Upgrading to World's BIGGEST BLOB!

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let's merge to create the biggest blob ever [Music] I'm kindly keying and today we are merging blobs how do we do that you might ask just like this see now I've got a four blob and I'm gonna take a two blob and I'm gonna oh I didn't realize it was gonna do that to me okay now if I take two four blobs I make an a blob now I make a 16 blob oh this okay this is getting Blobby real Blobby okay I would love to get a second 16 that would be pretty cool and here we go we got 16 but my 16s are are apart so now I can't get a 32. I failed no I don't think I failed yet I think we can make this work look there you go 32 32 32. very big number and then I can watch an ad and get another 32. [Music] okay I'm just testing for science so now I can make a 64. Nintendo 64. I love it get the four together and make an eight it's so Blobby it's just I love the physics here they're so squishy okay all right no why why would I do that seriously what's wrong with me all right this is fine we can work with this yeah and then we get another 32 and then we get 64. and then the 64 is gonna do it then we beat the level we win that was super satisfying and look at me I'm ranked 14 973 in the world I'll take it okay so we have to make two different like Milestones here I think we gotta get 64 and we also have to get 256 which means we need another 128. oh my gosh did you see that it's stuck okay that's fine right no that's not okay you're all sticky gosh duh what a mess I've created okay no this is fine yeah there we go how am I supposed to get this eight though okay maybe if I do this yeah that's the dream right there oh gosh I gotta get this eight no I failed okay no this is fine and then the two eights no that was not what you were supposed to do I thought we talked about this I don't know we probably didn't talk about it but in my head I had a conversation with The Blob and it didn't do what I wanted it to do okay maybe if I just are you stuck to the wrong wall no this is fine that's okay stage one what this is too stressful I have to get this 128 to stick to the other 128. I absolutely fumbled that disaster I don't think I could have made this any worse this is oh my gosh I mean how was I supposed to work with that listen I'm gonna make excuses for myself because that's what humans do but let's be real there wasn't a lot of options there for me okay there we go okay yeah the merge you get a 16 and then you get another 16. I'm just shooting the the blobs in the same spot that's all I'm doing I think which is actually kind of working out because there you go and then those two just just yes the dream 256. okay oh gosh this level looks complicated too now we can change our blobs that's kind of cool what happens if I do this I get a yarn blob let's try the yarn blob and then what are these over here what the heck okay well that's good to know it just like mixes everything up those are like power ups I guess what's the other one do I guess we'll try on the the next level maybe or if we find ourselves in an awkward situation maybe we'll use the the other power that we have here we go that goes for 8 16 and then you get 32 you get yourself a 64. of the Nintendo variety and then you just go back to blobbing these yarn balls together all right you know what let's try this power out I don't know what it's gonna do oh oh I'm like I'm every color is that what happened so if I hit the 256 do I beat this level let me find out let's find out no it hit the eight I'm so mad at myself cause that's the only person I can be mad at right now oh my gosh that's just embarrassing well at least something cool is gonna happen right here right well it wasn't that cool I do love the physics in this game though they're so squishy there you go and then you get 64. come on come on here I'm gonna hit this 32 on the side and then you get the 128. wait what oh I unlocked the Big Blob okay then I win 512 let's go I kind of want to go back to the traditional colors though they're so vibrant and and fun okay what the heck happened to my 512. actually that's okay because if we unlock another 512 it'll be very easy to hit and get the 1024. that's exactly what happened now we do need to get a 64 though so of course the best way to do that just start merging but we need the 32 is buried underneath the the 1024. how am I gonna get down there 10 24 is so big it's taking up so much room all right this is fine though we'll get a 32 but our 32s are on completely opposite sides what's this merge button it wants to play an ad and then it'll automatically merge whatever can merge let's see once again this is for science but science might not be ready for this answer yes and it automatically gives me a 128 that I don't even get to use so if I throw this 128 down will it automatically unlock that lock no I have to actually create a 128 which means we need another 64. okay [Music] there we go look at that like that maneuver right you know what let's stick the four to the spinny thing that way we can plan to do that here we got another eight I always forget that the blobs stick to walls they do not bounce off of walls they do bounce off of each other which is you know a strategy look check this out we're gonna get the 16 and then what I'd love to do is drop this eight on the other eight but there's no chance there's no way oh he grabbed on okay we can we can still work with this right yes come on you make a 16. you're so close [Music] oh here we go 16 32 then you got the the 64s kind of near each other but not near enough maybe we can make something happen I don't know if we can make something happen here we might just have to make another 64. which as devastating as that is isn't really that bad like it doesn't bother me all that much here we go 1632 we'll get another 16 here there you go get this four get an eight but I don't want the 16 to be over here you know actually no this is fine because what will happen is if I get another 16 it will merge with the other 16s that are already down there make a 32 and then the 232s will merge together to make a 128 which is a beautiful thing here we go this is the moment kind of that I've made this so much harder on myself than it needs to be though oh my gosh I need to like thread the needle of this eight yeah get through there you go yep there it is Boom called it okay now we have a 256. wait wait wait oh my gosh my gosh 128s are so close to merging oh I do what do I do okay just wait for your moment wait for your moment we're almost this is almost the moment is this the moment this is the moment that hurts oh oh stuck to the wall and the spinny thing which has caused an insane backup of blobbiness oh gosh I don't know if I like this I don't think I do I don't think I like this one bit it's oh my gosh what a mess I've created how it it's never gonna let go oh oh okay that was kind of cool what am I gonna do with this disaster that I've created seriously [Music] oh goodness okay that's fine I don't I feel like I'm making this situation far worse than it needs to be you know what maybe we just merge let's merge also worth noting I could have used my my power my ability which maybe I should because is there a way for me to thread the needle with this 1024 let's just try this is such a bad idea just squeeze it through no it's stuck no and now it's gonna stick to the wall isn't it oh that is disgusting why are these blobs so dang sticky wait the 16 is gonna get knocked over and then the 32 is gonna make a 64. which kind of frees that up did not fix this situation you know let's just do this there we go oh my gosh that was satisfying who needs that merge button when you just got this crazy spinny power oh we're going to 4K I love that we have a rainbow blob now that's very exciting but let's keep this going we can go further honestly I want to see how far these blobs can go I mean it's gotta get to a point where the whole screen is just one blob can we make that happen is that physically possible oh that's interesting they don't stick to that platform no they totally do stick to that platform why why would you deceive me like that game you only stick to the bottom of the platform what I don't know here we go we're gonna get 32 and then I would love to get these two 32s to stick together to make a 128. that's not gonna happen oh this will happen right here there you go there you go okay looking all right I want more power-ups there we go get another 128 but the two 128s aren't even close to each other which creates a bit of a conundrum for me that guy there oh no oh gosh they're getting stretched beyond their limits oh no what have I done maybe I can squish my way through here okay yeah there we go 256 you got two five twelves now okay okay get this 512 get a 10 24. oh no squeeze through little buddy no nerds okay maybe we can get this 16 out of here or just completely mess it up just absolutely royally mess it up I just need this 16 to go away this is the key to my success there it is okay holy cow how like how okay maybe Bob your way down there you're so close foreign it's a disaster wait no we gotta get this 64 out of here oh it's so Blobby [Music] no what was that okay no we're fine [Music] yeah are we fine I don't know if we're fine I don't know it's hard to tell anymore just a lot of blobs on the screen oh I just accidentally hit the ad I I promise it was an accident I was like what happened I was blobbing I was getting lost in the blob it's very easy to do what did I just do oh I hit merge okay so now I have merged and I have a 4K blob Ultra HD so let's just keep doing what we've been doing we do have one more uh Mega Ball power up where it basically is any color your heart desires I guess I think the way it works is that whatever blob it runs into is what it will become so if you could manage to hit the 4K you'd have yourself an instant 8K which is pretty cool but is also like easier said than done this is this level is just fire away and hope for the best okay I'm gonna drop the 32 over here so we get a 64. and then you get another 32 and then you get a 128 with the 256. I feel like I'm talking about Ram or something okay we're gonna make a 128 here there you go 16. another 64. okay [Music] just another 64 which makes a 128. [Music] um the 4K kind of looks like a heart like a real heart pumping all that blood getting squished Where Do We Go From Here we get that 32 come on come on there you go another 64 128 256 a 512. we got ourselves uh a 1024 which kind of looks like gum oh my God I've gotta bounce it off of this 512 so that it can get like squished down into the other 1024. here we go totally messed that up I just maybe if so close but the 4K is getting in the way oh for a game that is so simple I'm getting very irritated with my own failures okay this this should do something right yes the 2000 and the 4K are basically one right now it's a weird cross-shaped rainbow heart just get in there there it is the dream they oh gosh I'm I'm 13 000th I'm in the top fourteen thousand they're still merged together that's crazy it looks so weird okay we're definitely getting some some bigger numbers to start with which I love there we go there we go okay keep it going get ourselves a 1 000 and then a 2 000 and then a four thousand dang that happened fast all right let's let's keep dropping these blobs we're getting some big blobs to work with I love this okay the the two 256's are very close to each other but not close enough which makes me very sad they just want to be one they just want to become a 512 that's all they've ever wanted okay well that other 256 just basically stole away the other 256 and this one that is in the corner is like so sad now that is a very sad 256. here we go you think I can push this 256 into the other one oh my gosh it's so close well you get robbed again that poor 256 in the lower right corner just keeps getting robbed you've got great things ahead of you bud I promise your day will come win I have no idea hopefully soon but that that dang 2048 is in the way here we go oh no the 256 is gonna get robbed again oh no oh it just keeps happening and I keep letting it happen because I'm kind of the one making it happen I'm sorry if we get another 512 things are going to change Okay I lied I put it in the wrong spot here we go okay and then yep there you go there it is 16k gosh it just takes that one little piece and then everything falls together I love it 16k looks like a p just like a little p 32 000. here we come we're working with some really big numbers and we've got a lot more space on the screen now because a lot of our little buddies merged together I don't know what to do about this 256 that is stuck up at the top maybe I can start building on like next one yeah like this okay there we go but now he's just a 512 stuck over there what am I gonna do with that I don't know feels kind of bad sorry about that can I just keep launching blobs like can we just can we just tap the screen like absolute maniacs and actually just make things happen just completely forgo any kind of strategy I I feel like I feel like this is just as effective as lining up my shots and actually trying but can you lose like I don't even know if you can lose in this game can you completely fill up the screen with unmergeable blobs I don't even know if that's possible it seems like you get so many blobs to to launch that they're inevitably gonna start merging together and then it just creates this like cascading blob effect look at this okay maybe this is the way to play the game maybe I've been way too precious about it way too finicky just start launching man watch those adorable little blobs merge and become the most powerful blobs ever I do kind of want to see though like can you lose is it kind of like Tetris where you get to the top of the screen and you you die does it work that way I think we're about to get an 8K at least we're very close if those two rainbow 2048s merged together then they would merge with the 4K and become an 8K but they refuse to because you know I'm not really caring about where I'm shooting also there's another option there for a a another 4K and it's just kind of stalling oh there you go there you go oh okay things are happening shoot another P but what am I gonna do with this P they can't reach each other it's buried in a blob graveyard okay The Blob pile is definitely getting closer to the top of the screen which has me like a little nervous I don't know if we're necessarily losing but we are launching a lot of blobs I could just play the ad and merge all of the possible mergeable blobs together oh there's another 8K we're gonna get a 16k look at how close the 28ks are there's just a 32 in between them and it's so irritating all right you know what let's play the ad merge here we go oh we got the 32k but it didn't merge my other ones together what I feel so betrayed I guess well I thought that those two 8ks would merge together and they didn't and I'm mad and sad all at the same time it's a lot of emotions going on okay I want to get to 128k like I want to see what the 128k blob looks like this is an important milestone for all blob kind oh gosh there's no chance that we're gonna be able to get those two 32ks together unless we just keep launching blobs or play the ad which is what I'm gonna do here we go 64. 64 000. and I'm now in the top 11 000 can I break the top ten thousand that is the question still don't have the answer if you can actually fail this game based on my experience with the game so far I don't think you can and you know what I'm okay with that it's the kind of game where you don't need to win to have a great time you just have to keep throwing blobs out there and watch the magic happen we're about to hit 120k and I'm very excited about this oh oh oh we're getting some good merges here yeah now we're talking this is beautiful that's beautiful So Glorious we just need another 16k well no actually we gotta we got a bit of an issue our 264ks are are fairly spaced apart they've got that big fat 16k in between them stinky 16k who do you think you are either way we're gonna make this work and it's gonna be awesome and we're gonna we're actually gonna create a 32k here very shortly 32k here we come but the the 64ks can't reach each other still this is bad they're soul mates they were meant to be together and yet the 32k keeps them apart why you gotta be like that man you're like the bad guy in a romantic comedy that nobody likes and the main character should definitely not marry get out of here here we go okay 16k oh my gosh I feel like we're so close we're on the cusp of something truly glorious but I need another 16k to turn that 32k that has become the villain into a 64k here we go oh my gosh and now the 216ks that we have on the screen are separated from each other of course they are maybe I should be launching these blobs straight down okay I'm making caveman noises because I don't know what else to say other than oh cause things are happening good things I don't know I can't answer that quite yet but I feel like good things are happening maybe maybe aim this way a little bit go this way we got another 32k but it's not in a good spot you know what let's do the little mixy thing this should be fun here we go things are just gonna start getting mixed around hey we got we got one we got one 128 out of all of that out of all the potential mergings we could have had there the one that we got was the 128 which is great but I feel like there was a lot of other opportunities oh my gosh it's okay something happened in the background while I was just flapping my my lips we just beat the level I didn't even do anything the game doesn't even understand what's happening there was so many blobs on the screen the game was confused and now I have like some really big blobs to launch I guess yeah those are some big boys holy cow
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 1,469,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, phone apps, funny apps, mobile games, mobile, free games, merge blob 3d, merge blob, blob merge 3d, blob merge, blob merge 3d max level, max level, blob merge game, blob merge gameplay, blob merge 3d gameplay
Id: hUizlgFZY5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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