Subnautica but When You Leave a Biome, the Next Biome Is Random

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hey what's up welcome back to some more subnautica modded last time it was big numbers this time it's all about the luck there's this mod called transition randomizer and essentially what it does is every time you enter a biome you get teleported to a completely random biome instead for example leaving the safe shallows could put you straight out into the dunes face to face with the gargantuan leviathan i'm not kidding you literally never know where you're gonna end up now in today's video our goal is the same we must speak with the emperor to complete the challenge that's it making it down there though while being teleported around the map randomly i don't know man now this mod is actually insanely fun and if you want to try it out for yourself i'll put a link down below oh and also once again we have about a million mods installed so we're going to be teleporting in and out of some very hostile and horrifying bios i hope you enjoy and good luck to me if by any chance you want to see some more unique challenges and mods in subnautica let me know down below and also if you can make one for me if you have the capabilities of developing a mod for subnautica please do send it my way maybe i'll check it out anyway before we dive into it and yes i know i've used that joke before i want to give a huge shout out to today's sponsor surfsharkvpn these guys choose time and time again to support my channel so maybe you can support them and listen up for the next 45 seconds might just save your life now if you don't already know surfsharkvpn is a top of the line vpn software that allows you to protect your online privacy control your personal data and access content safely love surfing dangerously surf shark has military-grade encryption that is the figurative equivalent of putting you in one of those shark-proof cages so you can observe the mayhem while not getting bit i mean you can even utilize surfshark for things like getting the best deals online from airline tickets 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okay my question is how am i going to be able to get silicone rubber if i am unable to go directly to the kelp forest and i have to get lucky jesus give me oh my god dude oh oh [ __ ] ah that one hurt i felt so safe in the safe shallows there it is oh dude if only i had this play through before no no don't teleport i got to make my seat glide first hold on nope we're not teleporting i need these oh where am i what is this oh i think i'm dead i gotta get i gotta get 300 meters down in the cave okay see glad here we go watch this have a sea glide in it come on yeah okay see glide let's go baby i got fins and i got an o2 tank ah daytime beautiful nice nice nice good find good fine kid good find hello oh my god stop i guess i gotta go this way teleport me please get me out of here please oh my god please please help forest from mountains i'm hearing something i don't like over there though [Music] oh it's an island holy mother of god why did i [Music] please teleport me back what's happening oh god why why did that happen is he too big did he start to suck me up to eat me [Music] oh yeah okay but can we stay can we god can we just stay here please please please please please please please go away i'm going to the mountain i'm going to the mountain oh my god no okay yeah fine where does the mountain biome go yeah no that's not no come on look at this mess of creatures dude what am i just like i feel like i'm playing arch survival evolved oh please stop please don't no no i don't want to teleport there i don't want to go there i am in the kelp forest okay so i have to stay in the forest for now any time capsules you want to give me maybe hello mushroom forest okay where does oh my goodness oh my god talk about skipping holy moly can you imagine oh wait i could open this teleporter i have one right because this is not gonna teleport me like it's gonna teleport me but like in the the mod teleport me right where did i end up where am i is this the the gun oh it's the gun it's the gun okay so those teleporters work independently of the mod gotcha oh dude i just got a blue tablet i can go back hold on you're kidding me i can go get a a blue tablet right now i need two of them to to get to the the emperor right i mean my goal is just to get there yep i'm still here oh my god i can get it hello that's her tablet why is my oxygen going down why is my oxygen going down blue tablet blue tablet yeah yeah i'm getting out i'm getting out i'm getting out dude we are we just need one i think but i have to get lucky i gotta get really lucky no no don't don't teleport me yet i'm in the gun what the hell why oh what is happening i don't like that thing at all all right just teleport me i don't know what's happening where am i going mushroom forest from bulb zone okay [Music] no no no no no why are there so many of these things why are there so many little plural dots i'm not okay guys i'm not okay in here i'm not okay oh no no no no no it's so laggy oh my god there's so much going on yeah i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going it's dominated by bloodline plant life okay well i'm actually curious let's go from the bulb zone to the grassy plateau and see where i go of course it's night time too [Music] i better get oxygen before i get teleported oh i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh this sucks all of this sucks so badly oh god i can't even i can't even see what's beneath me my feet are i'm just kicking back and forth oh this is horrible grassy plateaus here we go here we go here we go the cragfield from alien base all right let's just see how lucky i get what is that what is that what is that what is that what is that no no give me the time capsule like i made it i got another stasis rifle that's not very helpful i can't believe i made that dude oh i'm so far behind aurora i'm so far behind the aurora dude oh what the [ __ ] it needs to be daytime i need to be able to get back to where i was uh because i feel like i'm going in a straight line into nowhere that's escapable oh grassy plateaus from sports i thought that was an island i thought that was an island dude teleporting okay where am i going now daddy grassy plateaus from blood kelp trench what oh i'm dead right yeah i got through oh come on please no please no oh my god what the [ __ ] this is literal hell this should not what is this game right now i might need to actually die because i don't have enough stuff to make a builder maybe i'll look for a time capsule stop teleporting me stop teleporting me stop teleporting me what are you doing i can't the dudes i'm 170 what the hell is that what are these things is that a reaper what is that this is so bad this is so bad this is so what the hell is that oh it's so stupid i am so far away this is bad okay i need to take the battery i should have taken the battery out of the other stasis rifle that's what i should have done but i'm dum-dum hi are you looking to kill me that was my initial fear was the the dunes is that all one or are there two gargantuans and another reaper how is this even possible yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i think personally it's quite hilarious uh if someone hasn't seen these creatures before and they're just like what kind of game is this guy playing i have to get back to the safe shallows dude there's got to be a way so i'm thinking if i go over here it could shoot me maybe to the oh my god there's another one where does this go blood kelp from alien base okay can i get in 200 meters oh no oh no oh this is bad oh purple tablet dunes from blood kelp at 200 no yeah i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming watch out for that guy how have i not died how have i actually not been killed by these things yes bulbs owned from mountains okay what the hell those things are so stupid okay bulb zone good good good no no no no i'm in the bulb zone so why would it teleport me if i go into the bulb zone if i'm in the bulb zone from the mountains i need to get back and make a builder dude if i had a map mod installed or you get the little radar map at the bottom that probably would be much more helpful i can literally get into the prison i just need to go there i think i might need two blue artifacts but how hard can those be to make actually did i get a blueprint for that hold on two kyanites oh no i'm in such a straight line now though of [ __ ] that i don't think i'm gonna be able to get back to the lava zone where i was there's kyanite right next to that base but if i leave that base you know it's gonna yard that's gotta be from the cthulhu mod it's gotta be oh that's so janky okay teleporting in five nope hey well what happened what happened to [Music] 100. see trevor's path from dunes i am so dead here these guys are everywhere okay i foresee an issue because if i die i lose my blue tablet i have not been able to secure my blue tablet yet oh this is going to be bad dude oh no okay i am in the sea treaders path only a few options here where the hell am i that's the void the sea treaders path is right on the void teleport me please teleport me please teleport me i'm dead no health kit help get out oh god there's a ghost oh come on no just teleport me please teleport me where is it going okay holy mother of god dude kelp forest from grand reef oh that's nice that's nice i like that oh here we go okay i'm gonna have to take this battery out sorry i need the battery come on are you serious [Applause] [Music] estimated [Music] inconsistent with the quantum detonation of the aurora's dry core point of origin somewhere within three kilometers extreme caution is advised [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] this guy's an [ __ ] huh oh my god here we go not very helpful rest of my toes from the mushroom forest oh so close yet so far from here maybe it'll be inactive lava zone from alien-based oh my god no way no way this is bad okay so i know how to get the kyanite i can totally grab that kyanite super fast environmental fire diana i see it right there i see it right there come on come on i just need two two two [Music] okay so now we have our if we can get back if we get a builder that would be perfect but now i can make the second blue key so if i just happen to get down there to the precursor base i can get in please builder new creature discovered grab and go grab and go grab and go oh my god oh no don't die now don't die now don't die now we have so much stuff oh no no no no no no no grip some space to pick up swim charge fins bye bye goodbye oh that's perfect my seagull is gonna forever be charged now oh that's beautiful okay teleporting from the mountains into oh my god guys i think we did it okay we didn't do it but we're back here oh my god oh my god okay what's the plan now what's the plan chief oh dude all my stuff's secure now oh it is good to have land equipment there it is okay so i have two blue tablets i gotta keep the tablets with me i gotta make a builder what is a builder computer chip wiring kit can i like break down my advanced wiring kit and just use that okay that's the radiation suit [Music] okay so i just snuck my way right here i went from this part i believe this is where it is it went back and forth back and forth back and forth until i got right here instead of going this long way so now i can go to the aurora which is what i assume d is and then c is this tiny little pocket mushroom forest from safe shallows okay that's not very helpful oh my god is it the mountain that i went to that sent me the safe shallows is that what it was whoa no it ain't where the hell did i end up i don't have an ion cube oh that'd be so nice wouldn't it come on come on no no i lived i lived i lived it easy just gonna go in [Music] oh this is bad i gotta get out of here quick okay so mushrooms and blood kelp h where is that oh that's the base okay so i haven't gone to any of these so if i go straight from the mountains out to the underwater islands underwater islands equals sparse reef we're slowly mapping it out guys we're mapping it out okay shouldn't the entrance to the grand reef be down here so this should teleport me somewhere new because i haven't gone here before grand reef please there we go okay very good holy get me out of here oh dude oh dude i think we did it oh my god we did it we did it guys and i didn't cheat once i didn't cheat any that was 100 legit oh it's gonna teleport me right hey girl what's up are you here to play yes i am [Music] or fight against it as they did oh oh i'm so happy guys oh i'm so happy that was confusing but awesome man i can really see speed run potential speed run challenge i would love to see you guys do this also please make more mods like this seriously i already said it once make more mods like this so i can have some fun in subnautica anyway thanks for watching beat my time i dare you see you next one
Channel: IGP
Views: 1,311,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: subnautica modded, subnautica modded gameplay, subnautica modded igp, igp, subnautica igp, subnautica modded update, subnautica modded series, subnautica modded playthrough, subnautica transition randomiser, subnautica randomiser mod, subnautica modded gameplay part 1, subnautica modded gameplay igp, subnautica best mods, subnautica mod, subnautica random mod, subnautica teleport mod, subnautica new mod, subnautica news, subnautica, subnautica gameplay
Id: fcOyY1EOOZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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