Cities Skylines, but I elected Twitch Chat as Mayor

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my friend parkser who's a cop in a city planner used to live in a high-rise apartment on the Las Vegas Strip but about two years ago he packed up his bags and began this crazy road trip around the country visiting over 75 cities across 41 States but despite visiting most of the country at this point he still hasn't decided where he actually wants to settle down long term until today because my twitch chat and I are going to design parkshire's dream town in City skylines using this app that will elect a random viewer as the mayor and reads their messages out loud and it'll be my job as the city supervisor to follow every order that the mayor gives me get rid of taxes for me each twitch chat mayor will serve for five total minutes after their term if they reach an 80 percent approval rating then they'll be re-elected for another term otherwise a new random mayor is chosen that's politics baby so now let's build a city that shows parks are what he's always been looking for starting by electing our first mayor ladies and gentlemen I want to introduce you to our new mayor they are I pooted in potty congratulations welcome to your new roles ahead of parksertown that's my mayor people are ecstatic they can't wait to hear your policies this is one of those cool cities where you elect a person and then figure out what their policies are hello all I strive to make parks are a lovely home okay sounds beautiful and balanced any other context or you just want you just want to get started want you to make a giant pea for parts or for the road okay ladies and gentlemen the mayor spoke and let the term begin and no taxes smile really would turning off taxes okay here's what I'm gonna do Mr Mayor I'm gonna turn the road down here and then this way I can come up and make a gigantic pee okay the taxes are at one percent now I don't see enough not pee enough sir what do you mean specifically that is a p do you want another P stylize the p with statues of partser all right Mr Mayor I will do that let me just I'm adding more P how many statues do you want of Park sir I can get a statue of wealth statue of shopping statue of the Dead Rock surrounded by universities because he's a lawyer and stuff okay all right all right yes Mr Mayor sure Mr Mayor we've spent like 500 000 is that enough universities we can cover it more universities okay I've added 10 universities around the big peak housing okay and that's your turn Mr Mayor congratulations it was a real Banger you do get to run for re-election if we have an 80 approval rating you do get another five minute term mayor I put it in potty I think you did a great job I think people are saying no because they want their own chance to be the mayor you do lose re-election but people are very excited about your gigantic pee thank you mayor sharp it was an honor serving you can we please give a warm Doug Doug welcome to the new mayor exob exob they aren't in chat okay I'm re-running the mayor sorry mayor exam you're getting impeached our new mayor is opinion a pleasure to serve you sir I think the Mayors keep dying is somebody assassinating the Mayors it was me I shot the mayor say hello to our next mayor wacky lattice I'm so happy we got a lettuce mayor I hope they don't get shot why are they here are they in chat I'm wacky lattice oh there you go you said it okay welcome any any words on your policies before we get started at housing for everybody okay yes a mayor who actually wants housing nobody could live here maybe a mayor who will also have taxes go I'll just put the housing in the P if that works Sir Mr Mayor we are entering bankruptcy the thing is the previous mayor saddled us with a lot of debt taxes to 15 isn't that pretty high malls to increase Revenue we have five thousand dollars sir I don't know if we can afford them all wait hold on we can take out a loan okay we'll take out a student loan yeah sir would you like a mall of moderation or a posh Mall moderation Mall okay this is a mayor who knows how to save money for the people I'll put it over here um sir the people want water every schools since we have so many universities okay yeah that's probably more important than the water add water and electricity too okay good we're adding water for the people good call Mr Mayor we're setting up the water pipe sir okay I think we need like a coal like a coal power plant or I mean nuclear I don't think we can afford a nuclear power plant the thing costs 200 000 we need coal away from P okay I'm putting a Coal Power Plant really far from the p and then this means we need to connect them with electricity that should give everybody electricity Right add another road with more housing you didn't give instructions so I'll just make um something like that we'll call it the B and you said more housing okay I've added a lot of housing to the left of the piece or oh oh time time time time Mr Mayor some people actually want to re-elect you I think they enjoyed the the housing and having fresh water unfortunately not quite enough we're gonna be electing a brand new mayor our next mayor is bivar it's an honor sure of you please help with the sewage these people don't need to live like you don't okay look it's your responsibility I'm just the city supervisor Mr may your turn begins now where do you want all the sewage to go supervise it I'm busy campaigning okay all right you're gonna focus on getting reelected I'll just dump it here that's probably fine please erect a statue in my honor cool all you did was tell me to put the poop water into the river but okay can we please get a round of applause from the citizens of parkerville for a new statue on everything the accomplishments of Mayor vivar why is the Statue thirsty whatever it's fine oh everybody's upset about the sewage again sir I thought I told you to supervise this already okay all right sorry sir I'll do it now it's important to note that my job is only City supervisor all actual decisions must come from the mayor so if the mayor feels that I disobeyed an order or I'm out of line then they do have the authority to find me five dollars in the form of a gifted sub why are we in the red WTF have you been doing sir it's just the poop water is so expensive to move Mr Mayor do you know how cold power plants work what am I an engineer okay time's up I hope that campaigning's been going well let's see if you get reelected do the people want you back I'm gonna be honest they might have blamed you for all the poop problems it's been an honor you too sir nobody even lives here where is all the poop coming from please give it up for our next mayor Moon child qc1 hello everyone we'll fix it please adjust the taxes to 10 okay we'll do let's begin I will remind you mayor we don't actually have citizens yet nobody's moved in open a nuclear power plant coal is dead okay we're moving the coal we are now a nuclear-powered city destroy four universities after that we need hospitals for our future dying people getting rid of the universities interesting oh people are moving in okay we actually have a population let's get rid of the universities one two three four okay interesting move Mr Mayor two hospitals one hidden show one small school two hospitals one high school one small school okay uh sure there's a sinkhole that's appearing in the forest okay I think we're safe because like people don't really live here yet one two hospitals oh the crime is really high in the big p by the way New Street okay I just kind of you didn't give me directions so I just kind of went with a police station okay people are happy about that restaurants what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make the bottom of the Pia commercial zone now lots of restaurants will be down here and only one term mayor Moon child has dramatically expanded our education and power system oh [ __ ] mayor moonchild might get reelected gotta be above 80 really close three two one we have our first re-election mayor moonchild you're back in that's my [ __ ] mayor more houses plus a new mall the foxy one holy [ __ ] that's a big mall oh people are gonna love that sir I'll put the new housing on the new road thing over here garbage and water all right get the people water I'll be honest sir I never really trained for this I'm doing my best you are doing great thank you sir okay we've got water we do need garbage though which uh which facility should I set up waste Transfer okay we'll do waste Transfer out here away from the p and incinerator okay and then an incineration plan I'll put the incineration plant near the power plant okay everybody's still complaining about garbage water treatment okay we're getting some water treatment plants I'll replace the poop thing with the water treatment plant it's this is not powered [ __ ] we need more power okay sorry your terms up I think you did a great job sir um technically you're ending your term with nobody handling the sewage enough power that's fine I'm sure the next mayor will take care of it please welcome our new mayor magmo Miller two it's an honor to serve you how do citizens hello sir ready to begin when you are we need to build a train completely around the city okay let's begin see sir this is why we need somebody like you to run this city that makes no [ __ ] sense to me that it's because I can't see the genius behind it I'll build it near the nuclear power plant all righty all right let's get this train station built oh can I go through the sinkhole cool disconnected power what do you mean oh [ __ ] what did I do sir we're running into a bit of a problem again wait okay well we'll deal with the electricity problem later okay I'll make another loop-de-loop sir okay all right we're making it work sorry we lost a few houses sir but we had it was necessary for the loop-a-loop I miss mayor Moon child you shut your mouth how dare you talk about the mayor that way I'll make this work sir I will make this work this train goes around the back and then it reconnects over here perfect five seconds and we're done the train is finished it's beautiful sir that's worthy of re-election you see that big ass train you see those Loops it's a sick train but it's time for some fresh blood in the mayoral office our next mayor is sabito welcome to officer I will let you know a lot of people seem to want electricity but you know best it's not about caving into the demand electricity okay maybe it is okay I think that'll give power to everybody remove the trains remove oh no sir some people are unhappy about removing the trains but I trust in our leadership they know what's best for the people okay what next Mr Mayor build some industrial sectors um any preference on what I'll do some farming this will be uh this will be a farming sector then bring upon parkser's police state okay I guess we can just fill this whole line with police stations there are now about one police station per every five citizens if you'd like me to stop just let me know stop okay we are gonna be good on crime for a while oh well we're over the timer over the time I think we can all agree mayor sabito a focus on safety the cops have no water they'll be fine all right the mayor knows what they're doing well sir I think you've got 30 percent of the people who are very happy about the electricity and the crime but it seems a large amount of the populists like to the trains it was an honor to serve you sir our next mayor is steel dragon 8 TV welcome earthquake the police stations there are too many okay I trust you sir well at least it's not gonna destroy any of the housing wait oh [ __ ] sir the earthquake spread to the P [ __ ] why is everybody missing water now fix all of the problems fix all the problems okay working on it what is this building oh it's a drugstore it'll be fine you know what things are under control now except for a couple fires and a lot of broken roads anything you'd like me to do build a tiny train station in a tiny Loop okay nightmare wait I'll do it as fast as I can okay just in time sir I got it off now this City's looking cracking re-election yeah I am honored to have served these cities fieldragon it was an honor destroying a lot of the city with you all right everybody please give a warm Parks Orville Welcome to our new mayor Shattuck McLovin hello everyone hello Mr Mayor I'm McLovin this new mayor my first order yes I resigned what do I do do I run another election half the city is still broken down the people are in chaos there's still a bunch of rubble we don't have leadership emergency election we elect short doggy as the new mayor congratulations our city is not called Chernobyl hello what's your first order beginning the term with more schools let's go Elementary please I'm just going to start building elementary schools until you want me to stop thank you secretary I'm the city supervisor sir but you can call me whatever you like I guess I did go to Oxford I will call you Jimmy okay I just I got a 2300 on the SAT and I was hoping to get some you know work my way up okay build a train Luke Jimmy okay all right Mr Mayor sir we have a lot of elementary schools let's get this train station just kind of cruising through we're gonna send it through the Farmland I hope they're okay with that there's still a lot of rubble and destroyed buildings but I know that there's more urgent things to take care of can you build another one okay sir you're the expert oh it can loop I can I can train is done we lost some electricity to various people but the train enthusiasts are loving it a couple power plants like multiple okay we don't really have space for for one the thing is the trains have taken up a lot of the space we need to power those trains I I know sir it's just you've made so many trains there's not a lot of room left we got five seconds I love train power plants power okay we got a couple power plants now that's a good looking city mayor are we re-electing short doggy and before you vote take a look at that train a shockingly high approval rating for a town that has no running water or electricity the trains broke all the power lines mayor short dog it was an honor I wouldn't have been the secretary for any other mayor except Betty Boop welcome to the office I'm Jimmy ready to serve have you been drinking that's fine Winston Churchill drink he was an incredible leader foreign [Music] yes sir the electricity in the water can wait okay purchase okay I don't think we can expand anymore [Music] um okay there's a giant road down here taxes are all gone okay here's the lemonade Factory sir uh I don't know how to put the lemonade Factory in a basement [Music] um let me get this tsunami going inside I'm working on the basement ma'am uh hopefully this is ready by the time the tsunami hits the basement will save them okay well your time's up now despite me clearly trying to send a tsunami to the lemonade basement it just never showed up I have no idea where it went I don't know if the mayor diverted it to another city that's my [ __ ] man our next mayor is to Green Manya welcome to the officer make a monkey out of Road okay I didn't exactly go to school for uh our Artistry let's um go here and then we'll get his cute little monkey ears Mr Mayor you're going to love this okay your name is now Brittany oh yes sir I present the road monkey what do you think sir make more we don't have a lot of space sir but that means you liked it right make better wait like make this better um okay this will be his tail add farms and monkey um that's time okay this City's really coming together especially the monkey Farm our next mayor is Hashem X welcome to the office may I just say sir this volcano Strat is brilliant great job Brittany thank you sir random human welcome to the office before we begin make a poll okay we'll do what would you like on it sir two options utter chaos or fix the city knowing the old democracy route interesting unorthodox two I think our mayor is biased I'm gonna close the poll in five four three two one I do want to remind you sir you're the mayor you can make whatever decision you want five of each director Mr Mayor sir I would never doubt you I know there's some kind of plan behind this I'm seeing some disrespect towards our mayor and chat do not talk [ __ ] about the mayor's plans he didn't go to Oxford and major in public policy for you to think he's doing a bad job with our city Doug you're fired see how this [ __ ] he looks when Madam Secretary is around to fix it re-elect me I'll fix everything next term this was all Doug's fault Jesus Christ remember I will fix this okay so do the people want to re-elect the mayor are you satisfied with his job he has promised to undo the damage mayor random human you are just barely not re-elected remember me forever Chad the mayor who might be able to clean this up is Ben Ferrick fan welcome to the officer you're joining the position at a bit of a hard time but we wouldn't have elected you if you didn't know exactly how to clean up this mess I cammed sir we all have faith in you sir that's my mayor I know what to do the citizens they're hungry they're cold in their homes the building's destroyed around them Flames afoot what do we do democracy democracy maker poll okay what would you like on it utter chaos 100x okay hey cute monkey two done okay all right this is this is the poll okay Mr Mayor sir the people seem to want a make a big a and all their masks okay of course there's no time to deal destroy anything that opposes it okay all right there's a road don't worry I'll take care of it hey destroy the city and make a bigger egg I will find you if you don't destroy more I'm sending me to your sir sacrifice okay I guess I can make it bigger I just don't know if we have time make a small sad scene okay will do sir I don't know how to make a seed sad I did what I did that's my mayor mayor Ben Ferrick fan this city has ascended to new heights with your leadership our next mayor is cassia cat Welcome to the office call me Captain Captain cassia cat Madam Secretary Brittany At Your Service connect the highways to either end of the annex to the big a okay done kill the big a with Don parks for my doggo okay that does seem like one of the most pressing issues right now make sure the dogs have water and electricity yes Captain then draw a new District to cover the dog parks and make weed legal okay water is hooked up and electricity is all hooked up as well and we are enabling marijuana in the dog park make a train around the Big A yes Captain can I make the train station start at the Z we just don't have a lot of space yes okay there's so many other trains left over I'm trying my best and five minutes the train project was not quite completed next mayor is Big rigged welcome sir I do want to warn you we currently have zero people living in the city and no electricity I rigged the election that's my mayor look you want a mayor who knows how to win okay step one yes boss champ this city no no no hey hey respect our goddamn mayor he's got a plan build a hotel there's nowhere for Parks or to live that's true parkshire has literally lived out of hotels I don't know if there's a hotel do you think he could stay in the courthouse I was gonna build a courthouse next to the hotel Parcher did live in a high-rise so I know he likes living in tall apartment buildings if one of these is an apartment building this will be his home because he used to live in a skyrise we get him the courthouse right next door and then Police Headquarters all within the Z Parker's gonna love it he needs somewhere to buy a gun so what I'll do is I'll bulldoze some of the previous mayor's train station and we'll make all of this commercial zoning hmm I like that train that's a fine that's a fine God damn it fine well your terms up your terms up I am paying my Five Dollar Fine and now after about three hours of building this city it is time for our final mayor whatever the city looks like at the end of their term is what we're presenting to park sir our next mayor is Timothy Nob hi hello sir what are your orders please build an aquarium for Rosa yes sir oh do you want it in any particular spot away from the destruction please okay it's got to be pretty far boom make her exclusive Water and Power okay okay let's get her a water pumping station very nice I mean Rosa's not gonna have enough to eat without her own nuclear power plant I need to give her a Coal Power Plant because otherwise we can't power her nuclear power plant use wind turbines she must have clean power okay yeah there are serious issues happening back in the main Town Park oh okay yeah let's head back over to the aquarium District make it an animal Paradise yes sir dog parks activated okay now maybe fix all the other problems you've given me 25 seconds Mr I'll try my best sir oh okay we need some power okay and the time is done I may need to find you if you can't fix it all ignore the fires sir those were there already oh [ __ ] Timothy no might get reelected the first time in hours five four three two one hold on let me rig it real quick okay what's your pitch I'll find Doug five four three two one eighty percent exactly Timothy knows done it back in the Oval Office that's my [ __ ] mayor now that you're re-elected you don't have to follow through with your promises Doug I hereby issue you a fine that's my mayor because you'll cut Timothy three hours of first city existing now fix all the problems I only have five minutes also I am Gregory Greg I'm trying sir we need elect rocity from the coal power plants and now the the water should be returning to okay every people have power and water including the dog parks fix the train you won't even die a duck or live long enough to see yourself become Gregory I'm I will complete this train or my name isn't Gregory Brittany okay the train station's done 30 seconds to fix the city okay they need water good job fixing things Craig thank you sir Road's back up okay we have water and power back to this section of the city the police stations are back up and running Parks through Section could actually be accessed now and that's five minutes wait hold on can we see how much money we spent in total On This Town what is the number after trillion the city did cost over 90 quadrillion dollars fine so after hours of carefully crafting this Splendid and sparkling City we were ready to present it to parkser had we managed to create the kind of city and town that he's been looking for all these years Park sir Park sir I have good news for you okay after two years of driving around the country feeling like you don't have a place to settle down we finally have a home for you close your eyes oh okay okay all right let me know when you're ready okay I have opened my eyes and I I already see a lot of alerts okay all right hold on hold on let me take you on a little tour it's Greg's fault also if you could refer to me as Greg from now on hello Gregory Gregory try not to go too like close or first person perspective because it's going to give me motion sickness okay so as you enter the find Park Circleville you're gonna notice it splits off in kind of two general directions you have a little bit of a housing District here nice lovely place to live you're going to see one of our patented Parcher holes Greg I am already have motion sickness but as you head left you're gonna head into the park sir District you're gonna notice that there are several gun stores in a row a police station a courthouse and your very own gigantic apartment high-rise okay I I like that part okay I don't I don't think I need gun stores but I I like the high rise I'm also looking in the background and I see like no other buildings like tall buildings yeah and I like really clear unobstructed views yeah wait what is that that is our volcano okay um that's fine I actually like having a Mountain View as well okay all right all right he loves it so far now you're gonna notice um some of the train features now these are purely decorative you can't use them but along the entire outskirts of your city Partridge wait wait did you say decorative train features you're gonna notice that trains will kind of weave in and out of each other an interesting architectural pattern notice how this train goes loop the loop through the train above it and again you don't have to loop the loop the screen you can just show me I'm getting motion sickness again all right sorry sorry I'll try to stay zoomed out devastating meteor will strike the city in the near future don't worry about that so let's stay focused on this gigantic a you're gonna notice that the a has a couple things first off it is filled with dog parts there are thousands of dogs who hang out on this a all the time um but on top of that not only is there is there water and electricity in the a it's the only part of the city we can smoke weed if you're a dog or if you need water or electricity because most of the city doesn't have it wait most of the city doesn't have water or electricity let's move on you're gonna notice our building have water and electricity um you're gonna notice a signature train station right next to your Tower it Loops to itself right there are no stops yeah think of it more like a cart ride like a fun rollercoaster runway for well that's where your car would drive up to the train station if we had roads I mean I drive a pickup truck so I could just drive over the train tracks okay all right all right it seems like it kind of loved the parks or District as we move through here you're going to notice that um we did some remodeling with some of the housing uh you started remodeling you didn't wait what is that so one of the cool things is that they're wait why is there um so let's go ahead with the city let's go ahead of the city tour and ignore that wait that's my building though uh I'm pretty sure it'll be fine the volcano protects it in this section of the city we've put like 15 or 20 police stations at least there were I think a lot of them seem to have uh been remodeled and a lot some of the trains went through as well why do you need so many police stations for Crime oh I think your police stations got remodeled so we have like two or three police stations you said you don't need a lot of gun stores right because we're kind of running out of them I have two guns so I'm fine okay good good just removed the freeway entering the city yes but you have a pickup truck you'll still be able to get there wait where's my building um this is the monkey farm so you're gonna notice that it's actually we've drawn out a beautiful realistic looking monkey out of Roads not a monkey and then covered it with Farmland the Farms do not have any water I don't think that's how farming works also you have a river like right there well the mayor didn't have time to connect the river okay the mayor was very busy and I'd appreciate it if you stop implying that you didn't know how to do his job the next mayor did build a gigantic a so what do you think about that wait so first of all it wouldn't be the mayor's fault because the mayor is not the one who connects the water it's the public works department that does the actual function well okay if the mayor doesn't tell the city's supervisor Greg to go connect the water to the Farmland okay the city's supervisor any sort of management position should know that there should be basic utilities connected I come from a society where you obey your higher-ups okay where if the mayor tells you to go make a giant a and not get water to the Farmland you go make a giant egg do the mayor explicitly say Do not connect the water Park sir I think you're maybe you're not admiring the a enough look at that a okay let's uh let's go ahead and move into the final District of this city tour if we move along away from all that noise and pollution we get to a little bit of a sanctuary check this out a land filled with dog parks and wind turbines clean energy parks are mountain spring water tapped Straight From the Source directly into this aquarium where rows of the sea otter lives and you can visit her every day as long as you have your pickup truck because there's no working roads out here that's fine I guess so how exactly is this area immune from all the meteor strikes because Rosa's like really far away from the city why are the meteors only attracted to the city look Park sir I'm not the mayor I can't answer the big picture questions I'm the city supervisor I went to Oxford that's all I can tell you okay majored in public in that case you would be more qualified to answer these questions than the main okay all right let's let's stop focusing so much on the the structure and Leadership of this city we want to know Parks here is parkerville a city that you would move to hard pass come on but did you see the aquarium we haven't had a meteor in like at least 10 minutes you're gonna be fine but my building doesn't exist anymore though we could rebuild under this City's leadership would you join this city again wait under the city's leadership do you trust us to rebuild the city in a perfect way no not not at all uh on the basis of what I see right now damn it the fact that you even let it get like eight percent as bad as this is a critical problem to the city management that's fine [ __ ] mayor no probably not the mayor's one this is not a man's fault I do hope this has been informative for you whenever you decide to settle on down we do need to charge you 39 quadrillion dollars for what running this simulation isn't cheap Park sir and I was under the impression that your company would cover the costs of setting this town up for you you spent 39 quadrillion dollars meteors are not Jeep Park sir you bought the meteors to crash into the city trust my mayor okay
Channel: DougDoug
Views: 4,522,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DougDoug, DougDoug Youtube Channel, Channel Youtube DougDoug, doug doug, twitch, twitch chat, dougdoug twitch chat, twitch chat plays, dougdoug twitch, dougdoug clips, dougdougdoug, city skylines, parkzer, meteor shower, city skylines disaster, trains, twitch chat app, simulation game, sim game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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