i can't stop building tiny houses in the sims

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i want to build a tiny house i know that i only build tiny houses these days and i'm sorry although i did do a mansion like two days ago so i'm i'm just saying but i want to try and use platforms to do something interesting in a tiny house i think we could all use another tiny house challenge you know it's just fun trying to make this stuff work in a small space and this time i kind of want to try and use platforms as like a foundation with it as well which maybe will make the house not a tiny house it's fine we'll figure it out let's game shall we that is a square and not what i want i don't know what to do i didn't think this through yet micro homes are so small i don't know if i can make this into a micro home to be honest i don't know if it's like physically possible to do a micro home the way that i want it to look because i want to have cool stairs it's gonna take up too much space dang it it's not worth it is it to have the cool stairs well it doesn't have to be like a tiny home right that's the other thing the roof takes up so many tiles you know that's so annoying it's gonna be like a fake tiny home i guess that isn't that bad oh dear that's not good i don't really know what i'm doing here but it was probably a mistake we'll figure it out though it's fine it is still technically a tiny home i i just want to point that out so much tinier than it needs to be but technically it is a tiny home it's the roof's fault part of what i was so inspired by was this tweet i don't know how easily we could pull this off especially in this house but i thought it was super cool how this person put a bathroom underneath a bed these walls are on tall wall height but you can see what they've done is have this like empty space underneath the bed and they've snuck a bathroom in there and it's fully functional and they just put a bed on top of it and like hit it and then it looks like they've got a cool like lofty space but there's a bathroom underneath it i thought that was genius although i don't think it's gonna work for this house it is cool though i'll link this tweet down below some people are just genius and i do not relate i am not a genius all right we'll do a bathroom there that just raise it all up why is it doing that stop go back down is this higher up too the platforms are so glitchy and weird there we go all right i want to have a higher up space for the bedroom door i'll go here kitchen there living space that'll work and it's technically a tiny home so i will have you know that i successfully made a tiny home i don't know how to have like a door to the outside we also have four extra tiles so we could like expand if we want to oh but the roof can't be expand oh so when i say we have four extra tiles really we have two extra tiles because you have to put the roof on it so never mind we don't need those tiles it's fine i mean we could do it like that we could have the staircase up look like that nothing wrong with that concept i'm just saying what if there was a wall oh this could be cool what if the kitchen was like okay i'm gonna use the new kitchen stuff because i like it so much we're gonna have to make the bathroom taller i don't even know if the bathroom can be taller one two three is that the right height platforms are weird it really is weird trying to make this stuff work isn't it i mean it'll fit technically all right that fits i don't know if we're gonna be able to have the living room of my dreams i don't know if we're gonna be able to fit a living room in here oh what if we hang on oh my god i'm a genius look at this imagine there's like a couch here we'll have to scoot these things don't worry i'll scoot tv like this okay well that doesn't work oh no all right well we can't put a half wall like i wanted to there's a lot of counter space maybe i should try and put some windows and then we can go from there let's let's start with the windows oh that looks perfect oh my goodness look oh i am so excited about this all right i don't like really um the tv being in front of it but i don't know what to do about that so we'll figure it out right now our priority is just um you know placing windows oh dear hmm okay well the window fits really well in the kitchen i don't know what to put in the bathroom could i get like this window similar height oh that works oh that's very interesting because it's like level across the top the bottom isn't because the floor is taller that works oh it makes perfect sense okay this is not ideal but your sims will still walk up this side of the stairs oh no it's too tall oh i guess it'll be fine if i just make it white okay i mean it's very small but it's functional and i think it looks kind of cool the fact that it's this tiny tiny house is because of the roof if we didn't have the roof it would be a tiny tiny home you know i guess we could make the roof just completely flat if i only have weight if there's only roof pieces oh it's clipping that's not good you just get so many more perks when it's a tier two tiny home versus a tier three small home but i like how the roof looks so it's worth it i might use the snowy escape bet oh this room is smaller than i thought the other thing is i don't know how to fit a computer in here i guess we could put a laptop at the table i'm trying to think like if we use that desk would your sim still be able to walk around it or like this desk this is a teeny tiny desk will your sims walk past that i feel like they will that's the same size as this like hallway i say hallway just the sides around the bed but like it's the same size and your sims will use this bed like i do this kind of size room all the time so i think that's fine we might be better off with a shorter floor yeah to be honest i think having just the two stairs is probably better would it be better if we had the fridge on the other side this is like not that hard to figure out i don't know why i'm struggling so much it's really not that deep oh what if we use this big long sofa i don't like the colors of it that much it comes in white your sims should be able to walk through it still and i like the idea of having a three seater sofa but i'm just not sure about the look of that one in particular you know but i do like the idea of a sofa that sits three people can always swap it for one of the new ones no but then it looks weird no i think i like the bowling night one i don't know where to put a trash can in here either i'm gonna be honest i'm not sure what we're gonna do about that problem i suppose you could just have a trash can outside and that would be fine well it's fully furnished we we can still decorate it a little bit i kind of want to try and figure out the exterior some more and then we can come back to this ugly ugly oh no ugly ugly ugly how about this can i scoot it back one okay i don't hate that problem why did all the columns jump up why does it glitch like this you know what else is really nice about using these platforms like a fake foundation is that you can put half walls directly touching them and it's not a bad thing like it works fine because usually as you probably know you can't have half walls touching a foundation because it's like no conflicting block clusters it doesn't work look it did it again i moved the lot and now my columns are jumped up again why is it doing that that's so annoying this is what i get for trying to build some complicated dumb platform house and for what this house would genuinely be better if it wasn't with platforms i wish we had more bushes that were just plain bushes like i really like these butchers i like having bushes to line things but these bushes are so expensive they're 160 each so to actually use them for landscaping is a little bit ridiculous oh this is happening again i'm gonna freak out it's so stupid how complicated it has to be just to do things like put a pathway like why is that a problem why is that genuinely a problem but it is for some reason it is a problem what if it was just grass what if there was no landscaping there and there was just grass that's a different color that's a different color why why i feel like i'm being pranked i guess we could just leave that open oh my god forget it i'm going to use grass floor tiles i don't care i'm not using terrain paint i'm doing tiles i feel like i really don't know how to landscape fancy houses this house isn't even fancy it's tiny it's just like very modern you know and cool of which i am neither of those things so i don't know how to do it this is why all of my landscaping looks the same i guess the back would benefit from bushes even if the front doesn't have them yeah we could have like a grill back here oh where'd it go i lost it i literally lost it okay oh boy that's not good i like how this looks but i think we need to have a smaller table maybe one with the umbrella on it that works so i haven't made the house a color because i don't know what color i want it to be so i'm avoiding this wouldn't have a black roof that doesn't make any sense i don't know i don't know how to do this maybe we could put some solar panels up here just for like the thrill of it just for the thrill of it we'll put some solar panels up here it's an eco home now do you see that this is my eco home well i was testing out putting some of these like cactus plant type things down here which was good in theory i feel like but the space is very small so i don't know how to i don't know how to do it should i make it blue like every other house i've ever built to be honest the blue kind of looks good oh the green is very nice oh i like the green why does every house i ever build look like this why why can't i do anything else that's different okay let's try and throw in some more skill items while we're here like we could put a guitar down your sims can use that build some skills i don't know guitar computer tv like that's all that you need right can you tell i just keep getting stuck and being like all right let's try something else now don't know how to finish landscape let's come back to that later let's do something else please i don't know what i'm doing i'm just gonna stop put the trash can over here need a mailbox jumps up to the foundation height oh no okay that's fine does it look good if we do it with like rocks and little cactus plants i guess that's very fitting i mean desert we're building a house in a desert so oh i don't hate that i can't tell if it's ugly or not i can't tell if it's like dumb or if it looks cool what if we made it like an oh no we can't do an ugly green i'm sorry though false alarm don't make it this color oh that green that like foresty color is better i don't hate that how does it look in like all of the times of day oh okay that actually feels really cool to me i think i like it what if we did do regular stairs i like the platform thing but i feel like it looked weird what do you mean too many tiles how oh cause that's a room now okay sorry false alarm okay i understand sorry i'm fixing it it's fine you know what i think i like it like this i've decided i'm going to keep it let's decorate now shall we that is important we do need to finish decorating in here to be honest i want to do white walls mostly maybe with some accents we could have like a darker green accent in the bedroom oh isn't that stunning we could even have more windows in the bedroom certainly won't hurt i want to play in this house i like this house it looks so like clean and pretty you know what i mean i feel kind of dumb saying that but that's how i feel i don't know how to get rugs in here either maybe we shouldn't have any rugs in here that doesn't make sense though does it i like how that kitchen looks a lot i think it looks so cool and do you know what i learned let me bring a sim here so i can show you 31 000 oops okay i'm just gonna grab a random sim really fast autumn oh there's still a half wall in that i thought i got rid of that half wall oh my god was it there that whole time okay well anyway i learned that you can place like the hot pot in one of these shelves down here you can put like this thing on one of the shelves down there and then when you're actually playing you can drag it out use it and then put it back and these are like functional items obviously your sims will like actually use the the lemonade pitcher and they'll actually use the hot pot to cook but then you can put them back in like a storage because these counters have plots that you can like slot items into i was so excited about the potential of that i just think that's so cool so we're definitely gonna do that we're definitely gonna try and store some items on those shelves like store actual items on the shelves for your sims to actually cook with we've got some plates and some of these things as well i just think that's so cool i i was so excited when i learned you could do that it just makes so much more sense because these things take up a bunch of counter space but you can just drag them out when you need them how cool is that okay sorry i'll stop i was really excited about that though okay we need a fire alarm oh we need to get a thermostat too we'll regret that if we don't have a thermostat i don't know how many decorations we should put in this house i think it should be kind of like clean and not have a ton of stuff on the walls i think that like these tiny living paintings are totally acceptable i also just like them a lot so i'm a little bit biased the only paintings are of leaves is there anything else tiny living that we could fit in here honestly like some lights hanging down could be nice oh what if we had a dresser it doesn't really fit that well would it fit here oh it totally would oh i think that is absolutely worth having we could put like the bookshelf on top of it yeah it's like a little tiny office space okay so you have a dresser we have this tiny like desk lamp but i think it looks kind of weird we could always go for a taller table if you want i always liked how the taller table looks i think it's kind of cool maybe we should use tiny living stuff in here do you know what i like it i think it looks nice i think that we could call it a day all right i don't think it looks great from the gallery perspective but um you know what i had fun building it and i think the inside looks really nice it's just so bright i like how bright it is it's so bright and clean looking i'm kind of jealous i kind of want to live in a house like this i like the kitchen a lot i just think it's so pretty i really like snowy escape i think they've got some good items in that one okay i'm sorry it's done we have to stop yeah i think it looks okay at like 3 p.m should i put it on the gallery 31 000. it's like a half bedroom it's basically a studio it's barely even a desert tiny home i don't know we have to do the first comment okay sorry oh i was i was late to that first comment i better have gotten it okay i still did all right we're fine all right i'm gonna go i should have made the house blue i put on a blue shirt finally it's a perfect chance for a blue suburban i feel like i need to do some research on landscaping i tried i tried to do something different i don't know if it was that good i think that's my main issue with the house i like the rest of it i think the inside looks really cool i'm just not sure about my little cactus garden but you know what we tried something new i'm going to go if you enjoyed this video i do a ton of builds like this on my channel maybe not like this specifically but i do a lot of building on my channel so feel free to subscribe and on that note i will see you all tomorrow bye everybody i think i want to decorate for christmas i know it's only november 17th but like i think that i need this i want to have a cozy christmas tree up in my office i might do that this weekend it's not that soon it's not that early
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 489,195
Rating: 4.9774494 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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