Stardew Valley, But I Use a Warp Totem Every Minute

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i modded stardew valley so that every in-game hour i randomly work to one of the five warp totem locations the farm the beach the mountains the desert or ginger island while warping i'm going to have 30 minutes to try and complete four bundles of the community center will i succeed or will the warps be too much for me three two one go all right so i've got 35 minutes four bundles my first bundle i'm gonna try and complete is gotta be the spring foraging bundle by far and away the easiest bundle to complete i'm gonna plant these parsnip seeds i'm gonna clear some space for those parsnips but but we're gonna need energy eventually i think so i think it'll be good to get some parsnips in the ground and also we're gonna need money because i would also love to get the spring crops bundle i think that would also do us really well the problem with that being okay see now we're about to die i mean teleport same thing okay i'm scared i'm very scared i don't like this i don't like it already okay it's almost time uh uh plant it okay here we go here we go oh gosh wait why didn't it work oh my god it was a little late that's scary okay i'm at the beach is there anything i can even do at the beach okay get this stuff for the crab pop bundle then i'm gonna need to get a crab from the mines okay i only got a clam unfortunately i'm gonna teleport very soon i think i can make it to pierre's piers might be our best bet oh pierce isn't open yet it doesn't open till nine stupid oh god okay geez i got really out of sync there back at the beach are you kidding all right now i can make it to piers just barely i think if i go just barely i will be able to make it to pierre's because he will open at nine and i'm probably going to teleport at like 9 10 because i think what will happen is like the first day it was like 10 seconds off so now every time it's gonna be like 10 seconds off is my approximate impression okay go go go go go go go go go go go go before we move over okay okay sell these parsnip seeds get a cauliflower um sell that mixed seed get a bean starter then we need potatoes really quick oh my god okay i don't need clay okay get a potato and honestly uh let's buy more potatoes okay perfect okay where are we off to next i would love to go back to the farm maybe you know what i should have done i should have slept through the first five days okay again with the ocean enough for the ocean i'm sick of going to this ocean man oh my lord there's nothing i can do i should have slept to the second day and try to get the fishing rod but hindsight is famously 20 20 and it's not going to be able to get back to the farm now so that's this is not great this is not this is not great you know what i should try and do i need a chest so maybe i can make it to the bus stop and start cultivating wood i'm already five minutes in okay i've see a leak spotted a leak spotted a leak i don't need actually i need all this i desperately need to get teleported back to the farm please farm please farm please farm please farm please farm please pretty pretty pretty please pretty please come on give me the farm give me the farm a desert oh god okay what do you even do with the desert okay i guess i can get rid of this stone pick up a coconut and a cactus i guess dude what do you even do at the desert uh i could have bought starford seeds of those summer okay i guess i'll pick up some coconuts you know what no no this is a perfect opportunity to get wood perfectly calculated give me give me more give me that give me please okay can we please get this please please please please okay we got all the wood okay we're about to teleport probably around now okay there we go where are we off to now we are just getting some wonky luck today man oh wait i'm so stupid wait why don't we just get on the bus and then go back to our farm duh the desert is basically like a warp back to the farm if you don't think about it at all okay we've got a little bit of time i really need that leak but i'm anticipating getting back to the desert at least one more time today or honestly what if i slept before this all even mattered plant all these things oh no dang it i was right there back okay that's fine this is fine that's okay that's okay that's fine frank forging we do not have spring crops we just have to water every single day and i think we can do that in under an hour every single day before we teleport right so then what other two bundles should we go for we could just get a bunch of money and then go for like the blacksmith bundle oh my god i exhausted okay i need to go to bed right now oh my god i exhausted so stupid okay and i also need to put my chest down okay i need to get to bed this is going to be painful if i do not get to bed before the teleport no i didn't realize it keeps going oh no no no wait it's fine i'll just pass out it's so fine oh my god that was that scared the crud out of me i didn't realize time passed during the in the menus okay let's just go water really quick and then go back to bed time is moving exceedingly fast but it's all okay okay we gotta go down here but i think we should be fine and then before the hour is up we go to bed now something i would love to do was sleep until the fifth right because if we can sleep until the fifth and if we the mountain warp totem procs then we can at least be close to the mines and that'll be something to do at least you know what i'm saying otherwise we're kind of asked in the b okay now at least if we warp we can we'll be close to the mines the mines will be open and we got a day of rain in so it's all pretty much going well now i'm thinking about going to clint's maybe do you think i could maybe go to clint's and just buy ore right can you just do that straight away because if i get enough money from like foraging and stuff then i could very easily do that it would not be that hard and then i could just finish that bundle and i would just need a bunch of copper because then i wouldn't have to tackle the mines really at all and that would be a easy bundle to complete i don't know what else to do then because there's not okay we've got pretty much everything we need for the spring but i'm trying to think about what else we could possibly get we got some mixi oh back at the desert the desert's gotta be the worst one what can you do in the desert really like if skull caverns isn't open deserts is like very bad we had eight minutes so we have to stop at 27 minutes fish tank would work i would have to sleep until summer which would waste a lot of time because to finish the lake bundle you need the sturgeon and there's only one lake though could we finish the specialty fish bundle because now we can get the sand fish easily we can cherry skip into the wood skip realm and then the ghost fish would be hard it's hard to go down deep in the mines for this we need hardwood hardwood would make this a breeze oh shoot i should have got my fishing rod cried okay let me go do that that's a really good idea i need to go do that because then i can start working on the fish tank bundle i don't even know what i would get for that like which bundle could i possibly even complete crab fish crab pot i think is pretty much assured the only thing with the crab pot is we would have to get level three fishing or get a crab in the mines i think we could probably get a crab in the mines guys buy the ghost fish from the traveling car we definitely didn't have enough time for that okay i just need to check my mail i just need to check my mail oh just barely oh my god barely made it and can i get that i just okay big drop off day and now oh i have to check the community center scroll too okay that's also something i need to do and there we go okay that's fine that's fine okay i think i can make it to the community center in this time because i want to check the scroll really quick now getting to the wizard is gonna be very hard in under an hour i genuinely think we're gonna have to use coffee in order to get it done i think we might have to go to the saloon one day get 300g and buy a coffee like even this is gonna be cutting it close like getting into the scroll the wizard's tower is way out of the way hey come on oh please let me read the scroll please please please that's why i'm the king baby that's why i'm the king let's go thank you very much that's why i'm number one baby all right we're about to warp i think there we go okay where am i now okay i'm at the beach perfect now i have the fishing rod which is nice i could try and get the lake fish bundle i don't think there's a really a chance of me getting the ocean fish bundle because you need a bunch of stuff from summer and fall the mod will send me to ginger island eventually but there's nothing from ginger island that we really need for the community center unfortunately so going to ginger island is actually gonna be a significant time loss i'm gonna fish here and hopefully i teleport to the mountains i would love to teleport to the mountains oh there we go okay great the desert just what i wanted exactly what i was hoping for i think we should just sleep for the day quite honestly like i feel like desert tone is a pretty good opportunity like okay let's go to sleep for the day and wait for it to be the next day because we've all we've got spring forging bundled down we should sleep like i almost want to say like a week after we water i think i'm going to always want to have my fishing rod on me just in case like something ever happens at least i have it on me i don't think i'm gonna really need my axe for much i don't really think i'm gonna need much wood and the scythe i don't really think i'm gonna need either the pickaxe and the hoe will keep on me though just in case and i named my watering can obviously right this moment so now we just need to water our crops every single day which should be good and i want to go to the mines today i want to try and get that crab because i know we're going to need a crab for the crab pot bundle because i think the crab pop bundle is a good shot at being useful um so we could just like reset in there i don't really think the hoe is going to be useful i was thinking we could pick up artifacts but i don't really see that really being a thing also if we get the mountain like we could also just go to you know what i do need my scythe um okay never mind actually i don't need my scythe oh okay never mind yes i do um never mind that never mind then okay no no we should just sleep you can do the bundle that's 299 wood and one nine-nine stone it is also 90 it's also 10 hardwood which i don't know where we would get the hardwood from is the unfortunate part we need more money we need to sell these parsnips i think you know what we should probably sell all of our forage at pierre's today i don't think the cactus fruit is really going to come in handy honestly i think we need to sell all of our uh forage at pierre's today because we need more money because i would love to try and tackle the blacksmith bundle keep one parsnip you're so right i'm an idiot that was so close i definitely almost trashed that okay let me keep one first thank you very much when you warp to ginger island i do not have an axe that could cut those trees oh wait can you get a mahogany tree with a regular axe wait oh my god can't you you don't need a silver axe for that do you you don't need a copper axe i think dumping in the bin actually might be better oh okay for fun getting a lot of farm totems i'm surprised we haven't got a ginger island totem yet but i'm not complaining about it you're so right dummy in the bin would be better than going to piers okay i would love to get a ginger island totem now because the construction bundle will be a breeze okay that's you guys are so smart let's hope for a ginger island warp i think i'm gonna do that while i chop down trees because then we could do construction crab spring crops spring forage all right we're about to teleport hopefully we can get this down first i think we should be able to get the wood easily i'm kind of worried about getting 99 stone and that's really just the end of my sentence okay we're back at the farm again okay all right are we ever going to get a ginger island totem we're gonna have to collect walnuts on ginger island too i forgot about that because the hardwood part up and i exhausted myself all right well let's see where we teleport chinchilla into challenge damn is driving even real dude we've got 12 minutes left and we've made like zippo zero progress okay we need to take some of this money and go to gus's today so we can get down to the wizard or do you think we can get down to the wizard without let's just try going to the wizard i have an idea there should be a cabin down here and that'll give us an extra buffer and in the meantime i'm going to clear the way here so smart so smart oh yes i should keep a potato too dude do it will i ever go to ginger island man that's all i want we're we've been getting the beach like every single time we have yet to go we went to the mountain like like once oh we just give them the kick in the beach man i don't want to go to the beach the beach has got to be the least convenient one it's the definitely by far the most annoying warp i can try and get to that bottom cabin pass out there and then talk to mr whiz and i need to get a potato from the shipping bin and i do not think we're going to be able to make it to the wizards tower from here that is a ways off we are pretty far still and it's 10 10 oh sometimes it waits until 10 10. oh my god we're so cool oh my god we're actually we might actually make it oh my god oh my god it's happening oh my gosh oh my god i can't believe we actually made it oh my god just barely holy crow okay now oh my god that must have been seconds that we had actual second and also i just realized we don't have our ax so even if we get the ginger island warp it wouldn't mean anything i'm so glad we did not get the ginger island warp and then i had no axe i bet you guys were all screaming shawn grab the axe oh you guys it's hard to look at chat okay i don't know cut me some slack uh i'm choking i'm choking okay i have 10 minutes left i have 10 minutes left what do i need to do i need to sleep enough that the cauliflower grows above all else and i will cut down some stone in the meantime that we need for the construction bundle really really hoping on that ginger island work man we're just having the world's worst luck even the mountain totem would be good anything besides farm and beach would be grand honestly i always thought that farm would not be that bad farm is pretty bad okay okay mountain is okay let's try and go into the mines and search for the crab pop bundle then we have like a whole hour basically to do this looking for crabs looking for crabs and ways down if we could get to floor five before the hour is over that would be prime because then we would at least have like a teleport in okay all right are there any crap oh and i guess you know the world will never know and we're back at the farm isn't that just grand we have 10 minutes exactly you know let's just sleep let's just sleep let's just sleep we need to get these crops up or we're not gonna have anybody we desperately need that ginger island warp i don't understand why we are not getting a ginger island warp okay this is all done screw you i don't even want to have to worry about ordering you okay we just need the collie we need the cauli and then we officially have two bundles down okay we got the kali okay while we wait let us go turn all this stuff into the community center really quick okay put this all in here okay easy one down get the spring oh okay and also i just realized i do not oh um okay sure yeah okay sure i don't don't know why don't understand what happened there but i'm not gonna i'm just glad the game went back to normal okay how much does five gold ore cost does anyone know off the top of their head how much does five gold ore cost oh oh desert okay i think we can maybe get the blacksmith bundle i think it's not completely unreasonable that's i think that's a good pivot that's a good pivot guys 400 per gold ore okay so we need five so that's 2000 g we can make 2000 g really quick that's fine just going to sell all this crud we can make 2000 g and then i think iron is like 350 so we just need a little bit more than that iron's 150 so 150 is like i think we can afford everything we need besides the copper which we'll just get when we okay we're fine we're so fine uh what do i do until clint's opens i need clint's to open bad uh i can go turn in this stuff to the community center in the meantime okay that's fine that's fine i think we could just barely make it to the pantry come on fantasy pantry pantry pantry pantry pantry oh no oh i know what the damn desert oh my what it why did it it it happened so early why did it happen so early no okay let's go get copper we need to go get copper really quick okay we need copper and stone um i will sell over i need all this stuff i don't need stone sure um wait did i really just trash my 56 stone wait i i was so stupid no wait why did i do that oh my god that was so dude does this place even exist i am convinced it does not okay can i make it to the cc okay you know what because i feel like it i will give myself an extra five minutes you know and i think that's fair i give myself to like 33 you know so which way 40 minutes in total okay now apparently warps are having a 10 40 right now i don't understand why but finally we are able to donate these god forsaken crops i do not know why i trashed the wood i cannot tell you the answer to that oh the blacks with bundle very cool oh and i just worked okay oh okay the ocean the ocean notion why did i want to be here again oh yeah cause it's close to clint's i knew that i remember that aren't i stuck smart chat holy crow i can't believe i got rid of 56 stone dear lord i'm so stupid okay clint clint clint's clint's clinton's cleanse okay shop one two three four five one two three four five and then we need you can put the rest into copper ore okay we need seven more copper ore we could try to go to pierre's really quick and sell off-ramp some of this stuff sell it off really quick and then once we inevitably get another beach warp totem well dude i i am i am what even what's even going on okay no that's fine this is also fine we need to sleep for the day we need to sleep we need to 100 go to bed and then we have three minutes to make this work and i'm not worried because we have everything we need except we're missing a little itsy bitsy beat of copper and that's fine wait no no actually no no i changed my mind let's go to pierre's really quick we have to go to piers i changed my mind i just realized how smart much smarter would be to just go to piers sell right now and then go to clint's and then buy the additional copper that we need and then sleep for three days that is just so much smarter oh we need 25 stone why did i trash 56 stone dude oh my god i'm so dumb i am literally so dumb man all right now we have enough copper if we get teleported back to the ocean okay we got teleported okay we're here stone we need stone okay we need copper we need stone okay i'm gonna take this guy out because we need stone so bad okay we have a chance guys we still got two minutes oh my god okay how do i feel about this good no i need two more stone i feel good about this actually there's two more stowed and then we're good okay now we have everything we need except well we're actually missing one bundle but that that's that's a problem for in a couple minutes that is a problem that i can solve soon in the future i know that i can all right now we need a farm warp totem you know what actually i'm gonna try and exhaust myself so no matter where we go i can uh get back home okay we've got a minute left oh my god okay we got extra stone please for the love of god ginger island uh-oh that's not good oh okay uh-oh uh-oh okay well things are not okay okay oh i'm down to copper no i'm missing two copper no no oh no [Music] that's the end of the line boys we were close all we needed was a ginger island warp and two more copper and then a chance to get to the community center and then we basically had it in the bag but you know what maybe on a on a brighter day i'll give it another chance you know but until then the totems have bested me and the chaos is better than i could ever be but thank you all for being here appreciate you all [Music] you
Channel: Seanie Dew
Views: 199,955
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4G8dbp83_PU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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