I Don’t Care about Anyone’s Opnion

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do I look good guys anything stuck in my teeth just let me know in the comments I really don't trust my assistant she hates me see I was telling a friend one day that my assistant smells like chicken and I think she overheard but seriously I hear every time she comes close wait if she sees this she'll start spitting in my food director please cut this part out okay hi I'm Cece and I'm a model and instablogger from New York now I know many of you are expecting Ramen to do a part two and don't get me wrong I love her but let me tell you how I'm better than that noodle loving rapper she never even told you her real name or where she's from but I'm an open book I have no problem disclosing that my full name is Cecilia and wait I'm getting a phone call from the dragon I mean my mother this can't be good be right back okay where was I yeah basically ramen's busy and her animator got sick and can't do more parts for now but MSA can't disappoint you so I stepped up now my story will take this lovely animator and I chose him because he makes his character shake like this see see I have a bit of a history with shaking I love Rihanna and her songs shine bright like a diamond but when I was little I used to hear it as shake your body like a demon and I wondered why would somebody shake their body like a demon who has even seen a demon shaking but you know I'm just an easy going girl I didn't question anything and just continued with my life the reason why I was a relaxed easy-going kid was because my parents were jerks you know like jerks to the point where you just give up and live your life because you have no other option I was born in a family of French Aristocrats who had moved to the U.S a long time ago but my parents still acted like they had stinks up their butts I lived in a large doll Mansion where everything was beige beige and you guessed it beige any attempts to add color were frowned upon and then they had all these rules keep your voice low but don't Mumble sit straight and no elbows on the table don't show your teeth when you laugh you're not a donkey that's the soup spoon that's the dessert spoon your ancestors must be rolling in their grave saying you eat meat with a fish Fork jeez weirdos don't you have anything better to do than watching me all day and wait let me show you what someone looks like when they laugh without their teeth I look like a psychopath right even Mom's cat Vivian was a judgmental snob and probably a spy once I was playing in the garden and I picked a booger from my nose and stuck it to a sunflower come on it's normal kids do this stuff I know you've done it too don't act so cool and I turned around to find Vivian looking at me like this so yeah I've always been a misfit in this sophisticated family and it's not that I'm not girly actually I adore fashion and I always had a magazine tucked in the middle of the literary masterpieces I was forced to read but I just hadn't grown up to be the classy lady my parents had hoped for once in ninth grade I was shopping at the supermarket with a friend because she wanted to cook something for her boyfriend ugh barf boys were all the crazies with the girls in ninth grade I was the only one cool enough not to lose my mind over some boy I got bored so I jumped into my friend's shopping cart and told her to run down the aisle with me we were both laughing like crazy when suddenly she tripped and let the cart go then I went whizzing straight into a pile of watermelons when I opened my eyes I was sure I'd gone to heaven because in Angel was looking down at me Halo and all hey are you okay I don't know am I dead I really hope not you have to pay for all those watermelons and then he smiled okay so I was about to lose my mind over some boy so sue me his name was Danny he was two years older and he worked there part-time as a sales assistant our connection was instant and he asked me out right away also I did pay for the Watermelons but I learned later that the store policy didn't require people to pay for accidents I think Danny kept the money for himself and yeah I didn't question it because I'm someone who's been shaking her body like a demon for years and never even questioned that anyway a week later we were officially together and you know those first days when you're so in love sky is Bluer the grass is greener the air smells like lavender my stupid 15 year old brain was telling me that I had met my soul mate we liked the same everything and I could just be myself around him my parents didn't approve because he wasn't our class but I couldn't give a hoot Danny was perfect so I really can't pinpoint exactly why or when things began going downhill and the lavender started to rot maybe because he started going to University and got too busy or maybe because someone gave me a modeling offer in the city after seeing my blog it was a great opportunity for me to enter the fashion world and I was sure we could make long distance work yeah except that even short distance wasn't working for us now we were just arguing and getting on each other's nerves all the time see this picture of Danny yeah that's him as a loser kid but do you see that annoying half smile he would smirk just like that when he thought he was right which was like always who wouldn't get annoyed there were so many little things like why did he tell so many jokes why did he touch his ear so often why did he sneeze like a raccoon sneeze like a man man but things really escalated when we were out for dinner once and he started eating my fries why didn't you just order your own fries because I didn't want fries then why are you eating my fries I just took a few you've eaten half the plate you can't share fries with your boyfriend this is not about the fries this is about you you you lied when you said you didn't want any then you ate mine and now I'm the bad guy CeCe you're acting crazy oh you want fries here have all of them the next day we broke up after three years together and you know the worst part about dating your best friend when it's all over you lose your best friend too but don't worry about me guys I took the breakup like a champ anyway I took up the modeling offer and moved to Manhattan right after high school my parents were very disappointed at my career choices surprise surprise but I needed to get away from this place and I just hadn't gone back since but now I had just received an invite to a high school reunion maybe it was a good excuse to go home and Danny had moved away not that it mattered yeah what could go wrong oh CeCe you dumb silly duck I didn't realize I'd missed my parents so much till I saw them even they seemed kind of happy Cecilia what's the matter has a dirty City Air destroyed your corneas no Mom something just went into my eye I asked the chef to make your favorite dessert a strawberry tart that's your favorite dad I'm I'm allergic to strawberries but I appreciate the thought and man oh man did I appreciate my bed why had I left this life again hard to recall the moment I was having a great time at the reunion with my old friends when I spotted a stunning brunette in a red dress you know the kind of dress that only a very confident girl can pull off and you instantly feel imperfect in every way just by looking at her hey that girl wasn't in our batch right CeCe that's Regina what no I remember Regina duh she had braces thick glasses and she was cute but kind of fat you know like plump yep same Regina she got a major glow up also there's something you should know just then a tall guy in a suit walked up to Regina and kissed her Danny oh my God I'm not ready for this I gotta go before he sees me but as I turned I tripped over my own feet and flashed into a photo booth captioned for next instapost how to be a complete in front of your ex and his gorgeous girlfriend why do our meetings always start with you on the floor don't stare at my butt you pervert what I swear I wasn't ugh get up you weirdo gosh it was even cuter than I remembered you didn't even go to our high school man why are you here I'm here with um Regina CeCe you look gorgeous as ever always the most popular girl in school you you look great too thanks babe listen I wouldn't have invited Danny if I knew you were coming given your history this must be awkward oh please that was a million years ago I've dated like 400 boys since then it's all cool we're cool except watching them together was setting my insides on fire listen guys I'm not unreasonable of course I didn't think Danny would stay single forever even though it would have been great if he did till I got married and had my first child whatever I can't control that but why her she's she's prettier than me he wasn't supposed to upgrade animator show me the ugliest shot you got of her no not this one she still looks too pretty not this either pretty pretty pretty pretty okay animator you failed can someone else volunteer yes the music guy love your music by the way oh yeah this picture look look at her face it's made according to Da Vinci's golden ratio man and the dark hair that swan-like neck her Perfect Skin and those long long legs and no I'm not gay I mean I don't think so but if I was she'd totally be my type Cecilia who are you talking to and I heard gay are you gay and not that we're not open-minded people but uh no grandchildren then not right now guys I went down a social media Rabbit Hole stalking Regina and Danny I wanted to be happy for him really but it didn't seem like himself anymore he was always dressed in fancy suits and hanging out with fake looking rich people like he was trying too hard to fit in but it wasn't any of my business he'd moved on and so had I till I found out my parents were hosting a Christmas party and Regina's parents were invited so she and Danny would be coming too I needed a distraction so I decided to work on a new blog post how to get a date over the holidays so you're not the only single loser at Christmas okay lovely followers and of course everyone watching this video here are some of Cece's tried and tested tips number one walk up to a guy in a grocery store and compliment his ugly sweater that his mom obviously knit for him guys love it when you compliment their moms number two stand behind a cute guy at a coffee shop eavesdrop on his order and then say Oh you have such good taste I'll have what he's having making a guy feel special over nothing is a sure way to win him over number three when you're walking outside take one shoe off and start limping a gentleman is bound to stop and offer you a ride home great conversation starter as I was testing out number three A car pulled up next to me it was freaking Danny hey CeCe you okay oh yeah I just broke my heel hop in I'll drive you home I couldn't tell him what I was actually doing Avi we drove away in awkward silence and then he turned on the radio happy to hear that Regina hates my songs and after that we just reconnected like old times talking to him felt so right and easy and comfortable I actually felt disappointed when we arrived at my place and suddenly it was crystal clear to me I wanted Danny back look guys I can feel some of you judging me already but Regina's known him for what a few months she'd get over him Danny and I were together for three years and yeah it didn't end well but we've grown up now plus whose side are you on anyway this is my story root for me the Christmas dinner was the perfect opportunity for my first move I switched around the place cards to make sure I sit next to Regina to talk down Danny so you must have heard Danny's embarrassing singing by now gosh I've never met someone so off key but it's cute okay but have you heard him sneeze like a raccoon yeah I tell him he should just let it out what about the way he snorts like a pig when he laughs I sometimes do that too he has terrible taste in music oh yeah I'm trying to change that by introducing him to classical stuff also the worst taste in food why eat Mexican when you could have sushi and caviar yeah Mexican yuck Danny and I love Mexican food who doesn't this girl's a psycho but you know that's just small stuff he's pretty great overall no one's perfect right right I'm gonna go sit with my date for a while yeah it was just some random dude Ted at the bus stop I'd bribed to act like my date the second course of action was trying to make Danny jealous Regina was all over him touching his hair and laughing so I ran my fingers through Ted's Hair too oh you're hurting me ow I tried feeding him cheesecake next no way girl get your own slice you can't have mine I don't share food and then he just disappeared after dinner luckily Regina's feet were hurting so Danny asked me to dance instead why did he have to be so lovely and charming and a Gentleman why couldn't he be ugly and gross in a jerk and when the Music Stops several people were pointing to something above us mistletoe everyone cheered us on to kiss and Danny gave me a gentle peck on the lips he walked off while my head was spinning like a ballerina and as I watched him and Regina leave the party she waved to me with a warm smile wait wait wait what I just kissed your boyfriend and you're smiling at me this girl was Faker than my nails and for some reason she wanted to keep me close two days later she arranged a big picnic for our whole batch and invited me too yeah check out her fancy handwritten note because she's too fancy to send a text dearest CeCe you are cordially invited to Regina's annual charity picnic Gala all we require is your presence and generous donations the rest has been taken care of by us hope you'll join us for a fun-filled day XOXOXO Regina well two can write a note dear Regina yeah I'll come I'm busy but I'll come CeCe it was a huge event and there were a bunch of games and somehow for each of them she partnered me and Danny I didn't know what she was up to but I felt like she was watching me well I didn't mind I was happy for Regina to see how totally in sync Danny and I were man we could finish each other's sentences we kept meeting for the next few days for some event or the other but the problem was I was really falling for Danny all over again why did I ever let him go and how could I know if he felt anything for me now one evening I was feeling bummed and sitting at my favorite spot when someone joined me didn't think I'd find anyone here want me to leave you should have asked that before making yourself comfortable I have food you can stay as we sat there eating crisps Danny suddenly spoke why didn't you come home earlier CeCe maybe because I didn't want to return till I'd proved I could make it on my own it's nice being back though even my parents are a little chilled out now I got dad to do a tick tock with me can you imagine hardly you know I always felt like your parents didn't think I was good enough for you but this time they were nice maybe because I've made something of myself now I'm sorry they made you feel that way but I never cared about that stuff you know that right of course you were always so different he brushed away a strand of hair from my face and moved closer suddenly his phone rang and we jumped apart he mumbled that he had to go and quickly left once I was sure he was gone I broke out into a happy dance now I knew he felt something for me I just had to make him feel enough to break up with stupid Regina the next day I was at the mall when I went to a changing room and I heard two girls talking in the next stall no not this dress we're announcing my engagement at the New Year's party tomorrow I need something special what the what is Danny excited of course he is Daddy just offered him a position in his firm and I'm out of his league in every way he's very lucky are you gonna invite CeCe too I don't know why you've been inviting her everywhere to show her what she's lost have you forgotten what CeCe was like in high school she never even noticed me like I was invisible well she's looking at me now and no she's not invited I'll just let Danny tell her I never ignored Regina on purpose she just seems like one of those shy kids who wanted to be left alone I had no idea she felt so bitter and it didn't sound like she loved Danny just saw him as someone she could control because she thought she was better than him I had to tell him right but he was getting engaged he must have thought it through what was I gonna do anyway crash Regina's New Year's party and object to the engagement that sounds stupid okay now let's just fast forward to the part where I burst into Regina's New Year's party and yelled I object to this engagement Regina doesn't really love you Danny Danny grabbed my arm and led me out angrily CeCe what the heck Danny don't get engaged to Regina she's all wrong for you who are you to decide that I just know that she thinks she's out of your league and she's doing you some favor by being your girlfriend Regina loves me not as you really are look in the mirror man I've seen you wear nothing but suits these past 10 days she's changing you so you fit into her pretentious world you don't know what you're talking about okay fine then don't get engaged to her because I love you what yeah there I said it I love you like I'd give up the last Slice of Cheesecake for you or whatever so pick me choose me love me did you just steal Meredith's speech from Gray's Anatomy oh shoot I'd forgotten we'd seen that show together trust him to remember something like that for those who don't know about it here's the speech choose me love me okay so I'm using her words but I feel the same way you're just playing games CeCe you didn't look back once after leaving and now you suddenly want me no you just hate the thought of me with someone else who didn't work out before and we wouldn't now this felt worse than her breakup and for those of you who are on team Regina you must be enjoying this you suck I couldn't stay any longer so I packed my bags the next day and hugged my parents goodbye I'll send you tick tocks every day I'll be looking forward to that Dad don't take so long to visit again CeCe I won't mom wait you didn't call me Cecilia Oh must have slipped my tongue is there something in your eye again yeah I think so anyway I'll come visit soon bye next day is my self-pity continued the doorbell rang and I was shocked to find Dan any outside what what are you doing here I couldn't get engaged to Regina you were right about everything and she's not the one for me I'm choosing you look man that speech was just embarrassing I take it back I Choose You Anyway You said we won't work we have to at least try and find out because I love you too CeCe we argued happily ever after if you liked I'd like to hear more of this style comment CeCe our shaking MCC
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 8,406,774
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zP769b-Unaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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