Jaiden found a Blaziken

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after defeating zygarde and getting over a million views on a video i decide to round up the greatest trainers the world has ever seen again jaden ross ultrive and yes i'm reusing an intro a wrap winded [Music] uh jayden do you do you like that pokemon i love her there's dragon on the left left left left left left left left okay we're good cause i just realized we can get poison and steel on the way over here oh it could be a tapu actually yeah but if it's a tofu i'm actually gonna like fall asleep that's cream it's so loud so that's kind of the the plan you get shuffling he is going he does not stop man's got like happy feet no he's got something going on yeah you can go easily take one of these two i love how the camera pans every single time too it's my favorite it's super effective by the way okay well goodbye very bad oh i'm still alive wow what that's surprising yeah very surprising i mean if we get like another three minute kick from hitmontop we might be good we get a yeah we get three more minutes of him also waving back and forth all right so who's subbing out for the the ivy store because i think this ivy sword is a good call i should probably swap to ivysaur i actually like ivysaur a lot so so you okay you took vaporeon from jake i didn't want to say it i didn't want to say it yeah i'm sorry jacob is that met tank that's matang yeah yeah also there's steel here that's psychic steel or what's that steel right there or sans yeah let's go psychic but i have no effective moves this is this sucks so did you just swatch your pokemon ross did you just did you just switch your pokemon yes i just i did huh okay yeah but not nice thank you dude i love seeing him show us the schmoves people heard they are rubbing and immediately wrote the other word next to big i would like them gone from my channel please uh subscribe looks like she wants it yeah yeah good job ross synthesis good job fat eels over what i need healing i need healing i should be dead goodbye sandaconda i didn't know he would do that someone someone in my chat just said your mama is so stupid she bought pokemon sword and shield true mom's so stupid she went to gamestop and bought me garfield yo talk to him and i'm like mom i asked for zelda not garfield this is the wrong video game you ruined christmas guys everyone can relate right i asked for you asked for zelda for your christmas and then your mommy bring you the wrong video game she buy you she buy you flushed away for nintendo wii banger though um i don't have like any really good moves against a fairy type i don't know the subtype what do you want to do i mean fairy does beat fighting so hitmontop's kind of oh you are okay you think i'm going to abandon my man tapu coco actual nyquil actually am i saying to conda about to go insane right now i'm about to take a nap no way tapu he'll never be topping coco is top of coco hey wait who has dynamex i can dynamic don't don't do it who was it dude i don't even get a turn to dynamax him he died in one turn this is actually turned two oh then i just forgot to dynamax then oops i was too distracted by talking [ __ ] on cast [ __ ] who gets the dynamite guys [Laughter] disco fever doctor bust down that was a lie on top and then you glared at him and then ross healed now i'm not afraid of dying this game was over oh he could have braver an ivysaur and he might have died that would have been funny um well tropical coke died yay we did it in this game anymore i think he wait he just left oh yeah thank you i wanted to see bespin shut the [ __ ] up disgusting if you i'm a male combee all the way oh so that's electric right there that's a magneton and right is raichu right all the way left is nasal no no no right right right the electric oh right right wait wait go left go left because there's a blazing in the top left jayden one that way jayden does not care what the legendary is i'm so bad at remembering terrains it's always my downfall i knew everything about pokemon and then suddenly i didn't i feel the exact same we don't care if we fight the boss or not as long as we get lazy it's a rescue mission i'm just saying if i made it to the very end and the raid boss was a mudkip i'd be popping off uh we have to go left i see him you see him and a backpacker yes we legally have to go left gucci legs gucci legs they no longer sell pants they just sell like him looking down on me power move here we go you did it well played that was fantastic i mean your beware has full health now should we go left or right right like hey you give me your shinies i give you combies um i did not realize blaziken stands on the claws of his toes unlike his feet yeah i mean that sounds so painful it's like you'd walk with a permanent scratching noise for thousands of years did you know that he can jump his eyes a skyscraper i remember top 10 scariest pokedex facts big scary facts trippy scary pokedex facts to make you scared i agree with all of that halloween edition it's got speed boost oh that's crazy that's actually that's insane no blazing kid went from like uh like a an okay place again to an ou i'm gonna show off to my boy are you just gonna impress them you gotta win them over i've gotta impress him one does not simply catch a blaziken they must earn it you have to court it banned mon here we go blade skin do you have to impress blades again with your size is this happening yeah that's what happened and my speed look you've only seen me you've only seen me in my base form just wait until you have to raise your hand to this guy to look taller you have to look more menacing to him you just gotta get a good angle please accept me acid spray who gets to finish the job please tell me i'll drive yeah oh see he's feisty he fights back no why me i'm frowning hey i'm sorry you didn't get to die is the legendary do we know yet um no it's flying type so uh who cares so jaden has a really good pokemon right now but she's swapping to blaze again so i hit i want to swap and i give her the 50 50 coin toss of ruining her day right no no no so we're going to sacrifice okay i will i'm going to do it i'm going to do it [Laughter] it's so rude why would you do that hey jaden how are you doing hey jaden so much longer than everything else i hope that lukia just destroys place again [Laughter] i want a target i want it to target my age i'll drive the entire fight i just want to i would like to put this out there that you too can target all drive if you really want to two electric types against lugia dynamics doesn't blaze the kid [Laughter] i just want you to win one match at a time disadvantage so you can just forever argue with twitch chat oh my god i'm glad to see he's targeting the blaze again gotta love the two electric types on screen right now we got this oh my lord thank you ross for cheering no rosters okay [Laughter] [Music] is cheering for me thank you jaden that's all i could do oh you healed blaziken good job no give me the hit all right no he comes out victorious with a crap he was faster than me while being paralyzed because of speed boost hey speed boost what can i say just imagine if all tribe is the only one who gets to take blaziken home now no but to be fair if that actually happened i would just give it to her no i have to only for a shiny though yeah only for a shiny though only for a shiny aegis slash that's in a pokeball and a pokeball with six ivs he just decided to you guys were insulting him too much i can't even pick dr bust down i have a ladies anyone want to do that ooh i think i know who i'm going for hopefully nobody else knows what i'm going for you won't durant don't you don't do it for you i won't forget but now you have to see what jaden does okay ross i you didn't you don't need to say big milkies to milk tank yes i do those are the wrong milkies to be saying that to so what's at the end sidekick it's mewtwo guys it's mewtwo oh hell yeah i'm checking for blastoise i'm checking for kyogre looking for a swamp there's a war turtle on the far right war turtle on the far right there is yes i am aware that i did select the ladies quest it's just really funny to say it's mewtwo but what if it's mu3 mu3 when are they yeah that's what i've been asking like they're gonna get desperate enough soon right yeah of course yeah i am a jen warner remember mewtwo three guys i'd love that please buy our game again i remember whenever the pokemon like the mega mewtwo x and y got leaked they were like it's mute three it's mute three i can't believe instead of giving us pikmin for they released pikmin 3 2 on the switch i would join a cult just out of curiosity i'll be honest like there's just so much curiosity of what goes on behind closed doors and i think i could climb in the ranks pretty fast of the cold yeah you know what i'd say we just make our own cult okay um subscribe now to join the cult get chinese somebody just i i just just switch who cares i don't think this ladios is gonna be like a tuffy which direction we gotta go we have to go to either the we either ice or flying um ice is super effective but grass is weak i say i'm a durant i always hear people like from time to time prefer to spread as spicy water and it just makes so much sense yeah for a second i totally forgot sprite the beverage existed oh you were just on some other [ __ ] i can't because there's a cranberry meme that's factual all right oh i i click left no don't do that what i need my boy i think we i think we throw on this right yeah we might i'm actually four times weak to him so we lose against wartortle here and then ross can't get it no no not my boy i need my i need you need to catch this i'm just saying this durant right here is a very devious man pigment four says the devious thanks he doesn't do them i do him anyways are you gonna just torch me why would i do that it would insta-kill me i wouldn't do that though why would i do that [Laughter] oh no wait is that yeah the war turtle just attacked durant so i learned something today apparently if you dynamax you can only attack the opponent oh interesting i'm not really gonna do it i just i thought about it heavily thought about it and then if it was an option or not and then i realized i don't want to hurt ross's feelings appreciate it i tried though imagine we both look i was just trying to activate weakness policy that's it and then durant dies i get my boy i actually just helped all tribe because now he has full health for going into the next match very good good for everybody that was what we were doing can i change to wartortle would that be a bad idea we all can change the war turtles you want me to kill it for you take this thing off my hands guys guys i think it's mewtwo i think it's mewtwo it's mew3 it has wings now [ __ ] do you guys want do you guys not really not see it see what youtube it's on my screen right now yeah yeah yeah i believe it yeah it's on it's music on my screen oh no oh i just updated the game and found something that game freak did not want me to find what i found mew3 oh no you did i did he is in my game right now i promise it's mew3 insane i know i got him guys i found him first you saw it here i like how he's got the majin vegeta symbol on his head i mean if you understood pokemon lore you would know where that's from but i understand from the wizard bobbity hold up oh after defeating him he activates his second phase oh my god it's mu4 guys that's crazy no no way look at this screenshot look at this oh my god is he hot look at him it's everyone screenshot this and post it to twitter right now to say oh my god mew4 yeah gotta take a screenshot of this just to be safe wow can't believe this was possible except it's not real because there's no thumbs up ken on the screen wait a second oh my god i just zoomed in holy [ __ ] no oh my god i can't be i just enabled v-sync and found the craziest thing i enabled v-sync hey i'll try look look off into the distance on my stream you won't believe it oh my god it's a real i can't believe it's real no no no it's not no you know i thought it was desperate for nintendo put mew3 in there who could have seen you for coming you guys i'm just saying look at the screen right here i don't know how people are arguing with the facts and logic on my screen right now [Music] you
Channel: Alpharad
Views: 5,016,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alpharad, super smash bros ultimate, smash bros, not, not alpharad, alpharad smash, nintendo, nintendo switch, blaziken, pokemon, sword shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, crown tundra, max raid adventure, jaiden animations, jaiden, altrive, mario, pikmin 4, rubberninja, rubberross, ross
Id: g7rZX9oLZQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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