No One Can Believe How Rich I Am

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hi I'm Jody from North Dakota please like And subscribe and you'll be able to fulfill all your New Year's resolutions ever since I can remember dad made me and my younger brother Josh compete for everything this Teddy's mine I grabbed it first so what I saw it first don't fight kids the one of you who burps the loudest gets it Josh's burp was way louder than mine and that Teddy went to him so annoying on our way back home Josh and I fought over the window seat and again Dad had a weird solution let's see who can stick their head out of the window and spit the farthest Josh won again but I accidentally spilled some orange juice on the window seat so his butt ended up all wet and sticky Josh usually won these crazy competitions and he and dad were a team but Mom adored me and we spent hours baking together and unlike Dad she didn't make us come heat for Stuff the purple cars for Josh and the red ones for you Jody why buy two cars they could have shared one when will you understand that money doesn't grow on trees dad left the office looking upset but Mom turned to us with a huge smile I got you guys two packs of crayons too but don't tell Dad okay you're the best mom but Josh broke all his crayons in minutes then grabbed mine and flushed them down the toilet he really was a top grade jerk other than that my life was good but then one day everything came crashing down mom had ordered pizza for Josh and me and we were fighting over the last slice when Dad came back from work early you ordered pizza again why can't you cook lazy woman I'm not some millionaire they had a huge fight that day and suddenly mom was packing her bags to leave I cried and tried to stop her but she said she'd come and see us soon and just left then Dad gave me me the last slice of pizza and I immediately stopped crying and stuck my tongue out at Josh don't judge me for not being sadder guys I was only seven men a few weeks later our parents got divorced and since Mom wasn't financially stable we stayed with Dad mom only visited us on weekends and special occasions years passed and Josh and I finally reached high school one day we came back from school to find mom getting out of a flashy car Jody Josh come quickly I'm taking you to my new home for the weekend her new home was a freaking Palace it turned out that Mom's fiance Steve was a Real Estate Mogul and this was one of his houses later after lunch mom said she had something important to discuss I haven't been able to offer you a home before but thanks to Steve's support I can now I'd love for you guys to come live here with me what do you think we were both taken aback but then Josh said he wouldn't leave dad and walked out of the room mom looked heartbroken what about you Jody to be honest I'd missed being close to Mom and it wouldn't be too bad getting away from Josh and not fighting for everything I I think I'd like to stay with you but what about Dad I'll talk to him don't worry and you can still see him whenever you want oh this is just such wonderful news after the weekend Josh went back to Dad and I moved in with Mom she let me have the biggest bedroom I love it here Mom and I love you I've been waiting to hear that for so long in the coming days mom got me anything I wanted new clothes new shoes new handbags new bedroom furniture I even had three Maids waiting on me hand and foot one day I decided to bake a cake for Mom but I just couldn't figure out the fancy oven settings before I knew it there was a small blast just then a girl my age came running in are you you trying to burn the kitchen down I'm sorry I was just trying to make a cake well it looks more like a volcano now no wonder it caused so much destruction she looked at me and then we both burst out laughing the girl introduced herself as Darcy our Butler's daughter we got to talking and I found out that Darcy loved baking too we exchanged a few recipes and decided to try them soon the next day mom got me enrolled into a fancy private school but it looked more like a five-star hotel and the students looks like they'd walked off a modeling ramp feeling kind of nervous I was trying to find my classroom when a group of the most gorgeous girl suddenly blocked my way new admission we like your guccis and Chanel girl you can join our pack and just like that I became a part of the most popular group in school the wild cats and boy these cats were wild they partied like crazy blew thousands of dollars on you useless stuff and got tattoos in the weirdest places but for the first time in my life I was among the popular kids in school and I was loving it a few weeks later I was hanging out with my cool group outside school into my shock they started smoking one of them pushed me to try it too and I didn't want to look uncool so I did but I started coughing like crazy Jody what are you doing OMG Jody who's this peasant talking to you um what are you doing here Darcy I study at the school two blocks down I was just walking home ew are you talking about that gross public school that confirms your poor Jody you're a wild cat you can't be talking to people like her uh yeah Darcy please go away I'll talk to you later if I have time Darcy gave me a disgusted look and left I felt terrible but I had a reputation to maintain now when I got back home I found Steve and mom waiting for me and I knew there was trouble so you're smoking now is that why I'm paying your sky high school fees Jody I'm so disappointed in you what I didn't there must be some mistake don't you dare lie to me you are smoking and the butler's daughter saw you Steve was always so calm and seeing him like that was kinda scary he shouted at Darcy to come in tell me what you told us earlier girl did you see Jody smoking or not Darcy looked at me then turned nervously to him sir I I think I made a mistake because that girl was wearing a different dress I'm so sorry for the confusion Steve sent her away angrily and soon after I followed her what were you thinking being a snitch I was trying to save you from falling into bad habits but I wasn't expecting Mr Steve to react so badly so I changed my statement you should be thanking me well no thank you just mind your own business yeah I'll do that now you're just a rich bread I don't know why I thought you were different I felt so mad at her but I forgot about the fight soon because the following weeks I had a crazy schedule I went to school attended salsa and French Classes mom enrolled me in and then went out partying with my friends I was so busy with my new life that I almost completely forgot about Dad and Josh too then one day I got a call from Josh can you come home this evening I want to plan a surprise party for Dad I promised Josh I'd be there and that I'd also bake a special cake for Dad but when I came back from school that day Mom was already waiting for me Jody there's an important event tonight and Steve says I need to look my best so I was thinking we'll go shopping first and then maybe we'll both get makeovers that sounds cool by the time we came back home from the mall I was so exhausted that I took a short nap and when I woke up it was already so late when I got to Dad's place Joshua was done with all the preparations I am so sorry no problem at least it turned up no need to be so snarky I was just tired yeah I know how exhausting shopping can be I saw you at the mall with Mom you've changed Jody no I haven't really then where's Dad's birthday cake that's when I realized I'd completely forgotten about it seems like life with us wasn't good enough for you that's why it's so easy for mom to buy your love with all this fancy stuff that's not what she's doing and maybe I like it that I don't always have to share things with you and Mom and Steve never scold me for buying something I want they aren't stingy like Dad just then I realized that Dad had walked in oh Dad happy birthday I know that I'm careful with money Jody but I've always worked hard and tried to give you a good life I I know that I didn't mean it yes you did you just didn't mean for me to hear it Dad said he was tired and just wanted to go to bed and Josh was so mad at me for ruining everything back at home I tried falling asleep but kept feeling terrible I didn't mean to hurt dad and was it true that I'd changed like Josh had said a few days later mom and Steve were out at some party so I invited some friends over we were having a great time dancing until one of them started a food fight and the next thing I knew they were all going crazy can you stop please my parents won't be happy about this what we're just having fun and I'm sure you have plenty of servants to do the cleanup look there's one she pointed at Darcy who just walked in with drinks and got hit by some food just then one girl jumped on the couch knocking over a large crystal vase and smashed it to bits on the floor that's it enough you guys don't get to disrespect anyone and you don't get to act like spoiled brats in someone's house leave all of you you can't talk to us like that we made you one of the most popular girls in school and we can end that instantly by kicking you out of the Wildcats sounds amazing that's exactly what I want now get out the girls stormed off while Darcy and I stared at the mess I'll take care of this you don't need to help you'll never get this done alone before Mr Steve's back so let's not waste time we worked our butts off for the next two hours and finally sat down exhausted hey I'm sorry my friends acted like jerks I don't care about them but I hadn't expected you to be like that or even have such friends I know I don't even know who I am these days I've been trying so hard to fit in with these people I don't even like and also I forgot my dad's birthday and hurt his feelings and my brother he thinks mom's trying to buy my love by giving me all these gifts do you feel the same maybe she hasn't spent much time with me ever since I moved in here but she does get me whatever I want Darcy suggested I tell Mom how I felt so later that night I walked up to Mom's room to talk when I heard her and Steve arguing Steve I changed myself completely for your sake I tried my best to be a good partner but I can't tolerate you cheating on me do you have another option do you want me to throw you and your daughter out of this house no no there's nothing I wouldn't put up with for my daughter's happiness I finally have her love after all these years I wouldn't be able to Bear it if she leaves me then stay quiet and don't interfere in my matters I slid behind a statue as Steve marched out of the door when I peeked into Mom's room I found her crying and just then reality hit me Mom wasn't trying to buy my love she was just showering me with hers Mom oh Jody I I think I have something in my eye I heard you and Steve talking mom and I want you to know that I love you whether you have money or not but but on my own I don't even have enough to give you the kind of life you were living with your dad I was just a waitress and I met Steve I don't care Mom it's you I want to be with not your house or the stuff you can give me you know what I've always wanted to start a small baking business maybe we should do that together the next day Mom and I moved out of Steve's mansion with our hands empty but our hearts full we rented a tiny apartment and started our baking business from home and I took the time to reconnect with Dad and Josh and even kept in touch with Darcy in a few months our business took off with massive help from Josh cake number 17 delivered thanks bro aren't you the best I know that's why I want these headphones what no Mom got those for me some things never change do they
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 8,269,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 26 2023
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