Donating $10000 To Pewdiepie

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Was not expecting them at all, really took me by surprise

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Magneticman555 📅︎︎ Dec 16 2018 🗫︎ replies

What an awesome time to come into the stream

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/fauxhawklad 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sorry to ask but what is the time stamp?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/MichaelTheDooley 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Glad to see Mr.Beast giving money to those bunch of Charities xD

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/kdog9114 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

I went back and tried to watch the counter go up and didnt see it. Not sure if he actually donated correctly to the stream, are they even taking donations through twitch during the jingle jam?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Hot_Jupiter 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

So....As someone who doesn't really watch any youtubers that aren't somewhat related to the Yogscast, who is this guy?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/akaispirit 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

When does hatfilms come in?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blud97 📅︎︎ Dec 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
PewDiePie versus t-series has actually been a lot of fun people from both sides of the competition are clearly enjoying this look at this PewDiePie gave 5 million subscribers in November like that's crazy 5 mil on YouTube in 30 days never been done before he's raised a lot of money for charity and I think he's a good guy and I want to support his charity stream so yeah let's donate to him so we're running into a little bit of an issue apparently this GoFundMe only takes credit / debit cards and I moved all my money over to PayPal so I have all this money sitting in PayPal but it doesn't take PayPal it only takes credits / debit and all our credit / debit cards have low limits in case they get stolen so yeah I'm not quite sure how we're gonna make this work but we'll figure it out so I think we'll do 5,000 it's not a good way to start all right let's see it pop up let's see it the thing is like he's probably not gonna react he'll probably just yeah I'm not expecting an overreaction I just like beauty but please check your information yes this is him is this about my cards they're calling regarding the recent activity that has appeared on your visa credit card become I would like to verify the online activity today was go fund me fundraiser yeah we're trying to get them together can you make us make it where my next one goes through please yeah I'm gonna go ahead and close out the alert for you and just give it up alright alright maybe 5 to 10 minutes it might work I didn't think we'd get anywhere near the gold this nitramene looks like we could actually hit it he says he'd be so proud of you hit the goal alright what you need to figure this out why is it not taking my card now that he went back to Bolivia Hey 142 now what the Frick hat yeah what the Frick avid crab song intensifies Crabbe song intensifies mr. bees thank you very much mr. peace I was wondering when you would show up beauty pot can't get rid of us like he's just stuck with us mr. B's God angel thank you very much no problem dad it's the least I could do where would I be with that mr. Venus guardian angel of this this channel I will fight to the death to it there we go it's my I shall wear this badge with the honor be careful I'm gonna shut up shut up can't PewDiePie cross the bridge without destroying YouTube's ecosystem let's find out hi-yah he crossed the bridge without destroying our ecosystem I want to give more I would help oh please check your information alright guys so we went to the bank and we got out one of our cards up so this one supposedly has like $20,000 on it this should be fun hopefully it works I don't know we were just at the bank they said it would it is so difficult throwing my money at PewDiePie let's try to see it we're trying to another four thousand euro donation by getting in trouble for this and it's not taking our bunny PFI is always cheering for 12 more minutes it's do or die if we can't give PewDiePie money we'll give other people money to get paid five more viewers to give PewDiePie money I'm doing my best I'm sorry beautify just what make you proud is this a bad thing to do also make sure you subscribe because I was gonna shoot I stream and donate a shoe right here he's a what what go watch gt5 stream and donate also make sure you subscribe to thousand dollars for mr. beasts now that sound like the real mr. beast dude if he pulls up p25 stream yes we're adding 20 thousand viewers to beautify stream that's right poop I love me raising money for Indian 9 year olds okay I'm gonna make a donation yes dude what what I donate to him and he donates the money to do it GoFundMe only takes credit and debit cards I only have PayPal alright well listen I'm gonna donate your two thousand dollars directly to coop i donate this as well i had to confirm because like this as well another 2004 mr. beef donate this as well i got you thank you guys so much for watching this live stream know Seifer with russia given for graphics no don't end it Perry sigh forget the donation it's so proud of you guys the comment is gonna be this money is from mr. beast go get it can we do more and I just said so for another two good whoops mm-hmm the funny thing is PewDiePie has no idea what's going on in peopIe solvency probably like what this was happening oh there's my other two thousand dollars mr. beast with another $2,000 yeah we can we can do more she's not streaming you want me just don't you want me just to donate directly to the GoFundMe yes just donate anyway okay okay okay okay so that's three thousand we're to spend a few grand going around campaigning for PewDiePie and then at the end of the video even though PewDiePie's not live-streaming think I'm just gonna give $10,000 to cry like directly through their thing all right making another donation of two thousand three hundred sixty dollars I feel bad for a hijacking site for the stream 20 thousand beers topic Twitter a decide hey pay attention to us you don't have to do it now you can donate it later enjoy or a stream dad mr. beast you guys missed it we just donated $3,150 through mr. visas money he needed us as a middleman because they only accepted credit cards not subscribe to beauty but I don't feel bad giving these guys two grand because I think this is also a charity stream [Music] I don't know they're busy it's fine let's find it oh dude I was about to click others I didn't even really sell validity is this a bad idea nope well I get in trouble but I just want to tell her to subscribe the beauty buddy you press the button I don't want to get Joe Christmas donating to her hey here we go bull send oh there's a lot of latest security PI there's a lot of money this they subscribe to PewDiePie and there's a lot of money just to say that oh she's not mad at us no she's not mad Oh like you should use that space in there to say something good and you pick Oh subscribe to PewDiePie what is wrong with you his name is mr. beast he wants to play he paid $500 no no no no no no so we're telling them just viewers to subscribe if you did yeah let's ninjas viewers probably will understand but ninjas a big boy like it's not really worth it unless it's like a lot you know what I mean like yeah he gets paid the big bucks yeah subscribe to PewDiePie Lord Li got known thing with the 5 of its brain a theme of the 5 whoa that's not actually mr. B's right subscribe to PewDiePie channel dude stop T series today alright we just did another thousand are you trying to dethrone me from spot on number one but you lose let's let's put again it's some kind of going up oh Sh there we go that's 100 subscribers nine-year-olds out there let me know if an effective campaigning strategy is occasionally donating to ninja I'm willing to do whatever it takes varnish abuse is another thousand beast man you are Stan Howard said you are dude I wanna have I wanna have a cup of coffee sit down I just wanna I just wanna I just want to talk for an hour and safety by a hundred thousand times of dude let's do I'm kidding I would never do that and I don't know how you do that babe a petabyte PT by P by P by P by P by P by P 5 we need it this will give us the cutting edge Peter 3 okay I'm done which know that I could have done it the target around the 50,000 mark is where it gets hard the piece your alleged man honestly dude I've said this before you know Puetz came out with a I mean what wasn't technically Tafoya was Gloria Borger Gloria had a couple few choice words to say about me I wasn't very happy about it but I still support the pewds to be fair pewdiepie can't be held accountable for what poppy Harlow or Gloria volga says it's not his fault all right epic gamers it's a new day and we're not donating more streamers it doesn't matter how many streamers you've donated to there's always more that can subscribe to pewdiepie too tragic after you do all of me on insta mr. Dees myself I see him Sims from my cell following it because it is bloke I'm not happy I just realized I only did $100 i mr. beast I can't just do $100 after this we'll do a bigger one door I meant to do a thousand that's a pity laugh pity laughs okay subscribe to PewDiePie and after you do that follow me on instagram at mur beast she's like what do I say [Music] let's put PewDiePie aside and all just focus on following me on Instagram and that means pop yep thank you so much for the donation dude all right these guys are good I'm gonna donate and ask for lessons how much do you think have to donate to get lessons from I'd say probably like a thousand boys yeah actually we'll do a thousand and one to ensure I get lessons and I get lessons I wanted to be good Chandler he's really good at smash me and Chandler have a game going on tonight Chandler fed his Easy's that he could beat me at smash and I bet an Instagram shoutouts so if he wins I shut him out an Instagram if I win I get his Easy's we're playing that tonight I need to get good before then cuz I don't want to lose what crazy he's a thousand dollars and his name is even mr. B's I have to be Chandler ez-zor uh can I get lessons of course man do you ask anything you want yeah whenever you want lessons we're gonna do with you we'll get private sessions as was good yes it's your kind of shout out for Henze look at their right back to it very cool thanks for the money at all but my pride well meet mr. beast we're gonna make you beasts and that was one gimme correct beat Chandler does we have a duel coming up tonight all right Chris I'll let you pick the mixture what are we giving doom-trap good well we don't youtubers will do a thousand and two dollars because YouTube's better than twitch I told people to follow and now it's time for YouTube people follow it also subdued us when you either shoot we got mr. beast just doing it wait no no no no no no no no no way no way that is not the real mr. beast dude you broke ChaCha no follow and stuff I feel bad for using this guy's channel as a billboard to promote my Instagram no way there's no way there's letting nowhere I don't believe I didn't get reactions like that on Twitch cuz everyone thinks I'm fake on twitch until twitch verifies me I'm not donating to twitch streamers anymore cuz like no one ever knows I'm real on twitch they always think I'm fake oh my god the mr. piece I love you enjoy your epic victory boy $1000 donation thousand and two why does everyone forget the end PayPal I've made a thousand $2 donation I want the last two dollars back Lele pons is the best youtuber I don't even I'm never really watched one of her videos I just know it's a mean to make fun of her so that's it see look at that confusion on this face you're kidding me right now no I'm not kidding Lele pons is the best youtuber mr. beast just donated $1500 I don't even know what to also follow on Instagram that's funny I'm sure I'm actually shaking I don't know if you can see this I'm shaking right now I'll do wait we're about the past certain subscribers guys I'm starting to take Instagram serious though follow me part of the reason why my Instagram so tiny is because like I literally just started using it I only have like 56 posts just 2200 yeah see that's not even fair she's way more post to me I need to catch up we just took a picture and we're gonna go put it on Instagram see oh nope gotta go follow me to see it when sitting also I don't know how to edit photos so I have Chris do it if the Edit looks bad it's Chris's fault alright I'm done I'm gonna stop playing my Instagram because literally in a week I won't care I just realized all the money I'm donating to these streamers would probably be better suited going to cry so I'm gonna stop dominating the streamers and just give all the money to the charity well the websites down but sure if I go on the actual cry website instead of trying to go through a GoFundMe I'm pretty sure I'll be able to use my PayPal so I'm gonna do that and donate another $10,000 I would do it right now but it's not loading so whenever that loads up I'll do another 10 grand to them hopefully that goes to good use honestly I have not done much research but PewDiePie seemed really passionate about helping you and he genuinely seemed to care and honestly like it does sound like it's gonna change a lot of lives and you know if Peter 5 supports it I support it so I'll do 10 grand whenever I don't know hey they won't connect we'll do it later but hopefully you guys enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 39,658,169
Rating: 4.9205465 out of 5
Id: QapO3maXd9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 16 2018
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