My Parents Are Super Creepy.

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foreign hello I'm Lily from Canada please like And subscribe to MSA growing up I was a healthy and strong kid who wasn't afraid to jump from high walls or do anything extreme but I could only imagine all that because my parents were so overprotective once when I was four and mom took me to the park I started doing handstands and cartwheels with another child and all the moms were cheering us on but my mom started to panic Lily where did you learn to do those dangerous stunts from TV there's this cold dance program and enough we need to go home from that day onwards Mom and Dad stopped watching anything with dance gymnastics or any physical activities when I was in third grade and wanted to be part of an extracurricular dance for school they never allowed me you guys are so unfair you know how good I am with my feet why can't I Just Dance because hon we live a very peaceful life right now what if you become a famous dancer and then there are reporters and the next thing you know you're being published do you really want all that attention yes who doesn't my parents still refuse and their excuse was ridiculous and then when I went into high school I started to rebel against them and become friends with the most rebellious girl in school Zoe everyone in school was scared of her because she did the craziest things like this one time when we were in the eighth grade she set the school's Rose Garden on fire oh my gosh Zoe we're gonna get in so much trouble there's no cameras here so no one will know this is my payback to the principal for giving us detention for an entire month I know that was so unfair we weren't the only ones who threw food around in the cafeteria even though Zoe was crazy wild she was the most genuine person I'd ever met and one day when we were in the 11th grade she finally invited me over to her house for a sleepover I can't believe this this is the first time you invited me to your house well you haven't really invited me to your house either but anyway my mom only recently got a decent job to take care of us we struggled for a really long time after my dad left oh I'm sorry you mentioned us I assume that you are an only child I wish I were an only child I have a brother and just because he goes to a special school my parents give him all the attention and just then when we entered her house the most gorgeous looking guy gazed at me from the living room Lily meet my goofball brother Grant hi Grant as we walked past him Grant winked at me and I blushed so red I was definitely gonna enjoy my sleepover Zoe's room was exactly what I I expected it to be creepy and a little scary since she had bats hanging from every corner and then her mom came into her room limping I made you girl some cookies so glad to finally meet you Lily Zoe's mom was so sweet but Lily told me she was sad most of the time and when I asked why Lily said she didn't want to talk about it I was really moved by the story and then Zoe broke the ice by slamming my face with a pillow pillow fight we had loads of fun pillow fighting dancing and just being free until my mom called honey I think you need to come home but Mom we spoke about this I'm sleeping at a friend's house because we're working on a school project your father and I are very worried I'm hanging up now and I'm not coming home tonight Zoe saw how frustrated I was and I ended up telling her all about my crazy parents maybe they're hiding something from you because why would any parent not want their kid to participate in any hobbies or activities yeah they're definitely hiding something because my life is is not normal that night I couldn't sleep thinking about what Secrets my parents had that made them so scared about everything I did I checked if Zoe was asleep and she was snoring like a bear I got up to go get some water and while I was at the kitchen sink a hand suddenly touched my shoulder and I jumped feeling freaked out and before I could scream Grant held my mouth oh my gosh you gave me such a fright I'm sorry I usually wake up to get a glass of milk around this time I have night eating syndrome I got it from my dad you want to join me well I'm struggling to sleep too so why not Grant and I sat outside on their swinging chairs on the porch we spoke for hours and I couldn't believe we had so much in common I sometimes teach Latin dance to some of the younger kids at the Community Hall after school you should come by wow that's so cool I'll definitely stop by we continued talking until we lost track of time and fell asleep on the chair but I woke up to a camera flashing in my face and Zoe looking angrily at me so I guess having a sleepover with my brother was much more fun than with me Zoe it's not like that I Zoe didn't let me finish and rudely asked me to leave her house but Grant stood up for me why are you being so difficult I like Lily and there's nothing you can do about it Grant took my hand and walked me out I just felt more and more Sparks between us so we started acting weird after that but at least I had Grant as time went by I started going to the Community Hall after school to watch Grant teach I was mesmerized by his moves and one day after his class was over he called me to dance with him Grant I don't know anything about dancing I'll just watch he took my hand and held me around my waist and we almost kissed until we were interrupted by Zoe she had her music kit and danced in the hall glaring at me oh don't mind me I'm just here to practice for the up and coming competition you need a dance partner for the competition don't worry about me brother you should be concerned with your dance partner who has two left feet I wasn't planning on taking part in any dance competition but because of Zoe's new attitude towards me I took her mockery as a challenge what if we practice until we shine so bright that Zoe won't be able to open her big mouth anymore I think I like that plan after a while I stood up to Zoe she tried to make my life a nightmare at school once I was reading a book under the school tree during recess and then suddenly I felt eggs cracking on my head one after the other and when I looked up I saw Zoe looking like a koala Zoe I'm gonna get you for this you crazy witch she definitely laughed like a crazy witch after that and that wasn't all for the day when I got back home after school she was at my house and thank goodness my parents weren't around have you completely lost your mind I didn't come here to fight I'm just here to warn you about my brother he has a girlfriend so let's just stop being enemies and let's go back to being pals your brother and I are not dating and besides he would have mentioned his girl before I could complete my sentence my parents came back from shopping and Zoe's expression changed you know what I think we should just forget the Friendship thing I felt so confused with her and my parents acted even more strange when they rushed me into the house and locked the door who was that and why was she at our house relax that's Zoe I was at her house for a sleepover and why are you two always on edge did you all commit a crime or something Lily we will not have you talk to us like that to your room now my parents frustrated me with whatever secret they were keeping I was done listening to them and never told them about my dance lessons or the local competition but I did invite them to the contest and told them it was a school function I thought after they saw me dance they would understand my passion but I was wrong Lily what did you do I just won a local competition you should be proud of me and then Mom suddenly took my hand in a panic come on we have to get out of here before anyone sees us but before I could walk out the door Zoe called out to me she was with her mom and Grant Lily wait my mom wants to meet your parents I pulled my hand away from Mom and ran to them and when Zoe's Mom saw my parents she immediately stopped smiling and my parents had this look of guilt in their eyes Lily are these your parents yeah why our parents used to be best friends and famous dancers but one time they were doing a competition your mom tripped my mom and broke her foot your mom ended up winning the competition and my mom's foot was permanently injured she was never able to dance again I looked at my parents and all of a sudden mom started crying and I looked at her angrily so all this time when you were stopping me from doing what I loved it was to avoid how you felt about your guilt we did everything for you when I found out I was having a baby it came as a shock and your father and I didn't have any money for a baby so you cheated and left her to suffer we are so sorry Lily this has haunted us for so long and we are still ridden with shame every day because of it somehow we thought if we shielded you from pursuing any hobby you loved we'd prevent you from ever making the kind of Heartless mistake we made so we walked away with her mom and Grant stood watching me with sad eyes I guess we'll meet in another life that was the last time I saw Grant because when I went home mom and dad quickly made plans to leave town so I guess you guys are just gonna run away from your problems again honey we have built a good reputation for ourselves and we can't have anyone ruin it yeah whatever I was so disappointed in my parents and after we moved I was homeschooled which I hated but stuck through it and whenever I felt like dancing I did it in my bedroom and then one day when I was in the 12th grade I was tired of being indoors all the time so while my parents were out I decided to take the bus to visit Zoe and Grant the bus rode for hours before we could reach the town and when I finally got there it was so dark as I walked to Zoe's house I could feel someone follow me and then suddenly the person who was following touched my shoulder and I screamed calm down it's me Grant I immediately hugged him tightly crying I had all these emotions bottled up inside and seeing him I couldn't hold back anymore I am so sorry about what my parents did to your mom please don't hate me I don't hate you Lily but I don't think I can ever forgive your parents for what they did to my mom but it's about to rain your parents are waiting at my house I was shocked that my parents would even show their faces in this town and when I got there Mom ran to me crying oh Lily we were worried sick how are you guys here when we didn't find you home we asked everyone we could in the complex and then finally a little girl said she saw you get on the Kibler bus and that bus only goes to one town I was shocked that Zoe and her mom allowed them into her house and then Zoe looked at me sternly why would you run away from your house to come here don't you get it we don't like your family wow I thought maybe over the years you would have grown a heart Zoe and her family still couldn't find it in their heart to forgive my parents and I had to accept that my parents took me back home and I eventually moved on and one day Mom and Dad gave me an envelope when I opened it I was so surprised they applied for me to study dance in one of the best universities abroad wow Mom Dad are you sure you want this for me dance is what you love and we deprived you of it for too long yes we will support you every step of the way my parents finally started being supportive and I sent the university my audition clips and I immediately got accepted I lived in New York for five years training as a professional dancer and one day I was chosen to perform in the biggest theater production called The Nutcracker which traveled everywhere and one day we were set to perform in my previous town I went to my favorite cake shop and was shocked to find Zoe dressed up like a hobo Zoe is that you Lily my friend can you spare me a dollar I'm starving she smells awful and instead instead of giving her a dollar I bought her a meal and after she ate the food she changed towards me don't think this small gesture means I forgive you you need help Zoe I was shocked and hurt that she still had so much bitterness inside her from there I decided to go to her house and find out more of what went wrong and when I got there I was surprised to find a new family staying at the house it seemed as though Zoe was left abandoned I went back to the streets where I found Zoe took her back to my parents house and started her off with a bath she moaned and grumbled the whole way through but I wasn't gonna leave someone I knew on the streets why are you helping me is this because you feel guilty about your parents no and that happened a long time ago I think it's about time you get over it now tell me what's your story why are you out on the streets I messed up when I found out that you were gonna study dance I wanted that too but my mom couldn't afford it so I gambled hard so hard that we lost the house I'll never forgive myself Zoe started crying and I comforted her I invited her to The Nutcracker production and she loved it so much that I even put in a word for her with my manager to be an assistant props girl and when we went back to my parents house Zoe and Grant were there with their mom they looked so relieved to see her Zoe what happened to you we've been looking for you for nearly a year now I know every time I saw you I hid away I let you guys down and I'm sorry Zoe's mom thanked me and my parents for helping Zoe come to her senses I don't think you'll ever know how sorry I am do you think you can forgive me one day I don't know about that but we can still make peace with each other just then Grant and Zoe hugged each other and then walked over to me so what about our friendship Lily can we have a new start I would love that you guys foreign [Music]
Channel: MSA previously My Story Animated
Views: 10,764,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: t1N_vcQ-4YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2022
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