I finally got a car and crashed it

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he played Beam years ago so im not surprised he came back with all the added content and improvements

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/The_Feeger 📅︎︎ Dec 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
this time [Music] top of the morning ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome to bee mangy drive back with nostalgia week back with the hits back with some of the bigger games that have ever been on the channel and beamng drive might seem like a weird one to some of you like wait that's a nostalgia game for you that's something that did well for you yes surprisingly very very well when this game came out i remember seeing it on reddit as a tech demo of just a car crashing into a wall and i was like holy crap the future is now video games will never get better than this they've since updated the game a lot i went back and played it not that long ago but they have a ton of stuff in here now bus routes campaigns my favorite thing is mainly just the career the hell i already have one gravity fuel you're out of fuel roll down the hill to grab some more and return to the pickup to deliver oh hell yeah this is my kind of strawberry jam give it to me let's go oh god okay the trailer's opening and i'm away oh lord look at these beautiful italian villains are we in italy i don't know it kind of feels like italy with the car that we're doing oh i have no fuel at all all i have is a dream and this hefty dump truck of a carriage to get me all the way down this hill we can do this gravity is my friend they've been keeping me grounded for years they know when to call me out on my [ __ ] oh big dippy big dippy down the slide around the gumdrop turn and into the lollipop forest we almost got to 40 miles an hour on that one see if we can kick it up a notch let's see if we can kick it into high gear i think we can get much faster than that not that i want to because i have no control over this because once i slow down i'm dead set on failing this level i'm gonna bash into these trees if it's the last thing i do it might just be the last thing i do down the hill oh lord written 50 miles an hour holy [ __ ] no no thanks oh god oh my god i have to do a hairpin turn what how the hell oh god my alignment's all wrong now as well okay we can make this we can make this just shimmy shammy your way into this [ __ ] petrol station go we're not gonna make it we're not gonna make it the front of my car is banjax look see them wheels then do you see them wheels they're not aligned okay good look at now get a good look at it see no [ __ ] off cargo look i can do this one-handed all i need is a hand and a steering wheel and i'm grind nice i think we need to make the earth more sloped people are talking about spherical earth flat earth what about sloped earth if the earth was flat would you be able to roll downhill checkmate flat earthers you [ __ ] idiots okay maybe we should slow it on down before we get to this turn at the end because they said not to take it over 35 kilometers an hour now i play by my own rules and don't give a [ __ ] but just all right that's good that's good how the hell are you supposed to keep any sort of momentum going down into that hill i'm at nine eight seven six this is just counting down to my inevitable failure i don't have the speed screw that let's know what beam ng is about bbg isn't about taking it slow with no horsepower it's about crashing it's about speed it's about oh god it burps easy easy does it easy does it oh oh oh no problem at all no problem at all it's an off-roading vehicle that's what they're built for oh god oh god oh god what have i done what have i done oh jesus back it on up now [ __ ] yeah oh i'm the greatest car oh god where am i going oh back up hell yeah ain't no stopping me now i'm on a move oh yeah oh yeah put those horses under that [ __ ] oh gravity no gravity no now's not the time okay thank you no gravity stop trolling me it's just a little it's just a little tired it's fine we have a deal now okay i scratch your back by obeying your laws and you scratch mine now some people don't even believe in you they feel like sheer peer pressure is actually bringing them down but i know you're out there gravity i know you're out there [ __ ] hell people do this for fun in real life what is wrong with them all right slowly round the bend round to bed there you go there you go now there's all this stuff about like four-wheel drive and differentials and all that kind of stuff you can do in this game now what am i some sort of [ __ ] it's fine we've gotten out of this before we've gotten out of this before we can do it again come on gravity come on gravity yeah you're just [ __ ] trolling now oh this is what it's all about you all know you clicked onto this video to see this stuff this is why we're here this is why we do what we do baby how do i do slow motion again nice that is not nearly [ __ ] up enough for my liking you hear that if you hear something that's the sound of failure see what you want to do is oh yeah and now if you listen there's not a damn peep out of it deja vu i didn't fit in this place oh yeah oh yeah let's go are you ready for love oh that's what i'm talking about and the engine is broken i like it oh my god car's more like an optical illusion now like if you look at it from certain angles it looks fine i want to teach this car a thing or two you thought you could make fun of me before oh this is gonna feel real good this is gonna feel nice oh yeah kiss the earth and say goodbye oh did you like that wheel oh pity about you now we go for the test how i hate you that's kind of cute now it's like on a cat loaf and it puts its hands in underneath it oh don't slow down for nothing oh so don't forget that even god himself can stop me i am the god of this world this is looking nice actually no nothing's gonna happen you're landing too nicely that's almost like a best case scenario for you engine broken oh dead silence i'll teach you to make fun of me again you stupid [ __ ] little red [ __ ] on a bus i can kind of like deduce them in a car i kind of know what those are all about i've crashed enough of them i've seen movies i know my cars but a bus i don't know where your crumple zones are where the weak spots turn into this episode of jacksepticeye to find out what happens to a boss when you crash it into a flat wall at 60 miles an hour here we go here we go oh oh oh very impressive now if you can see what happened here the back flap opened to let all this [ __ ] out because if you're going to crash into a wall you're going to shoot your pants but you can see that when we got to the first axle of the bus it just decided to stop so that's why you thank your bus driver because if you crash into something they're gonna die but you're gonna be fine oh this place looks nice c and b driving school i think that stands for crash and burn driving school which is exactly the type of driving that i am into watch watch watch the birdie nice nice oh yeah oh yeah this thing is going to go fast you know why because uh spoiler it's written all over it let's [ __ ] go oh she controls like a [ __ ] beautiful feather blowing through the wind which means that any sort of minute difference in what i'm doing is actually going to blow it all over the place and i'm dead i have a beautiful plan though to get myself out of this i'm thinking way ahead are you guys ready for it here's the plan i'm a little bit over the line though that's not good enough drag strip ooh let's see how fast we can crank this bad baby oh yeah oh yeah there you go there you go let's go oh nice nice and fast nice and fast where are we going we're going to the next dimension baby i'm taking this car to next [ __ ] week okay there's no flat wall at the end of this but there is a beautiful ramp holy [ __ ] i'm on fire oh my god i didn't know you could set the cars on fire in this this opens up everything and she's fine and she still drives i call it the banana car now oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh baby we're launching the space program with cars today folks oh yeah wow all the way to the top oh nice nice oh it doesn't work anymore i thought we were going to be driving home for christmas on that one that was epic what do we have here tower diving am i clear to go oh this car's way too fast for that oh no i missed the pool i missed the pool okay let's do mr bean's least favorite car going down this one let's do the teeny tiny ramp this one's not even gonna make it to the pool oh oh yeah oh god this is oh it's hurting my stomach no if you get motion sick look away i'm gonna need something a lot more casual than that to just cam down oh oh oh god oh [ __ ] i i'm still good i said i can make it coach just believe in me what christ and i burst into flames at the end because why not anyway your uber's here right five what would a bus full of pedestrians going down this look like i think oh oh perfectly balanced what nice oh come on oh you [ __ ] kidding me there we go that's what i that's satisfying okay go [ __ ] a nice drive finally some normality back into my life it's been very intense it's been very crazy uh waterfall or just oh a nice simple road this is what it's all about this is what i've missed in my life over the past 20 minutes [Music] [Music] it's kind of long isn't it over the hill you'll never know unless you take the leap on little johnny if you never take the leap you'll never know what's on the other side even if it kills you even if you destroy your car in a million that's a weird uh dirk take the leaf because great things might happen there we go fed nailed it fixed it oh god oh no oh no oh no i don't want to be here i don't want to be here no it's all gone it's over it's over the leap wasn't worth it little johnny the leap wasn't worth it ah [ __ ] ow [ __ ] ow jesus [ __ ] oh christ death not misery are we going to be blended into a million bits but my stomach feels upset now as well like a giant chicken nailed it we're gonna test out some stairs and to do that we're gonna need something with a lot of suspension in here this is the other this is good this is good if you can make it down this okay those stairs are not to regulation those stairs are not a regulation at all what the [ __ ] come on ow ow ow i bit my tongue i bit my tongue oh i bet my tongue anyway let's continue our day shall we we made it to the bottom no problem at all um you saw it happen right you guys saw it back to me old fatal back to be all faithful to get over this ramp oh we're going to speed we need up we going over [Music] all right well that's going to do it for bmn g drive such a fun game i is it a game i don't know it's more of like tech demos smashed together in a way to make it really really fun to play and mess around with the physics there are million and one things that you can do in this you can get mods you can make up your own you can create your own tracks you can do it all baby go have fun try it out for yourselves and see what you can do but for now thank you guys so much for watching this episode if you liked it patch that like button in the face like the boys but thank you guys now we'll see all you [Applause] [Music] dudes [Music] i'm gonna write a strongly worded letter to gravity
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,382,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, beamng drive, beamng, beam ng, car game, car physics, car crashing
Id: bGWX4xB7OVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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