I Can’t Stand My Mom. She’s Nuts.

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hi I'm Kiara from Norway please like And subscribe from the moment I was born my Dad decided I'd be the future of our small country he was the head of the government and was loved and respected by everyone dad always wanted me to be like him so my training started pretty young you must have seen kids running after butterflies in the park or jumping on couches well I never did any of that instead I had to attend special etiquette classes as soon as I was old enough to sit at the table I never spoke loudly and there were certain words I wasn't allowed to use like poop or P always say I want to drop the Browns in the bowl or I want to put gravity to good use well that did get me some strange looks in kindergarten but I didn't care one time when I was seven I went with Mom to my friend's birthday party I was having an amazing time stuffing my mouth with cake but when I wanted a fifth helping Mom refused you know the Sugar Rush makes you you hyperactive Chiara no more cake but when Mom wasn't looking I sneaked to the table quietly and cut myself a huge slice just then Mom saw me and tried to snatch it from my hand when my classmate Naomi bumped into me and the cake went flying onto mom's face what have you done I wanted a cake it's so yummy and sugary not like all those awful salads I have to eat at home here have mine this one's even more sugary since I added strawberry syrup on top and here's a secret salads taste much better when you put chocolate sauce on it that was genius I tried her recipe that night and the Sugar Rush made me go wild I transformed into a little tornado bouncing off the walls destroying everything in sight and dad was not amused he gave me the biggest lecture on how I needed to behave responsibly and grounded me for a week with no gadgets no story books and no desserts this should teach you how to live a disciplined life I sulked for hours but knew better than to argue with Dad the next day at school Naomi asked me if I tried her recipe and I told her the truth but that's so lame if kids won't eat sugar then who will you can't have the Sugar factories go bankrupt right after that day Naomi brought sweet treats for me every day and soon we became best friends meanwhile at school I studied my butt off to ensure I topped my grades I knew it was always expected of me and I loved studying anyway so I wasn't complaining but studying wasn't the only thing I was good at by the time I was in high school I was the president of the student council a national level chess player and the best actress in the school's drama club and I absolutely loved the drama club it was the only time in my life when I could forget who I was and slip into the life of another character one time I got chosen to play Juliet for an inter-school drama competition but the guy playing Romeo broke his ankle and got replaced by the biggest jerk in our our school Justin and he was so annoying ever since I'd made fun of his gigantic glasses in first grade he'd held a grudge against me and was such a pain in the butt Romeo oh Romeo Where Art Thou o Romeo Kiara o Kiara I'll make you a tiara of spiders and flies all dead to put it on your ugly head that's not what you're supposed to say no sorry I forgot my lines but you're such a piece of art that poetry just blows out of me whenever I see you God why was he such a other than this minor glitch called Justin my life was perfect hey Naomi I won the Spanish debate competition again could it be that no one else participated well it's not my fault everyone's scared to compete against me girl why don't you just slow down and enjoy life you know you don't have to be perfect at everything I know but that's just how I am no it's just how you've made yourself to be tell me when's the last time you went to a party I don't know but that reminds me Dad's hosting a dinner for his politician friends tonight and your dad's invited too so you better come along that night at the dinner all the adults were mingling with each other while Naomi and I sat in a corner sipping orange juice what a boar Fest catch me if I fall asleep what's wrong with this party the music's nice the people are classy and the food is good how dare you call this food cows eat this stuff Burgers cupcakes extra cheese pizzas that's real food as for the people I bet they secretly hate each other can't you see all the fake Smiles that's called being polite polite my butt after putting me through this torture you've gotta accompany me to the school's camping trip this weekend I don't think Dad would just then dad walked over and said he wanted to introduce me to someone Kiara meet Ted his dad's a media Mogul in the U.S and my dear friend who we keep choking about you do getting married why don't you two get to know each other Ted took me out for a stroll in the garden and it was so awkward he cracked the lamest jokes kept bragging about how rich and famous his family was and even tried holding my hand once I I avoid holding hands since it's the flu season and I can't risk catching an infection I like it a girl who knows how to take care of herself will take good care of my babies too what the freaking fudge thankfully at that moment someone came looking for him and he left I thought of escaping to my room when I saw Naomi at our mansion's gate talking to someone it was Justin and he was dressed as a pizza boy what are you doing here belly dancing can't you see him delivering pizzas sorry Kiara but I was starving in the footage your party is uh terrible but Naomi it's healthy and it's good to eat healthy food good luck trying to convince yourself hon but I'd rather eat unhealthy food and go to heaven sooner hmm yum um I have a spare pizza if you want some I I can't eat junk food and take risks with my health holy potatoes I always thought you were a snob but you're actually a nutcase I guess it's no fun being you can you stop being a jerk it's easy for you to judge when you don't know a thing about me or my life feeling angry I turned and stormed off but deep inside I knew no matter how much I tried to deny it Justin was right it was no fun being me feeling a bit frustrated I went to Dad's study later that night to have a heart-to-heart conversation with him I had to tell him about that self-absorbed dimwit Ted that there was no way I could have a future with him what do you mean Ted's not your type you don't even know him yet besides I've decided this marriage will be great for your political career marriage is not a deal and I'm still a teenager so where's the rush you two can start dating and then eventually get married I couldn't believe my ears dad had decided my future and I had no say in it I was so mad at dad that the next day at school I told Naomi I'd accompany her to the camping trip your dad agreed I hope you told him you can't take security along dad doesn't need to know whoa who are you girl and what did you do to my perfect friend I'm just letting her take a back seat for a while later that day I was going to the library to return some books when suddenly a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom listen I'm sorry for last night but it seems tragic that you've never eaten a pizza before so I got this for you take a bite I promise you won't die Justin looked straight into my eyes and for some reason it made my heart skip a beat it's it's amazing not as amazing as you though and I mean you amaze me and why is that you're the only girl I know who looks like a goat eating a pizza what an absolute jerk that weekend when I snuck out of my house early in the morning for the camping trip Naomi's car was already waiting for me we drove for hours and reached a huge house by the lake in the middle of nowhere where are we and where are the camp people Kiara don't be mad but I lied to you this isn't a camping trip Justin and I decided to organize an overnight party and I thought dad's lake house would be perfect for it what you've got to be mad you know I hate parties that's cause you've never been to one come on Kiara it's just one night even though I was super mad at Naomi I agreed since I had no other option her driver had already left after dropping us off as we went inside the lake house I discovered Naomi had invited tons of people including some of our classmates and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves I stood like an outcast for a while until Naomi forced me to do join everyone and I must admit I had a lot of fun that night we played spin the bottle and I got partnered with none other than Justin our task was to spend an hour in the woods oh come on you can't be serious about this it's just a stupid game guys I think Kiara is too chicken to do this she's a scaredy cat me scared you've got to be kidding I marched ahead of Justin and in a matter of minutes we were out in the woods Justin asked me to stop but I was determined to prove my bravery so I kept going and soon we were lost you idiot how are we gonna go back no one's ever called me an idiot and why don't you open Google Maps or something because there's no signal here we tried finding our way back but when we couldn't we fell asleep under a tree when I woke up the next morning I found myself lying awkwardly over Justin drooling on his jacket oh God I'm so sorry oh you're heavy I'm gonna have a sore back for a month you could have woken me up and risked your anger no thank you besides I understand you're used to sleeping on soft mattresses I wanted to tell him his abs were anything but soft but I knew better um Justin I I want to drop the Browns in the bowl you wanna what I want to I need to use the washroom and where will your highness find it in the middle of this jungle no need to be so snarky I'll go find one myself where do you think you're going don't even think of wandering alone unless you want to end up in some bears Browns he then pointed towards a big rock and asked me to finish my business behind it we spent that day wandering through the woods thankfully Justin knew how to climb trees and he plucked lots of fruit that kept us going we talked about random things and I found myself getting attracted to him with each passing second he was funny smart and incredibly handsome and for some reason I felt totally at ease with him I told him everything about my life my love for theater and Dad's expectations of me he told me about his younger sister who was sick and that he was working two jobs after school to earn money for her treatment that's why I was at your home that night delivering pizzas you aren't who I thought you'd be you pretend you don't care but deep down you're actually a good person and you're trying so hard to earn your dad's approval that you've forgotten to have your own life to live you don't get it it's not that easy it isn't so complicated either okay close your eyes and see yourself as a politician giving a speech do you like it um yeah kinda now picture yourself on stage giving the best performance of your life in that moment I imagined myself as Juliet delivering my lines with such confidence that the audience cheered loudly it felt so surreal that my eyes flew open so which scenario did you like better I I don't know don't lie to yourself you have one life Kiara live it the way you want to suddenly Justin's face was so close to mine that I forgot to breathe then he gently lifted my chin and kissed me it was the most magical moment of my life just then we heard the sound of helicopters and we started shouting and waving like maniacs to catch their attention soon a team of paramedics rescued us and when I finally reached home I thought dad would be relieved to see me but to my surprise he looked Furious I can't believe you would be so reckless Kiara do you have any idea how much negative publicity we've got dad I was lost in the woods for hours and all you care about is negative publicity I stormed off to my room wishing I'd never been rescued that night I was about to go to sleep when I got a call from Naomi that left me stunned I wish I'd never invited you to my party your dad is literally ruining my life he got my college application canceled by telling the dean's stories about my reckless attitude and he even got Justin fired you knew how the guy was working so hard to save money for his sister's treatment but Naomi I didn't save it Kiara I wish you had a spine saying that she hung up on me but I felt my blood boil how could dad do do such things I ran to Dad's study and confronted him and he didn't even bother denying it they got what they deserved that was it something in me snapped that day Dad how could you that college was Naomi's dream and Justin's working two jobs so he can afford his sister's treatment I don't care those kids were distracting you from your goal my goal says who did you even consider for a second that I may not want to be a politician all my life I worked so hard to make you happy but I just can't do it anymore for the first time in my life I shouted at dad and he looked stunned the next two days I refused to eat anything until Justin got his jobs back and Naomi's admission was restored ultimately dad had to listen to me then when I told Dad a few days later that I plan to join an acting school in the U.S after I finished high school he threw a massive fit but I was no longer the Kiara he could dominate I knew dad had bribed the college dean into kicking Naomi out so I threatened to tell the Press about it I'll create a massive media frenzy one you'll never come out of I knew dad's reputation meant everything to him so he had to agree I moved to the U.S and over the next few years I worked my butt off and became a popular actress one day I was backstage after a performance when I heard a familiar voice autographed please yeah for me too Justin Naomi I was so happy to see them both that I jumped and hugged them we sat and talked for hours I told Naomi how I felt so ashamed of what Dad did that I never contacted them I thought they hated me Naomi told me she'd graduated from an even better college and apologized for her bad temper that day and Justin told me how he'd saved up enough money for his sister's surgery and had even started his own pizza chain back in Norway I am just so happy for you guys can you maybe make me even happier by going to dinner with me how does this weekend sound oh really and what if I say no I'll try again and again and again I shut him up with a kiss as Naomi cheered us on
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 11,507,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OPwGirHgPjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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