I Caught Stardew's Hardest Fish as Fast as Possible

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so today i will be attempting to catch the legend the hardest fish in the game as quickly as i possibly can the only requirements for catching the legend are that you have a fishing level of 10 whether that be through naturally or through buffs that it's spring and that it's raining and that you catch it in the mountain lake those are the only requirements besides that i'm going to try and catch it as quickly as i possibly can and of course this is the speed run so i'll be going off of like cumulative time not like in game time so i'm not trying to catch it by like day five i'm trying to catch it like with the least amount of time before we start it i'm going to like do a little bit of theorycrafting what i think will be the best strategy because i think there's like a lot of different ways to tackle this so we'll do as always when we do these speed runs and just sort of like lurk on the wiki for a bit i think this run is going to be pretty long there's not a lot of ways to really get passive fishing experience points right besides crab pots but crab pops are pretty expensive to both build or buy say for farming you plant stuff and sprinklers water it for like 10 days and then you harvest them on the 10th day right for fishing you need to like you need to like harvest those crab pots every single day it's gonna be very rng dependent uh based on how many fish bites you get your ability to actually catch the fish but also it's skill because it's like everybody hates fishing so much and we'll see how hard fishing is so yeah all right so let's just look at the legend first and foremost yeah so either naturally or through fishing buffs right and there's a couple way to get fishing buffs and the most significant of them all of course is the seafoam pudding which will give you plus four fishing experience points right but you don't get the recipe until level nine and once even you get it it's like impossible to craft because you can't get just midnight carp like until fall right and the only places you can buy a seafoam pudding are at the uh dancing moonlight jellies so i think it would be really hard to get a seafoam pudding which would save a lot of days because then we would only have to get fishing level six right first let's look at fishing exp right all right so we need 15 000 experience points and crab pots earn the player 5 xp yeah that's not worth it at all otherwise for each catch of the fish the amount of experience earned is as follows oh my god that is complex like it would just be nice if we can get a buff because then we don't have to get as high of level right we only have to get level 9 fishing technically because we can buy a trout soup from willy's then we'll be able to only have to get to level 9 which will save us a lot so i guess we only need 10 000 experience points i think it is that saves us a lot of exp but i'm wondering if there's a way we can get even lower i think you want to sleep fish on 20th summer and buy the food and then sleep to spring again you think you don't think it would be advantageous to just get it done in spring one because i was thinking about trying to get the seafoam from willy but i was like that seems like a lot of work it's about 10 minutes of sleep a year oh that's less than that's less than a day yeah maybe that is the play then dang it costs 5000 g that's a lot of money but we can definitely make that we would just have to get fishing level 6. so we would probably just like save all of our fish until fishing level 5 get fisher get 5000g get the seafoam pudding dude traveling cart would like swing this so hard like if you get a lucky traveling car and get like dish of the sea on like spring day 3 you'd save so much time but it feels a little like a lot to bank on gus can send fish taco you can also buy fish tacos it's only two levels though i've learned anything about gus he's the most annoying person to befriend ever he is the world's most annoying person to befriend but if we're fishing anyway it's not the end of the world we would just have to give him one gift on his birthday i still think this is all worse than the pudding though the pudding feels like the play the only thing that we have to keep in mind is getting 5000g before summer 28. basically we are going to sleep through all of spring until spring 27 on spring 27 i'm gonna sell all the forage that i have on my forest farm and craft two chests one is gonna be for my house one's gonna be for the ocean then a summer day with best luck i'm gonna buy the trout soup fish in the ocean and sell my fish to willy's at 4 30 so i can buy the upgraded rod and some bait then i'm gonna go to the lake at five and get fishing three by the end of the day then in another summer best luck day i'm gonna go back to the ocean try and get fishing five if i don't have fishing another five i'm gonna do that again on a good luck day or a neutral day as long as not a bad day then something like judging and fishing out until the festival so i can buy the seafoam pudding i need to have 5000g here the run might as well restart this fall fishing day i think i'll actually axe if not fishing six fish in the mountain until you are in short be good get good and duff fishy is mine it's just that easy is it possible i don't know is it gonna work i don't know did we try sorta all right let's do this we got this guys i believe in us three two one oh wait yeah go three two one begin sleep sleep sleep sleep just time to sleep just time to sleep we all know the plan we know the plan all we're doing is sleeping we're just sleeping until the 27th easy why am i so nervous why am i so nervous i have no idea how long this run is gonna end up being but i guess we'll see it could never even happen for me but i guess we'll just have to see no accidentally emoted well that's a time loss i'm not even nervous that i'm gonna get a bad time i'm more nervous that i'm gonna mess something up and not be able to complete the run you know i don't think i'll be able to get level three fishing in one day i mean you could probably do the seated run like mega quick dang it really is quick to sleep through seasons it's been two minutes okay all right now the run starts was it worth it to get that i don't know come on come on marty come on come on yeah yeah i see this cat here yes no no no i don't i don't no no no okay goodbye goodbye goodbye barney set quick settings i forgot to do this in the same menu okay a leak horseradish a dandelion over on that side and a bunch of stuff over there okay so we'll go down and around perfect let's go we can sell this fiber too we also need to get like 100 wood for chests we're probably gonna have forging one today quite honestly oh i can't my inventory's full uh don't need mixed seeds okay get the leak uh my inventory is still full i don't need sap for anything god we have like no inventory space is the problem okay i'm gonna sell the fiber screw it i mean trash it you need to get enough wood for one more chest oh my gosh i haven't even gone to the fishing part yet and this is so stressful hey we need to cut down like probably one more tree i think okay i think we should be good perfect perfect okay now we just have to check luck once summer happens that's pretty good money that's like pretty much enough to afford the uh the rod oh i need to check the look okay you need it to be a max luck day that's the boulder that you always get because of the spa okay dang we're not getting good luck today we need star drop luck okay that is a skull that i've just seen okay that is another skull this okay that's a bat not even not even pyramid luck day not even pyramid luck guys oh another skull another minimum luck day what is this okay come on i look i've never seen so many worst luck days strung together in my life i want to shoot for star drop believe in star drop okay maybe i shouldn't have believed in star draft i definitely could have just gone with pyramid but i can't get greedy star drop okay let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go and lucky for us too it's a friday if there's any forage on the way i'll pick it up just for the energy so that we can eat less of our fish as energy okay hearts racing every second matters check the trash can on the way fish taco okay never mind bubbles bubbles bubbles bubbles baby nice [Music] i just realized that the chest definitely can't be there because willy's gonna break it but it's fine okay thank you oh i threw the bubbles i threw the bubbles it's really important for us to try at least to get perfects because perfects give us higher exp i think it's like doubled by two or something like that but i think treasure chests are better than perfix in terms of exp and just in terms of raw value this is like a weird speed run right because like i don't know usually speed runs you're like okay we gotta go fast go to go fast gotta go fast but like we're just like sitting here waiting for a fish to bite we could really use like bait or like i don't know trout soup or something oh cole nice dang what is this treasure chest look okay i see you that is some good treasure chest luck two in a row baby it's like a red mullet more coal what's with all this coal man all right once i catch this fish i'm gonna go back in there and buy the rod actually no you know what i'm gonna wait a little bit longer because i want a little bit more money for bait what the heck what is this pattern oh a tuna that's a lot of xp i know it this looks like another tuna i think i think we also already got fishing one this is turning out a lot better than i thought what oh i don't have fishing two yet oh dude i am not doing great with these perfects honestly oh that looks like fishing too no way the perfect and the treasure chest oh my god the last second we threw oh that looked like fishing too to me it did okay buy a bunch of bait i don't know like buy a bunch and then buy two trout soups all right let's do this fishing level two it's not even 11 a.m didn't eat the trout soup though that will probably help so now we have de facto fishing three basically because we need to get fishing three by the end of today and we can also pass out today so that's kind of nice okay we can't throw this perfect dang it oh oh my god i'm throwing up at how i'm throwing right now i'm literally puking and crying and peeing oh my gosh okay that was my first fish throw guys all right we're starting to run out of room here so we're gonna need to put the chest down pretty soon so like right there should be safe all right now we gotta save all our fish it really goes to show you how much the exp difference between um level ones two and three oh i can't believe i got that i don't know if you can buy multiple seafoam puddings at the festival i think you can only buy one but the thing is we can just reset the day until we get it we don't have to like do it all one day and then if the seafoam pudding runs out then we don't get it it's like we can just reset the day and get both all right it's 5 p.m and i think we fit fishing three so i'm pretty happy with the day no matter what come on puffer fish come to me oh the super cucumber same thing let's go let's go nice silver quality super cucumber did we get fishing level four no way no we still have fishing level three all right and we're just gonna fish here till we pass out all right unfortunately no more trout soup for the day so we're just going at this one raw but it's all good all right it's been 30 minutes and we're at the end of day one and we're about like midway to fishing level four i think oh you can't pass out from the fishing rod that's annoying it's fine i'll just fish here until the day is done all right one more hour left can we get the last fishing level today all right we didn't get the four but still three fishing levels on damn bad i think if we had bought the extra oh we did get the four dang i can't believe we got fishing level four okay we probably need one more star drop luck day for sure we probably don't need to fish the entire day of the next star drop day because then we just have to hit five and i want to buy a bunch of trout soups next pyramid luck day i'll go out i'm just being really greedy i'm playing a very risky game here but you know what go big or go home guys [Music] what'd i say what did i say i knew it would happen for me we have to hit level five today no matter what so that we can hit level six on the day of the dance of the moonlight jellies and then we just sleep sleep sleep till we get the legend baby this might be a lot easier than i thought honestly oh another freaking perfect this man's on fire right now how many trout soups should i buy five maybe seems a little overkill no i honestly think that five would probably be good quite honestly i'm really really scared about throwing the legend like catch like if i do all this work and then i can't even catch the legend at the end of it all okay now by the time he gets there i should be at the counter oh he was already at the counter probably left a little earlier [Music] five trout soups and then i think i have enough bait yeah i should have enough bait for ten thousand lifetimes i we need to watch for when i hit level five because i think we're gonna hit five quicker than i initially think and then we need to get like halfway to five i feel like or like a third of the way and then let the moonlight jellies do the rest oh no no no no don't throw don't throw don't throw don't throw don't throw puffer fish in the bag baby did i level up is that why i didn't notice that i had less borrow i'm just dumb i did okay i got fishing level six are fishing all five all right i'm gonna do like a couple more uh throws and then i'm gonna do the rest on the dance in the moonlight jellies i need to sell all my fish overnight it's things to get 25 less on some of those fish but i don't really see another way around it i guess i should have carried more back and put more in the chest back tomorrow all right i think this will be the last one i catch [Music] okay quick decision making needs to happen here take the trout soup i need that take this fish that's gonna sell for a lot take that let's take the fish that are gonna sell for the least one two three four five six seven eight nine ten we can put one more in there uh let's throw these red mullets oh but the trout soup stupid okay well one of these is gonna have to die puffer fish is better than the silver quality tuna i guess all right let's go this is going surprisingly well i can't believe how well this is going we could officially patched out and just got level six then then we would have kind of wasted that last day i guess i may have been level 11 but don't ship tonight i thought you could ship tonight for it to work i thought it just didn't work with tiller i thought it worked with this am i wrong okay i'll sleep just in case okay i'll ship tonight you need the perk first okay well that was almost a disaster so i'm glad that i learned that i learned a lot today all right we have enough for the seafoam pudding and a little extra for fun today's the moonlight jellies we go up to the mountain lake we start fishing ah i guess i could just gone the long way but i'm lazy i'm just gonna keep my sight with me because honestly i don't want the time lost from going back oh my goodness oh my gosh okay i guess i need my axe i'm just gonna go the long way no okay i'm just gonna bring my axe i guess okay this is why you do not let your farm get overrun kiddos all right let's go now finally geez all right all we gotta do today is hit fishing level six and then everything else is just bonus i'm pretty sure we can hit fishing level six it's not the end of the world if we don't but we're in the last stretch of the run all we have to do is wait until the dance of the moonlight jellies fish all day okay so the mountain lake right we're gonna get less experience points than we're getting in the ocean and also we weren't able to determine what kind of luck day it was i guess i should check i mean we have to fish today either way it's not like the luck is gonna change that yeah no sense in checking our level i mean either way it doesn't matter we just gotta fish until the end of the day the festival starts at 10 probably takes like an hour and a half to walk there probably could get there in an hour but i'll do an hour and like 20 just to be safe i feel like this run is gonna end at like around an hour and a half because the rest of this day is gonna take probably around 13 minutes and then we need to wait for the legend to do its thing nice uh [Music] whatever another sturgeon okay with a treasure chest oh god this could be good okay oh my god that worked out perfect timing holy crow oh i need to eat my trout soup i need to be watching that more carefully yeah these are the longest bubbles i've seen in my entire life what is this it's been bubbles have been going since like 8 a.m they're still going man the unfortunate thing about time being paused while you fish is really we're like this is more of a waiting game for time to run out rather than like we need to accomplish anything we kind of just like need time to go down so like once we have fishing level six it might actually be disadvantageous for us to keep catching fish but i don't know what we would do for the rest of the day then well there's more bubbles up there though what is this look okay nice we hit fishing level six all right dope i could keep fishing for the extra fishing exp but it doesn't seem worth it i feel like now we literally just wait i literally have no clue what to do with our time i mean in theory i could keep fishing and then just like give myself better odds but didn't seem worth it well i mean i guess we can clear a path to the mountain in the meantime so we can easily get to the mountain lake tomorrow or not tomorrow once we sleep through spring because it's going to be like a whole another year so all this debris is going to spread this is not how i was expecting this run to go at all i thought it was gonna be a struggle to get it okay is it killing you guys to see me eat these rare fish perfect i'm just gonna place them down somewhat randomly yeah trees will be a lot more annoying to deal with i guess than regular debris oof kind of close there on the energy sort of thing i ate that calm mushroom there because i was like i really don't want to accidentally use something and then throw right here throwing would be so bad okay let's head to the ocean now now we just wait here an hour to catch uh to get the moonlight jellies festival and then and then we're pretty much done the question now is can we get a sub 120 run i think so but is sub 115 possible sub 110 is definitely not happening sub 115 is like definitely possible let's see how it goes all right and home we go home we go [Music] what oh you have to watch the dance the moonlight jellies you can't just walk out of this event what okay i didn't know that oh come on i didn't know that are you kidding can i skip the cutscene oh no no i didn't know this oh i mean i guess this is inevitable this is going to happen to like anybody oh my god this is like a 10 minute cut scene are you kidding me yeah the 115 is not possible now i don't even know if we're gonna be done with this freaking cut scene by 1 15. okay all right now we just sleep until spring it's fall three it should take us another like 10 minutes i don't even know what i was talking about for i forgot that i had to sleep through like so many seasons is this the surprisingly chill run i guess it's all gonna come down to like this one moment where i either catch the fish or i don't i'm so afraid i'm gonna throw this legend catch man i'm so afraid of it dude i know i like know that i'm at least not gonna catch it once no cork bobber no trapper bobber pure skill baby okay it's springtime now it's the springer time now we need to wait for it to rain and then we go fishing okay let's go let's go let's go no i don't care i don't care kent definitely sub 130 we're gonna get there's not a specific spot you need to stand is there i'm gonna stand to my normal fishing spot just in case it has to be by the log oh what log what log oh that one oh where else was good i thought it was here but then everyone's saying about the log there's no line here what do you guys talk about log this is so nerve-wracking oh [Music] i was so just like eagerly anticipating just like throwing it back i was just releasing it because i was like oh it's not gonna be the legend i'm not gonna click it on the second attempt oh my god well you know it's just a future time save for the next run okay come on okay [Music] time right there yes dude that is an easy fish to catch that ain't nothing that was easy sub 120 actually happened i can't believe it that was a really easy pattern oh my god that was an insanely easy pattern that was really good sometimes you just get good patterns man 118 that's honestly like a lot quicker than i was expecting obviously there's a lot of like things that i could have optimized but that was still really good new world record is right baby 118 that's pretty good i think that's sea seafoam pudding strat is really strong i also think we got really lucky with those bubbles man those bubbles on on the dance the moonlight jellies went for like five hours or something it was nuts anyway that was pretty fun run that was a ton of fun thanks for uh being here guys i really enjoyed that i honestly was kind of dreading this run i thought it was gonna take like three hours but i did that surprisingly quick and it was like really fun the whole way through [Music] or
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 258,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sBr3MKH6RuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 40sec (1360 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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