I Found a Gun Magnet Fishing! (Police Called)

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good morning from Amsterdam and welcome to the light account this place is a popular bar and the reason I'm coming here today is because everyone sits along here and I want to find all their stuff that they lose we're talking iPhones sunglasses it's gonna be cool it's gonna be a lot of fun so let's see how many iPhones we can find the Sun sits out here everyone's chilling on here is like hundreds of people super popular part start all the way up the end here and work my way from there all the way down and around the corner today we are using the beast magnet this thing is a beast it is the strongest magnet on the market when you're looking for things like iPhones you need a strong magnet otherwise there's not enough metal in those iPhones to pull them up let's see how many iPhones have been lost along here or something stronger oh I've got its massive kill the rope pool yeah I've got it buddy yeah you know what this is it's just under the surface where we got what we got here oh my god there it is there it's a shopping trolley it's a full shopping trolley do you see there another chair there we go and it's got a fork and something else attached to let's bring it up over it well it won't make too much mess we're gonna have to try and get this magnet off we can see it's got a pair of nail scissors on there as well and a well what's left of a fork beautiful chair chair number two I'm not looking for chairs we're looking for iPhones but it's all fun cutlery and five cents gas bulb that's the happy gas bulb everyone in Amsterdam they inhaled it in the balloon to get high it even got a spinner there look oh look at that there we go chair number three one two in the background and threes over there he's a bit probably a few more down there it's gonna drag it along here keep getting massive stuff gonna get the bigger stuff before the iPhones after that's the show it's a heavy one oh yeah another chair I think this bar is gonna have to Barney a beer put something heavy here oh look at that look at that Oh - cheers - Cheers look at that oh my gosh - Cheers in one go elastic oh man that is awesome I am gonna start my own bar with all these chairs I feel like you already know what I've got here oh no this is a drinks tray Heineken drinks tray this is an old one check it out that is super old a look at its a flip phone I don't know recognize what that one is it looks like a like a Erickson or something like that hello come winter say you've lost your phone here from 1980 this is an old Dutch one you can see that's the the line of the Netherlands it's I think it says two and a half viewers 1970 Oh 1970 that's so cool awesome and again this is just crazy [Music] feels heavy yeah another chair Oh what is this stuff on it that looks like a gun look at that that is a gun oh my gosh whether that's real or fake I do not know but it is old look at that wonder if that's real or not have a close up look of this thing if it is a real gun it's an old ones it's got the revolver I mean they don't really do those anymore I don't think I know nothing about guns I found a gun in Belgium in my last video underwater that turned out to be an air rifle of some kind it looks so badass like a Robo gun look at this one huh it's it's it's really heavy that is so old that it's just like a tiny bit left of a gun you know zoom in here you can see 22 and I think like 22 caliber right but that is a super old gun yeah could have been a murder weapon man that is so crazy to find a gun I can't believe we just got that here comment if you know if it's real on I'm calling the police I don't know if they can do anything with it but I don't even know if it's a real gun mate good morning I was wondering if you speak English thank you I'm magnet fishing down here at the bar water comes on the canal and up I pulled out a gun and it's very old I'm not too sure if it's real but I thought I'd call you to see if you were interested in taking a look my name is Lee all right see you soon bye they're gonna send the police down to have a look so see what they have to say I hope it's real if it's fake I'm gonna be really embarrassed but I know nothing about guns so come back when they hear ya it's pretty small I've almost fold in a couple of times well almost would yeah well I found a coin from 1970 in this choir first time yeah I found a gun Oh it says something on the other side of this yeah so that was the police they kind of checked it out and said it was an actual gun so a real gun fair that's so cool - it's been down there a long time and I just wanted to check the police just in case and I'm like yo dude they said thank you so they're you know they got the guns are gonna take it away and analyze it and you know dispose of it there's not really much you can do so but it's still such a cool story gotta go again a real gun eight inches that is insane man gosh good to be out of the canal though that was an awesome magnet fishing day I am super tired so how much chairs look at all these chairs we pulled out the canal this thing is called the beast and it is a beast best magnate ever so strong thanks for watching I hope you liked it and subscribe if you're a subscriber welcome back hope you like the video super day out awesome see you next time guys [Music] it's a day of cheers it just never-ending chain
Channel: Bondi Treasure Hunter
Views: 166,989
Rating: 4.885879 out of 5
Keywords: magnet fishing, gun found, police called, found gun, pistol, ww2, gun, best magnet fishing finds, lost, found, underwater, treasure, treasure hunting, dallmyd, river treasure, strongest magnet, found in river, river treasure hunting, metal detecting, metal detector, magnet fishing usa, 1000lb magnet, finding treasure, cops called, found lost treasure, bondi treasure hunter, fishing tackle, adventure, searching for river treasure, snorkeling, scuba diving, minelab, finds, river, water
Id: swi-uDvhWoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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