Trapped in a Box Challenge!

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are you scared of small spaces or of being trapped in an enclosed area and not being able to escape you are Wow sucks to be you because I am NOT as a very incredibly strong and not ever scared human I love fear just kidding creep-creep-creep is still scare me today I'm going to be locking myself in a box I love boxes so much that is hard to make a challenge out of it called the trapped in a box challenge yeah it doesn't really sound as good on paper does it but let me explain so this challenge basically is I'm going to spoil myself into a random new world where ever I spawn I'm going to make a square around myself which is 50 by 50 I then I'm gonna use whatever I can find in that area and see how far I get in Minecraft this is of course gonna be in survival mode and it's gonna be pretty interesting let's hope we get a good spawn a as we're gonna do this first time to prove it here we are logging on gonna place myself in creative for now as I need to know the area I'm gonna place blocks around it so I can ward myself off call it proximity please give me something good building terrain if it's water I'm gonna be upset okay right so we've started here let's go 25 this way and work it out okay so I've split off the section that I'm going to be using this 5550 area and - there's glass all the way down to bedrock so I know exactly where I am no matter how far underground I am let's put ourselves in survival mode and set a timer for an hour and off we go okay so firstly oh okay well let's have a look around we've got some cows in here have we got - no he's just outside the glass wait one - yes we've got two okay that's good I can't see any grass that is grass we've gotta get some seeds out of this grass otherwise we're screwed we need the wheat yes we've got one - perfect love it okay so let's quickly get some wood for some tools and set up a little base it's a shame we've got quite a lot of water here I prefer more land but there does seem to be a fair amount of land which is good keep it on the beach for Nationales keep it up here don't I put it on the beach in case we need the sand make a chest as well and I've caught a pickaxe as there's a little cave down here which is a good stack with coal or sand coal is very useful but for now we just need a stone that's iron right there happy pretty useful already we may have got a bit lucky there it's not expected to find iron so quickly let's go mind that up we can even make some torches with our coal I wonder if I'm gonna find diamonds the likeliness of finding diamonds I'm sure is quite rare it is 50 by fifties cube but hey a man can dream quickly make a hoe gonna quickly light up the area as well as I don't want these two cow to die at nighttime I've done so many creative videos recently it feels weird being in survival Oh a bit of ground here plant those seeds lovely Sun is going down that's not good but it might be about time we go mining as the iron pickaxe upgrade and screw it we'll make an iron shovel as well okay we're gonna have to get some charcoal this is horrible can't mine in the dark okay we got lots of torches now it's good our hunger is getting a bit load anything we have of these apples that fell out the tree at the moment let's start digging down while it's night time we'll have to eat our apples coal there we go oh that's a lot this should last us a while oh my gosh right well oh my gosh she's not an Enderman coming for me keep digging down oh my gosh skeleton oh and a creeper right okay well we have we're about to die unless we're careful I don't have a sword yeah maybe we should make a sword we got another bit of iron now we can make a sword there's a sword a star stuff in this chest in case I die I need my food cut kill my cows yet though and my seeds are growing at all oh and I just stood on it but stupid there we go squid won't give me food to get more seeds need more wheats quicker we need the wheat to breed the cows and we also need the weak to make bread oh my gosh you got I know grass that's basically it there's one more seed oh no well we got one more seed to plan let's hope that they grow soon we've not got much time so unless we find some bone meal we're screwed maybe I should just like kill myself and spawn back in so I get the full stuff we go drown for a little bit back in a second here we go right where's my stuff okay I spawn points there in to be careful let's head back down to this cave hill those skeletons and creepers hopefully find some more iron for some armor okay well there's a zombie ouch okay can I even reach that skeleton looks like exactly fair don't need coal right now though that's a which she has poisoned me cool I collect this quickly okay which is coming for me get out of town you stupid witch huh okay she's she's dead but so am i gold ore oh gosh we're in half a heart the poison we can't get hit right now we need to get out of here badly a feeling we're gonna get shot by a skeleton on the way up Oh bones meal sweets we can make our wheat grow quick you get some food living on half a heart it's not fun smelt the iron one set of wheat and some more seeds screwed this one and then that one can grab it alright okay we got two bits of wheat let's breathe the cows together first come here cows calm got you where's everyone gone if it is drowned I'm going to be so sad I think it was over here though yes okay ladies and gentlemen we have got some baby making give me that baby cow I want it's lever oh yeah thank you very much once again we're going to sacrifice our life for the greater good yeah there we go let's see if we can gather some more resources no like this area up ahead gosh you scared the life at me zombie oh my gosh it sucks having no armor give me that iron I want it I want all of it I need armor so badly let's head back down here this is where everything was going on where we nearly died to a witch gosh there's zombies everywhere down here Oh see you later we've got slimes this biome I've chosen by accident it's lots of cool stuff oh gosh their skeleton oh gosh I've got no torches left I'm creeper okay let's run let's run we can't right now we need more wood move more torches and we have enough iron for an iron chestplate now make a load more torches should last us for now and I've suicided again so I can get myself full hearts and full food as we still have no source of food although that baby cow is hopefully growing up okay this should give us a little extra protection now the iron chestplate oh yeah look at those shoulders okay we just stumble across a load of iron Plus this skeleton here who should hopefully yep give us some bones which is nice this should be on the complete there's quite a lot here whoa spider go away ooh is that the only string it dropped one piece if you drop my I could have made a fishing rod I could be a good source of food I'm gonna go back and make some armor and then we're looking for some diamonds if I find any I'm gonna be so happy I have a feeling there's been none in this fifty by fifty really as though right where their heck am I I currently get lost that easily cuz there's only like 50 by 50 blocks got one mushroom did I get a red one I've got brown one could have made some stupid hey we got a seven-week from all that bone meal plus we can throw a load more weight one bread with this and we're gonna breed these cows again and we got another baby which is nice too baby cows now I just fed one a bit of wheat what a waste alright legs boots and a helmet full iron armor so make a new pickaxe as this one's getting kind of low let's make an iron axe as well let's cut down all these trees just get rid of all of them and then we can hopefully get some apples okay I'm not gonna suicide anymore so just takes too long so let's eat this bread and let's hope that we get a load of apples a lot of saplings so far no apples that's not what I want it don't really need any more saplings how did I get free apples from the first tree I'm gonna kill one of these cows and hope it gives me like free meat and what is that oh three like I predicted lovely not a single Apple from all of those trees that's actually ridiculous we've got our Free State and then let's head back down with our full armor and see there's any diamonds let's get down to Diamond level strip hit there go a bit higher for diamonds and oh my gosh that's a lot of stuff oh my gosh I'm dead and there goes all my stuff I dug down like an idiot I find it can I find all my stuff wait let's take some sand with us to fill in the lava okay just fill in that lava it's only one high as well I could have probably easily got out of that if I had some good fire protection ow stop it pickaxe is still fine I've got a head I've got lost my chest piece though my sword I think oh my gosh I've done it again so dumb so dumb got that much stuff left I just lost everything my only food okay let's make small tools I guess oh my gosh how am I such an idiot why do I keep digging down I'm so sad such a noob when it comes to Minecraft why my sunshine ooh let's leave the mining for now and let's work on building a house because I know how to do that and not die what a nice flat surface to build our house on can't believe I dug down into larvae twice I'm just an idiot there's no other word to describe me forgot how fun building in survival is just realized we can't build a bed we'd literally how villa bed there are no sheep we'd have to kill lo the spiders and I just don't think it's gonna be possible a very simple house for building but that's okay we're definitely not gonna have enough stairs so we have to find some more cobble but luckily cobblestone is everywhere when I'm building and creative without worldedit I complain about having world at it now I'm just sad that I don't even have creative lots of cobblestone mind and it's dark nice and we can't sleep it off because you down the bed we doesn't have any blooming torches anymore a little bit coal left but not much all right this should be plenty of stairs I think we've actually made way too many and wasted all our materials yeah completely overestimated yes we can make little window sills for our house now how's our wheat coming along as any of it grown oh we actually got one bit yay one hold it which gives us a total of two whole bits of wheat that is a creeper that spawned I should have lit this place up a bit better yeah skip rekt your stupid creeper right cow where are you have a cows oh they're all full-grown can place a nice birch wood floor in this house could even have a little bit like that there and a doll my pet peeve is when you want to make wander but you get given free so you've got free extra doors so that you're not gonna use let's be real all right I've made a little charcoal here I'm gonna gather a load of sand to make some glass windows for our very small house a glass panes that should actually be enough stops melting sand I guess you may as well just melt away what the heck is the perfect amount I did not do that on purpose nice let's kill one of these cows they need the meat now I don't care about breeding them anymore come a cave in chasing some so slow one piece of beef I'll kill this one as well I'm not gonna kill that one and we got left about eight minutes or so oh yes our lovely home which we can't fill with anything because we've got nothing to fill it with I guess we could put all that stuff in there very slowly it's like heart runners I got no food hey there we go one bit of beef not got long left we got a house built oh I didn't actually finish the house there we go it's done lovely what a beautiful house can't wait to never see this again no food apart from this one bit of steak may as well eat it so we can find some diamonds last-ditch effort take literally everything we have with us as lapis another thing we can add to our collection but it's not diamonds redstone as well may as well take that I'm gonna hopelessly dig hopes that I just stumble across diamonds oh my gosh we actually found some what the heck what down here that's unbelievable five diamonds what and a pickaxe has run out no no job you idiot was what is that water Oh No oh gosh they're zombies why is there no water where am i oh no please why now why am i such a noob go get that least he's gonna die in the lava oh gosh let me get my diamond skeleton please oh where are they oh gosh the lava jumped over it where are the diamonds please this way yes back to our sweet sweet home here lovely five diamonds let's make something out of this that's made helmet they smell to it what am i doing ma'am yes boom look at that look how cool I look oops we've got a minute left let's make a redstone block to decorate our house with lovely and honestly there's not really much more I can do we got our diamond helmet we're looking cool I'm happy I'll plant this sapling that's the last thing I do in my hour I'll never get to watch you grow sapling but it was a joyous adventure with you here my inventory for about five seconds when I picture up up there five seconds ago but the time is up we must gather quite a bit of stuff this chest here there's also loads of stuff not a bad haul plus our armor our house is nothing special but singers we only had an hour and we built that that's not bad at all I may be able to do a thing to see if we can see if there were more diamonds in this square down here okay I've completely replaced the stone with air so all of this is what you're seeing oh gosh water's coming in now so how many more diamonds were there in here there's some more over here what is that it did I find oh no there's some more they're far more there but there's not many so I got pretty lucky finding the ones I found it's some there some there that's it but there you have it guys that is the proximity challenge I hope you did enjoy it make sure to leave a like and come if you did and for you so much for watching I shall see you another time goodbye
Channel: SmallishBeans
Views: 1,429,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Small Beans, Smallishbeans, Smallerbeans, smallbeans, minecraft, gaming, video, gamer, mine craft, speed builders, minecraft speed builders, building game, build game, minigame, mini game
Id: IECb2qikrMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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