Can I build a micro home for 8 Sims?

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in the past i've tried a few times to build a micro home for eight sims which is a massive challenge to fit eight sims and 32 tiles and have space for them all to sleep them all to eat you need a bathroom new living space i mean to fit that in such a small amount of space is near impossible but this week they added bunk beds to the sims which obviously makes this challenge significantly easier because suddenly we can sleep all those sims in half the space so i was thinking that today we could try it again and attempt to build a micro home for eight sims i've got a big family here two parents and there's six kids there's four children and two teens when you start out with eight sims you get about 32 000 civilians to begin with so money shouldn't be an issue our problem is with space just for some context that is 32 tiles it's really not big and keep in mind we need at least this much space just for beds i think you can technically fit them like this oh i wonder if we could get like a couple of bedrooms look imagine if we did it like that oh interesting we'll figure it out but we need at least that many tiles just to fit the beds ideally the parents would have a double bed but i don't know if that's gonna work out for us we'll have to see how it goes but then we also need a kitchen we need a bathroom we want to have a couch i mean like this stuff all adds up so fast i'm really not sure how it's gonna go but we're gonna give it a shot and there is one sort of tricky thing that you can do because micro homes are based off of how many tiles the house is this one has to be 32 tiles to stay a micro home but you can add fake tiles to the game and it still works so for example if i built a second floor on this house you can totally do it as soon as you close the room it counts as doubling the house obviously but if you sort of like sneak in a wall there if you add the wall like this the game doesn't see this as being a room it just is a fake space you can still put a roof on it well i need a tile to put a roof on hang on you can still put a roof on it as long as you've got the space to put a roof on it it'll still function like it's indoors it's just not indoors it's fake so that's a pro tip that's what we're gonna try and do today i wanna try and make this house like actually good looking i'm trying to fiddle with it i probably shouldn't be doing it like this like i really should be prioritizing like the shape of the rooms that we need instead of just messing with it randomly but picture this right imagine there's a kitchen back here like right when you enter the house is that gonna be the bathroom i don't know where to put the bathroom i guess the bathroom could go like there i don't know what that's gonna be we don't have a toddler so we don't need like toddler space you wanna maximize every single tile when you're doing a house like this is the problem so this is gonna end up looking like almost identical to the last one that i did i'm just realizing that now this is gonna be like the exact same house that i did before i'm trying to cheat the system i don't want it to look like it's tiny oh that's annoying okay okay but picture this right imagine the front door is here and i guess maybe now the kitchen can be like like that i'm not sure i thought this through but like the kitchen being there makes sense oh i suppose oh a lot of times i do it like this oh that makes sense so the bathroom will go there this is functional by the way because your sims will walk across this shower it could probably be even smaller than this but we can make this work so i will i might use some tiny living furniture yeah i'm not sure if you could do this in a two tile we'd have to check i think with a smaller sink maybe you could and if you scoot the toilet like into the wall i wonder let me you know what i kind of wanted to ah i kind of want to test this just to see the toilet is coming out of the wall are you gonna use it oh he does use it he's washing his hands can you shower oh oh okay well thank you sir for showing me that that functions because then we can put like the two tile bathroom here or maybe on the other side i look kind of ugly there we can put like a two-tile bathroom here and then what if oh it's kind of a weird spot okay what if it was like this i'm trying to think about ways that we can get like an actual bedroom for the parents because wouldn't that be nice but i'm not sure if we can pull that off i don't know if it's gonna work it would be good though if we could it just i'm not i'm not so sure it will well we can give the parents their own bedroom it just has to have bunk beds but like the parents can have their own room they can have a really nice fancy bedroom just the two of them the kitchen doesn't work the way i want it to anymore part of what made the kitchen so effective was that it had the island i realized by the way that this is like so much trial and error like it makes it so complicated for no reason but listen listen listen it's gonna be really good perhaps well you can't put the parent's bedroom there because that was supposed to be the the door to the patio what if the whole house becomes smaller will i regret that no don't be a room oh no i don't have a ceiling what if well i don't have a ceiling still so but what if we put does that work why give me a ceiling okay there we go but what if we end up putting like a um see i can't have a window which is part of the problem but if there was a murphy bed like here the parents can use that as their bedroom the island is kind of a problem the kitchen island is a genuine concern but if we did it like this then you have a couch we can get a tv bathroom's there what if there was like a door to the patio here truthfully i have no idea how i'm gonna manage to put a like a ladder or something up here like i don't know how we're gonna do that but we'll figure it out well that'll fit all the sims and then we can have like a desk or something oh this is fine i'm not sure if this is gonna work because of the the island your sims can't get through there i think we need a smaller door doesn't even make a difference though like this door is fine i really want more counter space where does the ladder go oh my gosh okay um this is a disaster that doesn't work if the ladder were here it would work right yeah because the sims can get up that way okay oh no we can make this fit yeah that'll be fine oh okay this is so ugly but look then we can have like a table in the corner back here oh bunk beds make this easy there's so much space upstairs there's so much room for activities the fact that i could probably get like another one of these too is like actually kind of sad like the fact that we could totally make it bigger that looks really weird from the back that's okay no no look look look look we'll get like a oh i don't know what sort of columns to use yet we'll have to think about that maybe i won't make it bigger the lighting on this lot is terrible it's so hard to build here i don't know why i always do what if i did it like that i never used that window it looks kind of weird it oh that window is like right where the bed is that's fine i should probably check if he can walk over here actually oh yeah that's fine and you can i assume put the bed down there we go perfectly functional thank you very much no no go outside too many sims too many sims inside leave leave leave leave don't all come inside okay i want a window in this little bathroom but the shower is gonna be right in front of it i guess that doesn't really matter it's so ugly okay that's fine it's cute i like it see i don't really like that the windows are blocked by the bunk beds but you can't really do anything about that so and what am i gonna do not put a window here just because there's a bed in the way that just looks odd so same thing with down here like the the bed is completely blocking the window but i don't want to have no window because it looks even worse so i don't know what to do like what if i put a window like that just the bed's completely in front of it but so it looks better from the outside bed or from the outside get it because there's a bed blocking it yeah i feel like a scammer because i was able to make this house work with such little space you know what i really want to be able to do is use these and have the flooring look like that but then the kitchen doesn't work anymore but wouldn't that be fun if the patio looked cute like that oh i'd love that well well we no no no we can cheat it like what if it no that's odd isn't it i guess we haven't painted the house yet either so it's hard to say what we'd want to use shall we make it orange listen when else can you paint a house orange this is our chance possibly our only chance oh we definitely yeah we're taking this chance to have an orange house i really like it and what if hear me out what if i had blue windows orange house blue windows and doors thoughts on that the lighting is terrible i can't even see it i think the the blue looks really odd i don't know if we can make the blue work i'm sorry maybe we can have a blue front door though we can just keep the windows the way they are i never know what color roof to use when i make the house orange like this i don't want to make it orange and black it's not a pumpkin like it's not some sort of halloween house i'm just i'm always so unsure of what the best course of action is now what if we made a fake porch because honestly i did kind of like the idea of having the pathway like this i'm not sure if the giant fake porch is good i don't like i think that's actually probably fine maybe an extra window here the windows look a bit weird but it's a really small house so any extra light is probably a good thing i'm actually really excited about this because i can get toys and stuff now well i should probably triple check that the sims can in fact get upstairs let me see if the dad can get up here oh here we go don't come inside stay out stay out everyone stay out i should have put autonomy off okay no no don't come inside all right we're fine house is functional i just don't want to deal with all the sims inside like blocking my view of furniture there's not enough space to have sims in here as well as furniture i guess that's the whole point is to have sims in here as well as furniture but you know what i mean we don't have enough space in the house as we're building it to look at both i'm gonna pick the color of the bed and then i'm gonna put it away and base the rest of the house on whatever it looks like i think how about that reddish color i mean the house is orange should we base the whole house off that i don't know that could be nice we can make this work is it better to have the oven on the outside edge or the inside i think i like it better on the outside what if we put tile on part of the inside of the house no i was just trying to see if that would be good if like having some tile inside would like help split up but no that's unnecessary it'll be fine the way it is i think we can definitely fit three chairs in the dining space why am i wasting money on trees right now what am i doing like why am i landscaping i was in the middle of furnishing the house okay i'm sorry i'm going back let's figure out the bathroom again oops that's clipping okay so we know that this sink worked is this sink skinnier perhaps oh it is okay let's use that sink and we'll scoot it back even further okay that'll work and then the smallest toilet we can find actually that should be fine for some reason i don't think the window's gonna fit i mean we probably could get a window like behind the toilet or something at least i know we have like a little bitty one somewhere how about that to just put that out of nowhere no we need something small and skinny i mean we can always use like a regular window it's no big deal i just kind of wanted it to be smaller but it is nice to have the window inside so that'll be fine we also need to play test this get a big mirror so the place feels bigger and you can you know watch yourself pee that's terrible let me turn autonomy off quickly because i am sick of my sims just walking around randomly okay can you wash your hands can you use the bathroom and can you take a shower oh she washed her hands she peed and she's showering perfect thank you very much eight sims to share this two tile tiny bathroom they'll be fine they'll be fine okay sorry i've gone back to wasting money on plants i just wanted the house to look good the house realistically is not good on the inside like it's fine it's functional but it's so small like it's not good but you can at least make the outside look decent if we can't have furniture at the very least we can have flowers oh we can totally fit a dresser next to this that's actually perfect because it's not a very big space so being able to fit like a dresser and a bookshelf very useful you know what i'm gonna be honest i never got why the lamp they made for this pack was so big like this is a tiny living pack and they made this massive lamp like i was kind of expecting a like a tall skinny stand-up lamp but then they made this thing that is enormous and doesn't fit anywhere suddenly the house is red okay you know what i kind of like it though it's kind of fun i don't think i've used this swatch really before so you know there's not a lot of space for a rug in here i'd like to have one because i think it would make a big difference we could fit a little square rug that would be nice you know what else is kind of fun we could totally have more than than just this number of sims in here like we could so easily probably have like 10 sims if i wanted to like if i tried hard enough we could make it work that makes me feel good it makes me feel powerful you know what i might use the more expensive beds not to be like a high roller or anything but we actually have a lot of money so my sims can afford it these beds used to be impaired on another base game by the way if you didn't know okay bunch of different bed options that's kind of fun i like that they all have like individual ones you know oh this reminds me we really should probably try and get a dresser up here somehow i think this one size down fits in a one oh we have tiny living we can use i'm like i'm trying to get a one tile wide dresser meanwhile i have these like this is fine we have this to use okay i was going to put a desk but now that i think about it if we used a table we could have two computers and that wouldn't hurt i i think that having two computers up here would actually benefit us a lot so there's just so many sims i feel like in an ideal world we'll have something for each of them to be doing all at once like at all times there is some sort of activity for every sim actually let's count that there's two computers so two sims can sit there two sims can watch tv at once so that's four i'll get a blurfy that's five i mean we have a bookshelf downstairs and a bookshop up here so we the bookshelves count as something too so that could be like six maybe if we had an easel somewhere there's lots of space on the patio we also have like this corner that i wasn't sure what to do with yet i feel like ideally it would be a chair though right we need enough seating down here to fit everybody there's currently not even close to being enough well that's three six seven eight there are eight seats total now we can stick this violin here right that's another activity i like this too because it kind of implies like the four children have this corner and the two teens have this corner it's like split up a little bit you know it kind of makes sense i don't know what kind of rugs to put in here i mean should we get like a runner that's weird and like what wallpaper do we put up here what what are you meant to use in a space like this oh how about a cork board that's a fun hobby they can like you know find pen pals and stuff whatever that means oh fun hobby here you go maybe i'll stick like a duck on the desk because they can play with the duck that's another toy i'm going to spend so much money decorating this kid's room i haven't put any decorations downstairs yet so i'll stop there i think i'll use this fun wallpaper the teens would benefit from that this isn't even that small of a room to be honest all things considered like they got a big space up there i might use this like orangey tile that would be really nice in there actually i like that oh toilet paper we probably need a lot of that there are eight people living here okay i'm just trying to think about other possibly functional things that we could stick in here like we already have a bookshelf we have the tv fully functional kitchen i don't really want to put like any more decorations in the kitchen because i want them to use the counters i think that would be important i feel like having access to the counters would be really useful for them and we could just tile the kitchen a little bit maybe if there was like some art and some plants perhaps this coat rack is like actually useless in the game but i think it's kind of fun it's realistic to have some sort of storage right oh the artwork is so expensive it's like 295 simoleons for that why does it have to cost so much maybe if we had a mirror on the wall okay i don't know what else to add on the inside really i mean it's pretty good let's focus on the backyard a little bit cut the easel still oh you know we could totally have a giant table out here or at least another table because then technically everyone would have a spot to sit while they eat which they deserve let's be honest that would be nice i guess also an outdoor trash can okay i think we did it it's also technically only 29 tiles so i could have had three more i mean i sort of cheated to have a bunch more than three more but technically it's only 29 tiles which is pretty good if you ask me and you can fit eight sims it also doesn't look that small like i feel like the inside feels fine i'm into it i will of course put this on the gallery for you eight sim micro home should i put it at like eight bedrooms it's eight bedrooms and one bathroom okay that works there you go technically it's actually zero bedrooms but that's fine it it fits eight sims so i like this upstairs room it's kind of fun i feel like it would be a nightmare to actually live here with like your five siblings what is this summer camp like that sounds scary but the house works so i think on that note i'm gonna go i'll link my past attempts at this down below back in the pre-bunk bed eras in case you want to watch me try that too and um i guess i'll see you all tomorrow bye everybody the lighting really is terrible on this slot they don't make it easy to make nice houses here it just looks ugly no matter what you do
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,132,546
Rating: 4.9622412 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: uKtGLPGtq24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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