I Survived 100 Days as the WEAKEST Character in Project Zomboid

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for a challenge I decided to create the weakest project Zomboy character ever obese feeble stupid cowardly turd of a human being weak men was the exact opposite of someone that can survive the zombie apocalypse but I didn't want him just to survive I wanted to turn weak men into a strong man I had two side goals besides surviving for 100 days first one was to create a safe haven and beat obesity to become a strong and fit as possible so I could achieve my second goal raid a zombie infested military base and live to tell the tale now relax crack open a cold one and join me on this glorious Adventure which began in muldra now this was my first attempt but I knew right then and there it was a blessed one oh there's a sledgehammer in here let's freaking go boys now we talking I decided to make this fire station my new home and because I was weaker than an average anime enjoyer I decided to turn it into a trap then I continued my loot run downstairs picking up any object I could use for a long-term survival a couple of Zeds broken though and weak men showed his bravery by Smashing their faces in with a hand ax in the afternoon a caught exposure Survival on the TV and I learned the ways of fishing alas without a watch there was no way to tell the time and know when the next show is gonna begin so I reluctantly decide to bait a couple of zombies in in hopes of looting one I managed to slay 5 of them with my masterful baiting skills but I had no luck finding a watch killing 5 zombies was hard work though as weak men became tired but the evening was not without its Rewards cigarettes oh my god let's [ __ ] go on day two I woke up just in time to catch a cooking show on the TV then I snuck outside to smash up a zombie who was nice enough to provide me with a watch but it was not digital so I couldn't set an alarm I knew the next show was at noon so I decided it was time for morning exercise all the time hoping for some extra fries the fact that this obese unfit asthmatic weak man could do more push-ups than I could was a bit of an eye-opening experience only shaders how to use generators in here wow we are lucky out let's go I watched the carpenter show next then I had to crash Awakening just in time for a nighttime Adventure I baited three more zombies in hopes of finding a digital to watch but no luck then it was time for another cooking show let's go our first level up oh yeah I didn't spend the rest of the morning baiting working out and watching TV all the while starving the poor weak man two nice ladies came to visit me in the afternoon with a gift she's got potatoes oh that's huge so I went outside to shovel some dirt into a sack and planted my first crops on the roof but clearly I wasn't sneaky enough oh [ __ ] how the hell did you get up here and because I could hear zombies breaking in downstairs I decided to isolate myself to stay safe I woke up to more banging on day four it really sounded like Playboy Mansion downstairs I knew I needed to get stronger if I was to ever survive the cruel world outside so it was more squads and push-ups for poor weak men before I allowed him some TV time watching TV watching TV let's go let's go watching TV I slept off the rest of the afternoon to recover stamina so I could push him some more in the evening the next couple of days flew by faster than money out of only fans Sims bank accounts I watched TV shows and cooked some questionable meals data and peanut butter stir fry that sounds delicious I combined that with lots of exercise and book reading I actually managed to finish carpentry Volume 2 before the noon show on day six which really boosted my carpentry XP gains rain began to fall as well which was good for my crops but what was not good was all the pain from exercise realizing that didn't let me sleep and the effects of my sleep depration soon began to show more exercise yeah I reached level two in cooking on day seven but unfortunately that didn't teach me not to combine potatoes in peanut butter so I kept on eating that wild goop hell yeah level three carpentry now we are cooking with onions and while I wished I had some onions to fry them with peanut butter all I had was potatoes and if the Irish could survive on that weak men could as well but since he managed to survive a whole week I decided to celebrate with ice cream on day 8. then it was back to reading books watching TV and exercising my stranded Fitness levels were progressing nicely mostly due to a special mod that gave me more XP whenever exercising while heavily fatigued bomb pumped a jam Pump it up while your feet are stomping which made me miss the last show to ever air on the TV no it's done come on I did have big plans for day nine though and I went and dismantled all the furniture in my kitchen there's gonna be so much room for activities in here now but I didn't do this because I needed room for activities no I did it to level up my carpentry skill to level 4. I had to dismantle a lot more than just the kitchen to get there but when I did I had everything necessary to build a ladder so I gathered up my tools planks and nails and broke down a wall in my storage room I then repelled down a rope like a geriatric Tom Cruise and finally I had a safe way out of the building it looked pretty zombie free outside so I decided to explore a bit on day 10. there were only two Zeds inside the fire station which I dispatched with ease then I made my way to the gas station nearby the couple inside were nice to give me a welcome gift holy [ __ ] we finally have a digital watch but the main gift were the cigarettes and the junk food I found and even better empty gas cans I wanted to fill them while the station still had electricity but then I heard it helicopter not now helicopter is doing it oh no oh come on I ran for the safety of my home and escaped just in the nick of time but any hope of another expedition to the gas station was squashed like hopes and dreams of a Chinese child laborer when I surveyed the area from my roof oh Jesus now there's a couple more zombies here holy [ __ ] I knew I was stuck and a new water and electricity would be shut off in the near future while I couldn't do a thing about the latter I could build ring collectors to fix the water issue I had a couple of garbage bags and I had the skills to do it but I needed more oh [ __ ] oh there are zombies right here oh no I ran towards the gas station where I knew I could find some bags and indeed luck was on my side I gathered five bags which was enough for two collectors oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] and then because I haven't pushed my luck enough I quickly filled a bottle with gasoline at the station I made my way back home but of course the Zeds were waiting for me all right let's do this let's do this come on come on come on climb brother climb that was [ __ ] close safe at last I made a Molotov cocktail from that bottle of gasoline in hopes that it will one day help me clear the area with fire I then spend the rest of the day dismantling half of the station to get the planks I needed and then climbed on the roof where I placed two water collectors they were positioned above a couple of sinks below that I could plump for fresh water when it eventually ran out I decided to lay low for the next couple of days in hopes that at least some of the zombies would leave the area I read books and exercised and it began to show only overweight and out of shape now 98 kilos my duty is losing weight I also periodically checked on my potatoes which began to grow rain began to fall on day 13 and I rejoiced when I saw it filled my barrels and then I spent some time sneaking around in the roof which brought my light-footed and sneaking skills to level 2 due to the many zombies below I learned how to sprint by reading a book and I enjoyed any infrequent daytime naps my favorite while the evenings were spent looking at the stars contemplating life and wondering if any dummy thick furry survived one day blended into another I now had a morning squats an evening push-ups routine I began learning about mechanics and I even redecorated with what little Furniture remained but during my morning routine on day 16 it happened oh the electricity just went out oh come on the power was out which meant the days of my frozen ice cream supplies were numbered I was supposed to be losing weight but ice cream is where I draw a line a snow white line of addiction but there was another addiction I couldn't satisfy anymore weak men was a smoker and so far I've been lightening cigarettes on the oven but now that the electricity was out my anxiety started to mount so I threw all the caution to the wind on day 17 and decided to go back to the gas station it's been a week since the helicopter event and the Zeds wandered into the woods and I knew the thick fog would hide me there was one zombie behind the station and then I was in the clear he's got a crawler friend he's got a crawler friend you sneaky bastard unfortunately there were no lighters in the station but I did find matches in one of the cars which were enough to light three whole cigarettes but I was still thankful there was also a gun in the car but no bullets for it I took out two more zombies on my way home and then I was safe let's have a celebratory smoke because that that was job well done I felt Brave on day 18. so I climbed into my backyard to gather two bags of dirt but like a turd that wouldn't flush a zombie of course showed up lady this is my dirt I use the dirt to expand my rooftop Farm then planted the rest of my potato seeds those needed watering and then I spent the rest of the afternoon exercising and reading books my whole ice cream Supply rotted away overnight which made me less than happy well that is a giant waste of calories sad but the day was not a waste I decided to do a quick sweep of the downstairs in the afternoon and grab some extra books that I didn't bring up on day one and then I took out a zombie that was Haunting the place lady what did what were you doing in a gun in your purse oh clearly this is America my evening exercise brought weak men's fitness and strength levels to four while on his way to the strongest man alive I was out of matches by day 20 and I decided to track through the woods to a nearby bar looks like the owner is still around a scour the place and found two matches and a lighter plus enough alcohol to make weak men's liver toxic even to zombies there were a couple of crawlers outside who were nice enough to supply me with a shotgun and another pistol this time actually with some ammo [ __ ] let's go let's go they heard me breaking into the car I decorated my bedroom with torn posters I stole at the bar and then I noticed that water was out so like your average Florida man I had to wash myself in the toilet when I woke up the next day I used a pipe wrench to plumb the two sinks below my water barrels giving me clean water how does that happen you ask you see the dirty water flows through Rusty lead pipes lined with asbestos which enrich it with nutrients that turn any bald spot into a lush head of hair holy [ __ ] how are you not bold anymore what the [ __ ] happened there I decided to play with fire on day 22. I chopped down a tree for firewood then set up a small campfire in the middle of the road a couple of shouts later and the zombies were are ready for barbecue like fat people on 4th of July oh I love the smell of a burning zombie in the morning I yelled some more and kited them around the parking lot making sure not to burn down any buildings after a couple of hours they were rendered into Ash and my kill count had doubled I went back outside to explore on day 23 so sneaky oh so sneaky I gathered plenty of condiments and stale food from the two diners nearby then I chopped down a couple of trees so I could build a water collector Barrel on top of my kitchen sink just in time as it just started to rain love it ow I plumbed the sink on day 24 and then spend the rest of the morning reading while it rained outside when the rain stopped I grabbed the gas can and went around checking cars for gasoline oh we can siphon gasoline from this car let's freaking go unfortunately only two of them had some remaining and even those very little but it was enough to fuel a small jeep that I found the keys for let's freaking go we got ourselves a car yo after my morning exercise in day 25 I build two more ring collector barrels next to my potato farm and then notice I could actually Harvest them already oh wait a bit I want them to be seen bearing potatoes so I can replant them in the evening I went to explore some more and I found a beautiful gift in a store next to the gas station create improvised flamethrower oh let's [ __ ] go I also grabbed the machete and promised to return in daylight I kept my promise in return the next morning that [ __ ] scared me this was clearly a gun store and I wanted to plunder its Secrets but I needed a key I once again used my master baiting skills to bring in one zombie at a time in hopes of looting a key it took me a whole morning and like 20 zombie kills before I finally got lucky and the rewards were worth it I grabbed a shotgun and more than 20 boxes of shells and turned into a proper Rambo Madu is getting ready to rock and roll I then brought multiple large metal shelves upstairs on day 27 and fill them with my new weapon Arsenal turning the kitchen into a proper war room so becoming a military installation here now then I grabbed the book about aiming and went to read about the ways of the ancient Chinese martial arts technique the gun I finished my studies in the morning and then suited up I went to the nearby store and started blasting oh hell yeah oh that's huge XP I blasted the way like a true American Cowboy high on cocaine and crippling personal debt when I reached level 2 I snuck back home to safety ready to read the next book I studied and farmed on day 29. I gathered 30 fresh potatoes and then replanted the seeds securing my future food supply with the book finished on day 30 I returned to the scene of the crime where many more zombies remained Stop The Horde now let's go level three aiming I danced around them slippery like a fish in the water or an overpriced stripper on a bachelor party I took him all down reaching level 4 aiming and crossed 200 kills then aluted the bodies and left for a well-deserved nap a field two dirt bags in the morning so I could enlarge my rooftop farm with a patch of cabbage from the seeds alluded off of one of the bodies I then decided to try and level up my reloading skill by endlessly reloading a shotgun which was so entertaining it almost made me want to put a bullet through my own brain so I made my way back to the gun store in search of an assault rifle with a bigger magazine holy [ __ ] that's a freaking grenade launcher on it I didn't even notice I spent the morning of day 32 trying to get the reloading skill to level 2. by repeatedly jerking off into one of the magazines which was surprisingly effective that gave me access to a level 2 book which should have made the whole process smoother but I was wasn't yet ready to learn instead I went back to the murder scene all right we have a couple oh my God there's so many good police vehicles over here holy [ __ ] my goal was the VHS store which proved tougher to maneuver than I imagined [ __ ] me okay this is getting dangerous but in the end the risk was very much worth it and I made it back home with a nice supply of tapes I exercised and studied in the morning then I grabbed an empty gas can and made my way to the police station where I previously spotted all those neat police cars I had to fight off a couple of zombies before searching the vehicles only one of them had some gasoline left which I borrowed you don't like the fact that I'm stealing your gas down there huh I then refueled one of the cars that still had a key inside and brought it back home all the blood on his clothes was making weak men stressed but I refused to wash due to a general lack of water especially since every fight made him bloody again oh [ __ ] I should have probably check this before going for a ride I dispatched the visitors then went for a ride through the neighborhood this is where we need to go next because I want to get in here this is the storage area that storage area might have some good stuff for me specifically some good stuff called a generator but clearly the area was too crowded for a loot run so I had to return back home I washed myself at the nearby Diner then snuck upstairs past zombies making sure not to get bloody again I decided to set up a closet with some reserved clothes on day 35 so I could freely swap between bloody and clean ones without having to waste too much water zombies were as persistent with their visits as the Americans were with eradicating the natives but in my case I eradicated them I grabbed some extra clothes from the gun store and my new outfit looked pretty sweet now we're looking nice and cool but I had no plans to wear it the next day because it was time for a fireball oh [ __ ] oh you bastards I drove my police truck close to the storage area threw them out of and missed I got into the car only just and didn't even notice I got lacerated in the process I turned on the siren parked the car and watched as the fireball slowly grew in size slowly but surely they they come I finished reading the level 3 carpentry book while waiting for zombies to burn and in fact more than 200 of them perished in the fire at 5 PM the last one finally turned to Ash [ __ ] finally I drove my Jeep to the storage units on day 37 and indeed it seemed like my fire truck worked as there were only a couple of zombies around all I need from you is a bloody key all right I found two generators inside and took one of them home alas my neighborhood was once again infested with Zeds so before I could set up the generator I had to deal with the past the American way with a shotgun I started blasting and Blasting and more and more showed up holy [ __ ] there's so many but weak men was not so weak anymore and he laid down the law with his gun turning the gas station blood red all right I think that's it that was uh that was worth it I set up the generator at the gas station on the morning of day 38 and finally I got power I refueled my car and filled all the gas cans I could carry I felt great things were finally working out but as always our confidence is a slow and Insidious killer all these gas cans [ __ ] what where the [ __ ] did you come from oh [ __ ] but that didn't stop me from driving back to the storage lot and picking up the second generator I placed it on the roof and finally the power was back ladies and gentlemen we got light once again oh let's go I could once again rejoice in simple things like cooking my food and not stubbing my toes in the dark I decided to take it easy on day 39 I moved one of the freezers outside to fill it up with potatoes when I could Harvest them then I went to watch the VHS tapes I brought home a couple of days ago I learned the ways of the mechanic in the morning and then improve my Carpenter skill in the evening both of my wounds were finally healed as well it seemed like the weak man would live to fight another day I noticed my generator was using a lot of power from the many lights that were on downstairs so I decided to deal with that there's bound to be some zombies in here yeah there is a crawler there oh there you go these guys are all here for the generator but first I had to deal with the invasive pests I received some good news in the evening oh okay okay so we're getting rain soon ish let's go then spend the rest of the day exercising and reading books but there's never enough books so I decided to visit the local bookstore on day 41. that ball is too big for malaking we're gonna have to deal with it the other way I didn't have my shotgun with me so I broke into the police station in hopes of borrowing one but all I could find was one lady in a holding cell whose Knight of drinking took a turn for the worst I drove back home to gear up then it was time for a party this might uh this might be dangerous but screw it I spend the evening grabbing every single book I could carry and while you might say that some of these books are overpowered you know what I don't give a [ __ ] it's fun oh [ __ ] I need to go I need to go I'm on getting the car get in the car my potatoes finally blossomed on day 42 and I harvested over 40 fresh ones then replanted the seeds I spent the rest of the day studying how to aim my shotgun better and working out and that was also pretty much all I did throughout the day 43 before I finally managed to finish the book on the morning of day 44. then I decided to take a trip to the nearby trailer park in hopes of finding more food I could combine with my potatoes and also a can opener but when I got outside a big surprise awaited me 40 degrees what the hell just happened here holy [ __ ] I took my shirt off daring the zombies to scratch weak men's manly chest I got lucky with a barricaded trailer that was full of food and more oh let's go finally a can opener I returned to the trailer park the next day in search of more cooking utensils but since rednecks aren't exactly known for their fine finding habits I didn't find what I was looking for I did find something else though oh [ __ ] okay that's far from perfect I fought my way back to the car and drove home finding another gift on the road oh look there's a sledge in the ground here I'll grab that one during my routine exercise in day 46 I reach level 5 in strength and fitness which removed weak men's feeble and unfit traits I also noticed one of my cabbage patches had a disease so I had to harvest it early saving some fresh produce at this point I had read many a book but I didn't really put my skills to the test if I ever wanted to turn weak men into a strong man I had to cocoon him into an ugly filthy sweat filled Embrace so he could eventually emerge as a beautiful beautiful butterfly like that ugly [ __ ] in Alien 4. so on day 47 I dismantled a lot of digital watches and walkie-talkies in hopes of getting my electrical to level one and that got me not even half a level right a lot of garbage and speaking of getting stronger I decided to take my shotgun for a spin again on day 48 there's nothing like the smell of fresh zombie blood in the morning especially if you're standing far away from the blast radius but there was one small thing I forgot to take into the account holy [ __ ] the radio wasn't joking that is thick fog the thick fog was hiding a proper horde and no matter how many I killed and how much I tried to outmaneuver them they kept on coming oh my God there is a lot more than I thought there's gonna be after another looped through the trees I managed to lose them so I could sneak back to the car I thought about coming back in the afternoon but you know what [ __ ] that it was safer to just chop down a couple of trees at home trees I could turn into Planks on day 49 and planks that could turn into walls doors and barricades alright so whenever I repel down this is now going to be a bit safer on day 50 I grabbed my Sledge and brought down the strong concrete walls like the Germans did in 89 then rebuild them out of crappy planks like weak men did in 93 really shows that everybody wants to party when they're [ __ ] to [ __ ] up but nobody wants to sign up when said [ __ ] needs rebuilding I might just fill this with the cars and work on them and indeed filling my garage with vehicles was my plan on day 51. yeah key for any of these not for this one not for that one I ran around with a gas can trying to find cars with keys in the ignition turns out a surprisingly big amount of them still had them so I was able to fill up my garage while taking down any zombies who might have had something to say about my committing Grand Theft Auto I began the next morning by harvesting cabbages and I got a nice mule out of it I then destroyed a wall on the balcony so I could build a ladder up to it but for some reason weakman forgot how letters work can you can you climb down you also cannot climb down this is [ __ ] I had to break down another wall and finally I had a secondary entrance I then chopped down some more trees in the evening so I couldn't tune my garage with sturdy wooden walls like the ancient pharaohs until the place was fully secured in the afternoon I harvested and replanted some more potatoes which brought my farming skill to level 2 and then I added a composter record Chuck rotten food into in the future I decided to return to the storage Lots on day 54. to see if I missed some useful loot does that guy have a teen forehead in him oh dude oh that's so cool but the previous night exercise left me sore and barely able to swing my weapon which is what basically happens to me every night in real life just get somebody just get one of them what the [ __ ] is this I hooked up a big trailer then I had to hightail it back home before the exhaustion could catch up to me I exercised and studied the second mechanical book on day 55. I'm doing squats here looking like a Teletubby mother trucker which allowed me to finally begin my work on day 56 and when I say my work I mean endlessly installing and uninstalling pieces of two vehicles in the garage until they both look like something I could actually afford to drive on my YouTube paycheck hell yeah look at that level 3 mechanics completely broke this poor car but that's fine I continued destroying everything that was worth something on the cars parked in my garage which was slowly turning to a graveyard of used vehicles and the poor weak man was starting to feel the toils of endless mechanical work alright he's done and now apparently he's ridiculously tired packaged extremely bored depressed agitated and hurt and the endless mechanical work was also making me tired bored in and depressed in real life I was craving some real action so I channeled weak man's true American Spirit and went to relax with a shotgun I followed the highway to the other side of muldra where I knew a mechanic shop might have some good loot but the fight soon started turning for the worst yeah this seems slightly not very good more and more zombies showed up and the fact that weak men was getting tired like a weak little turd he was was not helping oh [ __ ] close I managed to escape but I promise to return with a Molotov the fact that I was set in half of the town on fire in the middle of the night didn't do much to improve rickman's chance of surviving this challenge I reached level 6 in aiming and over 300 zombies growled their last growl in this night before I was done look at this train what the [ __ ] is going on here yeah come on follow me boys I quickly looted the mechanic shop where I found an oil filter and a welding mask so the slaughter was totally worth it I went to the gun store on day 59 to do some shopping in the Small Arms section [ __ ] did you come from I used the oil filter I found the previous night to build a silencer for a 9mm pistol I borrowed from the store and then decided to test it in the evening all right let's see this oh that is lovely I got a shave and a haircut and day 60. and looking hella fresh I went back to work in my garage I ripped apart a couple more cars and eventually reached level 4 in mechanics I would call the day a success but then I heard a mysterious message on the radio oh somebody is talking on the radio it's been 50 days since the last helicopter but it sounded like the birds were active once again out there helicopter outside oh that is loud but that didn't stop me from drawing down the back roads in search of more cooking utensils until I finally found what I was looking for this whole time hey finally empty cooking pot let's grab this on my triumphant return home I found my new walls assaulted by a small army of Zeds so I had to explain to them how to behave properly I made a new friend on day 62. there you go David you belong here to take care of my crops then I began reading a new chapter of the aiming book when I got bored of that I grabbed the empty gas cans and drove to the gas station to refill them I woke up on day 63 to the sound of zombies having a party downstairs oh okay we got multiple in here huh clearly the helicopter brought new Zeds from the surrounding woods and buildings so I decided to spend the day doing some casual ethnical cleansing on the highway I don't know if it's PC to call zombies an ethnical group so so let's just call it murder and thusly a murdered multiple small groups until I found the Ultimate Prize oh there's the rabbit I see it that one's mine I drove to the police station on day 64. in hopes of finding some more ammo that I might have missed on my previous visit but I haven't found more than a couple of walking corpses then I went to the nearby warehouses I've not searched before where I found a large selection of new seeds from my Farms before it was rudely interrupted oh [ __ ] off come on you gotta be kidding me with this [ __ ] with the immediate area now secured I turn back to studying on day 65 I farmed and studied exercise studied and exercised and studied some more then I studied farmed and studied and exercised and studied even more to the point I was going insane in real life insane enough to work and edit 16 hours a day this last week which caused some really funky zombie-filled nightmares at four in the morning but everything from a beautiful subscribers and if you're not subscribed yet well what the [ __ ] are you waiting for oh this is a beautiful baby it was day 69 and I wanted to go explore a bit I had a silence rifle and I was ready to blast okay let's give this a try oh that sounds good but after a couple of servos the unthinkable happened let's use that there we go oh [ __ ] hell oh that's bad luckily I still had my pistol so I used that to clear the area then I looted the medical and grocery stores nearby since week man was already tired I decided to go home but on my way back I spotted a spiff a zombie whose outfit I just had to grab the next day it was time for another adventure I drove all the way to the other side of the town where I knew I could get my hands in a proper water barrel but of course it was well protected not well enough for a gun-wielding maniac though which now that I think about it was pretty much every resident of Kentucky back in 93 and probably even today [ __ ] thing I noticed here I gathered some fresh produce at the farm as well then brought the barrel back home and installed it on the roof on day 71 I took a walk up the street to a local grocery store I've not visited before but just like on that rifle it happened here as well silencer just broke at least this store was so full of food that I had to break into one of the cars in the parking lot and use it to haul all the good stuff back home with my own food supply in the amount I got from that store I was now confident I could survive well into the winter as long as weak men didn't get his brains eaten by a horde so to prevent that I decided it was time I tried to fortify my home once again now you see I'm a big fan of cheese especially smoked ones or a nice melty buffalo on my salad anyway I employed cheese in defense of my base and not by making weak men lactose intolerant no by building my walls by using a fence wall fence method I've never tried it before but on paper it should confuse zombies to the point they'd not be able to break it but clearly it confused weak men as well oh come on you scratch yourself you dildo I tore down the old walls on day 73 and replaced them with shabby new fans and crates unfortunately my carpentry skill was progressing very slowly which was clear from weak men's sloppy work when taking a break in the afternoon this happened so we are later warning thunderstorm imminent in five days oh okay interesting interesting I wanted to bring a washing machine upstairs in day 74 but I realized I needed electrical level 3 skill to move it which to be honest is [ __ ] because all you need to do with that one is stick a tube into the right hole and trust me I'm very good at sticking tubes into the right holes so instead I installed a sink and then went back to fixing my base working in the night and in the rain or making this poor weak men a slave I chopped down some more trees in the morning of day 75 and then made a neat little row of planks which had turned into an even neater wall of boxes in the evening off of [ __ ] sake right arm come on to prevent any further injuries from jumping over fences I decided to build an alternative entrance [ __ ] what what what's going on over here oh you were stuck in the floor clearly my new fans had a fatal flaw the Crawlers could still damage it but all I could do for now was to repair the damage then I secured my new ladder on day 77 I decided to go on a loot run before the thunderstorm hit I wanted to find more waterproof and insulated clothing in preparation for colder months okay there's a couple in here oh there's a bunch of crawlers and [ __ ] as well I cleared a gun store and loaded up on clothing then I drove further into the town where I looted two more clothing stores before returning home for the night the storm began on day 78 and I spent the morning harvesting and replanting potatoes which brought my farming skill to level 3. in the afternoon I installed a couple more metal shelves in the kitchen then spend the evening studying I continued that routine on day 79 when the radio chimed in loot Runner heading out interesting and while it happened too quick to spot it that message meant that a helicopter flew over my base which also repeated the next day but that didn't stop me from going back to work on day 80. I chopped down a bunch of trees then proceeded to build a box fence around my side windows and it might have taken a whole day but finally this is the last fence I need to build let's go I assume there would be zombies closing in on my base after two heli flybys over the last couple of days and I was correct I cleared out the gas station and gun store where I also borrowed a couple of extra storage boxes to install in my kitchen when I returned home there was a zombie outside my fence walls and I decided to test his ability to cross it it worked like a charm the full was stuck but then maybe I was the full oh come on I scratched myself doing this oh it's such [ __ ] nursing a bandage arm I decided to take it easy on Day 82. first I installed a new table in the kitchen and this is where weak men can pretend that he knows how to read maps then I grabbed a couple more lockers that I could fill with warm clothes for the coming winter then my foolish actions from the day before came to haunt me oh great uh it's not good our left form is slightly infected since I already looted the only real medical store in muldra I decided to try my luck finding antibiotics in the nearby housing area according to the news like 90 of Americans are addicted to some kind of drugs and I'm sure the news guys would never lie to me so I had high hopes of finding at least some homemade meth if not the drugs I needed but after searching many houses I managed to loot not even a sniff of white powder on my way home though I took off the bandage and voila let's uh let's remove the bandage see how this is hey it's fine didn't even need to search for antibiotics very nice I cleared out some Zeds around my base in day 84 then I boiled a pot of water to disinfect a batch of bandages for future use in the evening I noticed my generator shut off and when I checked it I realized its condition was all the way down to 35 percent good thing it didn't catch him fire luckily I had a stash of scrap Electronics ready to repair it hey it's back at 100 let's go with a thunderstorm Brewing outside I decided to begin learning about Tailoring on day 85. if I were to realize my second goal and go for the military base I thought it would be a smart idea to pad my clothing with some extra layers of protection so I spent the whole day reading until I finished the book late at night I scavenged all the bodies that were happily rotting away around my base and ripped their clothes to useful shreds I got a lot of stuff but very little thread unfortunately I used the materials to train ring but I only had enough thread to get half a level so I went to the gun store in the evening and tore up all the clothing that remained there which was unfortunately not a lot radio told me the rain was gonna stop on day 87 so I quickly created a new patch on my farm where I planted strawberries then I drove up the highway to the clothing stores I visited previously and I tore apart all the clothing and zombies I could find there that gave me plenty of materials to train on day 88 and while I had enough threat to reach level 1 in tailoring it was enough for much more okay level one and a third that's better than nothing then I spent the rest of the day exercising reading and harvesting my first batch of carrots in the evening I drove South to the crossroads in the morning where I cleared out a couple of zombies who were hanging around then rolled my way through the racks like a proper post-apocalyptic Tom Hardy my goal was to check out the entrance to the military base but first I stopped at the nearby warehouses which was a stupid idea because weak man was already hired and there were plenty of Zeds probably not one of my smarter moves out here but I managed to fight my way through to a big box truck which like a kid in a neurotic shop where he sees his first dildo I decided I wanted it but first I drove past the warehouses to find the military base that's only the entrance huh and I have quite a lot of work to do I returned to the box truck the next day to fuel it up but weak men got tired just driving there so I knew I had to set up a camp if I were to assault the military driving back and forth took just way too long I parked next to one of the warehouses where I got myself in a bit of a pickle but eventually managed to clear the mess I then snug back to my car and drove home to grab what I needed I returned to the warehouse in day 91. looks like this place has been abandoned for a while we'll take this mattress we use this for sleeping I placed the makeshift bad in a race platform then placed some sheet robes and destroyed the staircase I returned home one last time to get the essentials I would need to survive away from my base for a while alright we got ammo we got stuff to make molotovs we got food what the [ __ ] else do I need I drove through the night and dozed poor weak men with sleeping pills to get him to sleep because the platform counted as Outdoors which he was of course deathly afraid of day 92 was the go day I drove to the entrance of the military base took out my pistol and started blasting just need to keep your employees and we're gonna be good I had a Molotov with me just in case I needed it but in the end there were only around 70 zombies in the area and those were easy to clear out without fire weakman was ridiculously tired at this point so I drove back to the warehouses but on the way back this happened oh [ __ ] off don't run off out of gas right now I snuck back to the car at midnight taking out any zombies in my way so I could refuel it and bring it back home next day I took out a shotgun and drove to the base proper after a couple of shots zombies started to swarm so it was time for fire okay that's better we got multiple on fire now now you might call me a pyromaniac but to be honest it was now October more than three months after the apocalypse began it was getting colder and who did these zombies have to keep them warm in the winter nobody so I stepped up don't worry about the forest fires it's fine the way I look at it I was the good guy here bringing warmth to those in need and I spread that warmth all the way into the base but once again weak Man became so tired he could barely walk so I had to leave I was back on Day 94 to Wrangle whatever remained a couple of blasts from my shoddy brought them out of the trees and the one still on fire quickly mingled with their ass to have a nice group barbecue going alright this is clearing out a bit like it with the outside clear I made my move to get to the one still hiding inside the base I used the entrance to funnel them we stopped The Horde now and slowly but surely weakman was Victorious and more than 500 zombies were dead alas he was too tired to begin looting and there were definitely still zombies lurking around so a drove back home to get some rest on day 95 weakman was rudely awoken by a helicopter hovering above oh you gotta be [ __ ] kidding me there's a helicopter right here right now but it only dropped some garbage then flew away I took the box truck to the military base for roughly another 100 or so zombies came out of the hiding so we had a nice dance to the tune of my shotgun I then added some sheet robes to the main compound building and had a nap in the evening I began exploring the storage area where I found all kinds of good stuff shotgun suppressor now we're talking I went to check another of the storage Lots on day 96. all right let's go down let's go dumb [ __ ] all right that wasn't the best the place was two whole floors filled to the brim with all kinds of amazing loot no way I could bring that all back so I decided to take a trip back home and I borrowed a homie to do it I was out of food and weak men missed his home so I filled the Humvee with as much ammo as possible and drove to mudra and here comes the welcome party after clearing out the Zeds around the base nice shower and a good night of sleep it was time to return I spent the rest of the day loading up the box truck with only the most useful of guns ammo and attachments leaving the rest behind for another time the next few days were just loot loot loot I cleared the first Storehouse of Essentials on day 98 and then I moved the truck to the second one in the evening it's a good shot it took me the whole of day 99 but I managed to completely fill the box truck to the brim there was probably enough loot there for another five trucks but I was already greedy enough [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hell where the [ __ ] did you come from and so I entered the foggy day 100 with a lacerated arm but I wasn't yet ready to leave so I broke into another Warehouse that is the one that I was looking for you see if weakman was to survive past day 100 he would need to somehow stay warm because Sean Bean came around the other day and told me that the winter was coming once the antique oven was loaded in I was finally ready to go home come on come on just keep going a couple of zombies awaited me outside the base as a welcome home party which brought weakman's total kill count over 2500 in 100 days he drank D from a bottle of bourbon as a celebration knowing that he has learned so much over the last couple of months but there was still so much to do if he was ever to become a real strong man
Channel: Kokoplays MB
Views: 444,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Project Zomboid, Project Zomboid Gameplay, Project Zomboid 100 Days, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid 100 days challenge, project zomboid weak man, project zomboid weakest character, project zomboid all negative traits, I survived 100 days in project zomboid, Kokoplays Project Zomboid, Kokoplays MB
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 20sec (2720 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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