Trivia But All The Answers Are Wrong

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I took three YouTubers and I got them to answer trivia questions that get increasingly more stupid Lewis you're gonna go first quantum physics and relativity two name a big number seven million six hundred seventy thousand five hundred two uh it was Any number greater than a trillion can I leave I'm about it too bold you're up ooh ooh I choose fantasy one please name a five-headed dragon in Yu-Gi-Oh dang oh yes fish wait oh you have to say ding oh that's three heads is it well I already locked it yes Louie I forgot the name of it okay I forgot I forgot the name Jubal do you have an answer uh Ifrit no you were all wrong the answer is five headed dragon I knew it knew it I knew it all right so of course it has all different heads of different of different beings okay uh fish you're up I would like geography for two what country could be used as a response to the question how are you feeling and what kind of car do you drive ding yes too old uh hungry ah no that's the only country I got it must be able to answer both of those questions simultaneously if they are both asked to you uh sad Central African Republic that is incorrect it spells car that's if somebody says what kind of car do you drive you don't respond with a car if you're using the driving a truck oh oh okay I got it I got it yes ding a Madagascar yes it is Madagascar what did you Google did you Google this what mad a gas car how are you feeling I am mad what car do you drive a gas car that's a genius okay fish you've gotten two points and you may now move on the board um do I have to follow the direction of the arrows you can only move one space and yes you must move the direction of the arrows you have many choices I have to go to the nuclear bomb all right have fun homie you landed nuclear bombers fish you can now make another player spin the bad wheel okay um I would like to make Louis spin the bad wheel Louie you're spinning the battery man it is a bit unfair isn't it yes dog you know how many stuff is on theirs look at all this you know how much I was looking forward to this no come on go to the shadow Realm no fish since you answered a question correctly you get to go again okay I would like to go to Logic for two Logic for two John has 10 candles and each candle can burn for 10 minutes John then lights all of his candles how long will the candles burn for ding yes Louie 10 minutes 100 minutes because each of the candles will burn for 10 minutes he lit them all at the same time yeah and then they each burn stack minutes they don't stack minutes together they burned first it's the same 10 minutes no I think you're correct thank you fish you know what fish [Laughter] minutes it's not like YouTube minutes watched I don't listen I'm gonna respectfully disagree with you on there it doesn't stack me two both you're up let's go with fantasy two fantasy two this mythological creature is depicted with scales a lizard-like appearance and is in some cases depicted as having multiple heads ding yes do both what is a Hydra that is correct it is a Hydra yeah I'm not I'm not gonna be doing well this this game I can already feel it all right you may now move on any space too bold I will go to point uh that is the wrong direction you land on nuclear bomb you may now make a player spin the bad wheel okay can Louis spend the bad wheel for me yes he can spin the bad wheel I like this choice just thought I'd give my input I'm just trying to get him to spin as many wheels as possible because I want him to understand why hey thank you thank you very much I got you baby thank you that was not good Louis the Goodwill is good it can only be good oh now I have more points than two points you'll get three points you are welcome thank you spinning is fun Louie you're up I would like to oh yeah that's right it's two bolts because you got it right uh can I go with Anatomy one please Anatomy for one true or false explain your answer there's a hole located in your heart that you couldn't live without ding yes Louie there's many holes that close and open and that's why blood flows True Blood vessels and such yes very good I would like to go to the shadow West realm okay Louie since you got that one right you can go again I would like to do Anatomy for two Anatomy for two what is the laziest organ in the human body yes do both Louie's brain hey you know we'll count it just brain yeah I guess it's the only organ that can be lazy all right tubo where do you want to go ooh uh damn I can't go to the shadow room I'm gonna be honestly the reason I didn't put an arrow to the shadowrome is because I knew you would take it immediately it's the only place I want to be my man all right I'll go with a Good Wheel okie dokie I hope Shadow Realms on this thing let's which one is that though to the shadow run send the player to the shadow Realm me please okay you will send yourself to the shadower realm let's go do we fight if we get on the same place or something no not really two balls you're up fantasy three please this tabletop role-playing game has players act out fantasy characters and roll dice yes Louie uh uh Dungeons and Dragons incorrect ding yes two bolt I'm gonna go with Monopoly incorrect ding fish Magic the Gathering Pathfinder what is this you Lily you're up uh I would like to do quantum physics and relatively relativity one quantum physics and relativity for one how many holes are in the word Polo uh two ball three incorrect ding zero incorrect fish um five it is four I was so close bro how how why how wait do you want me to explain it oh yes please oh so there's the hole here there's the hole here hole here and then when you say Polo you say whole so okay fish you're up I would like geography for four please this country's leader is famous for having the smallest male genitalia Russia [Laughter] let me go with the logic for one whenever a is true B is always true if a is false what do we know about B yes do bold uh we know that's a copycat uh no ding Louie we know nothing about B yes that is true we know nothing [Laughter] a logic question too that's funny Louie you may now move I will go to the shadow where Rome okay Louie you're up logic for three totally a father gives his first son a quarter and he gives his second son a nickel what time is it yes fish 6 51 PM PST no yes time for him to get a watch incorrect that was a good one that would have been my second answer that was a good one Louie uh we don't know the first one was quarter and the second was nickel it was a quarter to five oh I'm beginning to get it okay fish you're up fantasy for four A Healer a wizard and a tank walk into a bar what is wrong with the statement ding yes fish there's no commas uh no ding yes too bold uh the wizard is drinking uh incorrect Louie do you have an answer uh did they get hurt by the bar the tank should have entered the bar first of course it makes so much sense look even the four on the board got hit in the head with the bar the tank would have realized it instead the Healer took the damage too bold you're up cool can I get quantum physics and relativity for three within 10 decimal points how many solar luminosities is the sun dang yes two ball 300 million incorrect ding yes one yes that is correct why did you do that Louie one solar Luminosity it's only as Loomis as one son I think uh I will go to the shadow realm the place we know and love Louie it is gonna be your turn next geography for one more than 75 of the earth's surface is covered in this ding yes Louie water incorrect ding yes uh and that is correct it is air [Laughter] yes you can too bold it is now your turn to choose a question could I get uh Fantasy Five roll D20 Bing yes you can also just throw me a number two that would be cheap we leave it to fate 12. uh that is incorrect Louis 14. that is incorrect fish uh 20. that is incorrect [Laughter] literally 50 50. fish you're up I would like to go Logic for seven during what decade was the first computer designed dang yes two bold the 1940. incorrect ding yes the 60s uh incorrect ding yes fish the 30s incorrect it was 1822. fish you're up I would like to hit a logic for five please what is this ding yes two bold uh a bird it is a bird just it makes me upset it does make me upset okay too bold you may now move okay Shadow or realm okay two bolt it is now your turn can I do fantasy for seven what's your favorite Pokemon ding yes too old it is actually Dragonite I will I will take that as an acceptable answer the council will decide your fate two both where would you like to move okay for the money uh sure how much money do you want can I get like 10 coins okay uh okay two bold you're up uh can I get fantasy for six please how many hammers are there in a war ding yes two both 40K there are four thousand yes [Music] what is that from Warhammer 40K the key is to not think like a smart person can I go to Goodwill please okay oh well that's new oh neat I'll take that actually can I give those to fish yeah you can give them to fish too bold you are up uh can I go for anatomy three please Powerhouse ding yes mitochondria mitochondria yes it's the PowerHouse of the cell it is it is the PowerHouse of the self okay you may now move to a space uh could I go to money please yeah you can go to money we'll give you another ten dollars okay two bold you may now pick another question uh could I go Anatomy four please true or false explain your answer a human can 100 survive without a stomach dang uh yes two ball true because uh it won't be for very long but you can't survive a little bit incorrecting yes Louie false that is incorrecting true because we can receive nutrients through other parts of our body you know what I'm just gonna give that one to you true what's the reason true believe it or not you can just sort of tie up your esophagus to your uh small intestine and it just kind of works okay I would like to go to the Goodwill please double points for whoms me okay you get double points for your next correct question fish oh yeah baby that's gonna be me fish which question would you like how much was one dollar worth in 1976. ding yes Louie one dollar yes it was worth one dollar yes it's just so simple okay Louie you made a move I will go to the Goodwill okay spin baby spin come on give him some good give him something good let's go baby yes you gain three points Louie you are up uh I will do logic six what is the least common answer to the question pick a number randomly one through ten ding Louie one incorrect ding yes zero incorrect fish seven million 658 205. it's two minutes who would ever pick that number exactly that's the point too bold you're up geography five what animal can hold its breath the longest underwater ding yes Louie whale incorrect ding yes fish fish [Laughter] three times it does not give me 20. oh yeah that does I would like to go to Shmoney you get ten dollars uh you may now choose the next question fish you know some geography for six please despite what many people believe this is the real tallest mountain in the world ding yes too bold uh Mount Everest it is Mount Everest okay two ball uh can I go to points please can I get geography seven what country is located north of South Korea ding fish North Korea North Korea wow that was like the hardest one he had bro that was actual Geography okay fish Where Are You Gonna Move ah here nuclear bomb got it okay good choice oh wait who is this for this is for two bold okay no okay oh okay okay you may now swap places with any player on the board uh can I go to nuclear bomb please okay fish you landed on points so you now get three extra points I love that you homie uh in two balls you land on the nuclear bomb who do you want to spin the bad wheel uh could you give us a fish please okay oh okay I'm just trying to keep it competitive you understand I don't okay okay to keep this competitive this is with two bolts please okay you'll swap places with two bold that's what I do you land on the points and you will gain three points fish you've landed on nuclear bomb who would you like to spin the bad wheel I would like two balls to spin them come on Swap Places come on baby oh oh damn it all right fish it's me and you cannot answer the next question okay fish anatomy for five while some people are born without this those who are born with this usually tend to cut it for hygienic reasons yes Louie uh penis incorrect fish uh foreskin incorrect it wasn't fair not foreskin [Laughter] yeah Louie which one do you want okay anatomy six this red liquid is located inside of your body yes Louie blood blood I would like to move to points all right you will land on points okay what do you want next I will do Anatomy for seven okay true or false explain your answer there are four states of matter solid liquid gas and plasma and your body has Plasma in it Louie this is True Blood is plasma true there's Plasma in your blood I will move to money you'll get ten dollars Louie we'll say you're up next I will do four what is Magic the Noah's favorite ice cream yes fish mint chocolate chip incorrect dang uh do it again ding one more time okay two bubbles first is it a single flavor or is it like Ben and Jerry's type beat is he asking a question yeah I'm gonna disqualify for you Louie you're up vanilla it was chocolate no way damn it Louie we'll say you go again five why don't protons push each other away in an atom dang two bolt uh because they're attracted to each other uh incorrect that actually you know what if you can explain that answer further I'll give it to you uh because they're just kind of bound there so they can't really leave each other behind that's not enough of an explanation I don't remember the other one but one of them is is covalent bonds incorrect fish do you have an answer because there's also neutrons is because the nuclear force is stronger than the electromagnetic force at closer distances gotcha damn yeah that was a doomed answer from the beginning we'll go fish you're up let's go with six please six this is the protagonist of a movie about a boy who creates and sells pots while living with his abusive aunt and uncle yes Louie skip okay I don't know wait wait yep you're skipped ding yes Potter yes it is Harry Potter I knew it literally just thought of it the moment can I go to uh money please okay you land on money money you may pick the last question uh quantum physics and relativity for seven what rough estimate is commonly used for the speed of light ding yes C no that would have actually been really funny though and I'm kind of sad I didn't think of that do I get points for that you know what that's actually funny enough where I'm gonna count it yes what yes come on yes okay I win I'm going to go up to 38 points I'm crying I'm crying it's not over you think this is the first time I've ever won this is only the beginning movie as you'll see if you look at the final Point totals well you see the points are different you'll see that two bold actually has the most money so two bold wins oh oh Make It Rain baby I never lose trivia baby let's go I hate it I hate it this is the best way to win a board game this doesn't feel right the smug King Reigns Supreme whoa Harry Potter point so yeah he's right anyways uh click on this video for more dopamine right there you got it
Channel: Magic The Noah
Views: 880,063
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Id: iUpVZ0_f6ic
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Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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