I found 1970s TOYS in AMAZING CONDITION from the locker I bought at the abandoned storage auction

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$81 never even opened it never enjoyed it never even inspected it oh that's the arrowhead oh yes 1968 you give morning locker nuts all right getting a little bit of a late start a little bit after 10 o'clock right now got my coffee got my bagel now I'm about to get the packing it's funny because last night Jenna said in the in the live jackets up early to make sure you get all packages together next day and yeah usually I do but sometimes especially when I have to auctions within three days apart you know we had Monday and Wednesday it's it takes a lot out of you we genin are experiencing what feels like a hangover after this especially after the second auction let me show you what the room looks like after the auction all right everything you see on the table down here on the floor everything up here on the table it's a little bit over here a little bit over here all that needs to get packed up that's a lot of stuff that's a lot of boxes that's a lot of time but I'm certainly not complaining it was a great night a great night long night five hours of auction so thank you everyone who is on there with this last night thank you everyone who purchased from us last night and thank you mom and gee for being our moderator and hanging with us for so so long it's really late for her I was late for a lot of you guys we went to 11 o'clock our time that's 2 a.m. East Coast and now we had people in other countries watching as well just want to say thank you guys so much it is a real blessing to us to have this opportunity to be able to do these auctions because it is providing income where many of our other sources have tried up like flea markets so yeah we're going to get the pack in and hopefully as soon as I'm done with that I'll get back to unboxing because I got some more good stuff to show you all right yeah so check this out I was packing boxes that day from I think I started a ten or a little bit after 10:00 I finished my last box at 9:00 p.m. it took all day to pack there was some other stuff she likes me the orders to pack and a couple direct sales but that was a day of packing but I got it all done in that one day I got most packages out before 5:00 the rest of them went out the next day then it you know the next morning so anyways yesterday I had some errands to run and taking a little bit of a slower pace just to get caught up but today I got a get and I'm really sorry guys I haven't had videos coming out for you but right now we're gonna get to some more unboxing from the training unit all right great stuff coming out of that unit I've got a whole bunch of boxes here from the last trip to the locker let's see if we can bust through a lot of them and get some great stuff for our auctions coming up all right let's start it up with this it says Neiman Marcus Steinbeck right here it says Steinbeck and I believe this is another Nutcracker that is super super fancy very detailed it's the Three Musketeers it's Porthos and Steinbach this is a hand made in Germany these are it's like the other one that we found those are quite a few videos ago but we did find another one I think I listed it's over a hundred bucks this was a hundred eighty-five brand-new bought from Neiman Marcus right there's an M yeah that's pretty cool he's got some value good start this guy's going on evening oh this is a huge huge box a box of boxes you don't start with this right here lion l-train more the scene that we've had in a walk erode dining car it's nice it's probably a few bucks this Walters work train it's $35 new but who knows how long ago that was look at the tape just coming right off easy so that's cool thank you that they're like models all little models of a bunch of little train cars ooh that's cool this is all I'm gonna rip the bag open cuz we got to take these out take a look I mean Japan look at this game hmm neat little bear these are all hockey pucks in here look at that Minnesota North Stars huh Oh Hartford Whalers the Capitals USA versus USSR that's cool 1990 it's 30 years old New York Rangers Oilers Detroit Red Wings the Rangers penguins yeah Minnesota North Stars will definitely definitely see this in our auction this will be a nice little lot right here Islanders San Jose Sharks for bucks whenever that was Winnipeg Jets okay you get the idea right some more Canucks 17 hockey pucks that's interesting it's a little different that's what this is compressor and an airbrush kit right here hobbyist airbrush kit it's actually really cool guys this is actually really cool yeah this is a remote control switches Lionel oh okay actually no this uh let's not switch that's a train car mm this is a $70 train car pick this out post-war Lionel Lyons whistle coal tender works serviced bought for 70 bucks Leben are shipping $81 never even opened it never enjoyed it never even inspected it make sure it was what they promised just stuck it in the store all right here's the switches why no switches oh yeah well it's got this alright train car and you bought it from an eBay seller that's pretty cool nice mix box alright this is right here I see it says LGB switches for the LV switch collection going here another one okay next box got one of these great totes back out good for locking nuts Channel they have the nutcrackers we got the theme going I didn't do that his his nose fell off that sucks kind of needs it he was on top I bet you the some heavy went on top and knocked his nose loose but that's okay we can we can glue that on but you see the top here this guy's also been on dis for a long time he is dusty and crusty maybe a little bit musty okay this one is a Tron car looks like it's a supposed to be in pieces it gives it some pieces but I think that's the way these Keane they came like kind of like a little model you put together so I just need to snap that guy back but yep it's got the train oh it's got a price tag let's see how much that was target range card they would check this side out it's got the targets on that so it's kind of cool $35 Wow number six four four eight another nut cracker very dusty hey hey his nose is intact so that's always a plus I don't know do you guys want to see these in the auction these nutcrackers we could always do a lot of those it's a little TP not the kind of TP that's running out at Costco right now the kind of TP you know the Indians used garden center of railways oh so it's for you little train display another Nutcracker okay that's creepy clown figurine okay well pottery piece here with I've got a couple of coins okay this is a little coin from Francis dollar coin Eisenhower dollar 1972 good good good okay another Nutcracker another Nutcracker this one's a little one a little bigger Nutcracker here these are collectible we when we bring these to the flea market we do get attract those buyers and $9.00 for this little one right here Wow look at this little a little glass ways some collectibles here look at this kiss teaching the farewell tour in 2000 alright little pin from the railroad museum nice got some wheat pennies right here 1952 not too old you can't make out the date a little closer that one all right little foreign coin and those regulars and - we pennies what's in here though what is he what did you wrap up here oh that's an arrowhead nice very nice very sharp that's cool tunnel portals cut stone portals - whoa look at this huh look at this does that not look like an interesting box right there oh my goodness oh yes this is guns and roses right there this is cool oh this is gonna be fun all right guys let me clear some space here okay all right let's see we get this looks kind of fun all right oh there's so much miscellaneous stuff going on here already already look at this ski southwest these little stir sticks I don't know if that's have any value at all well we're gonna put on the side I think I'll make some little mystery like junk drawer boxes out of this stuff Niagara Falls Tabasco all right this is definitely junk George okay what's that toilet paper a little screwdriver 35-millimeter camera a little vivitar 35-millimeter focus Fergus is me and China cool matches House of prime rib San Francisco does look a little older party popper should I do it oh you guys think so I do it oh that's a old plastic there didn't even pop all right huh that's interesting guns and roses guns and roses Christmas ornaments 2006 open Plus Digital what does this mean oh you send it in get digital photos made out of your 35 millimeter it's a disposable camera there's one more franklin templeton me that's just something different right here this is something different franklin templeton develop before march of 2000 I may have missed that date just by a little bit here's a little rubber duckie mints they've kept a lot of different stuff okay Tommy girl here's a little bit more perfume a 35-millimeter nope yeah if 101 are okay there's some binocs good Knox Bushnell one edition Stanley Cup 2005 to 2006 it's funny oh this dico dico 2003 Lincoln Navigator this is a Jada Toys dub City not minty fresh it almost looks like they painted the hood I see paint on there sloppy job - this will not be going to the auction guys maybe into like a junk drawer or something I mean a junk drawer mystery box but yeah this is not this is not the quality of the diecast that we like to sell but so really good diecast stuff nice condition nice quality okay the toy stuffs good but not in that shape okay I'd have jewelry bit it's better than like thumbtacks or paper clips or some and it just changed how random totally random beating the Beast here's the Beast another being similar figurines they're very dusty though all right got some more Disney stuff there's Belle Lumiere that's cool looks pretty funky in there see that swampy little swampy okay another Nutcracker we got lots and nutcrackers will be cracking luck in it cool it's like a cat Nutcracker okay this is a little better Disney's from Japan they might be a little bit older okay that actually is cool stepping it up a little bit that is shelf worthy I know one Dalmatian dog right Oh a little Donald Duck action there another 101 Dalmatians no the Dalmatian I shall name him spot huh it must have really liked the Dalmatian man because that makes four of them make that five Dalmatians six Dalmatians no duplicates well there's not one hundred and one of them there's the dad or the mom I can't really tell two adults alright guys next box oh yeah oh this one looks good look at that Hot Wheels diecast right here that sounds good oh we got some diecast got a lot of diecast this is good really good okay we've had these before to these classic ones yeah call these Hot Wheel classic ones there's a Woodie alright there's four more oh yeah there's one that's loose it's a harley-davidson it's a little dusty on top and must been displayed somewhere this is something different firewood custom Buick I've not seen one of these yet I mean I've never seen one of these before in any of the lockers we got and we haven't seen one in this type of box before not that I remember oh here's another one same thing yeah same thing it's four more of those classic ones right here here's an adult collectible 1918 Ford runabout let's take a look at that alright that's pretty nice it's heavy turtle just a little engage real railroad thing it looks like a little model blacksmith's shop I don't think that's complete though there's something manual for a stinger this is miscellaneous stuff this is not complete that's too bad but this might be something better a him Ford GT oh oh oh 1965 oh please be in here ahh [Music] dang that is really too bad matchbox king size made in England Racing Car Transporter okay this might be worth some money right here that's pretty cool but not as cool as that model would have been 1965 model mm-hmm these guys for look at this a coin in here it's random 1974 Eisenhower dollar okay there's some old what is that it's that old audio tape it's got a rubber band around it which is disintegrated but is that audio tape there here's a little frisbee it's been chewed up steam add another little frisbee that has not been chewed up wham-o mini frisbee this is a vintage that's 1967 right there now we're getting some really old stuff and this one if we have this the boxes in such good shape I bet you we can sell the box maybe because it's nice shape for something that is what 55 years old but if that model isn't it that would be worth some big bucks this Super Deluxe transistor radio oh that's nice North American solid state this is cool Hong Kong it's just is that just dusty in there I'm gonna get the compressed air and blow that out yeah this locker is just incredible such cool stuff collected so many different things make your own signs adjustable oh this is some little stencils again you just put some of these in our miscellaneous box at the auction last week yep some little brass stencils it's a very old oh oh I did not see this box before and the Hot Wheels good let's get this stuff out of here let's see what's in here start with this and then we'll go back to these I think we've seen these before Railroad Avenue it says right here rule road Avenue on at eat these little figurines for your train sets a little conductor look at that detail it's got the all the guys and it's circled right there Mike that's the guy so when the conductor soon made in England neat well we've got a lot of them oh there's Jack hey Jethro it's taking a nap there's two jacks aha pair of jacks and I don't know what we got here let's get sitting down this counter here is Dan here we've got a little burro a little burrow another borough got two of them here's a couple of mysteries or mystery cars I don't know what's in there oh yeah look at that there's another woody right there Doug Miller you know I'm saying and here's another Hot Wheels all right we've got some good stuff in here okay this is exciting this is exciting come on be some red lines or something oh I thought their cars their tapes but we have Augie Osborne no more tears are the Osborne no rest for the wicked Madonna Like a Prayer Huey Lewis and the news sports which is that's like their breakout album hard rock and 70s Motley Crue dr. feelgood yeah and Boston all right for Hot Wheels this I think it's gonna be the answer to my hopes right here okay got some stuff here this dusty on top again probably on display and that is a matchbox Model A Ford matchbox it is from 1970 wait what the heck it's either 70 or 79 that's a little bit older okay that'd be good little Porsche 1970 no it's either again either seven-year 79th Porsche Turbo can you see that let me see right here what's this in 1978 that's pretty old okay these are like an excellent condition to you this is another 1978 I think cool is that Evel Knievel's car maybe hmm look at these are like in a perfect condition for being like over 40 years old 1982 okay so this one's 38 years old look at the condition on that that won't even this one won't even go in there I want auction that off in this lot this is just some some cheap of plastic it's got some metal in there but this isn't this is not it this is nothing okay this one's a Hot Wheels now greased gremlin and this from again 1976 it's not a redline that's got to be worth some money it's in perfect condition Red Rider matchbox 1972 guys that's 48 years old and look at the condition outstanding Wow another beautiful beautiful car matchbox 1979 and this one's got a little bit more where this would be more of a typical I mean this is still in good condition but this be more typical what we find from that time period 1968 52 years old turbo fire turbo fire okay I gotta look these guys up but I think these will be hittin our auction even this little carrying case here's gotta be worse than money I would think look at that some sticker sheets one sticker is missing 1986 okay excellent day this is 1983 on this box right here that's gonna be worth some money to you it's also in good condition look really good another box no what does it say aero sweatpants it's kind of hard to see oh no maybe you wrote red ink on a red tape I'm not sure but arrows does not sound like a good box to me alright so this is a pretty much worn that worn out I mean and there's some sweatpant okay these are these are exercise pants right Oh actually that's pretty good Nike sweat wicks sweats brand new with tags there's a pair of piss boxer shorts twelve bucks pretty funny bunny okay here's a champion sweatshirt brand new tags to you 36 bucks champion sweatpants 21 bucks good stuff it's like yoga pants Russell Athletic here brand-new again with tags again tags Nike more - more pants brand new with tags men's silk boxers 10 bucks their small dog City Diner or any shirt San Francisco it's in a sealed bag size double XL just says sleeveless shirt size medium branding with tags okay this might be a little boring for you guys you want to do I must stop it you can start it again if we find anything good but it's looking like I mean this is good stuff new with tags and athletic wear this stuff's easy to sell really alright guys I took a little bit of stuff out this right here is all brand new stuff with tags and that's good that's really good the stuff that was without tags as worn it's like not special I just put in a different band we'll take it to the either the flea market or thrift store in donate all right guys next bag I see something good right on top look at this coca-cola coca-cola diecast is fantastic a metal bank to you and there's a lot of these diecast cars double as banks we've seen that many times in 1994's 26 years old and that's always very very popular good start see what else we got yeah oh it Dept fifty six six dollars hmm partner 56 coffee my department 56 right there and $6 a coffee mug alright now we're talking check this out 1931 date we got a lot more diecast here that one's a Kors right and this is 1994 Earl great great great I see more another coolers truck okay 1994 Earl another one is cores bits malted milks like supplies for brewing problem and never quite a few of those I think there's more what's this okay there's something else the colony did way blow and cuñado 1994 Broadway stores Broadway Emporium and weinstock's okay oh you know that's kind of cool it's like a little mission yard or something like a courtyard for a mission that's what makes me think good oh and there's the mission mission Santa Elena very funny okay one more box I think that's gonna do it after this I'm gonna edit this stuff up try to get it out to you today so you guys can watch some video cuz I haven't put out video in a long time sorry about that by the way this a vintage ornaments here it's an old tree topper there okay that looks pretty old I mean in western Germany that's very take another look at that it's got this spray on it I think hopefully that was meant to be there like flocking hopefully they didn't put this on then flock the tree but got the right shape but it doesn't have the paint on there so I don't really know what to think about that but this thing it feels old it feels very fragile right back in the box I'll mark in 1985 and gets more ornaments here from 1985 a Mervyn's 1992 village square it's Santa's best huh and Steve as the hallmark it looks very similar to homework 1991 we got a bunch of these little christmas charmers here huh hug a bunch there's the hugga bunch 1985 cards you got some old stuff in this line this has been quite a time capsule the whole thing alright so that was that but let's see what's in here but the fact that is tied up with twine makes me a little curious because we don't see that very often man in 1987 Korea see more man incorporated hmm let's see if these guys are collectible all right yes that wasn't exactly like the most exciting climatic box to end this tale on but it is the last box that I opened so that's the way it rolls sometimes but what good stuff came up today right amazing stuff my favorite of course is the old matchbox cars and we had I think at least one Hot Wheel in their old stuff early seventies late 60's amazing condition like immaculate some of them are like almost mint that you just don't see that very often they're usually scuffed up the wheels are tight they're all because of kids playing with these things they play with them so hard and we're talking decades right we're talking 40 no we're talking almost 50 years right almost 50 years on most of those that stuff's gonna be coming up in our auctions this week most of stuff you saw come out maybe not those Christmas ornaments I don't know if those are good enough I really do try to get good stuff and guys I've got great stuff in store this week I've got comics and not just any comics I've got some Silver Age comics coming up in auctions by Silver Age I'm saying like like 20 cents when they were brand new like stuff from the 60s and 70s old old stuff costume jewelry we canceled tons of girls in jewelry I've got knives you guys keep asking for knives I got a ton of knife coins we got some more coins to auction off you're gonna want to be there please be there Monday 6 p.m. Pacific Wednesday 6 p.m. Pacific and then we might do a third auction this week we're just womenswear thanks for watching this great unboxing I can't believe every just pulling out more and more good stuff from that locker it's been fantastic I still have a bunch of boxes over there that probably probably once I edit this video I'm gonna jump right over and do more unboxing and start the film again because it is fun it is fun this Locker has been fun and I've got tons more in my store so when I run out and we'll get some more we got lots of more videos coming kids all right but until then good luck to you god bless you we'll see you next time here on vaca nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 8,298
Rating: 4.9711399 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, Storage Auction Pirate, What The Hales, Hot Wheels, Red Line Hot Wheels, safe opening, open safe, vintage toys, found toys, train collection, vintage trains, slot cars, 1983 vintage, time capsule, cash, cash box, Lionel, red line hot wheels, hot wheels, die cast, matchbox
Id: NuKRXP5z-Ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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