My Sister Had 2 Plastic Surgeries To Look Like Me

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hi I'm Violet from Washington and I have a really personal story to share today but before I do please like And subscribe my mom gave birth to identical twin daughters me and my sister Sophie so of course my parents dressed Us in the same clothes and braided our hair with matching ribbons but people could easily tell us apart for one reason Sophie was born with a minor facial Distortion her eyes were a little lopsided and her mouth was almost as low as her chin I on the other hand looked like a freaking porcelain doll and everywhere we went people would ooh and ah at me she's just too lovely to be real look at those brown eyes I have the same color eyes but everyone ignored Sophie and it really got to her I kept telling her she was just as pretty as me but she wouldn't hear a word of it and as years passed my sister grew to hate me Sophie did everything she could to make me feel as sad and angry as she felt she'd spread rumors about me at school steal my diary and once she tried to shave off my eyebrows I was living in fear 24 7. worst of all my parents didn't take it that seriously I'll take away her electronics for a week that's not enough dad Sophie is trying to ruin my life what if she tries to seriously hurt me oh Violet that's silly Sophie's just going through a phase and we would never let her harm you they didn't understand and when I turned 14 things really turned upside down one afternoon I came home from school to find Sophie in the living room with my parents and they looked furious with me how could you do something like that Violet what are you talking about Sophie said you locked her in the closet for an hour we heard her calling for us what just then I saw Sophie and she was smirking at me I just don't think I feel safe around Violet anymore Mommy how can I trust her after what she did guys she's framing me she locked herself up in the closet and why would she do that that's just Twisted Violet ah didn't my parents see how crazy Sophie was none of them talked to me that night they all watched MSA videos with a bowl of popcorn while I stayed in my room but the next morning my parents did the unthinkable they made me move into the guest house it was Sophie's idea you two need space away from each other we can't have this negativity in the house so you're kicking me out what because I trapped her in the closet I told you guys I didn't do it it doesn't matter who did it the point is you two are toxic for each other right now and at the moment Sophie needs our attention more than you do you have more friends and the world at your fingertips it's just for a short time Violet I was speechless I was being punished for literally nothing and it was all Sophie's fault I moved into our guest house that evening and didn't speak to any of my family members in fact I continued to ignore them for the next several months sure it was clear Sophie was much happier without me in the house she made more friends and even picked up a few Hobbies but I was still bubbling with anger one day I was coming out of the supermarket when I saw a homeless boy outside with dyed turquoise hair I immediately pulled out a bag of bananas and some change but he just laughed whoa do I look like a beggar uh if I'm being honest these clothes are just really old I still insisted that he keep the bananas and the two of us ended up having lunch together I found out the boy's name was Easton and he lived in an apartment down the block he was also an absolute sweetheart I told Easton all about my home situation and Sophie's issues with me and he had a brilliant idea pretend to run away from home leave it midnight and leave a note turn off the location services on your phone and you can stay at my place he'll get so scared they'll beg you to move back in with them they might even finally punish your jerk sister I was sold my whole family deserved a little scare so that night I sent a text to both my parents to tell them my plans and switched my location to private I spent the next two nights at Easton's apartment his family was really poor and I had to sleep on a torn cot but I felt fantastic my parents were probably going crazy maybe they think you joined the gang or they think I'm pregnant and ran off to get married unfortunately the fun didn't last long the next morning my parents burst into Easton's apartment with several cops they hugged me and cried for a moment but then they were Furious why would you scare us like this we had no idea what was going on sorry but you kicked me out for no reason and then neglected me for six months I needed to teach you a lesson teach us a lesson Violet we know the living situation isn't perfect and we know we haven't been giving you as much attention but just disappearing like you did that's crazy behavior come with us right this second after that Mom let me move back into the house but she watched me like a dog Sophie even suggested I shouldn't leave home without her escorting me and my parents agreed luckily I could still hang out with Easton who was the only person who seemed to care about me and it turned out we'd even be going to the same high school next month on my first day of 9th grade I was in gym class when Easton started jogging next to me whoa there you look ready to faint here take some of my water oh God is it that obvious don't worry you still look lovely even though you're drenched in sweat Easton smiled at me as I drank from his water and I felt a little weak in the knees and not because I was tired I saw Sophie glare at me as she jogged by but I didn't care as months passed Easton and I just got closer and whenever Sophie was mean he always defended me you can make fun of Violet's dress all you want but she's the one who got a party invitation and you didn't secretly I had the biggest crush on Easton but I was way too chicken to ever tell him I was just grateful to have a best friend it living with a bully 24 7. then one day when I came home from school my parents gave me shocking news they'd found a plastic surgeon to fix Sophie's facial Distortion they couldn't completely get rid of it but I'd never seen my sister so happy I felt so ugly my whole life Violet I know it sounds shallow but I can't wait to be as beautiful as you Sophie look at me you've never been ugly but if getting this surgery makes you feel more confident then I support you Sophie started to cry then and hugged me I stayed with her in the surgery room the entire time and she even apologized for how she treated me and I was glad I was ready to give up our crazy fighting after Sophie's surgery things changed between us Sophie didn't seem jealous of me anymore and even started hanging out with me and Easton then one day I walked into my front yard and almost had a heart attack Sophie was kissing Easton hey does someone want to tell me what's going on here uh well Violet I've been meaning to tell you Easton and I like each other and I asked him out I felt like I was gonna throw up I pulled Sophie aside angrily how could you do this to me Sophie I love him and you know it I know you love him and I'm sorry but I've been hanging out with Easton for a couple of weeks and we have a connection no I have a connection with him you barely know him I don't get it you got the surgery you have everything I have now why would you hurt me like this Violet I'm not trying to hurt you I really like Easton and I just want to be happy for once I can't take this anymore you made me miserable for 14 years and then got me kicked out of my own house and convinced mom to basically ground me for 24 7. this is the last straw I stormed off and blocked Easton on all social media he kept calling me to apologize and tell me that him dating Sophie wouldn't change our friendship but I refused to speak to him the next day at school I decided it was time for overdue Revenge the first thing I did was attach a bucket of paint to the cafeteria doorway and when Sophie walked in with Easton he splashed all over them everyone laughed like crazy and I felt great I got suspended for a day but it was worth it and I didn't stop there that entire month I pulled every prank I could think of on them at school putting spiders in their locker and gluing their butts to the classroom chairs I felt guilty for being a jerk but Sophie deserved it didn't she and Easton was dating my sister who bullied me my whole life then one day I was studying in the courtyard when Easton walked over to me and he looked Furious I've had it with you Violet your jealousy has turned you insane all the kids at school now are terrified of you what do you mean I've done nothing to anyone except you and Sophie really cause the bucket of paint from your prank got all over the cafeteria floor and one kid tripped and sprained his ankle I'm sorry you're heard about me dating Sophie but it happened organically our feelings for each other had nothing to do with you I know you're hurt but don't become a bully because of it Easton walked off and I thought about what he said maybe Sophie wasn't trying to hurt me and her falling for Easton was just a coincidence maybe I could just be happy for her so that week I did everything I could to make things right with people I volunteered to help as many kids as I could with homework and they'd know I wasn't a monster and I apologize to Sophie and Easton and surprisingly they forgave me on Friday night Sophie and Easton were celebrating their one month anniversary at the beach so I told Sophie I'd deliver them a picnic basket but when I got there Sophie was sitting alone in the sand and she was crying hey what's wrong where's Easton he's not here Violet he's not coming did you guys break up no because we never dated it was all fake I even paid Easton monthly and used up all my savings and I wanted to make you jealous wait what I don't understand I thought that after my surgery people would start treating me differently because my face looked better I thought I'd finally get as much attention as you but because my Distortion isn't totally fixed I didn't and that made me angry but I can't do this to you anymore I feel horrible I couldn't believe what I was hearing Sophie kept apologizing but I couldn't even look at her I didn't want revenge I just didn't want to deal with her anymore things completely changed between us after that my sister and I both cut contact with Easton and became strangers to each other it broke my heart but I didn't know what else to do we were toxic for each other before we knew it High School ended and we both went our separate ways a couple years later I was walking around my University campus when I got a phone call Violet it's Easton I know we haven't spoken in years but I need your help my parents lost their house and are homeless I'm doing everything I can to help them but I'm desperate I'm calling everyone I know for either money or food my stomach was in knots I still hated Easton for what he did but he was obviously in a crisis so I bought a bunch of food and clothes and arrived at the homeless shelter god you're an angel I can't thank you enough I'm not doing this for you it's for your parents and I never want to see you after this do you understand yes what I did to you was Unforgivable can I just tell you one thing I never wanted to go through with Sophie's fake dating plan the only reason I agreed to it was because my family's been struggling since I was a kid I was always terrified we'd end up living on the streets it's still no excuse especially because I was in love with you my head started spinning I had no idea Easton had been suffering that much and I had no idea that he loved me I decided it was time to smooth things over that night I went right home and convinced my parents to give Easton's family a loan and then I asked if they could invite Sophie for dinner oh sweetie that's a wonderful idea she's doing well these days but she talks about you a lot for some reason I was happy to hear that when Sophie came over she immediately ran to hug me Violet I am so glad you're here actually I got you some presents Sophie handed me a huge gift bag into my shop she bought me all kinds of expensive presents perfume jewelry and even a brand new iPad none of this makes up for how I've treated you over the years but I love you Violet and if you ever want to have a relationship I'm here thanks Sophie that means a lot you did really hurt me but it has been a couple of years I can't forgive you overnight but this is a good start I also know you got in touch with Easton if you ever want to date him you have my blessing it's a possibility but first I want to make things right with you though of course Sophie invited Easton over later and left us alone on our porch I'm really glad you and Sophie made up do you think you can ever forgive me Violet I never really got over you wow I didn't know that but it will take me some time to trust you again I understand that I'm willing to wait as long as it takes [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 19,896,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UNIzrSOjvEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 05 2022
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