I Followed the Whales to the Bottom of the Ocean and This Happened - Beyond Blue

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all right so this one this one might be for you guys might end up being a beautiful thing majestic even that's me I'm swimming right down to it the problem is for me this is a nightmare I don't care how colorful it is I don't care what kind of beautiful music you use to layer over the dark treacherous depths of the sea it will always be terrifying to me you guys think this is cute this is going to be the most polarized experience between person playing and viewer watching whatever this does for you I hope you enjoy this is beyond blue we're gonna be swimming around with the beautiful creatures of the sea some much larger than others and I wish the best of luck to me also you know if you want to check out the game there's a link down below you want to try it yourself and give yourself nightmares for years to come your game stood inspired by Blue Planet to take a deep breath I'm generally not a woowoo kind of person if I don't get something I want to unpack it get the facts but the ocean it's a part of me mhmmm my grandmother was a free diver and AMA she heal its rhythm and understand how one breath could last a lifetime good thought she drowned we dove so often the memories all run together are you kidding me that's not that's not a pretty sight I'm sorry that's for fighting I wished I could stay down forever yeah something's wrong with you lady I don't understand it I just can't I can't empathize with that sound it sounds like [ __ ] aliens dude I'm ruining it for you guys who are probably thinking this is beautiful the ocean cast its spell on me that day oh yeah cast something on me too and it's mystery still consumes me okay that was a beautiful I was a beautiful intro that I completely ruined I'm sorry guys I hope I hope that what I hope that set up the the pace of the game for you ocean X is expecting a huge audience for our first live stream given how bad things were in this live streaming no pressure though ready to dive life seems hard dude he's just kind of like you know it's a difficult job okay we got sharks already dude I'm right I know they're not you know inherently dangerous to humans but it's just oh hey look around Oh what is that a bit itchy but I've had worse shut up breathing easy Oh we'll shark perfect yeah so we'll shark right at the big giant mouth look at the movement oh my goodness all to scan target Chilean devil ray oh cool what is this how many scans before the AI is trained on a creature so you don't know got it now put me to the buoys so I can try the hydrophones ELISA make sure all the tech is rolling before we stream arena oh man barracudas triangulate the sound of any animal I already see where this game is going it's going that how we're gonna discover a new creature and it's gonna be terrifying we're gonna find it in the deep what is that movement is that how you swim dude I feel like I wouldn't get anywhere moving like that it's kind of flopping like a fish out of water okay I found the book refresh me on the controls on those dolphins okay some they're all real animals not to worry this game is not gonna stray into the kethu liyan mythos or anything as far as I understand humpback whales I'm joined today by two colleagues oh my god listen to me okay that's a deep crevasse I'm diving down look at this oh look I know you're like a filter feeder right you're not gonna swallow me oh it's doing a trick is this just for me that's how convenient for the live stream you don't I mean I don't want to get too close it's creepy let me scan you scan you right looks like fun fact in addition to being an engineering whiz Andre is quite the musician are you still writing music not feed is dry spell like crazy oh god I don't care I just want to see the animals I don't care about your backstory okay so I'm getting away from the humpback so I'm gonna head over to what I believe is the oh my god or I'm diving I'm doing it hey he's just kidding oh it is a sperm whale Holy Mother of God [Music] see that that tariff down straight down terrifies me this is beautiful this is beautiful right here I know the sperm whales not gonna hurt me and then there's the surface oh god wait a second I can't get out that's that's making me feel anxious okay you got your battle scars from the giant squid I know your story's good these things exist now I'm not saying that they can't be beautiful that animals like these gigantic creatures can be it's absolutely beautiful you know I'm saying but I don't want to be anywhere near any of them what like a beautiful music it's daytime the wonderful creatures around me nothing's gonna hurt me but I have goose bumps all over my body dude can you explain that what is that called fear these guys are precious I don't know why I think it's the Dolphins during a fight okay guys get the rest of the Dolphins good God look at the whale in the distance man it's so pretty I kind of want to just get out of the water soon can I be in a submarine I'd feel a lot safer oh hey hey guys can I take a turn oh I want to do dad that was reminds him of zoo I totally forgot about that game and I just reminded myself of it ah blue was a fun game you know I remember blue planet dude I remember blue planet I remember the deep episode of blue planet where we go super deep when we see like angular fishing while luminescent creatures dudes I'm not ready to be outside Oh God whoa octopus I think it went in that cave I'd like to go in that cave let's be real there's no way I'm not squeezing through here to follow that octopus okay cool it's an octopus but it's only creepy because like slimy can fit through oh Jesus Christ dude good day scanning sorry to spoil your hiding place these little guys are harmless what are you ha white-spotted puffer fish you are splendid alphonsine table coral sample jig duh I've done this so many times how all my sabbatical training has led me to this point of success there's the family we've been chasing there's so much dead air on this stream it's ridiculous God my streams are better than that by the way if you want to I'm streaming a lot more and we're doing a lot of charity stuff lately so you know you can follow me on Twitch that TV slash IGP underscore TV beautiful hole god no let me finish scanning them God the mouth I still don't see our pregnant mother I think I see her right here I am there right there look it's pregnant mom our mommy whale has delivered everyone say hi to her beautiful one-ton baby girl did that just happen in front of us and we didn't even see it like you just plopped out mammals so what I mean like does that remember we need you that's the another stream that's it we didn't even get to see the birth man my streams are so much better than this you should check it out twitch.tv slash IDP underscore TV love your mom be a good neighbor learn from grandmother's experience these are all things I learned from studying sperm whales Oh absolute the rules to live by you or be able to return freely to the once I complete store missions what the hell look at me Oh nice tattoo girl sperm whales raise giant squids holding up what the hell is that squid holding that's an octopus dude that's the Kraken and it's bigger than the sperm whale okay that's not foreshadowing I don't know what is oh man - drone maintenance manual next time not available complete your conversations in the helm share oh I can look at the models humpback is a beautiful damn whale look at that thing okay we'll look at that some other time I'm sure I'm sure we'll find some nice models in there ocean since like a cigarette ever mine yeah yeah power of attorney for health care what the hell is that about oh god here we go it's a kids drawing I see where this is going Oh what's up dude thanks for checking in hey Andre nice dive how are you feeling robot I love talking robots to get back out look I just want look at Anderson I don't know what this is about it's what the livestream sort of a 12 and a baby I didn't think you expected her to deliver so soon though I thought she had more time given her weight but it was hard to know for sure what's up with you in the arena wait really she threw up one time are you being so hard on her what is happy just don't like the idea of using priceless expedition time to make pharmaceutical companies Richard did this man just really drop that oh come on don't tell me this game has some message I am buying fighting I gotta call my sister now we come on hey girl son she's supposed to be 20,000 Leagues I am calling from the sub I don't mean to be so cynical but good lord because this conversation be any more robotic you sound down I said just now what does this have to do with I want to see the fish deep-sea creatures come on say hi to the whales for me yeah I'll say hi to the whales I'll say hi to the whales for you God get off my phone I just want to see the creatures mall okay wait a second come back where's my sisters it's a little dark not I take it all back way ahead but we'll find some whale vocalizations bathroom do you think I have maybe I'm being too cynical guys you got you guys need to let me know what I'm doing that dude I don't know I don't know any better all right let's go to the did a whale shark or a Megalodon look I don't know the difference don't play that music back m2 looks like he's on a date it's like they're dancing to his song that's cute yes dude the surface dude what a sight dude oh-ho-ho just don't look down dude do this hey what's that drone will match speed with the creature so you can concentrate on steering it around to find the places you need to focus oh wait what do you think Andre do you think you can make it as a solo artist without more original material males from the same region seeing nearly identical songs with just enough variation to stand out yeah just like those pop singers okay that was beautiful I'm getting out of here I don't like being over the abyss not a big fan of it that is the whale shark right yeah it is what's up there's the barracudas those are dangerous and another underwater game that I'm playing we're really nice to go come up gigantic okay we're gonna orbit I like this little tool thing I don't know wow look at that I I love that it looks it's like it's a familiar type of eye and then it kind of looks like a human stuck like like a painting with a hole in it zooms can tell how old the baby is just wondering if she's old enough to hunt by herself whines oh they're going deep dude giant squeeze not right now she still seems pretty young to go that deep it should be okay oh she should follow the pod her aunties will babysit while the mother hunts my god dude I mean where do they hunt for right like today actually it's just a constant battle between giant squid and and and sperm whale it's constantly fighting each other and [ __ ] Andre software's helping me understand the structure of their songs so we can try singing back what well I guess it worked I've got some nasty yeah what's a hell is that well I'll check it out between the whales nope no no no no no no no I'm gonna go down here first it's only 50 meters away it's not that deep I don't know what that sound was but that cannot be good okay micro tags deployed Thanks that's plenty aha that's it you know you sure you don't even to do more stuff that is doesn't have to do with the strange sound oh yeah right above the abyss where else would the sound come from stop making me go farther are you sure this is where you track that noise [Music] that sound is loud but it seems pretty deep you can't see how it could be coming from a ship yeah I agree yeah maybe also keep starting and stopping don't figure out another way from this oh yeah yeah do that do that doing me dude how calm are you seriously how disconnected from reality do you have to be to sit above the dark abyss like that hear that strange noise and then not think crazy things dude maybe I'm the disconnected one okay but I cannot be alone out there and saying that that is utterly terrifying and I never want to experience that again coming from a ship suck my ass dude did you see that on the livestream have you seen that before never the babies back with the rest of the pond when doing nuzzling probably calling for its mama you've got to be kidding me I hear it what the sperm oils here at - there they go a shot come on dude this is discovery right should be excited whoa deep-sea mining research oh maybe it's a mining Mickey maybe it's not some kind of alien maybe it's just a mining thing this is video and audio from your last dive and this is an analysis of the sound the spook the family why and this sound is from a Canadian marine acoustic scientist I think the findings are pretty clear [Music] the signature sound the same to me he gave me the same dish Andre who is messing with my whales deep-sea miners here in the research zone it's off-limits to commercial activity I'm one of that lever matter before we don't know that they're in the research zone they may be just outside it we knew they were doing an impact study nearby what are they after that might give us a clue they're looking for rare minerals to make solar panels I spent our short time here policing rather than researching let's be scientists me right your died your core I won't investigate the mine I love the sound of that dude oh I'm so excited holy [ __ ] that was a stupid decision alright oh you're ready yet come on dudes I need to go do you oh ho ho approaching the buoy oh ho ho Oh what is that all those are hammerheads top of the food chain just like us - the urge to destroy ourselves what are you jellyfish what are you oh [ __ ] sunfish whoa do you always lay sideways that's pretty cool I love the moon jellyfish that's dope Delvin oh they're so cute turtle yes Andre are you seeing this I didn't think there were any left here what happened poaching ditches car look at the guy he sold you what is happening it's a bait ball whoa orcas very unusual but everyone's got to eat I'll try not to be mistaken for a fish don't eat me bro please whoa that's not terrifying at all okay first attempt to speak whale hopefully I won't offend her yeah uh-huh uh-huh somebody tell me what this is amor you can feel it across my body just checking me out first contact she's scared you have no idea what that felt like she was looking right at me oh you have no idea what I thought it was diving teeth I prepared myself mentally physically bad news the drone we had tracking not intrusive noise it's gone lost contact hours ago I'll keep monitoring the hydrophones fat noise but as of now that's the drone resurfaces that's all we've got okay I guess it's all we got day seven about to enter the twilight mm just kidding we're streaming hello everyone welcome or welcome back I am diving near a seamount region also known as The Twilight Zone stay because it is just beyond reach of the Sun Oh gonna suck if I get murdered live dude this is gonna suck cargo containers cool dude I'm hoping that Bowie can send a little message to our humpback friends oh look at these guys it looks bigger but let me zoom scan it to be sure welcome back Turtles enjoy your beautiful moon jellies indeed it sounds so pretty I figure I should be making a much more like low Rumble but Vince you know Dana squid looks like they're hunting lantern fish oh they're just squid okay not the colossal or giant squid pickup they're hunting all right first of all don't mess with my suit when I'm diving secondly soiled my surprise oh there we go oh oh UV is that UV okay what's down here make it sounds scary cave oh what am I looking for here Andre you really need better glue for these I've tracked down the tag it's okay octopus oh you dumb Oh freakin told you okay other than getting inked in front of her live global audience you know you might want to get that off you probably predators I could turn my light off I didn't realize that not a smart thing yes it's hunting first time we'll be able to document it with Andres technology how far down are we again does it tell me this is just the deep we're not even in the deep Oh while the rising yeah they must have been hunting down past the rift I think we've found our spot for our first deep dive me right check out that one closest to you know a lot of scratches on his skin I'm not sure I can catch them they're headed to the surface might just be a scrape from a ship strike yeah let's hope that's what it is everyone's seen the pictures but I can tell you it was really tough to be doing hands-on work when we were losing entire species for me it was the whales but for Andre it was the Turtles I stayed to help them several of the other scientists did as well by then only Andres protected nests were the ones producing Turtles in the region we all figured that the population was going to collapse and eventually a dead large man spend day after day carrying tiny turtles from the nest to the water it inspired us to stay oh my god I'm ready to cry now come on coming back now it feels like another world music I can't listen to it it's copyright probably alright where are we diving to next had a bathroom break in a long time I think I'm ready ready to die I mean dive oh [ __ ] dude I'm in and okay seriously how far back ocean friends tonight I am deep midnight zone no light from the surface deep tonight we're using Andres lair drone to mimic the atoll a jellyfish to lure large predators like the giant squid oh yes are you in on that later oh Ken look at this [ __ ] the football fish can I thought it was called an angler fish maybe I'm wrong can can the human even survive at this depth wouldn't I be crushed I mean realistically speaking am I crazy to think that I'm pretty sure that most of the dives that I saw were they they looked at creatures like this it was in a submarine because the pressure down here would just [ __ ] destroy me right okay well we're going a little bit beyond realism here I guess how do I find the leerin a home giant squid cool that's already Andre have you done this before how long until we can expect the lure to attract a predator of course you do live-streaming my goddamn death well I'm gonna stay near the red light because I don't want to run into a giant why is everyone so casual about this we're literally filming a woman's death here this should not be allowed on any streaming platform the beautiful music dude I must have turn it off and overlay some deep deep I'm gonna overlay some appropriate music here no so funny what is wrong with these people I am losing my [ __ ] mark don't you enjoyed that but do you mind if we check out the bride pool before we check on our whale cam if you insist you got what you wanted this is hi giant side oh my god I'm going out here 90 meters I'm like dying there's a light down here what the long last welcome to the brine pool I know it's really a salt lake under the ocean but it looks more like a witch's brew I have been teasing arena but a bride pool is a dive first we know what a brine pool is okay okay focus on the danger here I feel like I'm talking to myself am I talking to myself what are you two human problems submarine if we just did this in the submarine it would be a completely different story I'm gonna wake up Cthulhu going way too deep here this is for big no she said I [ __ ] my own research okay tingles I'm the one down here wrestling with a colossal squid I don't know giant squid what where where there it's actually interesting because I've ever seen footage of a colossal or a giant squid it's always like relative to like other things that are either larger to it or sometimes we can't really gauge or really see how big it is but it just swam by me pushing your Waypoint sperm whales are back on the hunt [Music] we hope that today Andres tech will make it possible to document how a sperm whale hunts the giant squid we kind of see that for real huh I'm so ready dude going up whatever happens happens right dude how I just I just don't understand dude and in the midnight hours it's just [ __ ] awful sperm whale the lawful squid let's go tag some sperm whales so he can eavesdrop on their hunting ha oh my god why was it so loud gonna do it watch over you oh my god this is kind of cool though it's like I'm it's like I'm play guys Oh giant squid or sperm well I'm not the giant squid did knock the tag off what just happened I had that camera feed in full screen on my visor and for a second I thought it was lights out for me okay get me out of there dude I can't do that anymore thank you but no thank you I don't know how much more you would expect me to do down here but this is absolutely horrible alright that's it for me though I don't know how much more I can do this I'm gonna pause it here thank you guys so much for watching for any reason you want me to continue I'll Bob not reluctant to okay but I'll do it I'll do it just for you thanks for watching haha love you all there's neighbor fish or a football fish anyway see you guys later bye
Channel: IGP
Views: 2,457,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beyond blue, beyond blue game, beyond blue gameplay, beyond blue giant squid, beyond blue giant squid gameplay, beyond blue whales, beyond blue all, beyond blue all animals, beyond blue igp, igp, beyond blue release, beyond blue update, beyond blue review, beyond blue playthrough, beyond blue walkthrough, beyond blue part 1, beyond blue gameplay part 1, beyond blue walkthrough part 1, underwater games, beyond blue pc, beyond blue pc review
Id: SqMZevUPIhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 55sec (1795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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