I tried the Tiny Living MICRO Home Challenge! Sims 4

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hello everyone its Delhi here welcome back to another video as you guys probably know tiny living has come out and with tiny living there are three different house styles you can build more specifically lot types or if you go to what type over here you click on tiny home residential and underneath there are three tiers of requirements whether you want to do a micro home a tiny home or a small home and depending on which one you choose you have this amount of tiles to use so I thought today I would build with you guys a micro home which is the most difficult because you can only use 32 tiles and the good thing is if you succeed making this micro home you got a whole heap of lock packs so you're gonna be able to use less energy which means lower bills you're gonna get relationship gains so your gains actually doubled plants grow twice as fast as normal you're feeling fun all the time happy inspired and focus buffs last twice as long skills increase it double the standard rate which i think is a really powerful perk and then relax everything is twice as comfortable as it is generally the other tiers you don't get as many of those packs let's let's give it a girl let's see if we can actually successfully complete this micro hermit challenge okay this is gonna be really hot by the way I have my sim here soon we actually made on a live stream recently on Twitch Spencer evergreen and she's wearing something new outfits and I know this isn't really the challenge but I just went to guys how cute this outfit is isn't that adorable on her I just thought it was really nice I might also quickly give her a couple of modeller cheats so by not restricted with money okay I don't even know how to stop this off it's gonna be so tiny it's gonna be a teeny tiny room so I guess the best thing we can start with is a little box I would like to lift it up a little bit so it's kind of like a little caravan what we've already used 15 out of 32 and I only placed that ok this is gonna be really difficult I also want to use as many of the new objects that came with this pack as well so it's kind of like a double challenge right here cuz we want to use one of these items first of all let's get some of the basics down uh let's let's maybe get a nice little toilet into here the sustainable looking toilet we have so many toilets in the game now it's kind of getting ridiculous so we have our toilet I'll be going to need a sink in the bathroom Oh could we do like a shed sink situation with the kitchen I'm kind of thinking I might do the sink shed with the kitchen just in case we don't have enough space to have a sink in the bathroom as well I'm just gonna go ahead and use this simple shower I'm gonna go ahead and use some of these bass game volts modular pieces for the kitchen as well let's can't chuck a couple in there oh my gosh and we're gonna need a stove and a fridge too so let's put a stove just like that the fridge maybe we could just use a mini fridge I mean I guess does it even make that much of a difference if a fridge is miniature or full-size actually we can put something on top of the fridge if we go with a mini fridge that means we can also add in say a microwave so you can see here that I'm kind of going with placing the furniture before you know actually building the rest of the house oh my gosh we don't have a lot of space so the next thing I would thinking that we should use is probably the Murphy bed because with the Murphy bed we can have our lounge area in out that spot as well but be careful of this because you can actually die my sink was crushed to death after two girls of the Murphy bed and I was speaking to James I'm pretty sure he's sim died like the first time he used it so I don't know if you Sims need to have a high hand in this skill to ensure that they don't die on it Oh under it or if you just need to upgrade it I'm not sure how to make sure your Sims during you don't get crushed to death but kind of excited that finally there's a really easy death in the game because everything else actually takes a lot of effort to kill your sins now there's all sorts cute TV cabinet I'm wondering I kind of want to do a small one I'm also wondering how much space we need like could we even shove this in a little bit more honor it's gonna technically intersect that's a bit of a shame I mean maybe with move objects on it could work a little smaller but we might just leave it like this and then we do actually have a few more tiles that we can use to put in the dining area you know there's actually a fair bit of space we could actually probably extend the bathroom a little bit and have a separate sink after all I just thought we wouldn't have enough room but we definitely will you can even make it look a little bit more spacious by having this door on an angle one thing that's really frustrating every time there's a hiya table like a table that sits a little bit higher than the others it's not when you go to sort by rooms it's not in the usual dining area space oh wait this one is the dine out one that's higher up is but it's weird cuz the one that comes in this pack isn't in here see it's not even in there so I'm like why are half the tables in there and then the other ones aren't by anyway it's in miscellaneous if you guys were stuck like I was so we can put this table over here then there's these really cute stools I mean we could probably put four stools in here but I feel like for micro living you would only want to have like two also wondering what color catch do we want to have what are we feeling Reds why it's like bright and cute we'll keep it that got color I think what garden whoa the yellow Chas to mix it up a little bit we still also have two tiles available but we probably need to use those for the entranceway here oh my gosh we went into too big a tiny room there we go okay so this is a like a little entranceway we can put a stairs just like that oops so that is the essentials we've got our bathroom we've got our kitchen essentials we've got a dining area and we've also got a lounge and bed area so the Murphy bed really does save the day when it comes to to making the most of this little space and then we can use the new door oh the door doesn't fit there Oh spaghetti oh okay maybe maybe we didn't complete this challenge as easily as I had thought we did I mean it's not a big deal we can just move the wall here so I'm just gonna go like that I just liked the idea of having like one pot of this on an angle I guess but then our stairs can be placed on angles so we better not do that and this is where our tiny home door can be ah no but then there's not space for the stairs to go up is that oh wait no there is full Salam you guys fall Salaam it's okay we figured it out except that's really not the same color as a door which I find a little upsetting I mean I couldn't say I don't feel like this house is particularly creative but I was really just aiming to complete the challenge and the challenge was a little easier than I thought it would be and now all we gotta do is the fun part which is just make it look pretty which is my favorite part this door doesn't match color maybe we'll go with the black door we'll go with the black features at the movement in the kitchen just because it seems to be my flavor of the month just doing all black colored appliances let's go safety first as well so we'll put a nice fire alarm in here maybe we'll get a little bit of temperature control we didn't have room here for either a skill building object so maybe we could just do one of the tiny living new objects I love this I love this little plant thing I actually love this sized up at the front door I don't know why but it's just I like it a lot so bright and inviting and colorful I want that him at my ear in front door and these are the cutest little kitchen shelves icer wish her that they when you go through the difference like swatches I wish they changed around the clutter items a bit because if you wanted to place them side by side they just look like they have the exact same things on them so it would be nice to see them switch it up a little bit more in terms of what's on the shelves not just the color of the shelves it's also a nice like cute bathroom shelf as well which we can so we want to put it above the basin now you probably want to mirror that I'll put it above the toilet you know what would have also made sense in this pack that would have been some like dividers or screens we did get some in Discovery University there so I feel like I can just use them but if I do have discover University I'd be really tempted to use some dividers I think or I'd look for them inside of this pack ooh that definitely does not go with the LHS this is a divider I'm talking about this gloss divider it looks a little funny in this tiny room like it doesn't really suit the style of it I did Oh what about the one from what's this the dine out one it's kind of cool that kind of works it's too wide though these ones are from a custom content pack called bathroom I recently reviewed these are actually pretty much exactly what I was thinking of so let's maybe use a couple of these two to screen off the room a bit you know we could even screen off a bit of the kitchen too I wonder if we slice down this carpet if it can look really cute and dainty underneath these dining chairs nice or even as a front doormat it's kind of too nice to wipe your feet on there so let's put it onto here and the nice thing about building tiny homes is that you can focus so much more on decorating it and making it look really cute and full because you have you know the extra time to do that you're not building a great big harima just trying to fit every single little thing you can inside of here now do we want to use the city living floorboards I think sir I really love the cats and dogs ones I've been using that a lot recently and we didn't get any new news newspapers wallpapers in this pack either oh we could use these ones that's kind of cool and getting really strong Scandinavian vibes from this build and we definitely want to have oh oh I went too far we definitely want to have some kind of feature wall in the kitchen whether that be tiles or exposed bricks well sir what do we want the exterior has to look like oh my gosh we don't even have a roof oh no I was gonna I was gonna say the roof is gonna add lots of tiles but that's certainly if you put flooring that I'm sure if we just put a roof on it work Matt off for you full Salam I was like oh good grief this is a much hotter challenge than I thought it I mean it's kind of just like a sad little box isn't that we need to work on some exterior take off we could maybe make half of this roof gloss and then oh my lord that was not what I wanted to do let's bring them out in a little bit let's bring this up a little bit and make those match each other perfectly oh that's nice see see how that looks just a little bit more interesting than what we first did and I do want the exterior to look a little more fun let's maybe just put in the windows first and then we'll work on making it look a little bit more decorative oh my gosh it's like a dungeon in here it's there doc now that we have a roof there are also some really cute new lights that came with this pack as well so they like some pendant ones here because we have a smallest ceiling height I'm just gonna use the ones that very long boughs has got the zoomies it is that time of night and he's literally running around the lounge room like a crazy dog do we want to put some pendant lights here and it's not gonna go in from a TV honey that's okay that's okay they can still see what they're doing we like that maybe these ones this is from the little exercise pack we had Mariel also a good time for tiny spaces cuz they give the illusion of a new dimension of space and first shower I am going to put some kind of tiles here maybe these ones that actually looks pretty nice and then I probably should also use this custom content screen just here oh you know what we don't have I completely forgot about the Wardrobe for the bedroom that is something I haven't liked being able to fit into this I totally forgot I mean honestly I can just put it there sir it does technically fit in but I wasn't building with that in mind can we fit it in the bathroom I wonder if we can are we definitely we definitely can't fit at that we could fit it next to the TV by holding alt down like this I probably would put it closer to this corner of the room oh look at that fits in beautifully sir compacts we do need to play a test this sir I'm pretty sure I don't fit in okay and then that means we can even fit in our computer as well we appalling this with flying colors I keep thinking that I'm doing something rubber like it's too good to be true okay there's a little tiny living desk how nice oh we could do bright orange it's a little much suggest bright orange then Gary's foot black quite a quite a difference oh my gosh I love this chest so much and I'd love to put a coffee table here but you know the Murphy bed is gonna fold out and crush that coffee table more that's gonna crush your sim so maybe let's not do that I love this this is actually by graham cookies a stream aghia pc and we can just use any of those Sims computers or a laptop - maybe suit the tiny living theme all but I just thought I'd point that out because that looks pretty awesome oh and it's a cute little lamp we can use this just reminds me of Ikea this lamp a lot kind of keen for the green one I love that green mossy mossy green I have this really weird thing this is from university life um I have this really weird thing where I hate eating around moss and like really green dangly plants and I went to this oh that matches the Chesire well I went to this cafe once with her friends we're under the glass on the tables there was like moss all through the table it was meant to be like really pretty and basically everyone would think it's really nice except for me and I was like and let me tell you I did not have much appetite for brunch that day okay look at that that's like a cute little study nook what else can we add in here I don't think we can fit in any armchairs all the proof oh we didn't get to use the cute little poof I love this thing I reckon we can fit it in if there's a will there's a way there we go it's just like a nice little clutter item over here oh my gosh I love this and then this mirror I mean you Sims gonna have to stand on that tea Peters to see into it but we'll put it there that was some shade wasn't that okay we really need some winters in this tiny house I'm gonna just use a university brick things for the exterior actually NERR NERR what we need to use is actually weather boards because that's it just feels like the right thing don't you think it's like a tiny little blue tiny house Oh a navy blue tiny house it's kind of cool mist Foundation is just not fantastic so let's just change that okay this needs serious work we will get there in a second just in Delhi we trust okay except we need to focus on winters what kind of winters I mean I love these mosquito when but I feel like for this builds and maybe not we could go super cute with these windows but I don't think it really suits the mid-century vibe these university windows I've never used these before that kind of weird I mean actually maybe this is the builds to use them in they look pretty good in the kitchen I like those that's nice although it doesn't look great with this maybe we'll put this over here that over there okay I love the little mittens hanging down if you like this pack will go really nicely with the the community verted packs cuz it's got kind of that same cruzi vibe to it bad if we pad these windows together cuz this is kind of a little bit more cutesy it's not so modern but it definitely makes the house look cute inside oh we could go matchy matchy but these windows are tiny I don't know we do is to pick it's so hot I mean this is just basic and it's always gonna look good you know what I'm gonna use these windows because I'm gonna live I'll get outside of my comfort zone and I'm gonna use these because I never use them and it's 20 20 people it is time to owner that's in the window doesn't fit damn it that's very disappointing oh we could put that one there there that works that's cute I'm so attached to this tiny house it's like because it's tiny I just really want it to look really really nice cuz it's like my little my little / Jack Jr I think we're gonna need to get some shelves up in here and these are really good shows he's a custom content as well I don't want to use too much custom content because then you guys will be like it can't download it it's too difficult and then I'll feel bad it's been a couple of shelving units in here made with the Windsor joining points so it looks like it's kind of built in mm that's nice or actually we'll grow that and then why don't we want to put on the shelves that just really into pickled peppers in this house because the pickled peppers they always fit on the shelf and they just like cooking with these utensils and a knife block there for cooking and self-defense purposes I like the little robot head now that looks weird in the kitchen bowl and we can use the new gorgeous little pictures all around the house these will look really nice size down maybe we could put like one on either side actually think what it look nicer is if we size one down again so you have this nice stocked look and feel on things just like super gorgeous paintings the little cupcake I don't know what to put here school building item maybe we just put a really nice-looking plant oh that is a lamp in the game which is quite lodged for tiny living it's more living lodge if you know what I mean see that's just huge that is not gonna fit in my tiny home I'm actually gonna put a mirror here I think just because it will was gonna say cuz it will open up the space a little bit but it does look a little large I'd actually rather put that here in the bathroom we can put a little bookends over there where's that little end table is it this one mmm it doesn't really fit that does it this almost fits in the corner just doesn't quite fit I mean we could just you know what let's just do that let's just make it nice no we carry lots of paintings on the walls what else do we need in here I mean I'm happy with the interior oh good grief we almost forgot the toilet paper okay well let's just kind of fix up the exterior of the house so it looks a little nicer all right so yeah is our completed tiny room I think I think it looks pretty adorable I'm pretty happy with it and this is amazing cuz all of our skills can be built more quickly our relationships as well as other things but I just wanted to make the exterior look a little bit more friendly and a little bit more cute so I've used a couple of items that from other packs but yeah this is the exterior of a gorgeous little tiny room and I also made use of the back here of some city living screens just to kind of look like you could maybe grow some fines on there there's some planter boxes just here at the front so it looks very alive and sustainable but let's go into a tiny room and check it out shall we so you walk through here and you've got the nice little dining area with your paintings on the wall very nice over here is the computer area and the kitchen with the minibar fridge microwave all of that good stuff and here is the little bathroom shower sink as well it's goods are in sync the very very high mirror I mean maybe I'll Sam is actually really tall and I also intersected the city living screen with these custom contents of Ida's just that I mean you could just use Windows from the game if you didn't have the custom content that would be easy to replace it with but it just gives that little bit of extra privacy looking into where the bedroom would be go across here to that beautiful glass roof up above oh dear those pendants don't really touch the roof oh well yeah is al Murphy beds TV unit proof and little wardrobe area sir I think this is very nice comforts a tiny living comfort what was I gonna say not comfort constrained container life like small tiny living basically tiny living well let's get him to put the bed down and see if she dies on the fesker Oh what she got it BAM on the first girl are you serious well there you go it's very easy to open she didn't even have any trouble does she have handiness skill is that why no she's got programming maybe programming skill I don't know but anyway you guys thanks so much for watching this video let me know if you have any tiny build challenges in mind and as always I hope you have a lovely morning off Sina evening whatever you're on the world I will speak to you soon back tag [Music]
Channel: Deligracy
Views: 1,036,913
Rating: 4.9175172 out of 5
Keywords: deligracy, deli, gaming, australian, english, funny, teen, adult, the sims, the sims 4, the sims 4 tiny living, tiny, small, small builds, tiny homes, deli sims, deligracy tiny, home, house, building, new pack, latest sims, sims news, tiny house building
Id: too8xOqhhDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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