Evolving Humanity for WARFARE in Age of War 2

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today we're going to take our little tribe of cavemen over here and beat up the ones over here until we can advance Through the Ages and become masters of the future but we're getting a lot more units than this so we'll bring in some Stone throwers as well and why don't we bring in a dino Rider as well because I mean they're writing a dinosaur how cool is that and all these guys here are just in the middle batting each other with clubs because everybody throughout history has always loved to go clubbing one way or another but it's pretty even right now so let's go ahead and give our units some upgrades like damage and armor and increase the support range of our range units for them as well oh gosh they're calling in a meteor shower well that's not cool thankfully I can do that as well just so we can even the playing field a little bit and bring in some fresh units so that way we have an open field to really press the advantage because a dyna Rider is so fast and we're still managing to keep it pretty even right now which is what I like to see but now we can also unlock the dino Hut so we can bring in a triceratops or two now we're talking some serious battle Advantage the Dino Riders are really good at damage but they don't have have a lot of HP we could call down another meteor shower but that sets back the time for advancing to the next age so we'll hold off on that until we really need it and right now we really don't need it but we can increase the armor damage so our Triceratops can have some major advantage right off the gate and they just pound through those basic cavemen this is looking very nice and they have a catapult on their Tower right now but it's really not going to help them all that much oh no they have a Triceratops well then and now all our guys are stacking right at the doorway oh great they just Advanced to the next stage well as long as we're keeping the advantage right where we're at we should be okay until this meter fills and we can advance ourselves and now they're calling in some Romans it looks like or are those Spartans I really can't tell the difference in any case we're still keeping them at their gate oh gosh they have a second throw right now and he is very fast but we are almost there and now we can advance to the next stage so now we get some special units as well although it looks like we'll need to unlock the special building again but look at this guy just charging in he's ready to get to work right away way and he really does the work today wow oh great the lightning strikes are really not good for us we'll wait till that's done and then call in some more units as quickly as we can thankfully spear throwers are doing good work for us they're doing a little good work for them and now we're just down to one okay maybe it's about time I built a tower for defense as well oh gosh that's expensive maybe not then this is going to hurt I feel like because they are very close to my base now thankfully these guys in the middle seem to hold the draw but my guy lasts a little bit longer I just need to hold out until I can call in the lightning strike because that's really what I need right now just a little bit more and there's a lightning strike okay we have a little bit of breathing room now and this guy's marching right up why is the lightning not hitting him okay well that's just rude now he's damaging my base go on get him out of here okay now the armrest Barn will charge ahead to give us a little more room to catch up and now we can increase the gold income from everything so we'll be getting a little more money for each of the guys that we take out very good now we can get more of the units faster if we just a little bit longer like right now now we have the Armory so we can call in these assault Spartans which have the most attack speed it looks like so I would like to see a few of these very good and they still have a lot of guys on the battlefield I hate to do it but I want to call in another lightning strike because at least we take out enough of them where it almost makes up the difference now we can bring in more of these assault Spartans oh great they're in the Egyptian age now thankfully even though they have a big number of Egyptians we're making it pretty good ways towards their base and it's all thanks to these assault Spartans do you really need anything else well maybe a couple of spear throws would be good and also giving them some damage increase and armor now they're really doing the work look at that damage oh great and they have a weird raw Tower thing seem to keep it up like this and now we can advance aha now we have the Egyptians so now I would like to see a few of these develop we have a spot for a weapon if we just wait a little bit longer we can get one of those although I'm not sure how much longer we have to wait they're still pressing forward I'm gonna call in a jackal I think those are yeah those are the assault units are the anti-armor breakers whatever they are it's really just messing up the Cheerios which I like to see sadly those chariots have range which I don't have I'm gonna need one of those okay so now we're starting to push back a little bit just need a little bit more money and then I can buy a tower there okay Tower is able to defend I should have gotten one of these a while ago but better late than never and might as well just call it a firestorm oh the pyramids glow wow so that's what their use is okay thankfully the battlefield is cleared and oh great they're already in the medieval fantasy age gonna need a lot of help getting through this it's weird that it just locks one random unit but it doesn't matter though now we have all of them at our disposal and these poor Wizards have no chance oh except they took out a jackal and now there's these guys but now our battle line is full of units which is good for us and I could buy another slot in the tower so that once we have money there we can get another defensive thing so that we don't have to handle them getting all the way to our base again and I'm guessing these Mage guys are the armor breaker units oh great there's the aerostorm that's not what I like to see I just chewed through so many of my guys and I don't really want to call in another Firestorm I need to catch up in the age advancement but having one of these guys and the backup from the tower should be helpful to us and those Sailors are just out of range of the tower oh that's so annoying okay let's save a little bit of budget just call in some of the foot soldiers and then let our Tower rack up the damage I could also upgrade the turret damage and the range if I had just a little more money I think range is being the most important thing and it's still not reaching the little seder guy okay now it's reaching him sadly our budget is not panning out the way I wanted it to I need to call another Firestorm they're attacking my base and one somehow did not die from all that fine we'll just take him out okay we have a little bit of breathing room just a few more oh great they're in whatever age this is it's like the Renaissance or something but now we're in the fantasy age and the basic soldiers lie I don't know whose idea that was let's call it a mage or two and then a lot of support units and maybe a tank oh we're actually maxed out okay that's a good problem to have and I can increase income even more that allows to get more units and they have conquistadors coming out of the gate now that's fine though we'll call in a hippogriff I feel like they're gonna launch bombs at some point so maybe I should wait on buying a whole bunch of units and instead I could change out one of these towers probably yeah so ooh a rock catapult that looks like it'd be fun to have and they have cannons rolling out now not seeing too much of a threat from them okay maybe a little bit of a threat I should hope that these Mages can do something about that and then what do I need to do okay I need to unlock an arena to get the phone oh yep there's the bombs those are the bombs I was worried about you need a way for those to be done okay there's not too many units at the gate I can hold out on this and then the Conquistador tries rolling up he does a little bit alright now it's time for my vehicle units to come in like the hippogriff just chew through him yep and then you as well very good and then if we just get through all of these horses that should be enough for us to advance because they already advanced to the modern military at least I think that's what that is yes Derek in advance okay good now oh the armor breaker is behind the lock that's okay we can get that right now and then go back to what we were doing okay it seems like the range units are kind of just firing a whole lot of bullets oh my goodness it's about time we upgraded the tower as well so let's sell you and then we can get one of you okay for more damage that's good and then sell you and then buy another small cannon okay cannons are very helpful with us I like this I have no idea what this unit is but it also seems to have quite a bit of range are they all of them just ranged now because we're in the modern military where everybody has a gun at least a cannon can do quite a number to them oh no there's a melee unit never mind he throws a grenade I'm guessing that's their armor breaker oh wow he does two things they have carpet bombers what is this all my guys never muskets and cannons speaking of let's get more of them in oh dear now we can advance let's get in some normal infantry because we kind of need those and that's a tank definitely cannot afford to use special ability I need to catch up in advancement to see more cannons we're almost to the next stage already this is very good very good for us and that Grenadier oh what the world what is this that's a freaky thing okay time for my modern military to kick in okay it looks like these guys are the armor Breakers the ones that throw grenades so that's kind of neat and these weird fire soldiers this must be the future not a fan of that too much but that means they can't Advance anymore so we're almost to the end of this as long as I can take out enough of them to advance my guys and all these range units should be able to help us do that okay we're gonna give our support units a bit more range so more of them can join the fight and we are slowly cutting through them oh I don't know what that guy's about but I don't like it what does it take to get the tank 1100 okay we can wait a little bit for that the armor breaker isn't doing too much damage against these guys surprisingly I think it might just be better to have a big string of Gunners at least he doesn't do too much when he finally gets in melee range but those grenades probably do quite a bit maybe I'll just keep a steady line of these oh oh that's not good that's very not good very not good that was just instant death right there and I'm guessing these guys are the armor Breakers they don't do a lot of damage so maybe they're just the basic ones although I could see these guys being basic as well that guy's a heavy tank and now there's whatever you are weird bug-eye nerd thing there's so many grenades being thrown right now wow that actually cuts through those necks quite a bit so as long as they have range that's good for us maybe some foot soldiers as well because I really don't know what else to do okay now we can get the tank so let's get one of those in because tanks are always good and I'm Gonna Save on the carpet bombing as long as I can so we can get to the next age okay one more of those down and then after this guy yes we can evolve now we're in the future oh and we get a fifth unit I need to know what I need for that oh that's expensive but I can get it right now so okay our modern military is about to run out we need a lot more units and as long as we can press forward with this we might be okay oh I just really want that super beam right there because this tank is not doing good things for us yes we got him taken out okay I need some more of these armor Breakers and then some more range units to back him up at least I think that's what they do yeah it is this Last Enemy is called God's Wrath oh my goodness he is just super expensive though thankfully we are starting to push back with our heavy amount of tank Breakers maybe I should upgrade one of their stats as well like their armor because I can do that right now that's very good so now they last a little bit longer and everybody's shooting I like to see this and now it's time to get one of our own tanks okay and even the playing field with our own death beam yes death beam does the work today and they're already sending out more of these fast spider things those are so freaky but we are starting to push towards their base okay they're starting to sell and upgrade their Tower so maybe I should do the same thing we'll sell this ooh heavy plasma cannon I can get that right now I maybe should have checked the fire rate but it's also one of the fastest things the other thing is this ion cannon which has the least damage but the most fire rate so maybe one of those would be good how's our guys doing I think menu just stays in place that's kind of funny okay we have a lot of guns to chew through over there let's go an ion cannon for this so we can get some more of these I'm kind of summoning them out of order but it shouldn't matter too much we're keeping them on this half of the field which is good for us I also can't help but think of the hunters from Halo whenever I see these things so that's always fun okay here's what I'm thinking we can call in a steady line of tanks and armor Breakers and then once we have them lined up we can wait till they are in effective range to do something and then summon another death beam we're just summoning all the Death beams gotta spend the XP on something okay their their whole line is taken out now we're reaching the tower yes the first hit finally it only took like five future advancements but wow those Towers really chew through our units this is gonna be a tough battle I really might need this God's Wrath after all so let's start just sending in a ton of cheap units to hopefully take them out and hold the line until we can use the death beam again the death beam is becoming my new favorite thing because it's free and there's so many units that are firing at once I love it here we go death beam again okay we're starting with five thousand I kind of want to wait for a lot more of their units to fill the battlefield so we get more money by destroying them and this is looking like a good amount right here so let's use it and then chew through more of those and oh we're so close we just needed 300 more but our melee units reached the tower so that's kind of cool okay now their units are Marching on kind of freely we can get by with a cheap unit to at least hold their advance and then take him out just a little bit more our guy has a little bit of a disadvantage because he doesn't have range support but if we just take out one more of these then just wait a little bit uh I hate to do it but I kind of need another unit to come in okay we took him out God's Wrath time the towers can hold off a little bit of momentum and then we call it a death beam oh yes look at him he is ready to do the work today let's give him all the support and their guns do almost nothing to him oh my gosh he can take them out in almost one go I love this guy that's over a thousand damage per attack on the high end wow this is the way to go yes just March right up there don't even worry about the tower oh he does so much damage to it yes this might be it and even if it isn't there's so many guys lining up to die I could probably afford another one by the time this one expires it's gonna be very close just a little bit more yes we did it we are victorious throughout all the ages ain't nothing to it well that got a little worrisome in the middle but we came back stronger and won the day so hope you guys enjoyed this video let me know if you want to see more and thanks for watching stop doing Turn I'd also like to thank the channel members including bread Mr one ancient Elixir one Corby Farm blade at Archer Dakota C donamoto deviant X muffin stuffer Lucas s lab spider sax the real nickname Edward hateful Harold Todd M and Peggy Sue
Channel: InterndotGif
Views: 81,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: interndotgif, intern, blitz intern, intern blitz, blitz, age of war, age of war gameplay, age of war game, age of war theme, age of war intern, intern age of war, age of war 2, age of war 2 gameplay, age of war 2 game, age of war 2 theme song
Id: 1c42w9K826w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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