I Evolved My Dinosaur With INSANE Upgrades

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today my primary goal is this just murderous little dinosaur just kill a bunch of stupid robots and reap all of the sweet sweet upgrades like that one and if there's ever too many well i have special abilities for that oh my god there's already a new one you're red mushroom get head butted idiot stupid wannabe toad moving into stage four there's now two of these guys i'll just use all my abilities i don't care i'm like infinitely powerful and i keep getting a bunch of upgrades to drop stage five would be where i would put a boss though or just two of these mushrooms super close together yep thank you because that's oh my this is the fourth one sounds like the game wants to kill me here on stage five weird how that works oh i did it i've advanced one tiny little frisbee disc well that's fun because now i can craft all my armor pieces together even more so to make a level three one i'm looking good i also got enough gears bolts and other wrenchy parts to where i can upgrade my powers both of them the primary goal of any t-rex should also be to find the most efficient amount of murder to part dropping ratio stage 2-2 so far i've only gotten one part i am not hopeful maybe i just need to murder more people or they just hate me i'm murdering them you know what i guess that's fair i'll give them that one oh i got a gun part to drop that would be nice if i could actually upgrade my gun somewhat to do more than two damage i'm just pretty much relying on my abilities oh i got another gun to drop yes i'll have my level two gun before i know it oh and now there's a weird looking cactus thing i don't even it's dead you know what i don't have to worry about it anymore i just hope i never oh and there it is again oh and now there's two of them headbutt stop don't ever whip me like that again stop it stop they're casually bonking me quit would you guys just die no one even likes you get out of here i get to craft more stuff up level four nose piece and then level three shin guards a level two gun no level three and then i'll just upgrade my laser beam again there's a whole bunch of more upgrades so i'm just gonna start saving now how strong is my level three gun my last one did two damage this does six wow that's okay much stronger yeah i wonder without using any of my abilities how far i'll be able to get them well well enough to get me all the way back to stage 2-5 now i know i just need to save my abilities for the cactus brothers because i should be able to just mow my way down through everybody else after this both of you are dead stage two complete which just means it's time to combine all of my stuff why is there so many shin guards here oh my gosh all right stage three this without using abilities i'm already in a predicament oh i just oh i'm getting i'm glad sorry i just got attacked by the tongue monster right there wasn't able to speak i was gonna say i just got a tier two gun dropped maybe stage three isn't so bad i say as nothing proceeds to drop me any upgrades i think i've found my favorite tactic the level starts out i use my eyes i see that i can just mow down a bunch of people i let myself walk until i get to about the halfway point where i headbutt i then reassess the situation and decide not enough people tier 2 shin guards see i'm not making it up and moving into stage 3-5 i'll do whoa i just got a box santa came early to this mesozoic guy mesozoic prehistoric any paleontologist in my comments either way stage 3-5 deaded all right mystery box at level four survey says wow this is a ton of parts in that case time to come up can i just click this button is that oh that was not as satisfying i do however have enough for tier five shin guards they're just two ones but much larger this should be a good amount of guns right tier four tier four tier five skipping right over i got a new ability i don't know what it is but i'll upgrade it to level three stage four dash one my gun's still doing six damage oh i think it shoots much faster though that's good that's overall dps improvement as i was saying though new ability go it's just a giant harpoon i like this is that a bumblebee no it's a deadly did that make sense that was a stupid joke hey mr buzz buzz get deaded oh my god i just survived my headbutt that's probably not a good sign i feel like that ability is just extremely good and busted so maybe i should upgrade that uh to wildest extremes that seems like it would be a major win for everyone involved get headbutted these stupid bumblebees have so much help look at this and stage 4-4 i'm in a 1v1 with mr bumbleboy oh it's another box thank you santa stage 4-5 if i'm able to just get out of this one i'll be on to the next overall stage over bumbling jack i want to be cucumber and a freaking mushroom you're just blocking my way why are you all nature bots what's going on here either way i don't like you die now in real life you're not allowed to do that but in game that's completely fine also i am 80 of the way there 85 there should just be three enemies in my way if they're all bumblebees i'm going to cry okay no one's just a stupid little robot in the back he's dead and freedom let's see what kind of overpowered goodies i get this time a level three goggle a level three gun bunch of level twos wow all right mash everything together because this lets me make a level five goggle do i get a new skill no but my bike damage went up and do i have enough to be able to make yes a tier six knee pads which is just my hp but i'll take it now don't mind me as i very beautifully make a tier 5 nay tier 6 gun which now my ability is an arrow i don't have the chain anymore i have whatever this thing is stage 5-1 and i'm shooting plasma balls now for 15 damage oh my gosh the only thing is that i'm getting tier three drops okay oh yeah what's this new ability go oh it's just a taser i'm liking these new weapons of mine go taser damage it's really not all that different from my previous harpoon but i think it reloads faster and that's what i like stage 5-4 i've got my 500 hp and these bumblebees really not doing that much damage but oh yeah that was a good idea to use chaser right there excuse me coming through okay i said i have 500 hp which is a lot but whenever you're getting hit by three different enemies at once suddenly you know it drains what is that why is there a warning and beeping going on they're about to be a boss oh well yeah the boss at the top really explains that one for me thank you just laser beam him then head butt him shoot him he's got missiles okay that did 30 damage that did 30 damage okay you know what i'm sensing a theme that's fine it's just a dps check who can do more damage his rockets or my abilities and the gruesome answer right now is i really am not sure it's fine he's just got like two hp left just kill him tickle him tickle him in his ribs that i i feel like i'm tickling his ribs he's exploding yeah i think i really got in there really messed something up they're gonna be a big oh he just fell over okay let's random confetti well unfortunately not enough stuff to make any of my upgrades different however i will be upgrading my abilities oh this is a whole new world now what are we going to see in here stage 6-1 gross little robot bats oh my gosh this should not be allowed murder them all and they just all have so much hp how much damage do they do to me 30 damage per hit what the heck talk about a difficulty spike game what's going on here like look at all these little guys good thing i've got that taser oh a box i think it's really telling that this entire army what the hell is that it's an oh it shoots laser beams no kill it before it just out ranges me somehow that's the thing with robot brains they're always thinking up some new stupid way to do damage screw you stupid jerk nope sorry scorpion you're dead along with your buddy too i didn't mean to kill him it just happened oh no they're all grouped up quick use an ability when i can yes oh that saved my life i've done well enough we're onto stage 6-5 if i beat this i get a nice little checkpoint and i'm gonna headbutt these guys screw you and then gun it's my favorite one all right everyone listen closely and do what i do well do what i say and i'm saying die so just go ahead thank you hello mystery level seven mystery box what is oh that drop me tier four gear all right what are my upgrades looking like now then you make tier four to make tier five to make my tier six helmet i can almost make the tier seven shin guards and i'm still a bit of ways away for the tier seven gun a ton of gears again though back to upgrading stuff i guess the lightning bolt damage is handy because when enemies are grouped up i can just fight them all rather than my gun which i gotta get through one first also my dinosaur looks cool as hell now with all of these just metallic diamond e upgrades the only thing i'm really just worried about now is if they added a new enemy i've already got laser shooting scorpions and dumb round bats i don't know how much more i can actually deal with stage 7-4 and my were realized what even is this thing it's like my uncle greg please get out of here no gross stage 7-4 i've got 40 hp left oh no wait if i get shot i die dang it that's fine another level 7 parts box and i got more tier 4 parts so i'll take it let's see here oh my gosh this is a lot oh yes tier six meaning i have a tier seven face now oh that is menacing this is a lot so let's just make as many of the tier fours as i can and then this will be my tier five makes tier six to get me a tier seven shin guard now about that tier three gun game nope still waiting on that one okay what i'm not waiting on is more skill upgrades all right let's try this again how much do these do now 35 damage per shot well that's handy i've made it back to stage 7-4 and so far so good the only thing i'm a bit worried about is the big old green guy but i don't think i've seen him yet or maybe i just killed him nope nope he's right there yep perfect right on cue mr man stage 7-5 is finally here excuse me everyone get out of my way please i've got places to go people to see you know how it all works right and it's no it's a gross little green goblin man again coincidentally those that's my nickname in high school okay just dug up bad memories right there don't need to think about that anymore 78 and there's two little freaks left 85 i think this is the last two or my math is horrendous it's one of them die you stupid jerks oh i beat it and i got a level eight box out of that how sweet no tier fours but i am seeing two or three guns tier five tier six tier seven wow i am matching and looking cool about it nice new amazon drone ability all right i guess i'll upgrade that a bit level five should work and i'll upgrade my normal gun and my normal headbutt because these never change go bezos attack oh it's a little mini turret man well this thing's just handy i'm gonna stay with this my normal gun do now 18 and shoots in three bursts wow how about my headbutt does 160 okay and my gun does 40 damage per shot yeah i'm liking these abilities a lot excuse me robots move thank you are they going to introduce yet another new enemy to me in this level we've already got gross orange scorpions disgusting green goblins not the spider-man guy these freaky little bats everything to give me nightmares for the next three weeks what more do we really need me everyone get out of the way please i've got a checkpoint to hit and you're ruining it well box oh level 9 box yes please wow that's a lot of tier 4. almost enough for me to go up to tier 8 or in this case actually going up to tier 8 for the shin guards i give a little spike that's good just means more health for me stage 9-1 and there's oh what the hell is that fire gun using robot should i be concerned about that probably but am i going to not at all what tier 4 gun just dropped for me too well i'll be having those upgrades in no time then a tier five gun just dropped for me i hit stage nine all of a sudden the upgrades become bountiful huh stage 9-3 and they just they have their whole avengers fleet fighting against me right now we've got scorpion man ball boy hawkeye i don't know how they actually got him but i've made it all the way to stage 9-4 still it looks like they're not trying hard enough and i oh i just got another box what gear's about to be in the stage 9 box drops if i'm getting literal tier 5 equipment from this ideally something really cool get headbutt idiot oh no this is a lot of enemies right here still and i am out of all my special abilities does that mean i'm gonna have to back off yeah that's fine i wanted to open up the box anyways now that's a large amount of things so much so that i can go to my tier viii headgear now wow i just have like a scary muzzle and i think i should be able to go up to my tier 8 gun is that an eruption let's get you upgraded right on up friend all right 700 hp and i shoot missiles that deal 66 damage now what's the eruption do oh it's just a flamethrower yeah i like these new upgrades quite a lot now how does the flamethrower work on the firebot i feel like that should uh be heat resistant whatever if it kills it i'll take it also to note that i forgot upgrading my little mouthpiece does more damage so i do 50 damage per chomp now really handy to help get through all of these little guys that in my 66 damage giant rocket that i shoot out made it all the way up to stage 9-4 for some reason stage nine just got very difficult so much so i had to go up like a whole tier in my armor pieces to even somewhat survive here and i'm still about to die unless i make it through with 20 hp never mind one misuse of an ability and i'm screwed so it's simple i just need to not mess up ever if i just do that i'll be fine i am however halfway through the level and i'm over halfway dead so might be a little worrisome but ah i'm sure it'll buff or i'm dead that's where the upgrades come in after another run i can make the tier 9 shin guard set an exclamation point and as luck would have it i can make the tier 9 gun to oh my chain hooks back as well as whatever this is when i'm at 900 hp and now i'm just shooting little 16 damage laser beams that i can throw oh they're grenades okay no that yeah that's fair that's powerful and fun relatively easy to get back up to stage 5-9 the real question is will it be relatively easy to beat stage 9-5 i like to be hopeful especially since i've just murdered two of those fire robots and showing no sign of stopping here and there's two more of these firebots okay well don't you think we're getting a bit uh overzealous with how many of these guys we're allowing now oh no i was really hoping that would actually hit this guy in the back that's fine though i think i can still murder him yeah stage nine done who'd have thought those upgrades were all worth it now i feel like i should be able to make yes tier 9 face gear let me also bring everything up to level eight now stage 10 aka boss level time and i do 50 damage with my harpoon now that's handy almost does my headbutt do 180 yep i'll take that thank you excuse me tweedledum i'm trying to get through here thank you 10-4 if i just so happen to beat this level i get to go fight the boss that sounds like something i would love to do and my grenades make my life so much easier excuse me i'm going to go ahead but all your buddies thank you i just hold out for as long as i can to make sure my gun hits that guy that's a clear oh hello mr boss whatever you shall be it's a giant red robot huh looks a little familiar wow my grenades did a ton of damage right there and he's at half health okay all my abilities went by and he's almost dead it's fine just everyone charge back up again real quick and i headbutt him again that was a lot yep use my normal gun and i killed him wow this gear is busted bye-bye stupid boss i don't even think i have enough stuff to actually upgrade anything oh well i'm sure i'll find something in the ice world is that a penguin with a gun
Channel: ImCade
Views: 360,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, cyber dino, cyber, dino, imcade cyber, imcade dino, I Evolved My Dinosaur With INSANE Upgrades, evolving my dinosaur, insane upgrades, imcade insane
Id: T43bgzFXP98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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