Dream being protective of George for 20 minutes straight

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[Music] is this fish important or can i kill it nobody had a fish no that is um that is actually george's fish oh and i have my things back yeah i will keep it safe okay no what was that what was that that's my fish is that beckerson no it's not it's not because it's my fish that's someone a quackity stole he has my fish my man hit him with a vcxd and then got his fish back how did he get it back he's been keeping the fish safe how did he get it back he robbed him okay i like that [Music] wait there's some of the george picture oh they they got out they got out come on like if you're going to use george's face you have to do better than that i think they wanted a screenshot probably but sorry no screen screens no screenies you just killed george am i supposed to give them a screenshot after they kill you oh george he's getting known he's getting on loading are you doing that picking on the colorblind um they're trying to push you out of the holy land george okay that's fine i'll just go back in don't worry hold up let me just get back into this prize i will just defend you anyway don't worry that's fine i'm speed version let's see let's see it i'm doing it i'm doing it i'm doing it is he good at this of course he is oh my god go to the red flowers over there yeah grab one i have a present for you george isn't it reminiscent george i'll defend you i'll defend you okay just put it on okay look at that look at me my beautiful red hat okay i'm gonna use the red hat then i'll use the red hat [Music] is that pretty ba oh no stop killing me that way okay stop killing me somehow that way stop killing me seriously that way somehow yeah that's all right save you george i saved you thank you i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying i'm dying jump if only there was water right next to you but now i have to come all the way back no watch this come over here greg i will save the day francis wow okay you guys have a lot of synergy wow wait we can just walk in that day as the jock will go first think so george is gonna oh no he can't even get up because he'll kill him oh exactly wait exactly do you have to click to kill them sorry george do you like to kill them george no you just have to walk wait wait wait george george come over here now george come over here now sacrifices oh my god george oh my god george dream you're gonna die run run run go go go go i was i was willing to take the bullet for you i got the sheep i got the sheep do i get down scream i can't get down that's not my fault no way down there's no way down dream there's no way down i'm just trying to get to the portal i'm just trying to get to the portal you can't leave me here i'm trying to get to the portal how do i get down from here all right george where are you just make sure you have blocks above you so you don't die i do we'll get you out we'll get you out there's no way down i have half a heart i'll get you down we'll get you down especially after this next one happens i'll get you down okay how i will get you down just trust me what a lie alive yes all right it's over save me all right save me save me i'm saving you i'm saving you power up i'm going i'm going this it could like literally end and i mean it could start again really quickly it could oh wait no okay go uh george almost knocked me off just get on the corner [Music] it's very dangerous okay be very careful okay i'll try okay bye [Music] be careful here all right please close we say find the whatevers are you okay [Music] where are you oh they have jump boost no george run over here over here go go go go go go go go everyone is chasing you down i swear to god like i really don't want you to get hurt so like my my heart was like racing as i was trying to kill him like i actually like my adrenaline's pumping still right now i'm sure george follow me george jordan go go did you just call him jorgen i know i just said george run [Music] what two there's three there's three skeletons there's three guys i'm probably dead there's another skeleton down here and a zombie i'm dead just don't i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead you need my help yeah yes i'm on one heart i'm gonna have a heart i'm dead no the same skeleton [Music] i'm gonna stand with dream because me and dream uh i'm not going to be heard of dreams next to me so wait protect me protect me i change battery [Music] dream it's okay it's okay how's i'm gonna turn around and shoot i'm gonna turn around and shoot okay well that didn't really work what the heck what's up wait what the what is your sensitivity hey oh hi addison where are you how are you doing pretty good how are you i'm doing great i feel like hey george hey we're all here just chilling hey dream yes laura killed me twice already all right that's that's that's rude he's lying no i don't think george would lie you killed me twice it was not an accident if that's kind of genius actually you can just protect me just don't let them take me away that's not that's not how it works we'll set up like a little uh we'll set up a defense what are they gonna do come steal me let's survive together all right go go this way follow me george just follow my every move what the hell is wrong i died you let me die you let me die don't let me die dream you let me die you let me die no i'm in this building dream help me dream don't worry i'm on my way help hey one second i can't find my way out i'm lost i'm trying [Music] it's so echoey in here i can't even hear myself think 69. [Music] oh my god without me he would be dead what yeah [Music] drink dream on my one side jake right back what are you doing that was a one shot what you said right and then now you did i said hell that was a one shot i killed the yellow guy killed the other guy i don't care i just died i'll interview i i told you to turn around yeah and i did and i almost got there in time no you didn't got there in time i almost got there in time that skeleton actually just was like you know what i'm just going to make george have a map [Music] oh my god i'm escaping now you have time to run away i'm escaping quacky dream i need help dream yeah it's too busy dream help me busy being disgusting dream help me dream help me dream help me [Music] oh now you're not dream [Music] get him get him yes yes yes let's go no no i'm sorry i repent from my sins and everything i've done in my life i'm out of here oh my god get him out of here get him out of here attack him attack him this is terrifying this is so terrifying you're going to die you're going to die oh my god leave me alone leave me alone please i'm [Music] all right here we go oh my god i'm gonna be sick i'm talking too much oh my god you guys help i can't do something make them quick what am i supposed to do [Music] is coming stop [Applause] yeah jimmy's coming for me i got him don't worry george stop stop what is your problem stop okay i'm stopping why are you causing he's killing me you were trying to kill me just now no i wasn't yeah you were i was not it's an air battle i'm trying to get him towards i'm trying to get him why am i getting double-teamed oh my god george look out i'm looking stop the madness stop stop i only have one left you started the madness we're finishing the madness you kept shooting at me and i said stop stop dream god he ran i'm going to kill him i'm about to kill him stop come here snap that computer supposed to kill him he's killing me [Music] he's behind me i have none left you guys you can't kill me anymore no no no no brooke is broke it's broke i have no more left i have none left all right he's saying he has no more i have none left just kill zombie he's going to end up coming oh dream please oh my god i died [Music] it's george come with me and protect me okay where are you i jump down let's come down did i miss oh my god i almost just died my life flashed before my eyes you take this you can protect me with it have it loaded and aimed at anybody okay i have one error here take this then [Music] i just says money and annie we love you and goggy and satnap you please can you tell them please yes i love you thank you and i will check my p.o box yes thank you george all right i have some food yeah of course i request sustenance of course okay all right i'm aiming at him back off idiot my feelings tommy button hurt button tell me he's crying get out oh you're crying call me leave why why are you crying why are you crying get out of here tommy get up the hell is this get away from him get away from the dream [Music] they're all small right they can't attack okay you ever notice how clay looks like [Music] that's too far come on [Laughter] you gotta vote for george you gotta you're reading mickey mouse laura come on [Laughter] from i'm hoping please kill them please kill them i'm actually low and they like hit me from so far okay i'm helping i'm helping they're so hard to hit oh dream eat the berry run run dream just run i've got it i will kill it dream oh my god dream run run run there's a skeleton somewhere no i blocked a few i took an arrow for you dream [Music] okay [Music] george congratulations this whole castle is yours i'm the king you're the king i'm the king you're the king this is my castle king george timmy george rings the bell the ninth king george the first you are the first george you're the you're the first first of my name so why don't we just kill george and then what's up oh yeah let's just do let's just let's just perform regicide in daylight yeah all right all right let me explain this i'll defend yours and defend george and everyone else because i don't think everybody else will defend i think everyone else will let's go to the castle dream let's go escort me to the castle going that way over that way to the castle come on yes but anyway so tommy griefed it and since you're the king now that was that was like griefing king's property and so i decided to build a wall around uh lamannberg and because the treaties are technically void um yeah i just want them to to handle uh tommy accordingly so i i'm doing i'm dealing i'm just i'm dealing i'm dealing with it for you don't worry dream here's i'm george i'm taking care of it how do i know you're probably gonna take care of it because my house is i did nothing wrong my house was just burnt just nothing don't worry i had to rebuild it just now look do you see this you see how much you're looking at how much i've already done for you i am handling it george but this doesn't this isn't going to stop them from i know no no trust ruining my house in the future george i'm handling it take these sticks i'm handling it bye you
Channel: LiterallyNotFound
Views: 3,230,453
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dreamnotfound, dnf, protective dream, george and dream, georgenotfound, dream
Id: W_9ZDz5O_ys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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