The SAD ENDING of Pikuniku...

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oops I got captured [Music] see I'm in pikuniku jail I got captured and I'm at the big bad guys headquarters I think and this weird Cloud robot is watching me and I don't like it and we need to get out oh we got our worm buddy I remember you dug your way through and you saw that the place is crawling with robots we have to get you out of here yeah yeah yeah that would seem like the good idea to have find a way to distract the robot I'll take care of the rest all right little warm buddy let's do this how am I gonna distract them uh maybe if I break like his camera take that oh my gosh I was not expecting that to happen Okay um I I did it I distracted him I've done my part unbelievable I leave you alone for two minutes and you find a way to destroy something me every day with my three-year-old do you have any idea how long it takes to get one of these replaced there is so much paperwork and it has to go all the way up to my managers it is going to take forever sorry you shouldn't have put me in jail a little warm buddy doing the Furious things causing chaos so thanks for ruining my day don't destroy anything else all right move on cloud robot guy you got the key didn't you yeah you did look at my little warm buddy doing awesome stuff thanks there should be a way to go through okay uh maybe I can go through the vent oh it's so sauce I'm venting oh my goodness this is awesome I'm a secret agent now what is this weird eyeball that's freaking me out let's go in the elevator hopefully get out of this place escape from the volcano wait what there's a lot of cloud robots I do see that yeah you have to be sneaky okay I can be sneaky look I can go through the vent look how sneaky I am oh I need to turn this on yeah yeah it's amazing I can fly up into the vent and then I can pop out here yes you don't want to pop out at the bottom that's gonna be right in the middle of the robots but look at how sneaky I am I love it okay wait hey what didn't I ask you to fix that door last week oh we need to wait for the door to close and then we can make our Escape no I clearly remember asking you to fix that robot these these robots these robots are very high strung they need to go on vacation or something UD lies in imperfection I fully agree still it would be nice to fix that door one day okay all right I am a ninja what are they doing it looks like they're making plans for a giant City hmm we have to get you out of here yeah that sounds pretty good to me press the button I press the button another robot there's a whole lot of them oh you know what okay wait a second when we go into the vent we're probably gonna have to decide which vents to go into the upper right one is the the one that we want to get to but we need to avoid the vents with the robots you know let's just go in and and see if we can figure this out okay I think I can figure this out we just need to remember which vents are next to robots like this one is safe yes but this one is not safe okay I'm confused now uh maybe if I go out here just play cool play cool ah what to do here I need to get up to to that one but I have to turn on a fan how am I gonna do that I need to get down there what if okay hear me out what if while he's not looking I jumped down just just wait for your moment I don't know if he's looking at me or not let's just go just just drop down here okay yes and then we can turn on the fan I'm so smart no how do I get back down oh I just start over dude brilliant brilliant you're so smart little Pico Nico buddy up to the top up to the top and we're out of here Freedom don't look at me I'm leaving oh so this is it this is what it is going to look like yes all the buildings you requested are there where's my house have you been thinking about my house yes it is right there in the middle ah yes I see will it be ready for the great eruption that sounds bad we already launched production nice very nice I'd better check it out what what is this guy doing he's gonna make a volcano blow up and destroy everything and to build his City why what did the world do to you man [Music] I just destroyed his little city replica anyways the great eruption what are you talking about something is off yeah I kind of agree let's go into the elevator we're in the science lab in truth no no no there's no Intruders I don't know what you guys are talking about oh this dude's gonna get vaporized oh no I side covet all right we need to get around the lasers obviously because they are very effective at destroying life let's turn that on go up here no that did not work what do you want me to do I go in I don't know about this one I want that present though I really want that present can you please give me the present please like pretty please maybe I can I gotta get in there how do I get the present come on okay wait maybe maybe if I have a little bit more momentum that didn't work either wait wait what about this button there's a button here there's something going on nope that's not um wait a second what happens if I press this no okay I don't like that uh we we were able to turn the laser off but how do I how do I get up there all right maybe we can come back to it either way I'm about to vaporize this dude look at it oh my gosh that was very satisfying oh you know what vaporize you and then turn the laser off before you vaporize yourself and then we can go in here we can definitely get in here does this help us though this is not gonna help me get the the present I think I have to let the present go which makes me very sad what is this thing that opens a door or something oh I can get the present now you know I'm gonna give me the present give me the present yes yes yes [Music] I got a robot this is beautiful okay back to the more pressing matter which is escaping the secret lair of the super duper bad guy let's get out of here I gotta get back up oh no I think I messed up I definitely messed up I have to close this again or open it there you go okay okay now I can go up now I can get in this van and then make my way down here and this should get us out of this area yes to a new area that is also confusing oh I love the the little lift very nice what the heck [Music] my little bean buddies are getting split in half I don't like that [Music] what is going on here there's a lot of buttons there's a lot of doors I'm just gonna walk all the way to the end I guess and hopefully I can make something happen oh sorry you've been working on this for weeks and it's still not ready sorry we're talking about a new world here a perfect world sorry will they be ready for the great eruption sorry something tells me that's the only thing this robot can say this is not what I asked all the citizens from Sunshine Town ought to be perfect you understand what is this dude's problem right make sure everything's ready for next month all right right whatever this guy's got some issues serious issues but on the bright side we can save our friends Hello friends hey we're here help us wait do you know them what are they doing here we must find a way to open the cages I agree um I need to turn on that laser so it cuts the Rope I understand what I need to do I don't understand how to do that can I push this thing I can push the lift okay so I'm gonna push it over here so I can go into this event is this what I need to do I don't know it just seems right oh okay it happens when I do this okay that opens that and that opens that I think that's right I think that's good that is progress I need to turn that fan off so I can go into that vent and then there's probably additional vents over here maybe yeah there's definitely more vents do I need to go into that vent probably let's go into it third fall and embarrass ourselves that right in the middle that yeah that seems much better [Music] what does this do this opens some kind of door okay okay now I'm gonna push the lift over here so I can go into this vent and I hope that this does something that helps us yeah I think it does okay yeah no don't do I want to go right or left you know what let's go left let's see what's over here it's the laser I freed my friends and then what's in here there's there's something making noise hello oh it's a little bug spider hey oh it's there's three four look at them they're so skilled foreign totally worth it have I done my part thank you phoo I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life there what happened to you well remember when I won a special visit of the sunshine ink headquarters turned out it wasn't a visit they put us in these cages for days they took pictures of us filmed us took measurements what for they're making experiments they're calling them the sunshiners yeah that sounds pretty creepy oh no please tell me that's not what they're trying to turn you into hello oh no don't worry they're harmless they're not very smart yeah yeah so this is a sunshiner it just looks like a robot trying to imitate both of you yeah that's it basically Mr Sunshine wants them to be perfect but I don't think it's gonna get any better than this that is messed up he's turning all the people who live here into cyborgs like really messed up cyborgs the great eruption Sunshine Town yeah something bad he's doing it he's putting it all together he's mathing he's realizing the truth think I get it Mr Sunshine wants to build a giant City where he can live with all the sunshiners at his beck and call that doesn't sound too bad where is he gonna build it he's going to trigger the volcano's eruption and wipe the whole island so he can build on top of it yeah that sounds much worse than what you were thinking okay it sounds bad we must stop him hello weird robot guy all right just keep doing whatever it is that you do and I'm gonna go in this elevator see you guys later I'm stopping this psycho we're taking him down he's got giant popcorn machines which is actually kind of awesome but no don't fall for it he's a bad guy he's doing bad guy things he's gonna wipe out this whole island this is where I live I think it's where I live I don't even know what I am I don't look like any of the other people who live on this island but I am awesome so there's that today is my buddies we found our way and we're here to rescue you um thanks I guess what are they working on in here Mr Sunshine is going to wipe out yep yep we've talked about that yeah it's bad everything is awful multiple and true oh no we've been caught oops come here let's get out of here we can deal with the robots we'll be fine but you have to stop Mr Sunshine oh my gosh this is it we're finally confronting the mega villain Mr Sunshine himself where is he take him down oh there he is what's he doing what what prize you again why can't you leave me destroying this island in peace you know sometimes when you want to build something you have to destroy what's already there first and it's going to be bigger better have you been sleeping much like you got some serious bags under those eyes are you feeling okay soon this island will be an empty lot a blank Katniss on which I will paint my perfect City that's how I imagine he sounds kind of a psycho actually definitely a psycho how will you do it well I'm going to wake this volcano up and flood this island with lava once I'm happy with the result my robots will put out the fire with all the water I got from the lake then they'll install the buildings I made and finally they'll grow corn it's all coming together I really like corn is it because it's a big lump with knobs and it has the juice and there you go a perfect City and everybody will live peacefully me and my sunshiners yeah that seems totally rational and completely not crazy there will be no accidents no fights no hate because I control them all perfect people in a perfect City what's going on with your eyes and you're not invited oh no uh take care of him boys I don't like this he's gonna vaporize me no Dodge the laser Dodge the laser he dodged the laser I'm incredible I'm the greatest gamer ever look at these moves you can't stop me I'm made of legs oh I don't like that okay you're removing pieces of what is keeping me alive I don't like this oh gosh oh get out of there okay this is definitely getting a little bit more difficult not gonna lie no problem easy when does the game get hard huh when are you gonna actually start trying bad guy okay I don't love that you took out that section I extra don't love that you took out another section [Music] um [Music] all right I need to lure him into shooting this way yeah and then and then just do the same thing right here right here don't get hit we're alive we're fine I'm too strong my buddies Ernie yeah get him Ernie ouch my little worm line buddy hello I'm here to save you there is no one to save get rid of them you mean zap them yes I'm not paying you to do nothing hey is he paying the robots wait you you are getting paid well yes it's not much but it is enough for living expenses uh-oh I smell Mutiny huh I'm not what I'm not getting paid for this hey why am I not getting paid can we talk about this later I mean these are pretty extreme working conditions and I'm not getting paid yeah it seems wrong to me I love this rise robots Rise Against Mr Sunshine it's not like you don't have enough money and stuff oh come on you just have to push a button and zap people off it's really not that much think of the free exposure and experience for your resume besides you'll get to be premium citizens once my city is built what is it 15 reduction on your Metro card wow okay really no no he's not falling for it I'm not doing anything until I'm getting paid insane oh come on he's gonna do it himself he's gonna wake up the volcano that's not good he's gonna destroy the whole island you have to stop him jump on me thanks bud see you later Ernie I'm getting Mr Sunshine we're taking him down where is he stop following me um no actually oh okay all right we're pedaling through Lava I'm glad that these boats are lava proof they're not popcorn proof apparently I'm dead I did not expect that okay we need to dodge the popcorn how do we do that I'm not sure I'm I'm scared I'm scared oh I can jump I did not know that I could jump in my lava boat now I know get back here Mr Sunshine just wait for the jump there you go easy so easy Bring It On you've got nothing oh my gosh that was a little fast I I'm scared oh okay he has no Rhyme or Reason for when he shoots oh my gosh that was so close to death um it's completely random and it is very scary and I'm just trying to focus on the corn if you can dodge the corn you can dodge a ball or something like that there you go nicely done we made it through that phase but now what oh no I see very large buttons enough it's lava time um this seems bad we're got we're about to get launched out of the volcano aren't we we're gonna have an epic boss battle on top of a volcano oh no how what are we supposed to do now how are we supposed to stop it okay I may have made some miscalculations regarding the volcano's power but you're too late anyway soon lava will flow throughout the island and a new world will arise From the Ashes a perfect world I'm trying dude you just need to take a nap okay um can I kick you I can totally kick him right off of the volcano are we in space we must be in space now because uh he is just floating oh well this was unexpected I guess nobody wants my perfect City then but maybe a perfect place plus Sunshine Planet [Music] just wait until I land on it you'll see oh hey he's just floating huh he's he's just floating on but how do we stop the volcano hey it's the little buddy from the very first level oh nice you're here [Music] you're a rock I'm glad you made it through it's been a long time since we last spoke huh I'm sure you still have a lot of questions left unanswered what is this place yeah okay you do have questions what was the purpose of all this okay I get it you obviously have questions I was just using a rhetorical device I don't have time to answer that what am I supposed to do next okay stop I don't know just because I'm an omniscient entity doesn't mean I have all the answers Fair it's fair well I hope you have a good time out there at least hmm what else ah yes your score okay let me calculate that what 4.3 [Music] out of a hundred huh your total score is 4.3 honestly I don't know if it's good or bad I don't think it matters anyway you made some friends saw some new places saved the world I think you did a pretty good job anyway I was just checking in I want to take too much of your time hey um aren't I like flying through outer space on a volcanically launched chunk of rock right now can I get back to that well maybe we'll meet again later it was nice seeing you have a good day [Music] oh gosh okay good I'm not I'm not still floating through space they pressed the button that was easier than expected oh good you're there we managed to stop the eruption by pushing this big red button the true heroes these three little leaf guys they're the heroes of this story honestly putting the abort everything button next to the destroy everything one is just poor design we're glad you're safe where's Mr Sunshine yeah I sent him to space yep all right then we should be safe for a while thank you for everything you've done it was nice having you around we should get out of this volcano and tell everyone [Music] the end are you coming uh yeah yeah of course I win foreign [Music] see you later Mr Sunshine what if they actually make a sequel where Mr Sunshine is building his perfect planet he lands on like Mars or something or what I don't know this game was awesome [Music]
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 2,982,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, pikuniku, pikuniku gameplay, pikuniku funny, pikuniku sad, pikuniku game, funny game, weird game, sad game, puzzle game, course game, pikuniku jail, pikuniku boss, fun game
Id: XH6moPtvDQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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