Jumping the Most EXPENSIVE CARS Over LAVA in BeamNG Drive Mods!

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So today we're back in BeamNG with spy cakes and we're going to be doing the ultimate competition to not die because the loser is gonna get dunked into lava so watch us destroy a bunch of expensive cars and let's jump in all right Spire are you ready to throw our extremely expensive cars down this river to see which one can float uh yeah this is gonna go great these are both you have probably just ticked off a lot of car people you know what uh it's fine who can make it further down river river gets the first point you ready okay I wasn't being mean watch us ready yeah this is very competitive my engine blew up hold on I gotta go through the hoop look at that same coming around coming around oh my goodness oh that was okay Spire you have you stopped no I'm still good I'm going okay I'm still going okay floating down river I can't believe we're using expensive cars as boats right now oh oh oh oh oh what something just flew over me quiet though well yeah the engine's not running anymore [Music] I think you might have got the point are you still did you stop I'm wedged on a rock yay I'm still floating Porsche wins the first round yay I mean maybe we should do something where we actually take the performance of the car in mind and you know yeah we're on a hill or something uh you want to go jump some lava let's do that all right so we have the lava jump here so spy there's a small little other end of this jump that you gotta land on and whoever can actually make the jump and survive is the winner oh I'm gonna be the winner see this this is Ferrari I mean that Ferrari is pretty fast but you know what I got you in the 911 right now oh geez okay come on okay follow behind I don't think you want to hit it full speed oh I'm gonna hit it full speed and land it watch this wait are we hitting bull am I going full speed I'm hitting it false okay I'm going full speed this is probably a very bad idea that wasn't a reverse psychology oh my goodness wait did you hit it full speed I'm not hitting it full speed but I still went over um well I just landed it and oh I did I landed it too not on it still runs oh no spy did you fly off oh yeah so I'm gonna rev my engine for my audience that doesn't really mean anything but you know it still it runs it's like new um my runs too yours is on my screen it's on fire and it's off in the snow is that confirmed um I don't see it on fire but yeah I'm upset okay you know I'm gonna give you a Redemption Point here a potential for one I'm gonna keep my run you go ahead and run down if you get land on the return ramp we'll call it even there okay I could do this my problem was I went halfway too fast halfway I mean I full throttled that boy but I I feel like that Ferrari might be a little bit faster yeah I'm just throttling it fast here so I can get down the ramp faster and then you know I'm just gonna I'm just gonna you know do this oh like this oh no okay fine I'm definitely taking the point there you have melted the Ferrari uh yeah luckily that wasn't my car Wait whose car was that I borrowed it oh um spy uh we got these trx's uh mine had sound and then now it doesn't have sound I feel like we broke something you're under arrest I'm under arrest uh editor put in some fake car noises they're going Boom Boom Room just repeat that or something all right you ready yeah all right first person to make it down on live wins three two one go okay oh man these trucks have quite a bit of power but don't worry you're under arrestal uh well you might not no come on man those are spiders it's for Shell uh we barely cleared those okay here we go next one okay land it land it these are supposed to have off-road suspension there goes my tire oh I feel like I'm slowing down oh wait he's lost the fire yeah I'm gonna say your tire just passed me does that count no that doesn't count wait yeah it does that's part of me oh well then I'm racing here oh there goes my tire oh oh oh we got a competitive race now wait what the heck where did you get on that speed I don't know I'm just booking it okay all right I gotta turn this thing around come on come on don't fail me truck lightly no I'm going so good I'm back on all three I'm back on all three too come on come on no ABS is breaking me ABS is breaking me no what happens oh no I'm slowing down I don't know if I'm gonna make the next jump um guess it guess it guess it that's okay you can join me down here well I think you are officially ahead of me in the spike pit yeah hold on Whose tire is that I think that was mine uh can we run the race again with a different vehicle yeah let's try that again hey buddy um oh wow now we have an excuse not to have sound yeah so the problem was with those trx's we had too much gasoline power yeah we were killing the environment so we must strike back by jumping Spike jumps right in electric cars in electric cars yes okay count us in okay three two one Tesla power only will spin will spin oh wow should we hit these going full speed definitely not oh my gosh why does it do that wait wait landed aerodynamics oh my goodness okay I'll give us one redo on that did yours flip over immediately yeah instantly jeez this is a double a shift on the bottom of this what happened I don't know okay I'm gonna hit I'm gonna need a full speed this time I let off and it flipped all right ready okay yep three two one go okay maximum throttle speed 100 okay here we go maximum speed these eggs accelerate okay that was actually quite a bit better yeah yeah oh I just Shadow the whole top window though going off the side bumps I got this okay hit the next one gotta go with maximum everything even flips maximum flips okay come on come on I can go around this I literally did uh on I gotta go around it too oh no no no no no no no no no no no we're not gonna talk about the whole fact I just hit spikes hold on how far can I make it uh-huh tell me the point on the first one instead of the redo yeah probably okay we're tied it's fine all right let's go to the next event all right spy so we got the Tesla still out I feel like this next event like You're Gonna Wanna Go Fast but you might need to let off a little bit because it is awfully bumpy going down this hill okay and first person to make it down gets the point you ready ready to go count us in three two one bump Bill uh so here's the question did we hold it wide open I don't know um oh my goodness definitely not definitely not uh impact detected stopping car uh wow oh you know what that was that was a test round that was that was test okay now we know we got test round okay yeah I gave you one you gave me one no more Mulligans after this you ready no no this is all for the money all for the the money how much ever these cost I think they're like thirty thousand or forty thousand could be wrong I don't know count us in three two one go okay you definitely want to slow down right at the end yeah but you want to slow down but you want to go fast because technically we're racing right now no no no no turn around yep okay okay do you want to throttle a bull as soon as you get I do not want to do what you just did oh my goodness why do these things this thing handles like a turd it is I mean on Wheels it's a battery-powered turd though that's true I'm getting a lot of wind resistance right now okay I'm trying to speed up to do a little bit of catching up here the thing is auto braking stop that Tesla okay come on okay okay pick it up some speed again oh when it goes too fast it Wiggles it Wiggles okay I am wide open I need I need something here I need a miracle to happen whoa I made it down dang it yeah I don't want to use these turd buckets anymore you know what that's what I think about this thing oh no oh the wheel didn't fell off for me all right I'm gonna give you an impact detected at least the batteries didn't explode all right spy we got two sweet GTRs we've got a downhill course so whoever makes it to the Finish Line is the winner you ready okay I'm ready all right count us in three two one bendy Hills bendy Hill I don't know I keep ending with those but you know oh okay oh yeah oh okay these don't handle super good but I mean I mean the user yeah I mean it's pretty old car you know I don't know what mods we have on here uh probably what a slow down for this turn oh it doesn't slow down very good okay wait I'm waiting for you to like come hit me uh no no no no no turn oh you're on the grass come on loser you gotta keep up oh I'm right behind you I gotta use the banking to your advantage uh oh geez oh geez no I'm going in her what what does that even mean inside oh my goodness okay this oh no oh no hold on I just got big glimpse of your car flying off did you make it back to the road no oh uh your one of your Wills just went by me on the other side hold on hold on I'll just respawn down right here it's good yeah cause there's a chance I'm still gonna fall off over here but I I feel confident with my lead that I have right now in my driving ability you're like a mile up I like that I like being a model up okay I'm gonna hit the brakes coming up to this Crest yeah catch up and fly back off spy it's completely fine I'm like 200 meters behind you wait what I keep yep right behind you you're distracting me I keep looking back that's my that's my goal I gotta watch out because I still have my uh reset button mapped oh sure cut like are you shortcutting again oh yeah don't worry about it how does that even work literally shortcutting it I have not even wrecked so far I'm very super proud of myself uh my viewers I broke my axle oh I'm trying to get this thing sideways this thing doesn't like get sideways as much as I would like it to yeah I was trying to drift it a couple times uh don't do that yeah it's probably not a good idea I think I'm getting fairly close to the oh geez oh geez okay slow down slow down okay just sideways there we go I can catch up you keep telling yourself that and I'm yet to see oh I see your name you're way over there just don't drip all right what are you doing over there nothing this is what happens when Komodo gets to do a real car if I can shortcut it at the right moment I might be able to win that's concerning uh well technically there is a spot like I'm coming up I'm about to go back up and then I gotta go over this bridge like if you shortcut over here there's an element I mean I'm giving you the auction because I don't think it's gonna work out for you but you know if you want a shortcut go ahead try try it will you watch me shortcut uh you know what hold on let me get up to a point I'm on banking that's really insane right now and if I let off I'm gonna flip off of it so let me get to this bridge I'm gonna slam on the brakes and we're gonna watch you attempt wait you're below me wait do I go by the bridge wait you're right below me oh if you were gonna shortcut you probably should have done it there oh darn oh my goodness okay we're still rolling I think I'm gonna want you to slow down and try to watch me drive past you no that wasn't gonna happen spot you're too far behind I'm sorry buddy no also I see the finish line up here I'm gonna take this point because we are going to be even once again it's gonna be three and three boom it's my only chance uh I got it I just crossed oh that is a good shortcut buddy I tried going straight for the finish line so how did that go it didn't work okay well uh we're now even again in the three and three so it's a competitive one is this all for the marbles right now all for the marbles all right spy so we have something that on the surface probably wouldn't be that fast but these things are sleepers we got drag Mazdas mazdex Mazdas what's a Bostick I don't know whatever this thing is my English is uh very off today so it's a Mazda also does it look like the car is smiling at the front like ignore where the headlights the fold ones are I think they normally always smile uh it's a happy car also yeah look at that that's awesome how do you do that hit in yeah why don't they this is so classic why don't they do this with headlights anymore you know people mod these cars to Wing uh that's something that I don't need in my car my car already looks happy are you ready I'm ready turn your nitrous on first person to make it down wins you can reset but you have to reset up here back to the top of the hill all right I'm ready all right three two one go we're only it takes a second for these to kick in oh my goodness oh my gosh holy okay you don't want to go super fast yeah Mazdas are not meant to go this fast oh I'm right behind you I should not be right behind you hold on there's a hole right here oh my goodness okay oh going backwards oh there you go spy uh that's gonna be uh I'm gonna reset go go go go okay we know not what to not do yeah do not hit that little jump yeah the Jump's probably a pretty bad idea okay slow down a little bit try not to break every part on the way down I think this car wants to embody its naturally slow speed oh jumping over me yep hold on I can recover this slow down okay gas it back up there we go oh no I'm resetting no you're not that was so I could hear the sarcasm in your boss up here oh yeah I landed it oh my goodness I am oh I gotta hit a job I gotta reset it are you lying no I actually have to I I landed I'm trying to make this work if I could flip back over I might actually I might make this on my roof no no no don't hit this no you better clear this you ding dong I just showed you I am so salty I made it to the last jump I didn't clear it and I folded the thing it was like a sandwich oh I like sandwiches it's like when you're you're broke and you only have enough money for one slice of bread and you fold your sandwich that's what it looked like or you use bread as a hot dog bun how you do that yeah I used to do that oh my goodness uh this is all gone bad spy how's it going ah good my one wheel is not broken so are you going to make it is the question I'm a train I'm a train you're a train what does that even mean let me off let me off I'm stuck on the rail oh you're gonna have to reset buddy no come on don't you be grabbing them notes I'm not grabbing notes I'm I'm actually a train wait you're a train I'm driving like a train are you fast are you making it down I'm only going 80. wait I released no but my wheels don't work oh there goes my wheel okay hitting the brick why did I still go too fast over this are you resetting I'll reset with you okay I like how we can't make these monsters go down they're kind of hard to drive you're hard to drive it's a cool little car though come on keys don't go fast at all well I mean normally Mazdas don't have that issue this thing has terrible this thing is nitrous big old slicks oh no it's still just fast enough oh no oh my goodness okay oh no avoid the Spy why do the brakes suck on these things I don't know breaks okay oh you break me breaks see this part is horrible I did it bye oh no don't go too fast there oh my goodness you okay wait wait no come on turn around turn around go go oh no oh no why is this like the most competitive thing oh no how'd I flip over that sounds like a personal way go over okay back wheel fell off don't need it okay just gonna go around the jump here bye how's it going I just need your drive Wheels uh maybe oh oh I'm in the home stretch here guessing up boys you've been winning against me a lot as recent but today Komodo just took the victory uh wait hold on you didn't touch the sand yet wait maybe I didn't touch this the bottom of the pit is right here you know what I coughed look I touched the sand spy oh dang you know what that means oh I get the prize of losing you're taking a bath all right spy you ready to take a bath yeah why is this oh no spy why did you pick a station wagon to go take a bath in I don't know I I would let you up but I'm lazy so you're gonna need to drop yourself onto my station whack you know what stop that stop it okay hold on hold on ready uh-huh rainbow here that why is it so bouncy because you have a gigantic vehicle you're trying to fit on hold on hold on let me grab a small tiny baby car yeah get a baby car that sounds weird too there we go there you go that's that's perfect baby car oh there we go oh you're still bouncy you're still bouncing all right it's fine let's just go down together we got this okay okay this is impossible okay land on here one more time okay it's sideways I'm connecting uh nodes right now okay connect nodes I'm just gonna grab every node that I can that node uh oh I just connected one to the sky this has gone downhill why don't you just drive into it I forget to drive into it you know what I got this you better run wait what look behind you oh no the tow truck yeah buddy I didn't pay my you don't pay your toe you're actually getting away from me wait a minute does that mean you're gonna clear it I don't think so I mean if you want to sit there at the top of the ramp I'll make sure your engine my throttle uh brakes are locked oh oh geez oh oh my goodness yeah I guess I landed too didn't I
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 533,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng.drive, beamng drive, beamng lava, beamng lava mod, beamng lava rising, beamng drive gameplay, beamng police crashes, beamng flood, beamng drive car crashes, beamng flooded map, beamng police chase, beamng drive crashes, beamng drive mods, beamng biggest crashes, beamng funny moments, car crash, video game, camodo gaming, train lava, gta, gta test, beamng drive downhill
Id: aMellevDioo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 0sec (1140 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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