I Live with 50 Siblings. I Swear!

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hi I'm Flora from Austria and my house is a freaking torture chamber mom recently decided to adopt 10 cats and they've been shedding everywhere dad's pissed about it and I don't blame him but he's also kind of a cranky bitter person in general I'm also convinced he secretly hates me and Mom I'll get more into that later oh and also we live next to a crazy old lady who always screams at midnight cause she's convinced it's the devil's hour anyway if you want to know whether I ever escape this like And subscribe I lived with my parents as an only child except I don't understand why they even had me in the first place because it seemed like they really didn't like having a kid around a sit on Mom's lap because one of her dumb cats was always lying on her yep she's been taking in dirty Strays for as long as I can remember once when I was four I finally snapped from jealousy and shoved one of them off of her my mommy Flora why would you do that because that fat lazy cat was in my spot don't speak that way about Gigi apologize right now yeah she made me say sorry to a cat that she probably loved more than me but believe it or not dad was actually worse than Mom in his eyes everything I did was wrong my fashion sense was weird I always had my nose in a book and I didn't eat enough maybe because all the food in our fridge was stale and gross then one day when I turned 15. took an interesting turn a boy and a girl transferred to my school who were twins named Jan and Matilda the sister seems nice but from the moment Jan sat in class with me he kept staring at me like I had three heads and wherever I went he always seemed to be nearby but he was following me at one point Jan came up to my locker what's your problem man you've been stalking me all day I know I've been watching you all day and there's something about you I just don't trust what are you suddenly Matilda ran up to me and asked if Jan was harassing me he has a habit of bullying other kids don't worry I'll report him to the principal no I'm not doing anything wrong and Matilda I don't want you talking to this freak do you understand me Jan if you don't walk away right now you'll wake up tomorrow morning with missing teeth Jan finally stormed off and Matilda pulled me aside she told me not to go near her brother just for my own safety I come from a kind of messed up family my parents are jerks and Control Freaks and Jan takes after them he's been the neighborhood bully for years but don't worry I won't let him hurt you well thank you I'm sorry you have to deal with him I know what it's like to have a crazy family Matilda and I instantly became friends which angered Jan but I didn't care I finally had a friend who understood what I was going through I always told Matilda I planned on running away from home someday and one night she took that statement seriously at around 1am Matilda texted me a random address and said to meet her right away I arrived at an empty parking lot and Matilda told me she was waiting for a helicopter to come pick her up a helicopter what are you talking about Flora I've been wanting to tell you about this for a while do you know what a second family is you know a mom and dad you secretly stay with whenever you need a break from home what no I've never heard of that what is that I'll explain later anyway I have a second family that lives on an island they're billionaires the island is only an hour away and sometimes they send a private helicopter to pick me up you sad you've been wanting an escape from home so I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on one of my Island trips Matilda what you're saying doesn't make any sense you're telling me you have an adopted family that picks you up in a helicopter and look look there it is Holy fudge that helicopter is actually there to pick you up I stood in shock as a helicopter actually landed and a woman stepped out to invite us inside and she insisted that she could fly us back before Dawn since the island was so close this was insane I don't know if it was because Matilda begged or the fact that I was curious about what his second family was but I agreed to go and when we landed I saw we were next to a mansion on the ocean shore this is where the family lives I still don't understand what a second family is do your parents know about it no of course not my second family runs a secret charity organization in they let depressed kids stay at their mansion whenever they need an escape from their lives I found out about it at my old school my second mom was my guidance counselor and she told me about it how come they have to keep it a secret because my parents aren't gonna let me stay at some stranger's house I have to sneak out or tell them that I'm sleeping over at a friend's house at that second Matilda pointed to a bunch of teenagers swimming in the ocean and laughing these were all guests of Matilda's second family she then led me inside where her second parents greeted me warmly we're so glad you could visit us Flora Matilda's been wanting to bring you here for a while let me show you to your bedroom wait I have a bedroom here all the guests have a bedroom here in case they want to stay the night you and I could skip school tomorrow and stay here I was about to tell her no when Matilda's second mom showed me to my bedroom I had my own bed my own laptop and the walls were covered with MSA posters Matilda told me how much you love my story animated I'm so glad you're staying with us sweetheart I hung out with Matilda for several hours at the island before going back and I had the best time from that night on Matilda and I would escape to the mansion every weekend and nobody knew our secret one morning I was lying in the hammock when second mom carried over a tray of breakfast for me and it smelled incredible I made you some bread rolls made from scratch Flora wow mom's never made me a homemade breakfast before so what's your story Flora what happened at home that was so awful that you had to escape to our Island I don't know what happened but I started pouring my heart out to second mom about everything what a jerk dad was how the house was a mess how mom loved her zillion cats you know part of my job as your second mom is to love you like my own daughter but you have tons of other adopted daughters and you barely know me you're all special to me in your own way give me a chance Flora I want to get to know you suddenly she leaned over and hugged me and I felt my heart skip a beat I didn't remember the last time my own mom hugged me but this felt incredible I was still thinking about that hug the next afternoon in the library then suddenly Jan of all people sat next to me I know about the island Flora I overheard you and Matilda talking about it the other night about the second family top secret charity Foundation what I I don't know what you're talking about leave me alone I don't associate with bullies listen I was out of line before I shouldn't have been so suspicious of you you've actually been a great friend to my sister but you guys can't keep going to that Island trust me I know about Matilda's second family and you can't keep seeing them you're putting yourself in danger and you could get seriously hurt and why would I trust what you say Matilda told me you're a neighborhood bully you live to see other people miserable so of course you don't want Matilda and I to go somewhere that makes us happy I stomped off and took the bus home but when I arrived I was hit with wild news Dad's job got transferred to another city and we were moving an hour away that also means you have to get rid of those dirty Strays and finally become normal are you kidding I'm taking them in the car all 18 of them what the flipping fudge I don't want to move I've already made friends here you can't make me but my parents said we'd leave in two weeks I immediately called Matilda that night and asked her what I should do so ask second mom if you can move in permanently Matilda no that's crazy I don't see how that would even work out you said you don't want to move right and I know how much you love the island and our second family it's worth a try I took the bus to meet Matilda at our usual spot except she said the helicopter couldn't pick us up for a couple of hours we just waited in that empty parking lot until they sent the helicopter and when I finally went in to meet second mom I told her everything so is it possible for you to permanently adopt me Flora darling you can't stay here permanently none of the kids can stay here all the time they come and go as they please but I can't adopt any of you what do you mean you said your job is to love me like your own daughter I know and I do but I can't take care of you 24 7. I can't be your full-time mom I felt numb with shock as second mom poured herself some more tea no I needed her to be my full-time mom my own mom was the worst second mom tried to apologize and tell me she loved me but I didn't want to hear it I smashed her cup of tea onto the floor and ran outside to meet Matilda we needed to fly back and I never wanted to come here again on the helicopter right back I tried to hold back tears and when we got back to the parking lot I froze when I suddenly saw Jan waiting for us oh my gosh what are you doing here did you track us down or something yeah cause I was worried about you I knew you and Flora had been sneaking off places but I didn't know it was in this abandoned lot do you know how dangerous this neighborhood is mom and dad drove over here with several cops madilda Matilda looked pissed as her parents called her over and Jan pulled me aside saying he needed to talk to me about something important didn't and well I was too tired to argue with him Flora you and I both know that Matilda is mentally ill she hallucinates and has imaginary friends and places she goes to including that far away Island you guys go to with the second family shut up Jan that Island we travel to together is real even you can't see it come on stop lying fine so what if that place isn't real yeah I realized Matilda was hallucinating at first you know with the helicopter but I decided to play along with her fantasy and I got caught up in it too my life is tough and I needed a perfect imaginary Island to escape to with an imaginary mansion and imaginary mom Jan looked at me for a long time and ended up calling my parents telling them everything that happened they drove over to take me to an overnight treatment center where I could get some therapy Jen even came with us and sat with me in the waiting room I don't get it I thought you were a jerk bully who hated everyone I never bullied anyone before we knew Matilda was mentally ill she'd tell me about her imaginary friends who were being mean to her and thought they were real one time she told me about a girl with blue hair and blue eyes who was harassing her and she lived in our neighborhood I thought that was you so I confronted you to protect my sister wow well I guess that explained things Jan was being really sweet but I still felt heartbroken I missed my second mom and when my actual parents came over to talk to me it made me miss her more Flora we had a long talk with Jan and a few doctors we had no idea you were feeling this way and I'm never meant to make you feel like you weren't good enough your mom and I were struggling a lot with money and we were stressed a lot of the time so I was angry most of the time we love you sweetie are you two kidding me you think you can just apologize and I'll just magically forgive you no of course not but we've decided not to move we see you've made some friends here and we want to have a fresh start with you Mom hugged me for the first time in ages and for that brief moment my anger melted away later I found out Matilda was getting treatment here too and luckily we'd be sharing a room I'm really sorry I got you into this mess Flora but things are gonna get better and by the way my brother has a huge crush on you what no he doesn't really yep I can tell by the way he looks at you plus he gave me this box of chocolates to give you wow he'd actually gotten me chocolates and wrote a get well card so maybe after therapy I'd get myself a boyfriend Matilda left the room right then and I thought I was alone when suddenly I saw a second mom sitting on my bed I'm really happy you're feeling better Flora go away please I don't want to see you anymore you're not real I know I won't come again it's time for you to make peace with your real mom and your real life okay dude I'm not gonna listen to a ghost lecture me about how to live my life but when I turned to look at her she was gone part of me felt sad but I knew it was time to let her go take a deep breath Flora here's to a fresh start [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 1,554,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2023
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