Putting My Residents In Isolation in Animal Crossing New Horizons

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and to be fair the angry you get the more I'm enjoying this at last acceptance now I feel like I made their islands too big as long as they're getting the most out of this hot July Sun I'm happy how about you big reg you can't fight back you know what I really like water we don't have enough water in our island and for only 6,000 miles we can have all the water we could ever need to ruin the day of some residents they say day I met life to the grind is on gotta find out how to make some more miles maybe today we will start with the stock market I should be able to do this one fairly easily as long as it actually works out but since it's Thursday and these guys are all very busy I'll have to skip it ahead till Sunday of course in the last place I'm going to look and 101 bells we're not gonna do it but since I'm passing you so much time anyway every time I see afar salt we're gonna dick it up only because I want to leave a hole that people can crawl in oh good the bird is chasing me bad bad surprisingly that actually worked if I'd known all along I could just get people to leave me alone by hitting him in the face with a net I would have been doing that years ago I was gonna pick up messages in a bottle because we can never have enough wooden simple beds in our island very easily I already have that why did he give it to me again that's going right back where I found it one week later we've got it for 91 bills I think we'll probably take that deal because he should be able to get profit on that before we get to buy-in we've got to do some selling you guys like tarantulas though right let's see who it bites first off you go little guy oh did it not actually do anything I thought at least run around those people outside owe me eight thousand bells and they got 300 miles for whatever this is Norwich anyway just give me those moderately priced turnips so I can buy two hundred and sixty three thousand words but I should be able to make a pretty good profit over that eventually one day later and we're making 18 profit per turn and I'm absolutely gonna take that because that is super quick not a ton of profit but it is fast and they're gonna buy them for a total of three hundred and sixteen thousand bells that's some good profit is it my phone supposed to be vibrating with the good news I feel like this is incorrect fifty five thousand one hundred was what it was that before when since I've got five times points for selling fruit and two times you're talking to people I'm gonna get those real quick a building lease has earned me 400 that's 750 for 1150 total easy points not a big fan of the water good you know what helps sales making your shop easy to find I just circled the island four times looking for East and there 98 bells I was gonna buy for under a hundred but I think we could probably do better but again if I could make more quick profit what's not to like 284,000 bells I like it a few days later the Turner prices are still horrible but a thousand points for picking up ten seashells not horrible maybe a little bit horrible not finding any shells and since my pockets are full of turnips anyway moving on another day later 200 points for taking a picture not sure if this is legal but there you go this is great I'm gonna get a million points while getting super-rich I've had two points for hitting rocks today you might leave turnips in here and they'll be okay I'm not gonna eat ten of them and I'm not allowed to drop them also not the worst Rock I've ever smashed but 500 of the easiest points I've ever gotten a few days later we got 108 per turn oh not a ton of profit but easy profit less every day the past is I've run the risk of losing these like I did last time kind of a shame it wasn't more profit but for three hundred thirteen thousand bells we're good three hundred and thirteen thousand bells later and we're almost halfway to our goal as it is again and again and again moderately praised turnips nothing to bother for that brace because I've just realized I'm not actually making any progress here with the boughs which was my original intention so we're gonna grind out the miles old-fashioned way by finding five times bonuses plant flower seeds three of those for five hundred points that's easy what is that beautiful creation made up to buy one of those 5,600 bells for coffee absolutely but a most I'm not gonna walk all the way back to my house to place that so now the world gets coffee and we're gonna surround up by flowers because I'm not stepping anymore all coffee machines deserve flowers and there we are an easy 500 points and I say I get a bonus for talking to three people my least favorite kind but easy points hi do you like coffee honestly wouldn't have done this one if I couldn't save three people on my screen at once and it turns out there's an event tonight and that's got to be worth some miles hi I'm here for the event but mostly the miles what is your problem no get away from me you've got problems the bear wants to leave the island don't go I need you at least Friday longer I'm just not going to find another resident I'm here I worked hard to get you guys here you're all staying so do we dislike wait for a shooting star those trees are planted er great now but I kinda get in the way of the view you can look up all right we wait you'll be honest I'm pretty sure I saw when earlier but it was just behind the tree so I couldn't quite get it Wow fascinating let's maybe try the other side there's one and I get to wish upon it then baby that gives me something tomorrow and no not picking you up I knew it award me for that give me a big one yeah I'll take 300 miles it was easy what I wished for was a times five Duke miles plus thing I wishes don't come true bird we've talked about this you can map me I'm hitting you with the knife yeah my diff when I got the shovel today that might work though bad well not quite the same effect was this what I was looking for what's that thing didn't even tell me what it was star fragment I bet that's worth a fortune so a very very star fragment sells for more than 50 bells yeah whatever you can have it no if I get rewarded for watching a shooting star then we probably get something awesome on Christmas well this is a Christmas present nope well we still got some presents so that's kind of Christmasy a knapsack and we already have Tigs bamboo shoots and a candle set what you are gonna look great all over the island so we're gonna put this right there basically whatever that's how it looks like I am here for my gifts no no one seems to have an even for me haven't seen you in a bit were you on vacay or something no I've just been avoiding you some things got to make Christmas worthwhile I could build snow folk but I don't really know how to do that I'm kind of just digging holes in the ground those Christmas lights maybe the cedar trees were all worth it after all they have some of these have he's free I'm gonna take some there's nothing that gets me more in the holiday spirit than stealing stuff hi guys I would like to sell my ten legally acquired bulbs five hundred bells fifty bells per bulb all right no what am i get on my birthday oh good you're here to deliver my present that's easy hope they cash for miles how come no nuts put a leaf mask on and the gift all I'm here for and a pinata this is great they hid stuff oh it's not giving me any leeway or freedom of where I can swing this stick coz I have big ideas for this so I guess I just hit that and that's it I wanna do at the penguin like a lawn I guess this is still pretty good cupcakes I want money I'm now trapped by my own fence nope never mind it put me back in my own house yeah he never forgets a birthday or a new year whatever presents our presents the birthday present is party flooring and the other present is mom's art and now we get to find out exactly a good of an artist she is ABA bells and imagine where that career never took off don't worry I really needed the money now birthday cupcakes pass party flooring is worth far more mm bells most importantly those miles how many do we get a thousand mm we do that every year that's tons that's almost where I need to be and look at that we got a time side perk three flowers for 500 points that's gonna be more than enough even taking pictures can we plant these in winter oh yeah well if you're gonna let me you're gonna love me and despite the fact we've only been screwing around this entire time we somehow have enough miles for what we need and we get 500 miles today just because this place was closed yesterday I wasn't even here yesterday waters gaping turbine which combined with the mid July day should be about adequate levels of torture you again it's been years since I've seen you how are you still washing up on Islands so let's see how this water thing works though do I just kind of dig out the ground for water all right I could live with this you know these love while the game keeps her rewarding me for screwing around what's this one worth another thousand I'm gonna have so much fun with this tool well you know what they say about beached whales you gotta set the back in the sea oh don't talk to it don't worry aquatic creature we'll have you back in the ocean in no time No maybe we can't dig sand well sorry about your luck but I'm just too busy right okay I'm liking what I'm seeing so far yeah this is gonna be easy people these are dangerous times we've got to be keeping our space a little bit more than that so I think we're gonna have to remove a few trees here this is already looking so much better yeah forget the patch up the holes when we're done when want anyone falling in I think this is probably gonna be enough space one shovelful at a time we'll get there nothing worth doing ever happened quickly anyways all right I need a test subject and they're gathering which isn't very smart of them easier there to collect the best of this is gonna be no you know luck to walk anywhere get over here listen I bought you I brought you to the island I can put you wherever I want now please stay right there this will all be over soon no okay we can do this there we go not going that way not going that way no no no no no no no you just sit tight this will all be over soon don't worry nope not that good good but you know you can see how this is gonna work there we go and I can still get away but they cannot nope nope no unless I do that well the Pinkberry seems to have accepted its fate don't worry they'll all get an island that big bird you're next we've never been particularly good friends and it's showing now with it resisting everything I'm trying to do let's go over the trick is little slow steps I don't like being pushed around I don't like it when you talk to me that really hurt well you know what if you'd stop resisting we wouldn't really have this problem would we don't make me report you to the island people you get on your island there we go we all want our own private island don't we so there we go enjoy no no but you're so mad about you've been on this island for years haven't accomplished a single thing well this is convenient a captain walked right up to this side not even sure what you're doing over there okay come here you won't even get mad cuz I don't have to push you that much this is for your own protection we can't have you guys standing next to each other right now it's dangerous and you're lucky I didn't do this in a thunderstorm if I hadn't thought about that I would have well you'll be more suited to a little island than the rest of them don't make me hit you with my neck get on your Island yeah on there what did I say slow steps are easier you can guide it nice and easy I knew the penguin was gonna love it there how many residents are on the island coz we've collected four so far little bird I'm gonna have to push you a long ways so you might as well accept it now it already looks so angry maybe if I go nice and slow they won't actually get mad about it because I think it's an accident if you need something to say without pushing okay I need to push you onto this island and I'm bigger than you so that's the way this is gonna work the more you yell the worse it's gonna get for you I need you to understand that and to be fair the angrier you get the more I'm enjoying this at last acceptance now I feel like I made their islands too big as long as they're getting the most out of this hot July Sun I'm happy how about you big reg you can a fight back so far so good just gotta walk nice and slow you smell nice from this close we almost got you to your new home just a little further and there we are you didn't even get that mad about it oh I don't know if you can comprehend such emotion Kurt due to my mini-map I have ten MPC's out there and only six on my island so I need to go find the rest of them really hope they don't move 11 if you count this one Wow could you be any further away from where I need you to be well I guess I can make a bridge to make us cross we don't need rivers anyway okay now you're in the way so you're making this extra extra difficult no it's not time for reading I'm gonna hit you with this shovel if you don't there we go yep you're very mad wait that anger in this direction why are they all so mad I made them private islands this one just gets sad when you push her enough and then she gives up who needs a museum now to just find the remaining few and it's gonna be a long push well co-chairs probably at home because I don't think he can leave I hope this doesn't respond them I'm gonna need you to come outside for all right no time for whatever you're doing I'm gonna attempt to push you out the door now hopefully this works out you go come on you can do it oh it's not gonna work super worried a No More still good well you know what since evernotes is in their house I think this as good as our collection is gonna get but we can still improve it we do you ever thought that planting 500 flowers would actually be a bad idea down the road there that's a little better I need to keep them as far away from me as possible I went in Animal Crossing this is what you're supposed to do right this is how you betta to be fair they're better off over there then on my Island
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 1,214,645
Rating: 4.862041 out of 5
Keywords: df, animal crossing, dangerously, funny, animal crossing new horizons, dangerouslyfunny, pc, new horizons, animal crossing switch, dangerously funny, house upgrade, house, museum, time travel, time traveling, cliff tool, water tool, river tool, landscape, terraform, Putting My Residents In Isolation, animal crossing new horizons switch, nintendo animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing new horizons villagers
Id: pCsHtH2rVVw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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