I Forced Dream SMP YouTubers Into An Escape Room...

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you know what you're doing to me scots major honestly what i'm just learning is i should put these in mcc because everyone seems to hate this just before we dive into the video i want to say big thank you to lenovo for sponsoring this video lenovo legion makes tons of different gaming laptops and computers at various prices to allow you to game to your full capacity just like this one so if you want to find a laptop or a computer that's just right for you head to link in description below to find out more information but let's get into the video so in today's video i decided to force dream smp members into an escape room but this time with a twist instead of working horizontally they're working vertically this is the tallest escape room i have ever built and contestants need to start on the top floor working their way down through puzzles mazies quizzes parkour all of the things to try and make it to the end in the fastest time possible i'm going to tp you to me and then your time begins okay are you ready yeah yeah you're gonna take the exasperated breath as a yes okay three two one go i would recommend clicking a bed to set your spot you have a thought process for this are you just oh there we go where was the first mcc um [Music] there we go the favorite one was first one you played in that right how many disney resorts are there in the world um six four seven [Music] ah what do i do i need to kill yourself there we go and you're back up into the thing all right all right yeah you'll be fine this one's the hardest one i've done so far what country was minecraft made in what is it we did okay what was the fl floor color of the room above um it was blue oh no it was orange it was orange there we go you did it now go go go go go okay sign um oh parkour no don't break clothes [Laughter] oh wait this is the one we can hey don't want to believe tommy you can figure out what you may need to i need to walk start that back then here we go oh i told you this is the hardest one but if i can do it you can definitely do it thanks scott oh oh wait oh yeah i got it [Music] i believe you can do it you've got to believe it my god oh my this is gorgeous hey has turbo done this yet no you're the first person to do it you're setting the bar so technically you're gonna be in first after this oh this doesn't make sense how do you do it just tell me how you have to like jump imagine like it's a block you need to jump around like that edge so you kind of want to like jump off it and back on so close i didn't want to make it too easy this time and that would make it a little bit more difficult so okay i've these are easy i can do these oh thanks scott if i can do it you can do it tommy yeah oh i told you it was the hardest one i've done so far so what you're saying is don't add honeybot jump this time cc yeah yeah i won't get someone got ideas there we go oh i'm that was easy that was sweet first time and we'll just cut out any other attempts oh my god oh what the hell just be slow and steady with these ones if you want i can t feed you to the lanterns again but i'll add 20 seconds to your time no this will take less than 20 seconds okay i think you should do that so we'll add 20 seconds to your time just do it as safe as you can safe as you can shift all the way around there we go i'll just say it's 20 seconds for as many tps as you need for that level okay okay because otherwise you're at like eight minutes it's blue so for this you'll want to find a button or a lever that you can place on the will minus 40 seconds there we go but have a look around find somewhere with a button and then place that in the door to open i'm on a tree where is it just tell me i can't tell you i can give you a hint if you want yeah yeah you can climb the vine things remember oh yeah yeah there we go can i take these yep so basically there's a pressure frame yep so there's pressure plates at the end one of the animals will open a truck door you just need to hold it to the end so open the fence okay and then you'll need to lead it through the door or to the treasure plate and if it opens the trap door it's the right one if it doesn't it's not gonna be the cow okay oh you dumbass pay attention there we go you're doing fine you're doing fine the first one that's done it's got them you're doing fine you're doing fine i believe in you i didn't even know this was a feature yeah there we go what is this a dropper here we go first time on that are you paying attention what think about what all the floors had in common they were like oh oh no he tried to cheat that's how it went for oh yeah this is high iq pal honestly it's definitely a different way to do it as i was making this the paintings were there to an attempt to tommy proof this because my thought process was you would just look through the doors but here we are you found another way to do it a couple of you've done this i mean i can i very much can believe you've done this did my proportion go did you just pick it up oh yeah there we go you're done oh that was that you see my strategy do you get what this whole part of it was though no i just died i was not thinking about it it was the floor colors from the top to the bottoms it was orange into pink and yeah i didn't i didn't need that you were too far well your final time was 8 42 but add 20 seconds makes it 9 40. mine is 40 seconds oh yeah minus 40. so add what so that takes it down to eight 22. so that's pretty good i said it was the hardest one yet so you did pretty well yeah i've won that's it no one else if i don't invite anyone else you technically don't invite anyone else good one right are you ready to begin yes time will begin in three two one go okay okay what this is not good oh okay okay when was the first mcc oh god the one year anniversary was in november here we go how many disney resorts are there in the world like what like paris america probably has a couple i'll go with four well this is upstairs that was not correct you will need to off yourself travel time the cactus you can't kill yourself you need to wait for the cactus so how was your new review not too much what about you i know what the answer is now though because you're in the correct room and i see your name tag i'm definitely not in the correct room you are not you easily are in the correct way this one oh my god what country was minecraft made in freaking sweden was the color of the first room above orange there we go you did it oh okay oh i hear bees this is the bee room oh oh wait a minute i'm forming a plan okay okay okay oh god this is like mcc parker right i dislike this no trouble do not break i'm in the bays i'm with the bees the bees won't help your time trouble whatever okay you know how to do it now though you're doing pretty well time-wise oh my god how is anyone doing time where oh my god i told you this one was harder i warned i warned you before that this was the hardest one i wanted a 30 minute video of my friends hating life that's what i'm offering for life yeah what dumbo java i made it harder for yourself i think not at all okay okay yeah there we go oh and stupid chain jumps just be slow with this one so the option i can give you is i can give you uh i will teleport i will teleport you back up to the start with the lanterns but i'll add 20 seconds to your time yeah it's just 20 seconds remember how many times you fall i will continue teleporting if you fall you don't need it he only needs one kind of sick prank is this it what you dyed all the trees blue for your own amusement you don't like it minus 40 seconds oh wow i really did do well right um what am i looking for you find a button or a lever or something to open the door i can give you a tip if you want no i don't need a tip i cracked it you cracked it he's too good i cracked it he's cracked i cracked there okay purple nice um okay why what carrot seed wheat yeah oh for the love of god okay okay come on little pain in the neck minecraft ai let's go so one of these pressure plates will open the trap door in the corner you just gotta figure out which one of course it's not the first one because this is a scots major challenge exactly they're actually following you pretty well to be fair yeah i know what oh it's the last one that is so intentional [Music] oh i am actually getting annoyed freaky the glass is not going to get them to fall anymore we go there we go what's a dropper is it oh this is a pretty easy dropper yeah i don't want to make it too hard what dropper is my favorite okay wait wait were you paying attention yeah it was orange pink there we go it's so close oh god purple oh god green oh god oh my god you did it final time was 645 but you added 20 for the tp but you also found one clock so it would mean as far as it's only minus 20. time is 6 25. you're currently in first but you're also the second person to do it so uh so i've beaten tommy yeah you've been taught me that okay so your time begins when i tp you here are you ready yes time begins and three two one go okay uh uh um um um i believe heads no bed more beds um oh god um always i'm going so quick scott the fastest i've ever seen honestly lick the hedgehog the hedgehog starting the hedgehog right now all right let's go let's go let's go let's go what that was not the right you don't even read the same it was a sign i mean that's what a quiz level would have would be some signs wilbur come on oh no and now i've got a no i remember yeah there we go when was the first mcc it was it wasn't 2019. how many disney resorts are there in the world let's go with six oh we did it was minecraft that one that one sweden was the fourth room above okay i know i know i'm a fast reader it says i did it you did now can you do this parkour v themed parkour i like the bee a tupperware do you know tubbo like it to be i do know trouble i could be have you ever told you that tub i like it to be i have heard that he liked me i can't believe how much i love bees laughs [Laughter] i'm here all week actually more jokes about tubbo if you like smoking he's already been oh he's already been hey if you want i can teleport you past the honey and otherwise i can see your time yes do it yes all right it's only a 1 120 everything you follow will teleport you back oh that's a that's op yeah everyone should take that right and so far everyone has not at this section the next section is where they took it oh oh oh oh no the next thing should i just say be slow take your time okay okay can i have it thank you i should have added i should add in a manual checkpoint so i'm not needing to just spam this no sprint first two and then sprint on these didn't go all the way around the other side so you're just running at it face forward all the way around oh just got you don't know what you're turning me you know what you're doing to me scots major honestly what i'm just learning is i should put these in mcc because everyone seems to hate this oh lantern jumps lantern jumps more like mmm it's tasty it's tasty it's like spicy food you know you love to hate it you love it when it hurts you love the way you lie love the way you lie that's the song and rihanna it's um it's a i could tell you what it really is like oh i'll tell you what it feels like and right now a steel knife in my windpipe that's how it goes so this is now a find the button lever and you want to find something to open the door man it's faulty that's my time from the from the skips gone you've got to find a banner lever and open the door i can give you one piece of advice if you would like yeah go on you can claim the vein things ah there we go all right where's the door oh there's the door bam does that advice cost me no that's just free advice oh give me that give me that give me that okay uh you open the gate so just take a step down open the gates and i need to leave the one of the animals when it reaches fresh plate will open the trap door in the corner but sometimes which one it will be i like chickens they're cool and then we go like this okay i like i like hey hey hey little man like pegs uh yeah a bit less than chickens i'd say take normal it's crying right now but it's fine i care i don't care i think it's going to be the cow i think i made a big mistake because you wouldn't make it the pig because uh okay is this a dropper i'm quite good at droppers mainly because i can just do that how did you not die from that far what is this this is just random just like being lucky read the sign it just says where are you paying attention what to what orange was the last floor okay now what oh no oh oh no oh no this one okay think about okay okay okay this one okay am i doing well you are you're doing very well um there we go and he's done don't do it you did it did i just i guess that yes yep you did it was all it was the order of the floors you'd done so your time was six minutes and 15 seconds but you found 40 seconds minus but you also took the two skips so it would have been 40 seconds possible 6 15 flat what's that what does that put me in my above told me yeah i mean you told me it was the slowest so so far are you ready to go i'm ready okay three two one go okay that's a maze we've got to start you off simple are you trying to like f5 i am an f5 i could not buy you one yeah i could tell by you looking at the floor oh there's gonna be a little hole somewhere i don't remember which ones i've gone to i am not doing this very well oh there it is there we go when was the first mcc february 20 okay it's not 20 20. wait actually it could have been 20 20 yeah actually it's just 20 21 oh god oh was i right though yeah you're right all right how many disney resorts are there in the world let's see if you know this one how am i supposed to know that let's go seven and it's a death room you need to kill yourself basically this is messed up this is the only destiny related question you're safe from us thank god what country was minecraft made in sweden norway uh don't wait minutes oh i can't spawn them yep i remembered there we go oh i i had to get time reduction for that yeah i will give you 10 seconds back off i want a minute you're not going to take me a minute to type slash kill you're the only person that doesn't know what country minecraft was sweden yes what was the four color of the room above oh wait i wasn't supposed to do that oh wow i can't help yourself at least you were honorable and you just went in the party you could have just just charged for it oh this takes so long i'm cheating i'm i'm like the x-ray glitch in f5 look what else can i do here oh i see gold see like a honey room okay i'm cheating i'm cheating there we go you did it now go go go this is your room you're good at this right parkour this is where your strength fly what the hell is this oh i don't know what honey blocks do i see what's going oh what it's like i'm just getting ideas for mcc at this point i'm learning what people can't actually do and i'm like right this is what we need no i believe in you i hate honey blocks now i find your new hatred in minecraft you're like i hate honey oh my god think of it as kinda like a there there we go you know these you're easy of these i said i make everything easy that i can do it so you should be able to i don't know oh i don't know if i like that if you want i can teleport you to the start of the lanterns again i'll just add 20 seconds your time okay yeah i'll take i'll take it literally every single person does that where they're like no i'll do it never mind yes oh okay i'll i'll take another it's just 20 seconds i'll keep keeping you until you make it the tip i would give is go right round to the other side and just run straight forward at the chain because it stops you there we go you did it what in the world this is a find the button room you need to find a button put it on the wheel okay okay okay gonna be over here in this this thing just remember you can climb the veins there it is there we go he got it dude if i die here this is going to be so good oh wait wait cow chicken so for this when you get the animal to walk onto a pressure plate one of these three pressure plates will open the trapdoor which light onto the next level he's got to open the gate and then lead him come on you stupid pig he's going quite fast to be fair oh there we go it's a draw first oh it's a dropper where's the water this is kind of oh i didn't mean to do that oh wait yep you can do it that way that works were you paying attention to what i know where are you paying attention think back okay first door was orange what would the next survey green no have you figured out what it is remember no think of the floor colors okay i don't oh there's no way i'm gonna remember this okay it's orange and it's pink and it's this one yep it has to be green [Music] it was not green you just done green green was the last one green is always going to be the last door okay okay orange oh pink uh this one uh nope this one oh jesus this one it's about there we go you done it was what was my time you finished with 7 46. it's technically add 20 seconds because the parkour but i'll take 10 away for the yeah because i messed up so it leaves it at 7 56 is your final time what does that put me in first place right yes definitely first place really let's go it's not first place right your time will begin when i teleport you to me are you ready sam i'm ready let's do it i'm again in three two one go okay okay there's two spaces i could set my spawn that's nerve-racking for some reason i just started for a cemetery yeah okay okay wait he's actually figured i'd start with which was the first mcc oh my oh welcome to trevia definitely not 20 20. it's got to be 2019 there we go the question is about well behind you just a number how many disney resorts are there in the world oh there's so many this is not fair okay there's at least two in the u.s i want to say at least three more okay in the world i think i'm gonna go with six i think it's more than four but i don't think it's seven okay being tricky with the seven you're trying to bait me i'm trying to pay into seven you're correct did i do it what country was minecraft made in oh this is i know this one sweden here we go nice easy one nice i am i'm popping off right now what was the floor color in the room above oh it was orange it was orange i think or was it red no no it was orange it's definitely orange okay was perceptive well done now i'm going to test a different skill oh no no no oh no wait howdy's won't even do this oh i'm so bad at parkour oh this is not going to end well is this for all your titan goals no no no no no no i can do this like i believe in you i believe in you i believe i believe three people have done it before you i believe out i didn't count cut that's a blueprint got that cut the camera yeah cut that put that oh okay wait wait hold on this is a very difficult parkour this is you didn't say i was gonna have to like be good at minecraft this is arguably the hardest escape room i've done to be fair so i have kind of thrown you in the deep end i'm i'm actually very good at minecraft you know i'm like one of the best oh 100 100 ah oh my goodness maybe not maybe i lied maybe i lied but i didn't i didn't i'm good you want me to explain a little bit oh there we go no no oh no oh no i thought this was like the hard part this is the hard part right here i'm really bad at parkour and i can do all of this so if i can do all i believe in you oh i almost fell right there though you saw that i did you did it oh you see he's fine oh this one take is slow but it's all about the time i got to get a good time yeah but you've got a slower time if you keep falling i will teleport you back to the start of the lanterns but i'll add 20 seconds to your time if you want now let me try this first if i don't get this yep yep yep i'll take it i'll take it okay okay okay wait i think i've got the trick though you got to get on the side you got to get some room to sprint and and you need a sprint though see how i wasn't sprinting that time that's why i didn't make it see the easiest way to do it is just go all the way around so you're like running straight ahead rather than trying to catch an edge oh really everyone does this where they're trying to decide i'm like you're just making it harder for yourself because the chain stops you oh i see i kind of thought you would need momentum to do it this is definitely easier yeah well i just wasted like a full minute worth of time there getting teleported to find a button room find the button open the door find the button oh okay fine about and place on the door and then open it yeah i mean oh i gotta find the button so wait i don't break blocks in here though no you'll just need to find something that's housing the button and then put it on that will and give you a hint if you want yeah sure remember you can climb the veins oh wait wait it's definitely up here this is definitely the sneaky spot right everyone forgets you can climb the lines wait this floor with cyan okay i just want to keep remembering the floor color oh no oh so for this one one of these animals if it stands in a pressure plate will open the trap door in the corner but you just don't know which one so it's basically a gamble at the beginning i'm going i'm going with the pig i don't know why i'm doing the filming of the piggy okay wow this is so cool this is so smart i never would have thought about like having someone lead animals from above oh i got it right hey right there perfect there we go and it was a dropper oh no a froggy dropper though oh i've got this i'm gonna snipe this there we go nice okay were you paying attention oh no so where oh i missed something along the way is it pink on the from the frogs is that what you're asking me to pay attention to it was no that was no it wasn't wait so it wasn't pink i i should have paid more attention this time to realize what it was think back to the very start of the tower this first floor was orange and that's what you asked me okay maybe this is a call back to that okay okay wait it was orange oh i just broke your painting sorry it's fine it's just for the back so you can't look through the door you're okay oh okay okay the first floor was orange the floor i was just on was pink so this one must have been green unless they were both pink and you're fooling me here i'm actually gonna go green cause i know the last one was pink oh no the last one wasn't pink so i know it's orange and then obviously pink and cyan i think i remembered like telling myself this floor was cyan [Laughter] it's okay just one at a time wait i've forgotten it was pink yep and then yellow yep and then cyan okay okay nice nice nice we got one first try this time i don't remember seeing any red but i think i remember seeing purple i think it's purple okay okay and then it's it's green i think i did and you did it you finished i beat it you did you you've technically escaped you beat the escape from your final time was nine minutes and 16 seconds but then add 20 seconds for the teleport and parkour zone 9 36 was your final tank which is honestly pretty good for the very first time doing one of my escape rooms because there's certain tricks that i will replicate or do things again so people will start to have ideas which you obviously didn't but you did really well how am i doing in the competition so far though that's the question do you want me to laugh oh no i'm in last night don't tell me i'm going to laugh that won't tell you you're in laughs once i teleport you to me your time will start okay are you ready yes horse noise is done we'll begin in three two one go damn oh my god oh where do i need to go look at you using f5 oh here we go uh when was the first mcc probably november 2019. that's fine okay uh how many disney resorts are there in the world um how's your destiny knowledge oh god i don't even have one internet um i probably only think four i don't think it's that many well yep well this has happened well well what do you think it is then so your other options were surely it's six then right but the process of scott scott making previous you know escape rooms i would say that you wouldn't pick the highest or the lowest okay so first button you're going with sex sorry you're not trying to button f5 cheat this sorry you're gonna go through the door you went through the door oh my goodness he hasn't the the cheating that is just cheating what country was minecraft made in uh oh swedish right i'm going to need to use taylor for in command vlogs for the next one there we go i thought the paintings would be enough to finally be profit what was the floor color from the room above orange i'm 90 sure you did it now go go go go to the next room [Music] i i did something like this yeah oh you i did um i believe i did a thing for for tuba's birthday where i did a b parkour oh i am not okay you didn't do very well i'm guessing you just need to be quick or do that that works god it's mcc all over again is that this is actually my tasting run frame cc to see what works and what oh god okay oh god i would just suggest be slow with this one take your time i didn't listen scott i didn't listen i will offer you the things i have everyone else i can teleport you to the start of the lanterns but it'll add 20 seconds your time no no three four five yes dude it falls one more time and it's like yep that's the smart way go all the way around and just like run up i can do this i can do the stick it's 20 seconds and i teleport you as many times as you need once you say yes once i will teleport you the rest of the time there we go oh so for this one you need to find a button put it on the will open the door i remember you put you put stuff in the trees i did do that that one time it's a mystery i can guarantee it oh he's found it he doesn't even need the head i knew i can guarantee it oh god wait oh god so for this one oh i figured it out already one of the pressure plates will open the trapdoor you just need to figure out which one you slide you slide there we go make sure it's a picture why is it the peg i just know it is because i'm too lazy to do fancy red stuff and now it's a dropper oh just go immediately oh just go immediately oh just go immediately i'm still the poison didn't do much exactly you made it all the way to the bottom not landing the pillow or once oh god not another question were you paying attention oh no jokes on you i have x-ray oh god it's the vanilla version not that one i can't believe you're doing this i mean i can believe you're doing this yes this one yup i should have used command vlogs 100 scott 100 you're full why would you let me in this game i thought the paintings would be enough to stop this tom filler nah nah nah ain't nothing's stopping me boy do you even know what what the reason for these colors is no don you finished in five minutes and 50 seconds add 20 seconds because and subtract 40 baby what means you finished with 5 39. i got a 42nd clock so this final bit it was the four colors from the start of the timer down so it was orange and pink one said you just cheated no i knew that yeah i knew that i knew that what an easy game and i got lucky with the pig because obviously why would well i didn't think that was nice i just want to say big thank you again to microsoft and lenovo for sponsoring this video all the information you need to know about the products lenovo has is in the description below so just go and click that link but i hope you enjoyed the video remember to leave a like comment below subscribe if you're new to the channel and i will see you all next time bye [Music] is
Channel: Dangthatsalongname
Views: 1,511,311
Rating: 4.9722738 out of 5
Keywords: Scottish, Slang, Scotland, Funny, Accent, Guy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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