I made CHICKEN Breast taste like a STEAK!

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Today I'm doing the unthinkable, I'm going to  be making a chicken breast taste like a steak.   I'm talking about the juicy and  delicious steak. Don't believe me?   Just listen to this. -Try some  chicken bro Guga just made these. -Alright cool. This one tastes like steak! -Chicken breast whether you love it or hate  it let's be honest it's not one of the best   things in the world. You can ask anyone in the  world and I can guarantee you no one will say   their favorite thing to eat is chicken breast.  So that got me thinking, how can I make a chicken   breast taste like a steak? Well, it was not easy  but let me show you how it was done. As you can   see I have six regular chicken breasts. There's  nothing fancy about them they are just plain old   good chicken breast. Now the first thing I need to  do is to remove all of the moisture, and in order   to do that I'm going to be using something that  is called a freeze dryer. The science behind it   is fascinating and if you want to learn more  how it works check it out in the description   down below later on, because I have done a video  explaining exactly how it works. And if you didn't   know this is what astronauts do whenever they're  taking food to space. So all I really have to do   is throw it in my freeze dryer set the settings  correctly and let it do its thing for two days.   Once the time was up I took it out and take a  look. This is a regular chicken breast without any   moisture, all of the liquid is completely gone. Just  holding this thing in my hand is absolutely insane.   Right now it feels and weighs the same as a  styrofoam basically looks like it's a prop from   a movie. Let me show you what it looks like inside.  So I went ahead grabbed my knife and took a slice    And take a closer look, notice that the process did not  eliminate all of it. But that's okay it's not going   to stop us from continuing our experiment. I went  even further to find out even more information.   So I sliced the whole thing in half, and when  I did, wow! Take a look at this, it looks like   cloth. I don't know about you but at least to  me, this is fascinating. And as I get closer to   the spot that did not get dehydrated look at the difference. This is something you do not see every   day, that I can guarantee you. Now the next step is  to go ahead and rehydrate the whole thing. One of   the most interesting thing is that this works like  a sponge now. Any type of liquid that is put on   top look, it immediately rehydrates itself. Right  now I'm just using regular water and the more   water I put the more it rehydrates. Wait a second  maybe I shouldn't be using just water. Because   as you can clearly see this became chicken again.  Look it's like a regular plain old chicken breast.   Now what to use to rehydrate? The first thing that came  to my mind is wagyu beef tallow, and I think it's   a great combination because chicken breast has  no fat. Adding beefy flavor and fat at the same   time come on that's a win-win! The big question  is it gonna work? Well, let's find out. The first   thing to do was to melt the wagyu fat, that was  super easy you just got to leave it at room   temperature or even put it on your microwave.  Then I grabbed the syringe to make sure that   I tried to infuse as much as possible. And as I started putting it on top oh man it was actually   sliding off. It was not absorbing as much as  I wanted and that's because the top of the   chicken breast is not that smooth. As you can see  the more I added it just completely slid off.   So I went ahead and split the whole thing in  half, and as you can see just like the previous one   this one did not get freeze-dried all the way.  But that's okay because I went ahead and dumped   in the wagyu fat, a good amount. I'm talking about  a ridiculous amount, as I like to say if fat is   flavor umm this gotta be delicious! As you can see once  I was done the whole thing was covered with it and   to my surprise, it was absorbing quite a bit. But  at least to me, that was not enough. So I went ahead   throw it in a vacuum bag and dunk even more wagyu  fat on top. I told you the more the better. I took   a step further and vacuum sealed it, doing that  will ensure that the wagyu fat penetrates deeply   into that meat. As you can see once I was done this  is what it looks like. Now all I have to do is to   let it rest a little bit so that everything can  soak in. As you know I have more chicken breast   so I went ahead and wanted to do two more. One of  them I'm gonna be rehydrating with chicken stock   and the other one with beef stock. Now to keep it  fresh the process is exactly the same I split everything in half and threw all of the stocks  in there. Now the most interesting thing for me   is that this absorbs a lot faster so maybe this  one is going to work even better, but at the same   time I have no idea what's about to happen. As you  can see once I was done this is what it looks like.   If that does not look like a meat experiment I  don't know what does. So I let everything rest   in my refrigerator for 24 hours. The very next day  this is what it looks like. I'll tell you one thing,   it feels like a chicken breast. So I went ahead and  opened all of them up ,extracted all of the liquids   and set every single one of them on a cooling rack.  This is looking really promising as at least to   me they now look like regular chicken breasts. I  promise you if you were here you will not be able   to tell what this thing went through. Now holding  it in my hand is even more interesting because   it feels exactly like a chicken breast, this is  insane. But always the most important thing is   how is it going to taste? Well we're about to find  out right now because the next thing to do is to   season it. For that I kept it real simple a good  amount of salt, followed by freshly ground black   pepper and garlic powder. I'm seasoning these  chicken breasts just like a steak. Now to cook   them I'm going to be pan-frying all of them. But  to give a nice wonderful flavor I'll be basting   them with a lot of butter. I'll be cooking all of  them until I reach an internal temperature of 165   degrees Fahrenheit. I have no idea what's about  to happen but I cannot wait to find out because   now I say it is enough talking and it is time to  cook all of these chicken breasts. So let's do it! [upbeat music] All right everybody here we have our  beautiful chickens. Isn't it beautiful? [crickets]  -Who are you, what have you done with Guga. - I told them before we started  recording not to say that guys. -Listen I must say   they look quite interesting, you guys will understand later on what I actually did with   it. But with all that being said we got a lot  of chickens to try so we're going to go this   direction. Obviously, it's an experiment, I want  to know your honest opinion if it's good eat it,   if it's bad -Don't eat it? -Spit it up! You know? -We  really want to know. Really setting the tone here   for the rest of the video. -Hey we gotta be honest  everybody if it's good it's good. Okay, all right,   We'll start with this one first, go for it yeah.  that's it bro? Wow you can really tell that you're   a steak guy huh that's all you're gonna get? -Hey  look you told me if I like it eat it if I don't   like it spit it out .-Okay well, fair enough! Let's  see enough talking let's try it. Cheers! -Cheers.   Pretty normal I'm not gonna lie. -Damn just normal?  Well, I'm saying that is a good thing. First of   all chicken at Guga Foods but this is  not right. And wait, wait, wait, worst chicken breast everybody.  Yeah there's ah Angel? -It's good  like chicken breast bro I hate this.   -You can tell that we really enjoy chicken breast  right? Enough let's go for the second one. Go for   it. Tell me about everything I want to know the smell,  texture. -This one was harder to like stab with the   fork. -Hey it smells pretty good? Are you ready for  it? -My hands like shaking. -We are all taking a very...   -I'm scared right now. -We are all taking a very  small bite everybody. Are you taking the big no. We're gonna let you know the truth  everybody, it shouldn't taste bad   we're gonna find out right now. Ready? -Okay, cheers! -Hey hard as hell. -Yeah that is dry! -It is a bit of dry  yes is right, but it's not bad. -No it's not bad it   tastes kind of like tuna in the sense of the fact  that it's so dry that it almost like falls   apart in chunks. I don't know I it doesn't really  taste like chicken to me. -Really? I feel like the   biggest part about chicken is it being juicy  and since there's such a big lack thereof that   it's just weird. -This is hard as hell, it's dry as  hell. -It is a little bit dry. -But the flavor is doable.  -The flavor is doable, I agree. The flavor is still  chicken though. -It it tastes like chicken at least   to me, it smells like chicken, I mean if you were  I was in a survival mode and they gave me this. -I'd be happy.   -Survival yeah. -I'm gonna eat it. -And at least  to me, you give me this piece of chicken here   I'll eat it, it's okay but I'm not gonna say it's  nice. -It's edible. -I'm not gonna say it's nice, it's not nice, it's edible. Now for the third one. You're ready? -I'm a little -You worried? No, no, no you shouldn't be worried. -If the criteria that we have to follow is  either you eat it or you die,   that's not good. -You know going back to  that first one, the first one is really good.   -I missed the first one now. -Smell it  and let me know what you guys think.   [sniff] -Is it just me or does it  smell like steak to you guys?   -Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what?  -It smells like steak, smells beefy. -Okay   enough let's try this. Are you guys ready? I'm  excited. -I'm excited. -Cheers everybody. -Cheers. You gotta pass the dryness, you gotta get over that hump. -It's it's like the same thing texturally as   the last one where it breaks off in chunks and  it's it reminds me of tuna it doesn't taste like   chicken. -It does not taste like chicken. whatsoever. -Now that I'm tasting it, it has a little bit of a   taste of like steak juices. -Yeah it tastes a little  beefy it's so this is the weirdest thing I've ever   tried. -I quit this experiment work it's a success  everybody because that's what I was going for.   I'm actually trying to make a chicken taste  like a steak and it tastes like a steak. Agree?   -Congratulations Guga, you did it. -So so far so  good but we're gonna go for the last one, let's   grab it. -Bro what is this? -Bro putting my fork in  it, it felt like my fork was just its piercing   soap. -It feels crunchy. -Listen to this maybe you're  gonna understand better what we're talking about. Okay that's what it is. -This is, that has to be one  of the most disgusting things I've ever smelled.   -It smells bad? -I don't know if you  guys have smelled it it smells   so gross. -Smells like metallic. -This one  smells really bad everybody. Are you ready?   -What do you mean? -I have to like fight  the urge to like throw up because this is   really this is nasty. -This is bad. -This is so, no I don't want to do this! -Okay enough. -That's not even hitting the back of my tongue  no. Salty metallic and gross. You know what it   reminded me of you guys correct me if I'm wrong, like chicharron but a bad one. iIm trying to like   describe to you guys how it tastes it's it's like  biting into a really, really old block of cheese.   It's literally fighting you as you're trying  to chew it. -I couldn't have said any better at   the same time when you bite it it's like a wafer  but without any juice but the taste is pure fat.   I don't know if you guys, when I squeezed it  it's just the juices of fatness just like wagyu   but in a very bad way happened, that's what it is.  My whole experiment was to try to make a chicken   taste like a steak. With all that being said, which  one actually did its job? -This one. -I agree it   works. Do I recommend you doing this? Absolutely  not everybody just cook your chicken regularly.   -I'm not even listening I'm eating it. -Listen everybody's on a  diet right now the beginning of the year okay   so the deal is you gotta cook chicken like a  chicken it's not gonna make any difference all   right. Anyway guys these are the results I hope  you guys enjoyed this video. If you did enjoy   make sure to give it a thumbs up. If you're not  a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future   videos. Remember if you are interested in anything  I use everything is always on the description down   below. Thank you so much for watching and we'll see  you guys on the next one. Take care everybody bye.
Channel: Guga Foods
Views: 2,881,226
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Keywords: chicken breask, freeze dry, experiment, cooking, grill chicken, diet, diet food, fitness, best chicken recipe
Id: Kmz2VZx4C8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 23 2022
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