I Finally Like Mario Party

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puffer sent me an invite I did send me another one I didn't get those oh we go right did you send one yes I'm not getting it I sent it you definitely got it and you're just [ __ ] controlling and then you're gonna join yeah he really just skipped to the ending huh bro you're supposed to watch the whole season before knowing the ending you can't just go to the last episode like that I can't just that awkward silence was just Smitty staring at his monitor like come on bro I [ __ ] my content my friend come on man that was my intro right here what man is everyone ready is everybody ready to go to the Mario Party no if you are looking forward to the Mario Party make sure you send a ball picture no to my business email Discord basketballs he's muted the Discord please do not send your test again nobody say wait did he server mute no I just muted them personally no all right I'll bring him back I'll bring him back in the word which one did he say I'm gonna say the word I might have said that I might have said all I picked up was a word minigame help we could go by so much faster we'd take it off no we need minigame out on so we all yell at each other I need a lot of help I need mental health I'm handicapped buffer not all of us play this every day every week [Laughter] we get it you're Waluigi I forgot an account he wrote like a bot like a macro script to play Mario Party at all times of the day I know he just watches it and studies it like game tapes for the day trader for Mario party what is he Trading oh Grizzy you'll like this island [Laughter] I get it racism sit with that you racist [ __ ] damn it God damn it bro I'm gonna reset reservice don't worry if anything's all right okay never mind I didn't mean it dude I like my smile just disappeared I was like are you [ __ ] kidding me sorry because you're gonna break house rules it's so good actually remember that one time you broke house was like a little bit it wasn't me oh make it easy remember that one time you fell asleep and then I was kissing you and then I should stop talking I remember that wait what oh he just keeps [ __ ] talking I just want to [ __ ] play oh yeah I haven't read one thing ever in your life you never read a single thing I last night what book did you buy called the guest list what's up my name is Grizzy I'm 22 and I never learned how to [ __ ] read I just bought my foot Franklin the Turtle goes to school I just bought my first book Mein Kampf no that's not a good boy he's gonna do an autobiography let's go it's a it's a Minecraft uh speedrun hand guide yeah yeah [Laughter] oh how does this one work again puffer so you have to go oh toward the flight you go up you got it right now he's gone he hit power power up oh my God he's a natural oh let's go man that's not me that was greasy let's go Matt Bro this be me on the links for reals on Wario is just insane oh [ __ ] water I want to get one practice swing never mind foreign look at the undulation on the green right there right there perfect hole in one beautiful oh wow all right what did you do I don't remember no is it that's a little harder no it was up I'll be honest no I I wasn't lying I don't remember power there you go swing that with one arm oh thank God that was close the puffer of all people misses so how much the power how much top yeah no one send it right off that [ __ ] let's work everybody what happens there was like no wind there do we see uh there was wind who was the best makeout artist right now we figured that's who wins Donkey Kong has your tracks it's either Donkey Kong of Wario I'm gonna keep it real with you don't talk about them seal self-consciously what was everyone else first that's what you get for having retractable teeth they're not retractable I'm self-conscious they're dentures View Board Grizzy is in control they're like iPhones most some people have Bluetooth Donkey Kong got blue teeth Siri find all of my teeth I've lost them it would sound more like Theory probably [Laughter] get that can you please in front of a bear big dick coming through boys here comes Yoshi the big [ __ ] [ __ ] dinosaur here we go baby here we go [Laughter] yeah you're laughing now but when you find it you're laughing now but when the original voice actor for Yoshi comes out and says yeah that's what he sounds like you can sound real stupid won't you you bro breathe just don't keep going can honestly have a penis canonically cannonically what the [ __ ] does that mean it's like a cannoli oh yeah here's a dick for a cannoli or a cannoli for a dick is gone I told you I took them out stop talking about them they're retractable you're retractable look at his picture down in the bottom left he's got Teeth did we all just get knives does it move on this map it doesn't get on the X unless you get on the exclamation point doesn't move yeah you have to talk to the lady then she gets eaten by fish why are you standing like it costs one coin that's a lot three coins yeah exactly then it cost me three to get back this is Joe Biden's America today oh okay all right I'll take it that's better than I felt Pursuit of Happiness Grizzly you know money's money doesn't matter that's a great movie that's a great story I don't know which one it is I might get a racist Uncle dropping that at the dinner table what he dropped ear oh man you gonna pay it you gonna pay it no don't pay the toll in the middle and then dropped a chip [ __ ] you're gonna be so expensive to get back and forth yeah damn skippy inflation let me tell you sorry are we doing anything you're taking a long time there puffer ow it's a different world what the hell yeah what the [ __ ] I definitely took the longest there man why are you redirecting your energy to someone with less subscribers than me is that because I have more yeah let's be honest boys that would be the most hated in the group if I didn't have the most Subs let's be honest okay one two one two three four four five [ __ ] someone's Counting I think I got it stop talking now again oh I can afford teeth after the minigame let's go sword being no shot hello what's up Miss [ __ ] this is just Wario dialogue woman this is Canon this is Canon dialogue what up little pink [ __ ] spits on her takes her star and walks away oh you can make someone not get it please I already can't get it that's right that's it it's gonna take me anyway you could always renew it I can't even afford it anyways go Rich get richer later keep it in my friend ten coins for slop you're welcome oh my God this guy's got crazy luck Wowie I'm gonna receive a mushroom take it one one hundred actually you know what I'm not risking this [ __ ] for sure I'm risking down wait a minute somehow still here for myself I'm putting myself on Bowser see what I'm gonna [ __ ] around I'm gonna use it I'm putting them on Bowser [ __ ] it you're just trying to do everything that you're not supposed to actually going about no we're not all right because it's funny that way I hope you get robbed and left in the street no I'm gonna run I'm gonna do a Bowser Revolution oh I'm gonna say you're not Bowser oh man who could have predicted this one everybody my ass absolutely literally everybody you dialogue that you literally said we were gonna do I'd have never no don't don't like play the clip never happened no you're going for Bowser Revolution because that's what you want to forget it he's gonna get money instead well technically I had a discount unless I owe him five wow he just called you broke he breaks your knees I walk with a limb for the rest of the game I want to put that is not what I [ __ ] want all right no you want that that's good and I gotta wait [ __ ] you give me a star it's like a celery what the [ __ ] are you eating see this was Big Brain see now big brain oh time to mash eight oh [ __ ] kidding a like a step kid I'm looking Wario's forehead oh I love bombs can't wait for the lag to kick in oh you keep it you literally came over to our side it was all you yeah you literally came over to my side bro bro it was one time one time it doesn't matter it's still [ __ ] by flow it I did it one time America game okay Papa I like that we have so much friendship all right there's no way I can't get I can get one ding dong oh somebody you broke for real okay you wanted Bowser you did that [ __ ] on purpose I think Smitty's in recovery right now the chips away Smitty I'm not behind this door I'm not buying the star until you go or say something about my nails what that's what you do when you're bored I was coward man I'm real bored right now I might just eat my finger now I have a short attention man you took too long good luck [ __ ] oh man I'm getting infected again never mind oh God a surprise because you just didn't pick you from that bro Let It Go usually what he does it's been like two months and I did it one time two months let it go oh my God people don't forget [Laughter] don't forget you still get reminded of [ __ ] that I did in 2017. everyone's coins are on the line Sorry fellas you're on your own Cowboy I'm gonna go scare you hey guys I can't chip in can you pay for dinner I'm not it I'm not answering that are you okay thanks fellas this is a 50 Cent moment out of Smitty I suck at this game bro actually you're honestly me whoa whoa whoa why why is it going so fast you can go down you go faster wacky as hell Bro [ __ ] yeah that is though baby you stupid [ __ ] no oh oh are you shooting yourself I don't know what this does ew what the [ __ ] was that I [ __ ] that one up boy [ __ ] I [ __ ] up oh what am I doing Amen brother ding dong give me a good one give me a good one oh I don't know what the goal is for this to be honest yeah I don't really understand I'm kind of just like stacking colors it's [ __ ] yeah you get it oh how the [ __ ] oh here we go what [ __ ] idiot me [ __ ] sorry boy that's actually huge that's actually huge dude because I don't know it's oh oh no Magic uh magic man oh my God I'm literally throwing oh man oh oh there we go there we go oh why why you know like I hate it I just don't like it you know what I mean [Music] squash [ __ ] I'm literally so bad it's insane yeah I'm horrible at games like that dude it's actually disgusting don't register I just never it's not my thing man this is not my thing go see I'm talking it's not my thing the Bob what you guys are moving so fast lately you might even realize I was like trying to stop in here hey [ __ ] getting eaten by fish bye [ __ ] yeah that fish Duke I bet that fish cave insane sloppy now what a lucky [ __ ] oh there's been a single Mario Party Like game that we've played that we haven't imitated every sound oh should be a thing in this game oh I just got the Unlucky [ __ ] star unlock don't I 38 surely hey what oh [Laughter] actually so toxic wait do I have a chance to get some coins Rich get richer perfect insane I'm gonna spit in your mouth and then maybe take it back all right let's get it crazy careful with Grizzy bro just left me what'd you make camera look at it was one pass Minnie because he likes to take over other people's responsibilities I won't stop we make this we should probably wait we should wait we should wait no way I'm stopping man I'm not moving Smitty is the [ __ ] hindrance no way the depth perception is off he wasn't angry yet so I didn't I didn't what's up everybody talk more about that yeah you kind of just sat there and let me make the decision didn't you I did I thought hey he's being a captain maybe you see something I don't but I don't see an angry I didn't know the angry face popped up I only played the 64 versions where they just kept the same face the entire time oh they got different faces no it's just angry all the time together oh you [ __ ] that's [ __ ] toxic God I almost feel bad but you're right so I don't know damn that's crazy you can't even pay that was a revolution um um um uh uh I'm gonna give half my coins oh no not even close oh my God you know [Music] let's go time to steal I know you're talking too long you're thinking yeah someone else always goes to random I know what do you mean by everyone else let it go I'm sorry two months ago someone might have clicked a different button no it only counts when I officially break House Rules huh in the same session what are you talking about when did I do that whenever I did it wait what I don't know what you're talking about no he's no he snuck the house fools I remember that yeah what are you talking about somebody broke it out of spite it wasn't me no no somebody broke out a spike bro honestly that was the one win that I had I deserved yeah you cheated I deserve that yeah step on a couple people to get up you know what I'm saying damn Matt don't you want to be I want to be pretty confused too if I got a random mushroom oh no way just looks up above your head yes um this is how we do it my friend all right Papa ready I'm here dude can't you just go I'm going you going crazy over it literally doesn't do anything give me a kiss my father through the wall I'm kissing you from a distance [Music] yeah I have an idea [Applause] [Laughter] okay it didn't jump it didn't jump it didn't jump come on yeah all right you go first no wrong button what is this why is this switch there I go why the [ __ ] does it switch so done make sure you stop it too shut up man Smitty wait for me to stop it wait for me to stop it no I had it my stupid stupid [ __ ] hitboxes too goddamn big on this stupid ass character go going oh my God bro doesn't help that my goddamn character's so [ __ ] big that he just falls off everything oh yeah Wario got no comment on that bro if Donkey Kong Warrior are next to each other Donkey Kong is like a tower compared to Wario tastes like salty balls in here I missed I missed the other Mario Party I'm tired in this gym locker room why are you licking so many balls oh four wow cool oh girl thank you Matt what the [ __ ] somebody else gotta land on it [ __ ] yeah he saw it fish the fishing far bro he really does nothing like goes around he just went straight up into the sky my turn hey another Mark yeah sure I appreciate bro okay that's farther than that that's too far too far too far for the Dropout you don't deserve this I do I hope you know this wow wow good work I just want to build this island you're so cool at Mario Party [Laughter] I really wish that I was good at Mario Party Like You not even winning I got one star yeah because wait puffer we're the I'm curious about the other mini games so I can learn were the pipes the same on their side no I have no idea oh so you hopped into the right one both times what the [ __ ] dude he literally just broke even he's back at 40 coins Hammer drop give me ball Blaster oh my God so [ __ ] Alice wants dogs everyone's paying me whatever dude yeah yeah just [ __ ] spam it honestly it's whatever dude I'm not even like I'm not good as bad but I'm gonna Apple if I see anyone hesitate I swear to God bro what's his leg [Music] Matt why do I need to spam it let's play no just Spam it no it doesn't matter I'm out anyway Matt's right we should play the game you're actually a [ __ ] you're the one who said it yeah you know what he said it I'm spamming it no I'm just spamming it all the way through [ __ ] it me to my wife when she overcooks dinner you a whole [ __ ] thank you all right jumps the honeycomb he's gonna keep spamming it no is he gonna keep stamina yep all right [ __ ] no I swear to God oh God oh God I already know he's gonna kill me bro he's gonna kill me bro you could have just won nah I got you crazy I respect it you broke house rules most stupid y'all get the air can for that stop I [ __ ] I just got sprayed I'll do it again stop barking in the mailman it was one time that seems to be your theme isn't it hey crazy it was one time it was one because I learned from my mistakes you broke house and then blame me the minigame I've only committed atrocities and Uganda one yeah one time true take it out of the map this one his shoes were red who Yoshi yeah no they're made out of clay hard clay you just wearing it's actually Yoshi's clogs from Paula they're they're wooden pots I mean wooden there are clay pots are refilled with wine and spices just marinating his feet what's with all the ones oh that's better than a one guys guess what time okay dude for Waluigi one one two one hey perfect Smitty can't [ __ ] it up for anyone [Applause] [Laughter] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] wait why did I fall so far it does my bad for a bro why do I fall so far these are mine these are mine these are mine hoe you [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] swear to god dude and why am I always next to puffer in these minigames bro and he just destroys me I promise Grizzy was not any better to be next we just kept trading we need to take so much room how did you not get any coins that's what I'm saying dude what's up with that okay time wait what I'm in the I'm in the running yeah we definitely we definitely in random except this is karma for yourself there's an exclamation point I accept this as karma for your house rule break you and me oh this is big no this is no middle last always oh Smitty's on the running no no we can't have [ __ ] in Mario party bro hey we're out there back to back woods it's a shitty car let's land the tunes that is not just [ __ ] big together we make that oh not that way oh too bad poor wait wait hold on yeah okay he's lying he's lying he's lying I hope he gives you a bite he's gonna kill Matt okay he didn't wow this is huge we're back baby you're the hammer of a revolver pullback oh up for police this could be funny what do I do here do I swap it or do I make it 95. if you go to the right you're probably gonna spend all your money should you probably go to the ride what it's not very convenient that's right twice you guys can have it oh thanks hey I can [ __ ] two people's life up now time to get [ __ ] misery loves company huh oh this one's so ass for me Matt I'll save you man they won't be able to run through me they won't be able to run through me Matt y cannot win this one where's the other ones good work Donkey Kong while Luigi Yoshi yeah good try Matt and just Matt Donkey Kong all right whatever 40 minutes let me tell you something I feel like it tells you no [ __ ] right now look we split your herd anything down in the conversation but again I thought about for now roll it to nine and don't then do it let me do it one hit one you roll it tonight and don't do it I'm gonna eat drywall till you showed up I promise I got a hell of a house full it'll take me a while I'm in your drywall I am your drywall I'm your wallpaper why do we use drywall bring back wet I don't know true a wet wall at all times it would be nice that wall just dripping it out bro [Music] like I feel like I got what I deserved already right okay yay something I'd say I should have picked puffer mom or something getting robbed I did nothing about it man come on [ __ ] it okay clock yeah dude yeah yeah one wow I can't imagine what my face looks like right now oh my God I do not know how dead how good yep bro I don't know hallucinating all right uh Grizzy Grizzy Falls first absolutely no math Falls first I guarantee Falls in three two wait what oh I thought he was falling already no wait guys come on somebody yeah oh my god wow [Music] [Music] 59.5 frames per second oh yeah yeah something like that editing joke damn there's some grapes right there you could step on homie nope all right you won't be able to afford this one will ya let me get some real wine bro am I about to get robbed by Bowser I didn't kill yeah yeah this [ __ ] crazy [Laughter] this guy doesn't deserve this is great ill-gotten Gates once again it's literally a homer Street oh [ __ ] I love passing in I'm surprised one of these options is in [ __ ] Smitty in the ass [Applause] Palmer get over here so you can do that I'm far bro you have the money I do got the money how are you messed up if it takes me I'm leaving bro let's just pick people now no you can do whatever you want I don't care no yes oh come on all right babe sorry sorry everyone I'm sorry this time I really need you to just come over here [Music] is it even worth me going over there at this point yeah it's gonna cost 20 coins no no no worth it crap [ __ ] it we'll see what happens why not make sure you don't land on it by the way go in that I don't give a [ __ ] uh I don't mind segregating with you over here we can do that 41. okay over here any higher than a one all right that is not even a one look at that no way we haven't seen this guy yet no shot to the point of the video where puffer has unlimited amount of coins yeah look at the sun I'm just gonna get bullied out of my position because I'm so large [Music] oh yeah [ __ ] yeah drizzle on me wait what ah [ __ ] Monty mole I'm so not winning so much yeah that's crazy look at you just able to track exactly where it is because you can see where it's moving before everyone else sees it that's insane oh I just got eyes that's crazy bulldozer is so small he's winning he didn't give this mini something I bet he'll think that the Big Ape is gonna win yeah that ain't happening yeah let's ask this translate who's gonna win the video game oh I got it guys I got it no shot you're crazy are you smoking crack toad you just asked to see urchin who's gonna win don't put me up here I'm embarrassed oh you wanna end thanks man come on over it's cheap hey you're you're not you're not going anywhere are you right 42 coins never done but it feels like you were really considering see that's it bro oh my God little do they know that's exactly what I want to not get going that side but puffer what about me nah we don't really want you puffer we've been living in harmony you guys invited me over just by clicking on that thank you it doesn't matter Matt's gonna land on it I am damn that's Bowser I think oh buddy hey fellas you got room for the white guy if you pay the toll you might you might have to shave that mustache first what is what is Bowser Revolution do it's uh split evenly yeah oh okay I like that oh bro sick find that a crying shame isn't that looks fun all right I'm coming over I'm coming over good boy he pencil up real quick I'm diving in the water right now what the [ __ ] was that oh I'm trying to touch the floor oh bro somebody starts getting robbed too yeah sure isn't this what you wanted Smitty this is what I wanted I wasn't what you wanted Brizzy you're the last thing I want in Mario Party you've done nothing but [ __ ] me over every time we have played yeah go ahead random what dude he doesn't deserve that he doesn't deserve that I got picked again because he's the luckiest [ __ ] ever dude I had years of struggle Smitty I had years of this [ __ ] where's my payback deserve this what do you call this then huh never finished one never I've never won Mario party I only play here for the I only play this game for the CPM that's it I admitted it there we go I'd play for the friendships I make along the way I mean that's good too but it's hard to do with grizzy's [ __ ] breaking the rules we've been friends for five years no I'm playing for this damn nice job that's crazy that was me Donkey Kong would have taken the barrel out I would have landed in the water yeah it would have looked like a shipwreck with all the explosions you can't just so happens to land on the one full of dynamite guys it's time to eat the rich oh [ __ ] I'm already dead damn I was looking forward to that one man oh man I really wanted man I really thought I was gonna get that coin yeah man I really thought I was gonna get that bag of coins Rich get richer down here oh no oh my hair back puffers can literally just run back and forth yeah I'm just falling off [Music] [ __ ] it's not over here second I lost that star it was over what happened wait what oh it just happened who said it wasn't over my game said otherwise [Music] not really crunk we don't talk about that Kong they've redacted that part of the cannon didn't they yeah retcon that storyline I got that scrunky dong this guy yeah this guy needs another star yeah this makes sense oh wait what do you land on let's go wow actually really helpful for that other [ __ ] I have a name puffer okay that other [ __ ] I don't call you uh hmm something what's the thing I call them all the time what's something you know what I got nothing congrats thank you [ __ ] I'm gonna land no one my friend oh lucky number seven yummy yummy time to get it stolen next Thursday you see now I gave that to you bro yeah you damn I'm grateful bro exactly I say thank you nope you can eat my [ __ ] hearing Nets [Music] this isn't good they're like are like Smitty got a star let's [ __ ] bring it back over come on now let's go Matt yay Matt all right this is Jesus Christ couldn't have been it too come on Hey Now You're an All-Star get your game on yeah oh it's the one I didn't want right hey don't you suck [ __ ] dick I suck dick at every [ __ ] minigame puffer you should know this by now oh damn oh boy I went to space you guys want to do a pack the wheel sit still actually sure please come on fine I don't like it anymore oh give them a fair chance yay yeah that's a fair chance no one play yeah everybody just just see what happens uh this is gonna hit me looking good for me this ain't looking good this is huge please no get him please we're not [ __ ] playing I'm about to take some ass yeah damn you shook that ass and they took your money too man yay time to get a star just kidding next turn maybe next turn I can do it it's gonna get switched no wait please yeah lucky space I've been so lucky thus far let's keep it going look at a war block let's do it oh just life swinging on vines and [ __ ] oh I could go visit Bowser or or I could come on over I don't know if I want to I feel like Bowser's a better chance here no I feel like you should come over to the fun side nope wow my game's shocked anyway so I'm gonna ruin everybody else I'm gonna take my chances hey I got some friends I'd like you to meet do you mind if I bring them in thanks buddy and lose your star God damn did you actually try for that let's go let's go come on I got some friends I want you to meet bring them in bring them in no no no no no actually not the good bring them in bring them in hey fellas I'd like you to be my friend Bowser I've seen him three times this game oh [ __ ] puffer's game oh wait actually this is big up to me communism I like this I like it's not good not a fan of Communism get me a monkey I only lost a few coins you're welcome man everybody else is more to stable see you know what communism is the answer not a fan Bowser active communist in Mario Party it's actually nuts he's like Robin Hood you [ __ ] dead ass you [ __ ] dead Hasbro do it you know you got it you gotta go visit him nothing I'm gonna lose the star I'm gonna lose the [ __ ] star yeah it's for fun so fun yeah I'm having a grand [ __ ] time wait I got three stars Wham you ever notice how Bowser's eyebrows look like like a cake on like icing cake cake icing I would eat all this yeah it doesn't mean anything but at least I don't lose anything and that's all that matters [Applause] let me do it look at it doesn't look like icing not crazy [Music] [Laughter] I really hope it's not the type oh yeah no you ain't getting past me little man actions [Music] nice oh man my lips are dead stop clapping like Donkey Kong my fault my fault guys I think I can win this is the character Matt I think I can win this guys I think I can pull it together I believe it but doing [Music] chaosie pick me let's go lucky I mean he has five stars now Grizzly's pretty much secured this dub ever since he broke the rules that one time he's had like the best Mario Party games I'm just saying that you just yeah you're just doing well that was like a backhanded compliment yeah maybe I need to be a little [ __ ] you were born one all right bro and on my items I gotta talk about my family like that bro come on now I ain't even bring families you did you did you assumed because I bought a little [ __ ] oh hey watch it I got the DNA and Abomination yay you got it who's that little [ __ ] on the rain oh who's that little poop when there's when there's a surprise little turd in the toilets she's been sitting there for three days heard amongst the human turds tiny one that you had to squeeze off that little [ __ ] how's he pulling that hey who's that a little [ __ ] to the oh my God I got a star yay [Laughter] someone put the dog down we are such a Revenge Chrissy you know how much money has been on these doors man the dead has been paid all right you gonna stop bitching now yeah yeah we're done okay there we go funny realization dude oh my God anyone meanwhile I just been living life I can't even go to sleep oh wait wait it has to be a star it has to be no way wait wait what is happening you just break the house rules guys and then everything works out great if I got the chance I'm robbing your last man you a [ __ ] you do not want that smoke again it'll be the next Mario Party where he's like you remember that time oh this isn't good for Grizzy hey no moment hey hey dude I got a feeling crazy going like now you gotta hit it you gotta hit it immediately there's no pleading this is like that's what you I should hope nobody takes my stuff I ain't looking I'm turning around oh [Laughter] [Applause] with me oh it feels good you reap what you're so crazy you did [ __ ] two months ago I don't even know how to sew shut up [Music] Big Mama I am speed oh man [Laughter] the other thing in the water was actually right holy [ __ ] it actually was oh my we should all maybe there's something there's something to do with it like it actually like completely turns the tides that [ __ ] [Laughter] doorknob ding dong what I ain't got nothing to say big mom because he owes me again yeah let's go I got a seven yeah [Music] I think a smoker just spawned guys be careful I deserve this dude actually what the [ __ ] I don't know what it is about the coding in this [ __ ] game I know when you've been a bad boy no I'm gonna get mine next time trust me for retaliating to Grizzly I'm gonna get mine next time we play bruh so you landed on my space want to make out a thousand coins come on Shirley huge I can't believe that he's just gone he just never comes back dad are the cigarettes dad my friend I told my dad to go long in football and he just kept running he never came back and then her police sirens Chase it was weird he just ran off into the woods to win yeah you did well there's bones there's nothing wrong with that yeah as someone who's never won before there's nothing wrong with that outcome you know that's that's pretty all it took all it took was ill-gotten gains oh I got this [ __ ] he just sabotaged me the entire game is it all the way over there I don't know oh your ass around big monkey it's all in their side yeah yeah yeah yeah shut up shut up for think about the friendships we're making dude no way dude are you [ __ ] dumb I'm just gonna turn around we should turn around we should turn around oh never mind bad idea we should turn around we should okay yep good idea oh my God dude it actually has thrown every bag on this side he stun mocked us with hammers you know maybe Smitty ain't so bad yeah all I needed to do was break the curse that's all I needed to do yep hey it took me a while to do it too you'll get to work up the courage to break house yeah that's how you win hey I didn't cheat I got even don't break the curse you gotta make all your friends [ __ ] hate you oh and I was the only one who bought something oh true [ __ ] hey oh they're not winning but yay guys I might get this one eventful bonus the most Advent oh yeah that might be puffer no puffer I swear to God my friend okay oh my God if I got that star I would have won by do not steal steals from me come on come on now what was the SE nuts oh [ __ ] man watch out later flying fish mother look out oh God don't forget [Applause] the sea urchin was right kill him sweet they made a thumbnail for me stars in each hand [Music]
Channel: SMii7Y
Views: 6,072,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario party, mario party switch, mario party online, mario party online update, mario party gameplay, super mario party, super mario party online, super mario party gameplay, smii7y, smii7y mario party, smii7y mario, nintendo, nintendo switch, mario party rage, mario party rage moments, mario party rage quit, mario party superstar, mario party superstars gameplay, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars, mario party superstars dlc, mario party minigames
Id: aXJIl8GFhTg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 31sec (3331 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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