I Fell In Love With BF’s Bodyguard

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come on Serena give me six you give me fears glare at the camera burn us with your hotness yes Queen yes I love it just send my boyfriend Malcolm texted me saying he was outside I was tired of posing like a stupid duck anyway looking around I accidentally tripped over some electrical cords and the shoot was over for the day my cat walked my way outside where Malcolm was leaning against his 169th sports car testing out this beauty today you ready for a wild ride I was born ready baby wait wait let me start from the beginning hi my name is Serena and this is how dating the mayor's son became my worst nightmare before I continue please like And subscribe growing up people often said I looked like a delicate princess with a monkey's personality I was a Restless kid who was always jumping and climbing high places and as a teenager I got into parkour one day there was a parkour competition in my neighborhood and I felt a rush of adrenaline as I bounded up the side of a wall left onto a tree branch and then jumped onto a railing people were filming my moves just then then I spotted this guy in the crowd who clearly wasn't from around here and he was watching me as I landed a tricky flip I glanced over and his smile made my heart race wow that was impressive I've never seen a girl do things like that before oh I'm sure the girls you know can only walk down a Runway that's true which is why I'm so intrigued by you my dad owns a sportswear company among other businesses and you'd be a great face for it your face is great are you making me a modeling offer it turns out he was and an offer I couldn't refuse the money could help my family so much and before I knew it my whole life flipped upside down Malcolm was the mayor's son and after he launched my modeling career so many Brands wanted to work with me I was grateful for the opportunities but in a matter of months I had turned into someone I barely recognized and Malcolm eventually became my boyfriend he was obsessed with sports cars and racing and he was soon attending his competitions and getting to know his friends and family people always told us how good we look together but even after or two years I felt a little out of place in Malcolm's world and I never got used to the bodyguards around the last one Felix wasn't much older than us but I'd never met someone unfriendlier I tried all kinds of smiles got him coffee even brought him moms by once but not a muscle twitched in that poker face Felix my sip is open can you help me it's not my job to help you dress ma'am you can't pull up my zipper you want me to go out like this in front of all these people I don't see how that's my concern ma'am such a jerk I had no choice but to go like that when suddenly Felix pulled me back and zipped me up then literally pushed me away weirdo a few days later I was having a date with Malcolm and Felix and Malcolm seemed preoccupied is everything okay babe yeah fine just business stuff nothing to worry you're pretty little head about wait you ordered a beef burger with extra fries yeah waiter please take this away and bring a salad but I don't want a salad I used a bunch of contacts to get you that Prada contract you need to watch your waistline before the shoot listen there is something I want to talk to you about I'm moving to Europe next month to compete in tournaments there and I want you to come with me what but my life's here and my family plus I'm starting College soon you don't need stupid College your beauty alone can make you richer just focus on that and well me I'm your ticket to success babe together we can do great things but I just then his phone started ringing and he took it outside I could see him shouting at someone and then suddenly he just left with Felix since then Malcolm got busier and grumpier and I gave him his space but I wished he would just share things with me then one day at home I was shocked to find out that Malcolm had a terrible accident I called his parents in a panic but they weren't answering their phones finally I got through to Felix is Malcolm okay where is he sorry but I'm not at Liberty to tell you anything ma'am are you kidding me my boyfriend had an accident and you can't tell me anything about it can you for once be a human and just help me please fine I'll pick you up he refused to answer my questions as he drove me to a hospital at the other end of town down when I entered the room my heart sank seeing someone in a coma who wasn't Malcolm why are you messing with me right now that's not him look closer that's when I realized that he kinda looked like Malcolm if Malcolm had red hair a huge mole on his cheek and a beard this can't be him this is a body double right it's him and his appearance has been changed for safety reasons we're not sure if the accident was really an accident that's all I can say now let's go he called an Uber and sent me off and I could barely process everything my boyfriend was in a coma that dude on the bed was my boyfriend and what safety reasons the next day when I went to the hospital Malcolm wasn't there and apparently never had been what are you saying he was here yesterday room 209 the last room in this hospital is 208. can you please leave now as I walked out dazed I checked my phone and came across the mayor releasing a statement that Malcolm had only suffered minor injuries and was recovering nicely minor yesterday he was in a freaking coma I went straight to Malcolm's Mansion for answers but his parents wouldn't let let me in why would we let you visit our son we don't even know you huh it's me Serena his girlfriend I think you're hallucinating young lady sir I know you're concerned about his security but this is crazy I just want to know how he's doing I'm not some imposter look I'll just do my face ID like I always do but my face ID wasn't working anymore get lost before we call the police as I was walking away from the Mansion I suddenly bumped into Felix oh thank God you're here they won't let me visit Malcolm they're acting like they don't even know me I can't help you Serena I got fired for taking you to the hospital yesterday Felix I'm sorry but come on of all the people they don't trust you and me we have to figure out what's happening here yes I'm going to but I work alone and then he got into his car and just drove away I was feeling insane the next two days hatching plans from breaking into the Mansion to making noises in the Press about the whole thing then one evening I got a call from Felix to meet him at a cafe so you know how I said I work alone well I changed my mind and you can work with me yay a he then told me that Malcolm's parents were hosting a grand party for their 40th wedding anniversary that weekend their sons in a coma and they're celebrating is Malcolm even in a coma I saw the accident myself and he was unconscious but then the mayor's team took over everything and the next day I was fired we gotta get inside that Mansion to find out what's really happening I've got us on the guest list we'll be going as them Mr and Mrs the ball Della cry what to both De La Croix ruse they're French you're not gonna mess up this Mission are you because I can get someone else no I'll be amazing I promise a mission wow like I'm super worried about Malcolm of course but this sounds exciting so you got any like Pro tips for this undercover spy Biz yeah we're an adult diver can't take bathroom breaks on a mission and you pee 20 times a day I do not do you wear a diaper of course not I'm trying to hold my pee for 72 hours right okay any other advice yeah wear a dress with a long slit you mean like those Bond movies where there's always a bimbo girl wearing a dress with a long slit so she can distract the bad guy with her legs I'm the bimbo the slit makes it easier to kick the bad guys and run genius that's what I meant anyway oh gotcha on the night of the party we could have fooled the French couple themselves with our disguises Felix and I were wearing earpieces to communicate with each other and soon after we walked in we heard Malcolm's parents talking loudly with some guests oh Malcolm's doing great he couldn't be here tonight because he's left for Brazil to train for his next race barely got a scratch on him in the accident the Lucky Devil and he's already back at it such Liars Felix signals that he was slipping away to explore the mansion and just then a couple approached me you are so Chic French I'm guessing CeCe it's we we sorry I mix up sometimes my parents are half French half Fu Jamaican oh could you please say something in French I so adore the language excuse yourself walk away um [Music] it means yeah this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship that was mostly garbage and then you said cheese omelette would you care to dance Mademoiselle the man was dragging me off to the dance floor before I could say no and some tango music came on you don't know how to do the Tango do you listen I'm watching you just follow my instructions first step forward with your right foot and pivot on your left then cross your left foot over your right and step back with your right I had no idea what I was doing but I soldiered on no Serena you're left not his left you're gonna trip and sure enough I went tumbling to the floor I quickly got up and walked off to the corner and I could hear Felix laughing it's not funny butt face hey that's no way to talk to your husband now can you just stay out of trouble for five minutes so I can focus oh gosh someone's coming Serena I need you to remember this password JK 5942-438 dollar sign wait wait wait wait what let me get this down pull the dogs out 4789 I have tissue and a lipstick now can you start from the beginning oh God there's no time just start running towards the main door what and just leave you here I'm right behind you run I started sprinting at mad speed as Felix caught up with me holding a laptop and a bunch of security guards after him head towards the garden we gotta get over that wall you think you can manage oh Mr croissant you're about to see something really special I bounded up the wall like a cat and landed on the other side before Felix we ran towards his car and made a fast getaway we stopped in a fast food parking lot and Felix opened up the laptop I'm still buzzing dude I haven't felt so alive in ages I have to admit that wall climbing was amazing I've seen some of your Parkour videos but watching you in person well I'm impressed you've seen my videos I haven't posted anything in like two years I do a background check on my clients so yeah they came up okay I logged into their security system and see this it's a view of every room in the mansion and Malcolm isn't there they've moved him someplace else what do we do now we'll figure something out for now you deserve a good meal after your first mission and you can eat in peace without Malcolm around excuse me you know he's always telling you what to eat no what he's not telling me anything he's just looking out for me I mean I am a model and I owe my career to Malcolm okay so he also wasn't telling you that you have to move to Europe and that you don't need college just because you get to eavesdrop on our conversations doesn't mean you get to judge us I'm just saying Malcolm's a bit of a jerk with you you don't owe him anything it's a relationship not a business transaction I don't have to sit around and listen to this you know nothing I stormed off and hailed a cab before he acted like I didn't exist and now he's suddenly had all these opinions about my life I'd cooled off a bit by morning and I really wanted to know what Felix was planning next luckily he texted me soon I think I know where he is if you want to join me be at the airport by 7 PM well that wasn't an apology exactly but it would do I told my parents I had a shoot in another city for a few days almost thought you wouldn't make it also Serena it's okay I accept your apology apology I haven't even thought about apologizing I was just saying why do you have two large suitcases I had to pack summer and winter clothes because I didn't know where where we were going thanks to your cryptic message can't you use your words better can't you use your words less or not at all I wasn't gonna talk to this jerk on the flight even though I wanted to know why he thought Malcolm was in London but as the plane was taking off Felix noticed how hard I was clutching the armrest Miss parkour is afraid of flying yeah there's nothing to jump at at forty thousand feet god I think I'm having a panic attack anything I can do breathe into this paper bag yes you can can you sing a One Direction song for me their songs calm me down uh which one any sing any okay okay baby you light up my world like nobody else the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe you don't know oh you don't know you're beautiful he had that half smile on his face and my heart did something funny but I snapped out of it you actually know a One Direction song dude you're so lame what but you just said yeah I lied I'm not having a panic attack and I certainly don't listen to One Direction like a 13 year old girl now should I paint your nails while you tell me your hopes and dreams Felix refused to talk to me after that and I couldn't stop grinning Serena won Felix zero after we'd checked into our hotel Felix told me that he'd intercepted some phone calls the mayor had made to London it's just a strong hunch but Malcolm's parents Own a Mansion in the countryside and I think he's there we'll try sneaking in late at night okay so what are we doing during the day we could see London we did and I found myself having more fun than I'd had in ages even Felix seemed relaxed and different here and well cuter so there's something that's been bothering me a bit I'm looking for Malcolm because he's my boyfriend but why are you looking for him you're not even his bodyguard anymore well there's something weird going on here and I just want to get to the bottom of it is that all actually there is something just then an old lady started begging Felix to buy eye flowers and the minute he turned to her a woman in black grabbed me I've got the girl I need reinforcements now Felix immediately spun into action and attacked her he sent her flying into a bush and then grabbed my hand as we ran with more people chasing us we came out onto a street where a huge parade was happening the place was jam-packed we pushed through the crowd jumped over cars and managed to make our way through narrow alleys till we were sure we'd shaken those people off who were those guys and why did that woman say I've got the girl what did she want with me Malcolm is involved with some dangerous people Serena maybe they're looking for him too and thought you could lead them to him can you please tell me more I'll tell you everything after we find Malcolm I promise we didn't go back to our hotel in case it was being watched and headed straight to the mansion we hid out till it was dark and Felix scouted the area and reported there were only two guards at the main gate we jumped over the back wall and made our way to the house and Felix picked a lock of the kitchen door in minutes this was almost too easy but the second Felix pulled the door open I saw something coming his way and I threw him onto the floor did you just save me from being impaled by an arrow I think I just did remind me to thank you if we survived this there were more arrows being shot by a machine and Felix and I crawled our way out of there and landed in the main hall hey you've scraped your shoulder oh it must have happened while climbing over the wall let me take a look it's bleeding Felix was standing really close as he inspected my wound and I was feeling a bit Breathless suddenly he stopped short Serena what's that around your neck what this it's a diamond pendant Malcolm gave me a few weeks ago I usually keep it under my shirt what why is your face all weird that necklace it's got everything I've been looking for huh Serena I actually work for the government it took up a job as Malcolm's bodyguard because we found out he's involved with a ring of diamond Smugglers I've been trying to get to them through Malcolm but I had no idea he had this necklace that you had it this diamond can bring down their whole smuggling operation so I'm gonna need that and we can leave now wait wait leave what about Malcolm actually my mission is done I don't need him anymore so what you're not gonna help me find him now fine take this necklace and go I ran off down the hallway feeling shaken but determined to find Malcolm and seconds later Felix was by my side you're so exasperating why do you even care about stupid Malcolm I'm not explaining myself just leave I opened a door at the end of the hallway and we entered a bare room but suddenly the door slammed shut behind us and the room started filling up with some gas oh great now we're gonna die in a gas chamber help S no one's coming and there's no way out oh my god do you feel your skin melting not yet but I'd give it about three minutes till we stop feeling everything I'm so sorry for landing you here Felix and I'm sorry I can't get you out Serena really so this is it any lust wishes yeah just one suddenly Felix pulled me close and kissed me hard just then the door opened and Malcolm was standing there with armed guards behind him Malcolm oh thank God you're okay and you just saved us you weren't gonna die that's just some harmless smoke to scare Intruders what are you two doing here looking for you can you please tell me what's been going on and finally Malcolm explained everything a year ago I got involved with some Diamond Smugglers they wanted me to use Dad's connections to make smuggling into the city easier and they offered a lot of money I tried doing what they said but I wasn't successful and I wanted to back out and then I had the accident I did hurt my head but I was conscious soon and told Dad everything he got me out of the country to hide me from those people but I guess they're still after me because I know too much how come you still have this necklace oh that's just something I picked up from The Smuggler's headquarters once man you should have seen the diamonds they have I'm sure no one noticed me digging this tiny thing thanks for the thoughtful present it's not just a necklace it has an encrypted microchip that has information about their whole network we can take them down for good with this Hui who are you really dude law enforcement sorry I was just acting as your bodyguard so what happens to me now if you cooperate I'm sure we can be lenient with you soon enough some official looking cars arrived and as Malcolm was being escorted out he suddenly asked to speak to me I should be out of this mess soon babe and then we'll go anywhere do anything we want accept that with you I haven't really been doing what I want Malcolm I'll always be grateful to you for helping me make my family's lives better but I can't keep being your girlfriend for that reason seriously you're breaking up with me I made you so my looks and talents are worthless I'm not sure I even want to be a model anymore I'd rather go to college and take a parkour again goodbye Malcolm and good luck Felix told me I'd be escorted back home by a security team who'd keep a watch on me till the operation was over I need to tie up some loose ends here you were a good partner Serena see you around did he just leave me with an arm punch a few hours later I was settling into my airplane seat and I couldn't help feeling deflated just then I Heard a Voice scoot over I'm here to Hold Your Hand Felix what are you doing here don't you have loose ends to tie yeah but I felt we needed to talk about some things first like the fact that you broke up with Malcolm just came to my senses I guess we're all wrong for each other cool cool sounds good anything else you want to talk about like that passionate kiss in the guest room what about it people do crazy things when they think they're about to die well that's good to know also when they're in love what I've liked you since ages Serena I hated seeing you with Malcolm but there wasn't much I could do about it so what do you think am I right for you too soon to tell take me out on a proper date and we'll see what do you think I'm doing here we're up in the clouds we've got food this is a date airplane food doesn't feel like a date it's a date it doesn't feel like one to me let's see what we can do to change that
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 12,043,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FTT09r24NLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 37sec (1117 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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