What Did We Fry This In? (Taste Test)

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- What's good in the deep fried neighborhood/ - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) Good Mythical morning! - Today, we're gonna explore deep fried foods in all of their many oily forms. - And a portion of today's episode is sponsored by ShipStation, but more on that later. - Uh-huh! We are tasting deep fried foods today and we're guessing what type of oils they're deep fried in! - But what are you doing right now? - I'm practicing dodging grease pops. - Well, all the food's already been fried, so that's unnecessary. But if you feel like it, you can keep doing it. How important is your choice of oil when it comes to your deep fried delicacies? Well, these daddies want to know. It's time for What Oil was Used to Deep Fry These Cuisines? Peanut, Corn, or Kerosene? - David Hill taught me how to do that. - Yeah. - All right, in each round, we're gonna taste one deep fried dish prepared in four different oils and Stevie's gonna tell us which one we have to pick out of the crowd. - Now, to help ourselves out a bit, we might be unfamiliar with some of these oils, so we have a one time lifeline where we can taste a few drops of the oil that we're gonna be try to be identifying at the top of the round. - Is that gonna help? - I don't know. Maybe. In the end, the loser will get burned in the kitchen by Mythical chef, Josh, in Good Mythical More. - Out of the intro and into the fryer we go! (gentle upbeat music) - [Stevie] It's fried chicken time, boys! - Yes, it is! - [Stevie] You're going to be looking for the fried chicken that has been fried in corn oil. - Corn oil. - Corn oil? - [Stevie] Corn oil. - Corn oil. - See, I feel like peanut oil would be the best. - That's what I fry my chicken in. - I know you do. And then I'm a thigh man. I'll go with a thigh every time because I can do one of these. - I think I'm gonna, even though I typically am a breast man, I'm gonna go with the leg for ease of consumption. Oh, wow. I mean, fried chicken is just good, right? - But... - You taste any corn? - There's a weirdness to the oil that I think if I was just eating fried chicken somewhere, I might lean over and be like. - Hey, what'd they fry those in? - Is there a weirdness to the oil? - It's hard for me to tell, I guess, until I taste something else. - It has a very, I don't know. It's not bad, but it's just strange. Wow. - That's much lighter. - Totally different. Tastier. - That's good. It's definitely better. - Doesn't give me any pause. I'm not leaning over and saying anything except- - It's just good chicken. - This is good chicken. - It is good chicken. - Mm-hmm. And I usually don't bite my thighs like this. - Yeah, don't bite your thighs. I do not like this one. - This is some good fried chicken in general. You know how to fry some chicken. - [Nicole] If there's one thing the Mythical kitchen knows what to do, it's fried chicken. - Oh, well y'all know more than that, but yeah, that is a. You don't like that? - I don't like that oil. - I like it. Why don't you like it? You think it's... - I'm tasting way more oil. - Where's the part that I bite? I don't love this one. - I don't particularly like this one, either. - Well, I don't know why you didn't like this one. I'm gonna have to try. - [Stevie] Nicole. What's the like, typical? Is there a typical fried chicken oil? - [Nicole] I think that the default is, or should be, peanut oil, but people fry chicken in a bunch of different things. There's like, no one right way to do it. I just think, I personally think, peanut oil is like- - I like this one. - [Nicole] The end all, be all. - [Rhett] The best. - So you voting for it? I'm ready. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - I think this is corn oil, but I think this is- - Oh, I forgot. I thought I was voting for peanut oil. (groans) - You already voted! - I think this is peanut oil. - [Stevie] I'm confused. - (groans) I forgot it was corn. - [Stevie] Okay, you're voting for corn, but you're... - I'm gonna stick with my answer because- - [Stevie] Okay, stick with your answer because that's corn, but you thought it was a peanut, but okay. - All right. Yeah, yeah, yeah. - So corn is the best. Wow. - [Stevie] Yeah, so corn oil is on two. Well, Link didn't say what his favorite was. - This one. - [Stevie] Oh, you did? Okay, so yeah, you both like corn oil the best and peanut oil was the one, Link, that you disliked. The last one was peanut oil. - What? - Yeah. - Dang! - [Stevie] And then the other ones, the first one's canola oil and then the third one is beef tallow. - The beef tallow was too much. It was overpowering. The beef tallow, I just don't know if that's a good fried chicken thing. You cook a burger and some beef tallow now, like fried burger up in some beef tallow. - I stand behind the choice that I've made by accident. - It is good. It's great. Corn oil for your chicken needs. (gentle upbeat music) - [Stevie] It's time for fries! - Yeah, it is! - Okay! - [Link] And you know what? - [Rhett] What oil are we looking for? - [Stevie] You're looking for peanut oil. - Peanut. - Okay, that's what you thought you found last time. - I thought peanut was the bomb. - Not a fan of that first one. - Yeah, me neither. Nothing to just ooze about. Ooze any praise. - Solid. - Much better. Much better. You know, the best thing that ever happened to us in college? And just so you know, we were virgins when we graduated from college. - Oh. - You know what it was? - I think I know where you're going with this. - Greg, our other roommate, came back from home one weekend with a fry daddy. - And we just all gathered around it. - Which oil did he use? - The whole weekend. That's pretty tasty. - What? Is it? - Yeah. That's tasty, man. That's tasty, man. I'm a hungry man. That's a tasty fry. It's rich. - It's very rich. - It's real rich. What are these? - Cool. - See, now I don't know about these. - That's really good. - These are really good. These are getting worse and these are really bad, right? - That's bad. - Don't ever fry your fries in whatever this is. We're choosing to hate this. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, you think you know where the peanut oil is? - No. - Okay. Okay, I'm ready. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Oh! - It's either that one or this one. - Because they're both good. - [Stevie] The French fries deep fried in peanut oil are on plate number two. - (groans) Congratulations, Rhett. - These are good, though. - These are crappy. - [Stevie] So the ones that you really hated are actually deep fried in lard. Plate number one is lard. - Bad idea. - [Stevie] And then three is cotton seed oil. - [Link] Cotton seed? - [Stevie] And the last one is clarified butter. - The clarified butter is good. Something about the cotton seed oil worked for me. I don't know, but- - Yeah, it's rich. - This has a a classic peanut oil taste. I love to use the peanut oil. It's expensive, though. It's tough to get a big jar of it. (gentle upbeat music) Now, before we get to tasting these egg rolls, this portion of today's episode is sponsored by ShipStation, the leading order management and shipping software on the internet. If you sell stuff online and ship it to people like us, this is for you. - First off, way to go. Your company sells stuff online and I just love to buy. - (chuckles) Yeah. - My favorite part is definitely when you ship it and I get it and I have it and I enjoy it and I use it. Way to go! - Yeah. - Way to go. - Way to go. ShipStation helps purchases actually get to your customers by combining order processing, inventory management, shipping label creation, and customer communication all into one easy-to-use interface. - And not toot our own horns. (mimicking a trumpet) But between this show, multiple podcasts, special events, and caring for our hair, preparation has been key to our success. - That sounded like a lot of horn tooting, but it is true. One of the first things we learned about running a successful business online is that you need to be prepared for growth before it happens! So when things started taking off for Mythical, we weren't scrambling to keep up with the growth. We were ready for it. - Now you're the one tooting. (Rhett mimicking a horn) And that's why ShipStation is so great. It sets you up for growth by directly integrating with every shopping card and storefront so your products are easier to find, easier to manage, and easier to get into the hands of enthusiastic online shoppers, AKA everybody! - Whether you're starting small or scaling up, ShipStation can help you save time and maximize your sales with minimal effort and they give you access to the same discounts that Fortune 500 companies get. So no matter the size of your business, you get those discounts! - So ship more and grow more with ShipStation. Go to shipstation.com/gmm and sign up for a free 60 day trial. Start today and get set up before the biggest shipping season of the year. - That's two months free! Visit shipstation.com/gmm. - Thanks again to ShipStation for sponsoring this portion of today's episode. (claps) Egg rolls! What are we looking for? - [Stevie] You are looking for the clarified butter fried egg rolls this round. - That sounds good. - Now, we have a lifeline. You can taste it ahead of time. - You wanna taste butter? - I think I know what butter tastes like, though. (crew laughing) - And I think the end of the egg roll is gonna give us more indication of the oil. - Oh, that's a good egg roll. Oh, man. - But are you picking up on the oil? - No. - Because I actually think- - The first one I taste never gives me anything. It's always the second one. I'm like, oh, there's a difference. - Which is why most people don't do what we're doing and they never realize what they're missing. - You need to be eaten at least two egg rolls every meal. - Fried in different oils, of course. - Right. That is also a good egg roll. - No discernible difference, in my mind. - I know. - [Link] I'm gonna choose this one. - Why'd you choose that one? It called out to you? - What's that? What's that? - This part of the egg roll. - Oh. (crew laughing) - Okay. - I think this one's better. - This is a first distinct difference for me. - It's more of a. It's got like kind of a... - An egg eggroll taste? - A dense crustiness. - A dense crustiness is what I was thinking. Least favorite. - I have not tasted butter in any of these. Maybe this one. - I like these two the best. - Yeah, you're right. This one's not as good. So it's easiest to find out what's the worst. This one every round. We know what's the worst. - I mean, you think that's the worst? I also agree. - I know. - These are the best. Okay. Which one's clarified butter? - [Stevie] Okay, clarified butter. Three, two, one. - I'm just, I don't know. I'm just guessing at this point. - I tasted a butter taste on this one. - Not that one. - [Stevie] The egg rolls deep fried in clarified butter are on plate number three. - Yeah. - Oh, you dirty dog. - I didn't like it because I like the oils. These go better with like, a Asian flavor and maybe I'm wrong, but what do we got over here? - [Stevie] So the first one is corn oil. - [Rhett] It worked. - [Stevie] And then the second one is duck fat. - Yeah. Oh, that totally makes sense. - Duck fat. - That this one really, really works, now that I know that it's duck fat - [Stevie] And the one that you did not like was cotton seed oil. - Yeah. - But in the last round, cotton seed was okay. - But it was fries. - Huh? - (chuckles) Who knew? - Huh? (gentle upbeat music) - Well, thanks for giving us one donut, guys. (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Well, by this time in the episode, we figured maybe we should start- - [Rhett] Wish boning it? - [Stevie] Yeah. - That's not bad. - Okay, so you wanna... - I mean, you know. I eat more than you. - [Stevie] Okay, so you're gonna be looking for the duck fat donut this time. - See, I'm afraid of ducks in foods. - Were you attacked by one as a child? - I fed a lot of them breads when I was little. - And you feel like they haven't reciprocated? - Well, I just feel like I bonded with them. But the last round, I wasn't jolted by the duck fat eggroll. - Well, the thing you don't know is that all duck fat that's used in cooking is from liposuction of ducks. - Lipo section? - Well, that's what they call it when you do it to a duck. It's not liposuction because then it gets confused with the people. It's lipo section. - I never liked the term liposuction anyway because it it made me think of the procedure too much. Of course, a section. - That's pretty good. - Yeah, I like that one. - [Stevie] You ever have to see a video of- - Uh-uh. Nope, nope, nope. - [Stevie] For some reason, who made me see a video of that? I don't know, but I cannot unsee it. - Well, I can tell you right now, it wasn't me. - This right here? That's a perfect donut. - Yeah and it tells me that the oils were distracting. This is just what I expect in a donut. - And you made these donuts from like, dough? - [Nicole] Yeah, from scratch. - And nuts? - So good. - [Nicole] No nuts. Just dough. - Our little system is working pretty well. - So good. - We should make all our big life decisions by pulling on donuts. - No. - That is awful. - Uh-uh. - That's the worst donut I've ever had. - Don't do your donuts in this. Never do this with your donuts. - All right, that's the best donut. - [Stevie] Okay, you think you know where the duck fat is? - I think so. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - See, I'm not voting for the best. I got it right this time. - This is the best one. - Does that mean I got it wrong? - This is the duck fat. - [Stevie] The donuts deep fried in duck fat are on plate number three. - What? - [Stevie] The ones you thought, yeah. The ones you thought were the best. - Gazoinks! (crew laughing) - Duck fat donuts are the best donuts. - Did you know that? - [Stevie] According to you. - [Nicole] No, I had no idea. This is exciting for me, too. - See, now I don't like it anymore. - [Stevie] Well, the weird thing is- - Not because of you but just because I know about the ducks involved. - [Stevie] The weird. The weird? The weird thing is is that the one that you hated was clarified butter. The one at the very end. - What? - [Stevie] Which seems like a weird thing to hate, but yeah. And then the other one starting from Rhett's side, canola oil and then peanut oil. - Us hating on this was just a commentary on society. - I don't know what the commentary is, but I agree. (gentle upbeat music) - [Stevie] This is deep fried ravioli. - It's not just square chicken nuggets? - [Stevie] It looks like weird nuggets. - [Link] Looks like a square nugget. - [Stevie] How often are you eating deep fried ravioli in your life? - This is the first time and quite some time. - I think it's an abomination. It's definitely, at least, over kill. - Because ravioli is good already. - Why would you deep fry ravioli? - [Stevie] I'm sure it's not gonna be bad. - Neither of us have used our lifeline. - Oh, we gotta use our lifeline. - We use it on this. What are we looking for? - [Stevie] Well, you're looking for cotton seed oil. So your lifeline's gonna be cotton seed oil. - Oh, look at that. - We get to taste straight up cotton seed oil. I do not recommend this. - Cotton seed oil. I guess the seed comes from the, the oil comes from the... - The cotton. - The seed of it? - The seed of the cotton. (Link smacking lips) - It tastes like a food. It tastes like something that would be used in the manufacturing of like, shorts. (crew laughing) - Like manufacturing? Like oiling the zippers? - Yeah. It's zipper oil. It's definitely got a zipper oil taste to it. - You can squeeze a seed and get a oil out of it. Isn't that wild, man? - Well, not everybody can. - The world we live in. - Don't make assumptions, man. I could probably do it. You're right, but. - It's pretty tasteless, odorless, colorless. - [Rhett] Let's step into these square nuggets. - I don't know. I just don't know about this. Very cheesy. - Cheese ravioli? - [Nicole] Of course. Four cheese ravioli. - I'm gonna have that one right there. - There's too much cheese. - [Nicole] What? - No. - That's crazy. - It's great, but it's too much flavor. I can't taste the oil. - Yeah, these things are not good to me. And they're getting worse. - That's worse than that one. (Link spits) Oh, man. That's getting so bad. - Yeah, that's not good. Don't fry your ravioli and whatever that is. I don't know how much of a service we're performing in terms of what you should do, but I'm feeling like we're pretty good at what you shouldn't do. Maybe it's just deep fried ravioli's bad. - That's also bad. You're right. - [Link] I mean, have you had some? - Stevie? - [Stevie] Oh, I didn't know if he was like, asking people watching and it was like, you know, rhetorical question type of thing. No. - Where do you get these? Like at a desperate place? - [Nicole] They're like appetizers in Italian restaurants. - Maybe if we fry it, they'll order it. - I like the first one the best. - [Stevie] Okay, remember you're looking for- - By like a long shot. - [Stevie] Cotton seed oil. - [Rhett] This one's actually good and the rest of them are bad. - Yeah. - Three. - This one's okay. - [Stevie] Two, one. - Yeah. I think because this one was just okay. - I disliked it, but it tasted the most like the dropper. - [Stevie] Okay. Yeah. That lifeline really helped you out because you're correct. That's the cotton seed oil. The only one that you liked- - [Rhett] Is this butter? - [Stevie] Was clarified better. - [Rhett] Yeah, I knew it. - [Stevie] And then peanut oil and lard are the other two. - Interestingly, that didn't work. - Lard is the big loser today. Along with who? Me? - Yeah, you're also the big loser, which means you're gonna be burned in the kitchen by Mythical chef Josh. I think the bottom line is it does make a very big difference what oil you fry things in, but you got to experiment and figure out what you like, but just don't think any old oil will do. If you think that, you're wrong! - Yeah. And don't hate on ducks. It's not their fault. - Yeah, right. They can't help they just waddle. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - I am Mike from St. Paul, Minnesota. This is Lola and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - (laughing) That's a happy dog. Click the top lane to watch us compare classic snacks with their new versions in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - We're just testing the echo! We're totally fine! - No need for alarm! - There's no one here to save us. - Help! - No!
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,748,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: R3PshZNxa2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 12 2022
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