Robot Bloop is OVER POWERED!

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who is the strongest bloop of all the bloops let's find out [Music] hello everybody I'm kindly keyed and prepare for the ultimate bloop Showdown this is basically a tournament of bloops it's gonna be bloop versus bloop and there's all different versions of bloop this is an animation by Yao kit animations and uh it looks like it's gonna be awesome so as you can see uh oh my gosh we have bloop on one side and we even have health bars I love this I love this already fight um we have bloop on one side and then we got dark bloop on the other side who is the stronger bloop if I had to put my money on it and I want you guys to do the same but not like actual money we're just we're just pretending here I would say dark bloop takes it just because he seems cooler but put in your guesses now no cheating don't skip ahead I see I see you thinking about skipping ahead that's fine if you want to skip Ed that's fine but if you didn't skip ahead that's cool that's cool because I I didn't skip ahead so I don't know who's gonna win here so I'm going dark blue it bloop's eyes just caught on fire okay okay bloop is a little smaller I will say that puts him at a disadvantage but he's sneaking up on dark blue nope dark Loop cotton oh oh gosh okay okay okay okay that's half of his health already gone and he's stunned oh my gosh dark bloop is gonna perfect KO him um bloop oh no oh no why is dark bloop's mouth glowing also just his insides glow oh wait wait a second there might be hope the underdog look see dark bloop doesn't realize he's not looking at the health bar he didn't realize that this fight ain't over yet get in there sneaky bloop okay bloop is using his stealth because he knows that dark bloop is oh what when did Godzilla become a part of this fight oh no he's he's like he's having flashbacks he's got PTSD of getting vaporized getting scared with the with the the laser blast from Godzilla he's like that did not feel good I do not want to experience that again but maybe he's got like a plan like he's like gonna use Godzilla to take out dark poop I don't know I don't know is he gonna eat Dart is he gonna eat Godzilla and become Godzilla bloop who knows who knows anymore oh he just ate Godzilla all right okay this fight is not over though we still I feel like dark bloop and and bloop did not properly finish this fight I think I think bloop is changing um um I was not expecting this ah I've made a terrible decision I feel like oh my gosh bloop just turned in I I kind of called it didn't I um Boop just just like Mega Man like you know how Mega Man Beats a boss and then he can absorb their power he just did that with Godzilla so now he's blubzilla so now it's bloopzilla versus dark blue but technically it's still blue so I don't know if this is a new fight but if I was allowed to change my guess I would most definitely change it to bloopzilla I mean look at him he's beautiful in the most terrifying way I'll give you guys an opportunity you can change your answer do you still think dark Blue's gonna win or does bloop with his Newfound Godzilla Powers take the take the win I'm gonna go with bloopzilla but only because it's kind of the obvious choice but sometimes the obvious choice is the wrong choice I love this they're so so bloop actually grew he's now the same size as dark blue uh as bloopzilla which is a good that's a good sign he's doing damage I love that we have these health bars that actually like see the progress here this is great these animations are awesome and he's got a laser that comes out of his his intestines I guess I don't know uh but hey don't don't don't discount dark blue piece still okay he's dead he's dead right that that's a KO that's uh his health bar is gone there you go he's got shiny teeth and he just lasered the heck out of dark blue what are you are you dark Godzilla what is this you have oh my gosh you have a long tail oh dark blue wait is dark bloop gonna eat dark Godzilla and become dark super dark bloopzilla I don't know I don't know what's happening anymore but I'm excited either way okay what do we got what what blue Zillow versus dark bloop again but but what is this a new dark bloop he's getting revenge kind of uh went in the wrong direction but to be fair look at his name it is shin bloopzilla form two which implies that there's either a Form 1 or form three and maybe this is like baby this is this is like tadpole Shin bloopzilla he needs to grow up I am giving it the win and and you guys can make your guesses based on what I'm saying here or you can you can figure it out yourselves I'm going with Shin bloopzilla form too but I think he's gonna change into something scarier because right now he's not he's not scary he ran away he just ran so does that mean I'm automatically disqualified what has happened he's gotta he's he's got to grow a little bit all right so he tried again and this is form three he's trying he's just not quite getting it right he's still practicing oh supposed to predict that that's what's gonna happen nobody lost there he ran away there was there was no true fight this is your last chance dark bloop to do a good transformation it's like have you guys ever seen Dragon Ball Z when the kids are doing the the Fusion dance and they're like messing it up and they turn into like weird versions this is what's happening they're just messed they're slightly messing up the Fusion Dance is this enough he looks kind of dumb but he is just straight up shin bloopzilla and he is as big as bloopzilla which tells me that this is this is the the right way to go his eyes just look kind of dumb they just they look like googly eyes he's got googly eyes and he should be able to shoot a laser right oh what a weird sound okay okay they're doing equal damage to each other I think bloopzilla's taking a little more damage oh okay that's gonna leave a mark uh yep but that okay not looking great for shin bloopzilla but my guess still stands I'm sticking the shin bloopzilla he's got the dumbest eyes I think I've ever seen on what's supposed to be a terrifying monster I think he found a new power the power of laser guts shoes lasers out is out of his back I hope that doesn't hurt because that seems painful those those lasers seem like they weren't supposed to pop out of his back but I don't know he's the bloopzilla here I am not oh my gosh he just latched onto his tail oh oh my gosh this I mean this is seriously a very close fight okay can you aim those lasers or are they just gonna come out all over your body no he can he can blast them right in the middle we got like a little DBZ sort of like you know Kamehameha blast in the middle who's gonna who's gonna who's gonna take the win here this is it this is how it ends right the old they both took damage I I think shin bloopzilla has a little bit more Health like a slightly bit oh it's not looking great though okay okay I like that I like the the the multi-slap attack he's he's throwing it right back in his face oh my gosh this battle is so close holy moly few hours later it's the it's the SpongeBob thing though all right what do you got what do you got what do you got what do you got they are both unbelievably exhausted I would imagine they're just like slapping each other with their tails being maniacs what's gonna happen here please please Shin bloopzilla you're my only hope I've chosen you as my champion so close one more hit one more hit if he was playing street fighter and he was blocking he would take enough chip damage to to lose like that's how close bloopzilla is here he does no he has no more he has no more juice no more juice you're done okay Shin Shin bloomzilla has seen his opportunity and he also is out of juice what is wrong with these sea monsters they need to be a little bit more efficient with their laser usage I guess just slap him go over there just slap him with your fin come on what was that what is this attack what is happening he's using his laser to propel himself your win the belly flop of the century I bloomzilla you were so close you were so close all right so that's uh that's zero for two I think I've guessed wrong on both accounts so uh yeah so far so good what is this a portal into an alternate Dimension what kind of bloop will come out of this strange strange phenomenon that's that's that's a bloop that is glowy what even are you you're very cool looking I'm not gonna lie um but uh what are you and are you about to fight just regular bloop I mean you're like a Super Saiyan bloop you and oh my gosh what is happening with your mouth void bloop void bloop wins this look at his health bar it's it's like it's like electrified I'm I'm saying void bloop I could be very wrong oh and also he can make himself just invisible translucent that seems a little overpowered yeah yeah uh-huh you can't do anything you're done get out of my house bloop you're not biting anything you are only biting the void and then he can he can just come right back to life like what he's too powerful but it has me a little concerned that he's like so strong and he's destroying regular bloop so badly that regular bloop is gonna come up with some kind of crazy idea that brings him back and and gives him the win which makes me think that I picked long but I don't know I mean bloop is getting vaporized right now it's not looking good for just OG blue see now he's blobzilla oh it's not gonna work okay is he gonna transform again into shin bloopzilla or is he just gonna try to keep shooting lasers because uh I don't know how well that's gonna work out for you it's not working out at all in you might want to find a new technique bloopzilla wait what he 21. party is this gonna wait if he destroys my portal does that kill void bloop or does it like force him to go back and then we'll just call it a draw I don't know what's happening but I'm concerned that my void bloop is not going to win because of this interruption oh no they're destroying the portal foreign I am so bad at picking the winner he's gone I don't know if you guys killed him but he's definitely gone so I don't know if it just forced him to go back to his dimension whatever you win I guess oh there's more than one apparently and they're coming back for more oh it's a whale shark something tells me something bad's gonna happen to this whale shark something bad's about to happen it's whale shark huh I mean get eaten it's a it's a it's an angler fish angler bloop don't go to the light don't do it don't go to the like all right it's the it's the tadpole version of shin Godzilla or Shin bloopzilla sorry he's minding his own business no he's not gonna fall for that certainly the light will not attract him he knows even though he's a tadpole he's trying to get he's like please please please you know you want this light look at this beautiful light it's beautiful it's flashing just for you not gonna fall for it you gotta try harder than that angler fish [Music] you're electrifying the water that just seems unfair you shoot lightning out of your light what this is this is rude he was minding his own business he didn't fall for your stupid tricks wait is this angler fish gonna oh what wait is this an angler Shin bloopzilla what okay Ultima bloop have no idea where you came from Monster anglerfish we've seen this guy in action who do we think's gonna win I'm giving it the Ultima bloop mostly because I just don't like the anglerfish but also because I don't know what an Ultima boost is what's your guess leave it in the comment section let's get through this together hopefully your guesses have been better than mine so far um Ultima bloop has a has a force field what that's that's awesome I was gonna say that's unfair but it's not it's just sweet you look insane this has to be one of the coolest bloops I've ever seen it kind of looks like a like a like an old man but like a like a grizzled like a guy who's who's just seen some stuff and he's like you anglerfish monster anglerfish you think that's gonna scare me I've seen some stuff what's that stuff I don't know he's just he's just a tough tough guy and he shoots like Circle beams of energy is he making that noise it kind of sounds like a chicken thank you all right Ultima bloop um unbelievably powerful just just perfect ko'd the anglerfish so I got that one right yay for me something tells me that something even bigger and scarier than Ultima bloop is about to show up ah okay wait have we seen you guys before I feel like these are variations of bloops that we have not seen this is a blue glowing one and a purple glowing one we've definitely seen like the Godzilla versions of these guys but they have like the Godzilla like fins on their back um Robo bloop Mecca bloop versus black bloop and I guess other black bloop okay what about Ultima bloop though how strong is this Mecca bloop I mean he's literally made out of metal uh yeah he seems pretty strong he's fighting two bloops at the same time Dodge I love it he's too strong get out of here you stink dang the the sound that it makes when he hits too that like it reminds me of like someone getting whopped with like a a frying pan that's basically what this guy's tail is it's just a giant frying pan plus he has missiles because why not okay so is the other black bloop dead I think the other black Loop is dead so now we're just going on to the purple black blue this is this is over it's it's so over it's done there you go but but there is still Ultima bloop and I feel like oh no okay that's the end but I do think that Ultima bloop versus Mecca bloop should happen let's make this happen that was awesome
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 361,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kindly keyin, keyin, YaoKitAnimations, kindly keyin reacts, bloop, dark bloop, mega bloop, robot bloop, mech bloop, huge bloop, bloop fish, robo bloop, bloop vs, bloop vs every fish
Id: cI_wXSnB7lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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