Preston added 20 million dollars to your bank account who is this man okay I see a circle he uses circles often all right this challenge is simple jump in the lava and don't die okay I'm out I'm not getting covered in lava shame well the winner gets another 20 million dollars I'm super Leah is not doing this challenge because they're basically just gonna Phoebe Preston is drinking a fire resistant potion guys you got tricked they're about to die bad things are happening um um baby unspeakable is burnt to a crisp baby jelly cooked in the fryer too long Sunday took a bath in lava well done baby Preston added another 20 million dollars to your bank account okay this looks like the last and final challenge last challenge is simple Sumo last one in the ring wins 20 million dollars ready they don't look like sumo wrestlers to me how is baby to knocking them all back literally he is winning this one he won it immediately and I don't think he cheated on this one great job today everyone but only one of you have reached the title of billionaire and that's baby Preston well I think as a parent I should go and celebrate my child being the first baby billionaire you all have a blessed day and I will see you in my next video [Music]
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 635,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: ZS5aBN11NOc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 15sec (1635 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 09 2022
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