I Donated $50,000 To Ninja - Fortnite

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mr. bees just donated $5,000 $10,000 in pens and mr. B another 250 loved ooh baby pancakes as you can see on my screen ninja is currently doing a charity livestream and so far he's raised about sixty nine thousand dollars during his surety livestream st. Jude's is obviously a nonprofit of charity for a Cancer Research I mean literally known in this world like to cancer and so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make this a video where I donate money to ninja so I can get a sponsor on this video and take all the money the sponsor gives me and give it to ninja and obviously none of this money's going to ninja it's all going to cancer research this is just the fun way for me to get a viral video so I can get a sponsor on the viral video I can take their money and give it to cancer research because honestly screw cancer if we donate $100 he can only use a grey weapon that game and he has to take a sip of his Red Bull if we donate 250 dollars he has to drop the weapon he's holding our guns I don't care about but it's not fair mr. P drop gun I just if we donate $500 he has to drop all of his materials which that's gonna be a lot of fun nomads no listen to me bees I need materials know to win if we donate $1,000 he can't heal and he has to do the first chest challenge yes so much shadow cause he couldn't heal if we donate $2,500 he has to donate a thousand of his own money I'm excited because we have a budget of $40,000 which means I can donate $500 like 80 times and every time I donate $500 he has to drop all his materials it's gonna be a lot of fun we're gonna start off light with a $10,000 donation I love saying that just the trigger people I am going to do everything in my power to make you lose this game I mean a lot of frames here all right there it is a pop-up he hasn't seen it yet yeah I think he's hahaha I'm gonna do everything in my power to make you lose this game hi mr. B's let's go before I donate $50,000 to ninja I need to tell you guys about honey because they're the ones funding this video and honey is an extension for your web browser it includes Google Chrome Firefox Opera Edge Safari and all you do is click two buttons to install it and every time you check out it automatically applies coupon codes to save you money this cart right here is $13.50 all you have to do to save money is click on honey in the top right but got pleye coupon codes and it will scan the entire internet and try to find coupon codes for you to save money in this instance it scanned the entire Internet and it can only find a code to save me one cent honey actually saves us a lot of money all those pictures you see in the background those we always order from Walgreens and I'm not even joking right watch I'll show you hit apply coupons every time we order our means from Walgreens we always save so much money from honey there was a hundred and seventy five dollars but after the coupon code - honey found it was 114 dollars we're always putting posters up on our wall and every time we ordered the posters from Walgreens honey comes in clutch and literally saves us like 30% every single time and we spent thousands of dollars on posters let's do another one and give Coles a tribe my car at Kohl's is $17.95 let's hit apply coupons let's let it skin and test the entire Internet in this instance it could not find a coupon code to save me money which means I can rest assured there is not a single promotion or coupon code out there for this all you have to do is click the link in the description this page will come up you hit add honey you hit add extension and boom honey is installed I clicked twice there's literally no reason not to add honey to your browser today it is free to use and installs in just two clicks get honey for free at join honey calm slash mr. bees over 10 million people use it 90,000 five-star reviews all you have to do is go to join honey calm slash mr. bees there's no reason not to it's free and yeah guys let's get back to know mr. Bristo x1000 says no healing okay so we are already moving on to the no mess okay I said I'm Masoud we're good we know we're not in that bad a say yeah that's right broke you do because you understand i can reform the materials back up no guns no good no which gone alright even if you didn't see even specify which gotta get the drops all just drop I'll show my great pistol thanks bees no guns just donate it up another 250 no gun another 250 listen I need that I need to be replenishing these guns recreating as best as we could I'm in charge of nomads he's in charge of no guns we're gonna be donating as fast weekend no mess nomads oh ha ha the Beast if I die this game dude because I can't get materials I bought roughly 2000 material you're a hundred percent gonna die you will we're not giving up to your diet tell the drop of shotgun yeah shotgun to 250 shotgun bees I hate you lose the shoddy dude football I knew you guys are all like you guys are against me there right now you got this I believe in you mx8 with a 150 Thank You Man these I got someone who believes in me no no W for you mr. piece you're amazing man thank you so much problem congratulations by the way it's all your success team keeps climbing in keep making your goofy videos my success this boy ever just growing twice as fast as me but you talk about my success I want a girl like ninja literally just imagining him right now looking at webcam it's like I will make my goofy videos ninja yeah I will make my goofy videos drop the AR I just picked up another one beast so joke's on you stop trying to be nice to me and just lose this game already this is war man yeah we're at war who does this man think he is lose the rifle it's down guys I don't listen I need a weapon bust all any grape no mess no material no please I can't even place down the launch pad I'll be careful ice Devon look don't be nice to me we are at war these can make ninjas lose alone drop a gun okay strike we got back up yeah that's right okay guys I'm naked alright this is what you made me do don't be nice means we are at war for a mystery look I'm I trying to okay I'm sorry for be nice yeah I apologize for every I had to get that out of the way everything let me get the compliment out of the way this is war man you'll just like compliment the enemy oh he picked up a gun no no no gun for you no they are this is war oh no mess he's the first person ever be a war and then like you compliment the other general no magically the whole be Scott trying to make you lose dude no guns I can't help dude there's no way up here there's no it wasn't there the bar no we are drop it yes yes come on do it before he gets here no mess I'm just holding the bandages nomads have that ready for what he thinks up a gun pick up any weapon he donated $400 no that's golden shotgun your mind oh I'm gonna have it ready do do it do it chance come come how could I not hit him once don't man I just donated enough Matt didn't events again it's taking a second on this one can you make sure we're not poor how much money do we have to pay pal he's not even by max what no no come on come on no no drop the meds no mess [Music] oh my god listen to me bees I need materials love to win haven't got that shot it I'm gonna have them drop his mats no mess so you have a no gun coming in I haven't no mats coming up yeah so you know this is 71 wood and is he on he's gonna have nothing he's gonna die you are not winning this game ninja I don't care if I go broke no he has another gun already don't ever go oh you said drop gun you insane what's gone oh yeah all right yeah he helped drop his new gun and now you should see the mess yeah this yeah that's right huh no max came through drop your mats come on Nate I know you see it drop your mat no man trouble that's right better drop this silly ass dude no yeah we're both doing no gun no gun go through good sir yeah it's pretty math you know man the way to your face to be fair that donation went through right before you killed the guy who said drop that shotgun he should have dropped it I'm a little salty calling a party foul and we get the doll they're beasts made me drop so many we gotta listen that was good that's fun that's it - a lot of fun he made that a normal thing so far we've donated $20,000 but ten of it was in the first one so we could still do two more games at this rate it's best two out of three okay we're just gonna make a blister next to abuse man hey look beat you try man you tried you know you just couldn't I'm gonna get you this time you know you just couldn't quite clutch it because he's talking some smack right yeah while we're waiting for this next game to start I just want to remind you all this money it came from honey so again huge shout out the honey thank you guys like this is a lot of fun and we're helping save lives and so I really appreciate that you guys sponsored this video and you guys should support them by installing honey it's pretty awesome click the link in description I have your first foundation ready we're not playing around this no-gun all right he doesn't even have a gun yet and I'm already telling him to drop it I win what call about to die no the bots today it's not gonna go in in time no materials you're supposed to drop the with a cheater hi doing another no materials even though he doesn't have materials I'm clearly paying $500 Evan drop 30 materials that's hilarious he has nomads and I donated $500 to make up job dad's I pick up these mats yeah pick up the brittle materials any materials I'm gonna do a thousand drop Pawnee cares about that but Haley hey read that thousand dollar donation I know you see it ninja without a thousand dollars from Beast as well draw your guns I don't care about not fair dude no mess I'm telling you right now T there's someone at Epic Games right now that it's okay beast they say he's I can heal he said I care about you know he said I could heal us all favor you guys can't make me a make me out to be the bad guy no shoddy okay okay high for HP right I said I didn't care about the healing but someone else donated told him no feelings so then he felt bad and tried to get himself down no dead bees yeah you basically got me killed by making me think I could heal and then I try to take the fall damage me background morning Vietnam day all part of my mastermind plan boys hi let's go you're not winning this game Chris if he wants this game I'm shaving her nipples and all I have to double here's the all right you ready you have this right here mr. Bies thank you so much again D we got donated that thousand say only great weapons oh wait he's already on the great weapon oh no gun oh dude he's out to H feet that's at that time mr. peace drop gun I just you better drop it no guns no gun again I'm donating so fast he said donating so fast it gets crisp is over here donating to ha ha we're donating at the same time I don't care how many people have to grab to help me spend my money I'm not letting you win this game all right he's about to drop his meds you're doing a no gun I'm gonna do no healing more officially no longer friends mr. Jose by the way enemies you're not winning this ones you know that okay I'm glad I take back calling you my dad you got two guns right no oh hey we gotta get him drop this he's gonna be hurt after this fight I'm gonna make sure I have a no healing right yeah take that damage all right so I'm donating $1,000 it means you won't be able to heal turkeys healing now it's gone through donation but don't make snow Elliot's take that just a little bit longer dude that's perfect timing yeah quick someone else donate about a large tell me I can heal someone donates a thousand dollars and says you can heal I'll donate two thousand and say you can't no gun do you think these there's no gun man I don't know what to tell you guys I'm trying so hard here but see this trash talk now and enjoy your but to have no mass no gun no healing thank you so much I'm not don't tell me can't you can someone just started thousand said he could yell mr. B's hit me with a no gun stop healing right now mister no mess no mads do I have to go into a fight let's go hmm stop healing right now dude I have a campfire no guns let's get him no guns 10hp I'm sorry dude you plan on killing me not what I'm wearing these Jamaican colors know so much shadow cause he couldn't heal where's that trash talk yeah ninja huh huh huh who made it where you couldn't heal you Globo morning mr. B's just donated $5,000 he just ignored our donation cool okay so I can get one from other things though this is so hard okay mr. B's goes no healing okay well you know what I don't you need to I don't need anything we're gonna go dude no that's no materials mr. Bies thank you very much mr. Bies appreciate that man god I just need biggest role in the chat no guns hey now I gotta grab my gun yeah get rid of his guns time to somehow donate and say I don't care about places or senses just trees cuz global warming bad over white cape overweight cat goes drop a shotgun thanks listen guys mr. Pete said maybe Elvis drawing me okay I don't care bout bushes or fence industry is the global warming it was bad going in Batman no that's I think 300 brick is enough oh my god horse died wait J ghosty and ninja with the 10k that's me and my wife by the way just said one normal game wow thanks wife boom give me these minis dude the only way that can be overturned is with a donation larger than $10,000 but I don't think mr. B's even had that much amount plan donate we're good but you know that was that was our direct call out to me I'm overriding this I don't even care for over our budget lock the door because my mom's about to bust no normal game for you I believe I'm about to do this did you like that yeah okay sorry mom come on please please please let me do this ninja challenge me no normal game for you no normal game for you no normal game for you that's right that's right drop it off but see you win now and thousand eleven dollars and then fans mr. B's been no normal game for you whoa Jay dude he challenged me that stepped up to the plate I'm just saying you don't just call me out like that you know the only way that can be overturned is with a donation larger than $10,000 but I don't think miss gonna add that much amount left donate there just ignore it you know like no hope cutting I would tell your the donate to get rid of the mess but I'm pretty sure we don't have any money I'm so good honey is sponsoring this video you shout out the headaches this would be stupid if honey was not sponsoring this video I just really did this is my granddaddy no still can't Hilda right bisciotti now 1v1 please if this guy doesn't end I'm gonna find out what that guy is I'm going to actually I don't have any money let's get us out give him ten girl yes all right come on please please I tell our donations I mean it I'll save a bunch of children all right we're just gonna stop before I say something controversial I tried I tried I tried I tried I told you I was gonna donate 40,000 but I ended up donating 50,000 I said they like he said what was it what does so passive-aggressive it's like directed right towards me he's the only way that can be overturned is with a donation larger than $10,000 but I don't think mr. Bies even had that much amount donate he donated 10,000 and then he's like the only way you can override this is by donating over 10,000 I'm like what am I not supposed to like it was a direct shot him no no I just wanted yeah yep okay whoops Oh ninjas back anyways love y'all it's and they did mr. reso knows I'm a lot of money dad please shout out honey it's a Google Chrome extension and they funded this that's the least I can do wait a minute mr. beast are you telling me the Google Chrome extension honey wouldn't mind if 166 thousand people got a shout out and we're aware of that google extension app called honey it's the least I can do mr. beast thank you so much for all the dough nose men appreciated massive shout-out to honey thank you so much mr. bees thank you so much man and honey thank you as well everyone who's going in today thank you man we've raised over one hundred fifty eight thousand dollars in less than four hours ninja likes honey his chat likes honey we like honey you should like honey it takes two clicks 10 seconds to install in April everyone who installed honey not only Google Chrome I didn't mean to just say Google Chrome did ninja it's also on Firefox and other browsers but on average my viewers that installed honey on average saved $21.98 over the course of the last couple of months so that means everyone who watched this video like you're watching now a couple months ago they'd literally click two buttons Pat honey and they got 20 dollars in their pockets in total everyone who installed honey from the last video I made they saved in total 126 thousand dollars like that's a lot of money boys I hope you guys enjoy make sure you subscribe subscribe right now I'll put a pin in okay where you'll subscribe and I'll put a shirt down subscribe like the video or your genitals will shrink and that's it he was gonna do a pom pom with his wife so I'm gonna do a pom pom with my wife as well [Music] oh god please no no [Music] [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 85,193,944
Rating: 4.8803196 out of 5
Keywords: ninja, fortnite, gaming, funny, charity
Id: foLlul8Tl3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 14 2018
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