I Donated $40,000 To A Random Twitch Fortnite Streamer (world record)

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we've done 10,000 three times we've done 30,000 twice but we've never given $40,000 to twitch streamers every time somebody donates of me you plays do it this guy deserves $5,000 all right so this next person is called chica I've actually played for night with her you know she was pretty chill she actually carried me to a W and you know when someone cares you to a W up for tonight you got to show them a little respect you know boys thanks for getting me of that W thanks for getting me that W that one for tonight game I am forever in debt to you thanks for getting me that W that one for tonight game I'm forever in bed with you I would love to die it out again yeah is it sad that a woman can kick your button for tonight no because it's 2018 when we could be getting video games mr. Bean's oh my god thank you so much for that donation well the game and I donate another thousand no I swear to god she dies she's gonna feel so bad win the game and I donate another 1000 what you can't say that in the middle of a gun to say that oh my god thank you so much I'm sorry oh I have almost 1500 wins look thank you so much thank you so much JK what I'm sorry that is my girlfriend in the background who just screamed who's watching the stream I have to go harass other people later mate thank you so much mr. gates so harass other people later Amy thank you thank you so much for that donation I really appreciate those obviously I can't afford to give away $40,000 every week without help hence why this video is sponsored by honey which is an add-on for your browser available on Google Chrome Firefox and Safari and basically it scans the entire Internet and automatically plugs at discount codes when you're shopping online you're gonna click the link in the description of this video you're gonna click Add honey alright then right here you're hit allow you're gonna hit add and boom I clicked like maybe two or three times it took maybe five seconds hey Chris you want a pizza yeah well this pizza is $32 you know what look our convenient little honey add-on it's like the plaque coupons all right honey I'll hit apply coupons it's now we're gonna scan all of the internet and test coupon codes for me and if it finds one that actually works it'll apply it so honey found a discount code called save 25 I did they didn't tell me to do this I just picked you know a random site that's actually pretty crazy so it was 32 dollars now it's 25 dollars simply because I spent five seconds to get the honey add-on and hit apply coupons I save seven dollars like literally some people make like $7 an hour like you could save an hour of your wage if you're working minimum wage just by having this add-on and boom our $25 pizza that technically what $32.00 was just ordered I can't wait for it it tastes so much better knowing that I saved money so in this instance we're shopping on this pet website and it couldn't find a discount code but that is good if honey can't find a discount code for you then you can rest assured that there's not a single discount or promo code on the internet if there was one honey would find it for you either you save lots of money or you know you're not getting ripped off I mean it's really a win-win thank you really used some stuff to organize my kitchen and while that's going I just want to say that in case you're wondering how honey makes money they never sell your information right the way honey makes money is whenever they find a discount code for you that works the site gives them a little commission for you know like encouraging you to buy things but they don't sell your information they don't do anything any of that nonsense they just get a little bit of Commission for helping drive a sale to these websites it's a win-win because these are discount codes you never would have found on your own like come on right here is my link to honey it's linked in the description click it right now and install it it is free and will save you lots of money though later in the video we get the more crazy of their donations we'll get so make sure you watch the end because this video is going to get really crazy while you guys are out here landing in fatal fields and stuff she's dropping tilted towers oh no she's not nevermind all right I have never been donated that much money ever I've been zooming for two years a few funny few day it was like have you ever been if you haven't been donated that much money how about this much money I don't know I don't know mr. Bies I have never been donated this amount of money oh really done sorry Chris was being dumb sorry Chris was being dumb buta literally have no idea how much that helps can we get an amount that's $5,000 I'm like counting it so what did we get ourselves into he's done about wet dreams dude are you kidding me let watching select the best thing ever like dude what this guy seems like he has a lot of wet dreams I think we need to give him some money no God please no no holy [ __ ] I hate wet dreams use this to buy more underwear oh do look at his face I've been waiting my life for this moment I'm gonna give you the show of your lifetime my dude mr. beat I want some cockpit [Music] it's really been waiting for this I'm gonna wait for you mr. beat I am gonna show the people in this channel what I am made of this made many more people like this and I like all rightie whence he gets $5,000 let's go okay I can't breathe I'm having a small heart attack Eminem has taught us one thing on this planet and that is when you get an opportunity you need to seize that opportunity I need to show the people what you're made of one he also taught us mom made good spaghetti whoa double border four there we go baby that's what I'm talking about that's what I'm talking about I want so badly to dance for you right now mr. beast materials daddy hey man I got 270 wood here and I got 999 wood in my pants dude I am ready for this what this burger brush has to offer the world does he have some mad skills oh my god did you know he's shaky right now [Music] No I hate this game so much you got a 10 HP 10 HP mr. beast dude I am so sorry man I'm unbelievably sorry dude he's mad but I choked man but I will still do this for you my dude what are we getting ourselves into boys I don't know if I should be scared there's warnings up you are an absolutely amazing person and I love you with all my heart I am sorry that I choked so hard when I should have carried that I should have show the people since mr. B 6000 hard to come again oh wait yeah look at his glasses mr. B's 6000 it's him and a hotdog suit a bullish Jersey and the gallerist always does so baby walk you to a deep hey now that he knows we're here let's just drop us stack on his face you are really good and underrated you are really good an underrated oh my god no no no you're not doing this to me oh yeah give me cotton roll my heart rate I thought we just spice some things up a little bit Jesus thank you so much dude oh my god get the dove for us we want to see your skills look at those he's getting shot by two different people in yeah but carrots this guy's like literally one of the best players in the world they do it I'm speechless I got sweaty fingers I never get sweaty fingers from this game dude but you know I cannot thank you enough that's that's a lot of money that's a lot of money [Music] bees did GJ daddy thank you dude thank you for the 100 euros thank you for the four thousand euros that's it for him he's really good at the game I didn't really expect much of a reaction out of him but I just like watching him play this girl has ten viewers right now I'm a tweet adder stream and yeah we're gonna drop a couple grand if you want to watch these videos live follow me on twitter at mr. beast whitey i always tweet out streams would i do it and you can watch me drop thousands of dollars live or even recommend your favorite streamer this is not alright it's common quest mr. Bies rate it why didn't a pop up is going on right now how about we haven't even give him money yet you guys already going hard 500 viewers to pretend to 500 viewers you for the raid oh this is fun I just gave her $1,000 she's crying did she have a sense a thousand viewers that's pretty late you guys better pull my Twitter mr. B's whitey away next time we do this we get like 20,000 viewers yeah she's severely yeah yeah what have we did her it looks like this made her weak her life yeah yeah you made her go over her golden foot you got used down wait oh no no no no no put the honey ad on honey at dawn honey so I was just going around making streamers sing things but this guy actually know who I am and he seems pretty cool also I'm American and we got a show you know show some respect to our veterans you know the people who tried to keep us free I sent him two grand I'm excited I want to see what he says what dude I'm gonna raid this man no dad got feed on the stream I just tweeted out a stream he's currently on six viewers let's see how many he gets up to he's up 200 viewers already please be nice to him and watch a stream he said you just wanted to meet people have fun I think it's going so fast my poor PC can't keep up with everybody hey guys calm down better not break his PC gonna have to buy my new one let me take this moment to let you guys know that May first we've got some really cool stuff dropping save up some money little kids May first we're dropping some merch luigi is bit he obviously seems a little down I hope this cheers him up why did we do a little Yugi again because he was talking about Mario maker are you joking me right now I'm not signed in boy's gotta sign in Rover he's sitting like Salvador Dali's I feel like I can't remember about twitch password so I can't type in [ __ ] mr. but what the heck dude please go home this is crazy what just tell people that honey is the best or never honey's the best add-on ever honey like like for toast and stuff no no way better the does are you joking me man but honey you can get your toast cheap I wish I had a beer like you people on us mr. beast ah Beast did you uh slip a digit there man beast you let me know if that was a mistake okay it's not a mistake okay now you're [ __ ] with me I'm not what in a world all right so I gave him two grand but he clearly thinks it's fake which is fine you know know where he's met whenever you see this video it's real as your two thousand dollars I hope you enjoyed it hey guys let's see what this is this is a pizza right that was valued at $32 with everything else you bought that we got for $25 because of honey right literally just gave him $10 same the music is too low for me the music is too loud for me to give you lots of money do you all know he's taking this so difficult perfect we do i yes no give it mr veestrate wow wow wow wow here is my lunch money so the problem I'm running into is I tweet out the stream and all you guys spam them with one bit so my huge donation never pops up it's been like ten minutes and he still hasn't seen my one thousand dollar donation so let me pose that I'm no longer tweeting out streams before I donate because you guys clogged up the alerts and then my donation doesn't pop up this is her first stream is it really yeah all right this is her first stream let's welcome her to twitch did you know that honey is the best browser extension ever made all right we just sent her $1,000 take a second did she yeah I can't though she knows how that owes a thousand I was our first donation ever - I can't I can't even right now her first ever donation by a guy that goes around is $1,000 - their first extreme please don't - make sure we already do this another thing oh thank you I will check you out on YouTube mr. B's hey perfect mission accomplished sometimes I want to listen to a song but I can't find it and I found that donating a thousand dollars is the best way to listen to an old song F is work friends who do stuff together [Music] wait wait wait wait wait oh that's EXO I didn't mean that I'm just trying to sing a spongebob song wait what do you mean Ian I'm dead now mr. B I think that's first spongebob sorry I wasn't thinking that way hey come on you can say I need you to say deafness for friends who do stuff together I'm trying to hey it's song oh okay f is for friends Thank You G game is G game Gucci game Gucci gang Gucci Gucci game litchi gang spend ten rocks on a new chain my girl lost to cocaine somebody once told me the world is going to roll me I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed every day man's on the block Moke trees see your girl in the park that girl is occurs when the team went quack quack quack you man were joking let's see girls grow up yeah the last thing your corn in the Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus but as it turns out that might be what you get the earth is a donut obviously [Music] [Music] [Music] since you guys are all here I have something I have something special to show you guys five grand for my own personal performance this is that American song oh sorry [Applause] [Music] [Music] no this applause to Daniel that was worth it that was worth every penny thank you everyone this is a love lovely country that we live in we live in such a time running and living in America I live in Canada we'll start off with an easy one 1234 dollars Gucci gang can you make it where it's always focused on me yeah I'll see the donation one two three four you know I actually had issues with my camera I'm not rolling I'm not in focus yeah what's up Kris make my focus yeah so I'm gonna need some lessons on how to focus my camera I heard you're good at a technical support hello I can't tell if you're mad at me or happy now one of you guys did she say Gucci game that's very crucial I hope we got that you can Tipperary gonna be like you need to say Gucci game well just will do a live one just like 300 did you say couch it won't work did you say Gucci game I need it for my new album we got it all right she said Gucci game make sure you guys watch them because the finale of it's gonna be at the end so whatever you do do not click off before the end oh my god you're yeah oh my god yes oh my god i watch your videos I literally hardcore stock your videos oh how can you watch my videos if you don't have a PewDiePie chair shake my head oh my god she watches my videos it doesn't have a PewDiePie chair at some age these are real world issues right here come on obviously not enough I can't deal with this PewDiePie blasphemy I have to move us if we come across any streamers with a PewDiePie chair they're getting 10 grand on the spot I can't stand this way you defy disrespect nope you chair no look at all these chairs she has there's three chairs in shot right now not one wants to I know didn't I already gave her the talking I think it's time we move on three things install honey subscribe and may first we've got big things dropping May first so be ready for that mister besmirch mmm yeah so I'm gonna say make sure you like the video make sure you subscribe follow him on Twitter and Instagram and then later boys [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm shaking right now I'm shaking right now 456 is stupid enjoy a 1456 I'm shaking right now what the [ __ ] four five six one four five six why why why
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 21,612,247
Rating: 4.9128599 out of 5
Keywords: twitch streamer, donating, fortnite, funny moments, ninja
Id: zE3FLbpu9-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 21 2018
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