Do NOT Let These Horrifying Creatures Hear You or It's 1000000% Over - Sign of Silence

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oh my god look how bright the torches are bro grab yourself a torch yeah i'm hearing something like in the wind in the uh trees yeah yeah right okay so from what i understand there's two more flashlights nice oh yeah you come over here so this is the surface elevator i bet that we need to repair this like any fuses for it right what is with the rumbling i don't know dude okay jesus dude calm down everyone you're hearing this oh yeah i'm yeah i'm hearing it there's a very key aspect to this game every single sound in the game is heard by the ai every sound apparently phobia levels who knows uh oh it just went up oh it's a noise meter it is a noise mirror oh no i stepped on a branch oh my god are those bugs it sounds like a chainsaw you're good at not getting lost in the woods right i'm just following the path my friend what path oh there's a path oh wow the ambiance in this oh my god okay so what what are we dealing with here is it a bear well it's probably like a a lost kitten in the woods oh god there's a bunch of moths i heard like something yell behind us yell yeah like i'm hearing rumbling i'm here rumbling too but it's so dark i really don't want to keep my flashlight on well i don't want to run out of battery something just loaded in dude i laugh yeah yeah yeah i like dude left what is that oh what's this what is our goal again generators that's it escape we can either do it through the helicopter the service elevator or boat oh he's right there yeah don't fight what are you doing hey i wanted to see him that's it but you walk up to him oh yeah you're right these lines on these pages are new journalistic investigations we'll explore a town called danwill lost a dense forest massachusetts shrouded in a dark atmosphere mysterious disappearances it's right there to the left just sitting there holding its head yes it is look at that thing that looks so much like shot guy yeah he does he looks like shy guy and that one guy from that old game shutter i used to play oh it has things on its head dude but does it yeah wait is it blind can it only hear us i don't know i mean if it if it had sight oh stop moving i did what is the [ __ ] random site it would definitely see us yeah for sure right unless it's line of sight is so simple that it has to be facing us which i hope that if it turns around it won't see there's glass there's glass and stuff here that's definitely going to make a noise when we see that watch out just grab it grab it you can reach it right got it yes [ __ ] yeah i guarantee you that glass noise i heard a bang he turned around i didn't okay let's go around this house did you hear a woman cry what no no dog i didn't hear that i kind of want to see what happens if i step on this glass you know yeah where are you going i'm going around just in case he runs at you oh my god what in the living [ __ ] did he just turn into i'm alive you're alive i don't i'm not moving where are you no [ __ ] you're alive i'm alive yeah he didn't touch me he was after you i'm pretty sure he's like right in front of me though oh my god you shine your light where are you where are you where are you here what i see i see your light i see you too [Laughter] so that thing expands into a spider that was a little unexpected where how do i there you are huh hi oh what's up dude it disappeared too it's not over here anymore what's wrong oh well what's in the house it's in the house dude huh over here it scooted out of the woods and went inside the house i heard all those noises or is that me that might have been me we have to get up here come on okay don't make too much noise it looks fine when we're walking dude i like sprinted and leaped off yeah you're like death taken right doesn't open from this side oh god the doorknob stop oh god thank you sorry it's christ dude oh my god you did that oh no i really didn't dude there's something out there with you what do you mean i just heard a roar or something something out there well you heard a woman crying i didn't hear that it might be client-side i'm gonna assume that is it's way safer that way it would be really funny if it was client-side based on how much noise you were making where are where'd you go i'm away from that oh my god wait wait no don't go through the grass do not it makes so much noise there's something in front of us it's making a repeating noise that's 100 in front of us i don't know where she is oh i heard the crying stop moving crows there's nothing right there oh that's what it is don't go near them they will make a ton of noise yeah yeah yeah yeah no don't worry i played dead by daylight ah i kind of want to get in that house though cause it didn't open from this side but that means going over the glass but kenda's door she's right there she's right there she's right there i see her maybe the answer is crying there's something breathing in this house you sure you want to go in there uh door doesn't open okay i love how you tapped it like three times again oh my god i forgot you're so nice oh you're so sorry i mean i'm out of the way so i'm actually an idiot dude watch your noise i am i mean she's right around this corner last i saw her yeah right there walking towards us oh my god its head is split in [ __ ] half i'm out i'm out see ya yeah all right we need to go somewhere else i mean if this is the only monster here we're good right if it's the only monster it's not moving yeah we're leaving let's just go straight down avoid the pros he's not gonna be able to find us now because she's like blind yeah yeah yeah yeah watch your noise level there's another one there's another one right there what there's another one right there i'm looking at it it's shaking its head i said [ __ ] you i see you oh you're right okay never mind jesus christ did you really believe him it was behind the tree i couldn't see it uh oh we cannot go right because of the crows i don't know what the proximity is i'm not about to alert them this guy's coming closer though i wish we could throw something like a rock where do we go branch i mean we have to go left all right turn around let's go there's a signpost here church fishing village cargo lift sawmill dan will and river coldstone is this way oh my god oh my god she's fast this one didn't turn why oh this one didn't turn why is that she got we got too close to her we didn't make noise i think we just got too close okay cut through right there you see that path we're gonna go right there okay be careful running through that too close dude there's a bear trap oh my god okay you can be this far back okay there's two right next to us what happened where was that one at i don't know i think maybe when it's when you flash your torch right in their eyes uh my throat hurts man wow look at this thing dude stop flashing your light hour it's the clicking of the flashlight oh jesus christ dude [ __ ] i mean if that's the only creature that's manageable yeah yeah well these guys are not uh what happens when we make the max level of noise i hear a snake what is that oh my torch was running out of battery so they depend like the amount of noise we make depends on what they turn into what happens when we make the maps level noise oh power lines yes follow them follow them civilization right um and deep bass rumbles in the distance oh my god look at this i hear what the power lines look like i know i know let's just say the power lines would look giant in that direction there's definitely one right there oh there she is there she is yep just go around just go green i didn't make noise there what happened i don't know oh no i got crows right next to me god damn it dude come here i'm on a bridge i'm all the way back wait what how did we split up oh you ran forward i ran i'm scared you're scared this guy's looking right at me yeah i don't know what triggers them to do that because i made no noise maybe if you look at them too long it must be uh i just heard something growling in the water i'm not lying i heard like uh-huh oh my god i'm so [ __ ] nervous i can't comment oh my god we're okay ma'am we're brave right you call me mom man oh oh we're okay mom i think they're spawning i think when we start progressing too much they spawn next to you an attack you hear about growling right i also hear like buzz saws it sounds like buzz saul's like can you go first for once so i stopped yeah i mean but you're the one that keeps moving every which [ __ ] way we have to listen so how many are these like the the residents evil no just back on the road over there map yes yes doesn't have you are here it does we're right here right to the sawmills no wonder we're hearing saws right we need to go [ __ ] huge so the radial tower if we i can't remember i think hang on let me look through this uh refuel the generator and install missing fuses so if we go to dan we'll find defusers we can make our way to the radio tower and get out of here right uh there's a swamp oh there's a little crane over there yeah there's a swamp i heard a scream someone's screaming someone's screaming over here do you hear it do you want to go save her it sounds like you're a hero oh my god the chains and glass will definitely make noise but there might the music change dude yeah dude in there there's a box dude over here i'm trying to see if it came from over here i don't know if it came from the house or not over here in the box there's a box that's glowing okay but there's [ __ ] glass and chains yeah we can go around okay i have to like pick it oh for real nice flare gun did you really just take that no i didn't know i i got it the [ __ ] [ __ ] dog so you could probably shoot that in a direction and we can run through the glass and get into this house what's on this table did you i only had one use it doesn't open we just wasted that you [ __ ] are the worst at getting look i can run through this glass it's happening did you really just leave me oh [ __ ] you right here dude i'm keeping you covered i'm not gonna leave you we're just together man okay so by the crane is one yes i know i heard one that way as well there's a light down there dude light down here to left there might be a fuse if there's light i'm hearing weird noises in these buildings i'm hearing weird [ __ ] and the the ambience is getting louder so the bottles are not just in front of doors no there has to be a fuse here though right this is a sawmill oh i didn't make finally won the war right to all right i hear them right there there's dogs dogs they're [ __ ] dogs what there's a dog in that cage go say hello you're like no [ __ ] you it's probably a goddamn service for resident evil say hello wait no if we get near the dog it's gonna start barking big mistake well yeah i know that's why why would you go deer well i was worried it was gonna attack me but now i'm like oh [ __ ] it's probably a nice dog but what happened to that horse i don't know about the oh my [ __ ] i mean the thing has to eat right it's got no there's a flare gun on the other side of the crows and i want it do i risk it the crows yeah i'll have fun i mean we know what's going to happen so did you just die no i shot my flare gun and it ran away so you went over there to get a flare gun just to shoot it i got scared okay it works out i mean i think the flare gun does scare away though another one oh sick dude wow i completely missed that i'm so scared right now dude it's just like it's not like the best made game but it's definitely no no and plus it seems like there's content in this so i'm happy with it oh my god the noise the nice nice oh my gosh we're stepping on twigs mine was fine [Applause] she's talking to the crowd with you killed me she borrowed underground dude what what oh i i am in a tunnel this is the forest or phasmophobia dude i have another chance i should i come down and join you there's another flashlight let me let me jump let me come down and join yeah make noise get caught hey [ __ ] oh my god my ass i heard that she just leaped at me what's up dude no i mean like i'll cross like a hundred foot all my life yeah oh my there's a lot of dead people i lost my fuel that's fine oh okay i mean did you really think we were gonna beat this game first try i don't think so no for sure no we make so much noise dude stop moving every time you go over a bone you make noise so this is like their nest oh someone built a ladder up this is their neck right yeah they're right out here dude you hear them who's going first me i guess all right this whispering oh this guy out here oh my gosh so many bones giant skulls too what the [ __ ] i can hear like five of them look at these cages you see those cages with ruins on them yeah what's with the whispering i think that's just to symbolize that there's a dead thing in here oh look at this tree dude whoa yeah i mean what better place for a nest look at the bones inside of that i know is there a big bad are these like minions oh all right as soon as you make noise just stop let it reset and we're going to move forward if we get caught again we're dead right yes 100 what's wrong with what's wrong with this left left left i'm just going to keep going oh my god i picked it i'm sorry you're fine you're fine we're in the swamp i'm here this is a swamp dude the place we said we didn't want to go [Music] some trevor henderson dude are they all they're all in this swamp there's another one over there i'm freaking out dude every tree looks like one bamboo [ __ ] spiders from goddamn king kong skull island dude they just [ __ ] blended with the forest no it's not all right i'm gonna calm down okay because i think another one of those stretching he's glitching he's touching his head yeah it's which is the twitches listen up for the other ones though i'm not gonna [ __ ] move i'm not moving okay you suck my ass dude i'm not playing this no no it's okay it's okay dude look at his legs they like bend backwards it's a backward knees oh is his chest is split open i think so it looks like he's stabbed oh you're right there's definitely one to our right oh it's another one bro there's so many different creatures this is so cool there's one up front here by the way we're going to creep past him it's like or something is that a normal one it's got really big fingernails yeah yeah yeah what happens when you alert that thing while being these things are nearby i don't know why why why why would you want to find oh my god is this one oh dude i freaked out okay look above my shrine your flashlight above me like slightly above me do you see my eyeballs floating in the sky i see mine nice i be brave i'm yeah i'm gonna go up close to this thing okay what i want to look at it where where'd you go where'd you go over here let me go with you yeah [ __ ] hell closer closer closer oh my god dude the content man yeah the content it's all for the kind do you want me to make noise he's stopping the spider lady he's summoning the spider lady she going dude that's their hunting thing oh my god oh my god i thought there was a big creature coming towards me where are you flashing oh my god you scared me there's a map right here there's a map right here dude where are we well we're at the swamp we figured that out oh he's right there where in this wall there's a cabinet there's a cabinet in there a wardrobe or something oh yeah i can see that shining you're okay you're okay right oh my god you're okay yeah i escaped oh dead yep right beside the sign yep okay i'm up here at this house come up to this house but be careful there's something on the top that made a bunch of noise this house up here the one that's lit you see there's a staircase right there but be careful at the top there was something that made noise made her jump out of it i'm behind you dude there's blood blood blood blood what i don't care what do you want really yes i mean a lot of blood that's great i care so much about the blood right now this is the first house we've been able to get in oh yes i got a flare i got a fuel item that's really loud oh hey there's the dead guy there is so much blood yeah all the head's gone so what is that fuse one we need three three four how does that not make noise i don't know but should we keep playing with it probably not smart so okay did you get a look at the map no we need to go get looking at him now he's still just standing there i think she's stuck yeah she's stuck look oh my god oh my god i'm hiding in the house there is whispering someone's whispering come see me my character once was right beside you what someone just whispered beside you to me your character blinks my character's blinking now yeah but it doesn't normally where are you i i'm waiting for the thing to pass by so i can sneak up and get in the house dude someone is whispering beside you can you hurry up please i'm scared what oh no blinking okay why have we suddenly started blinking the blinking he was in a corner uh i hear it all right i'm picking this lock look out the window look out the window what i don't see anything you don't see it there's nothing in that cupboard you don't see you don't see the legs what like i didn't see it with my light on oh my god okay it was whispering beside you to me that's not good right you can't get in the house you can't get in the house i think we're okay okay she dug away she doesn't know okay dude who whispered beside you nobody was beside me i guess the thing no someone whispered beside me oh dude okay so listen it was like beside me and it whispered beside you for real are you this guy making noise and you just maybe made words no no no dude seriously anyway so when we were bling i'm not blinking anymore but when we were blinking uh the dude the things teleported when i blinked and i opened my eyes it was in a different location okay you first okay [Music] i blinked did you see that no it blinked and then it teleported so who's gonna make noise i'll make noise something's moving the chain that was from a different direction at least we're getting rid of them all no this one's still here damn it oh my god no i'm dead are you dead dead i'm dead dead i think i'm the creature oh no i'm expecting my dead body and what i expected you and my dead body is he is he right there he is right on top of my corpse i think this run is over my friend [Applause] they're all really mad at you [Music] you
Channel: IGP
Views: 733,272
Rating: 4.9670439 out of 5
Keywords: sign of silence, sign of silence game, sign of silence gameplay, sign of silence update, sign of silence igp, igp, igp horror games, horror games, sign of silence co op, sign of silence co op gameplay, sign of silence multiplayer, sign of silence multiplayer gameplay, sign of silence scary moments, sign of silence horror game, sign of silence review, sign of silence trailer
Id: lKudrorZtew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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