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do you remember Samuel well now Samuel has a painted version first thing to note looks great we also have something called Memento Mori when I use this pocket active it puts sigils on the ground up to five at one time and then once I activate it does that pentagram if I want to activate it before I put all five down I double tap my cue which is new I've never seen a character with a double tap pocket active it hurts tears up in a room for taking damage okay now I'm taking damage because I'm trying to set this thing up can I get that with my yeah okay kind of like forgotten there where we can slice that and blow this up without hurting myself yeah we're gonna try to be using our Memento Mori as much as possible like that or you know setting a trap up like this where we can shoot that laser beam at the enemy like this prevent the active item from charging clearing a room has 33 chance to spawn a battery that could be good for maybe later if we get like a six room recharge item maybe in that Library maybe there'll be a satanic bible or a book of Revelations I would take either of those things please whoa Book of Virtues that is a hot start I don't know what this is blank book collect Pages by killing enemies and completing rooms to upgrade well that sounds really exciting I don't know if homing would do anything for us I should have used the book prior to picking that up but all right blank book fill it you know I wanted to read what it was again on the items list it's off the screen it almost looks like it's a one use item so uh I'm a little hesitant to pop this thing is there gonna be a wisp to oh gosh look at this though Wham hierophant that's really good all right let's use the book let's see what it does four pages to craft fireplace what oh we're collecting pages from enemies oh also we don't need batteries with this so yay for this trinket I feel like you could just kind of spam the sigils a little bit because it's really powerful that is really powerful okay I have your pages right it looks like it changed cursed book picking up or using it adds curses while held players take double damage and has a chance to teleport one hit it's not winning me over so far permanent stat up on use though Black Candle turns this book into a blank book did I pop it too early maybe I popped it too early but you know we're gonna go ahead and give this a go anyways Curse of Darkness I got that so the permanent stat boost by using this plus three three damage holy crap frag man anybody that chases me down is going to be in for it I'm kind of want to maybe a tighter Circle here oh my God hey you got our bone heart back well this is pretty exciting I don't appreciate the Curse of Darkness oh the batteries are gonna be so good with this book 0.07 fire rate you know not as good as three damage also you think Bookworm actually does anything with this I think we get like a double Scythe attack sometimes probably not I still feeling really good next floor please something to note though uh apparently the last sigil you put down or I guess the first will do more damage something like it does more damage the further down the line it goes so I mean another Library screwed though if you walk behind me it's not good things for you and that's gonna give me 0.08 fire rate probably because of the fire rate multiplier on Samuel that it's looking so bad that upgrade we're dancing I love how all these mods get in contact with the uh specialist dance guy and they make one for every single character permanent stats are great but uh Staying Alive is also great I don't know if I I don't know how that affects my angel chance with Book of Virtues I guess we'll have to find out but I'm gonna take both the uh the black cards here might as well pop Book of the Dead at least once for the Wisp look at all my wisps this is great this is such a hot run hey dips you should come over here that'll be fun I swear come on over here a little bit closer come on you can do it 1.5 damage this is such a good book maybe plume I'm gonna just like kind of like I'm kind of want to backtrack on myself like that because yeah Ouija board you know the tears up is pretty cool but they oh I'm getting permanent tears up already holy [ __ ] I'm the angel I know I could have set a trap actually oh my whisks oh that's hot besides the fact that we kind of lost our wisp there because we were a little too tight come over here it'll be fun idiots can I like use almost like stitches to get into this room for free I seem to work zip well that's kind of a kick to the dick what about blue fires is there anything about those getting distinguished no these little tight schedules like this oh that is good we're doing so well I almost forgot to go in my item room infamy love it battery great curse is a blind though if I keep using this book I'm basically gonna get a curse per floor that made no sense what I meant to say Every curse every floor look at how big my Scythe is I think that's because of all the range upgrades we've been getting I've got 14.5 range that's a big old Scythe but here we got Montezuma's Revenge now I got poop coming out of my butt more range more range no fire rate I wonder if this book can break the cap oh my range yes like I said never really gonna not have every single curse so might as well just start buying stuff fresh in time I meant to use my Memento Mori whoops come into this Zone it'll be fun come on hey buddy over here come on come on I think we should just slip over to alt path that's not really a good reason not to also my Scythe is red now oh it's not red anymore it's red because of the devil book that I used that's pretty cool though syringe nah fighter babe our damage is so high that I can basically just Scythe everyone to death more range wait a second my Scythe is a good tighten this claw batter up oh M run we did teleport upon taking damage is that the first time we've taken damage but this flipping book uh um I am so sorry BFF don't twin as well this one can't just bam them with my Memento Mori I actually have to try what is this oh and scene eyedroppers we got 3.0 fire rate on this guy this is kind of insane and then the poop hmm face left fruitcake that'll be fun maybe maybe it won't be fun oh it's gonna apply to my sigils is there a light beam in that one oh look at that Wiggly one I don't even know what I'm looking at but I'm loving it orange fell this should be a good one [Laughter] devil this time interesting when they die don't see a reason not to take both of these deathless and brimstone bombs we are firing outside now why is that oh it was only for that one room okay the committee timing of the poop 29 range when I'm in the range of my holy poop wait a second 120 fire rate holy holy what is up with that that's a comp that's completely broken that's not right oh my God give me Rock Bottom now stat we gotta find our secret rooms you guys no Rock Bottom another room here 120 fire rate what the actual range up 13 damage four five one fire eight Bring It On suckers camo undies we get our burst to our fire rate when I walk into a room wait a second is that also broken yeah that jumps up to 120 again what is going on with this the game is over okay the game is over watch this welcome to Hawks gaming love doing this for a living got 11 luck by the way that I've been racking up from the book I've been using it every time I get a battery and there's a 33 chance I'm not sure I'm ever going to use Memento Mori ever again and you should go up there here's what we should do during challenge rooms set up the room first and then they spawn yeah it's glorious 48. all these batteries 20 damage curse of the tower why not throw it on Mom's ring 26 damage soul of Samuel enemies in the current realm will drop Souls on death bonds pickup rewards for collecting a lot of souls all right below I just feel like a like a kid waving a stick as fast as he can to make the enemies go away when you are a young enough kid that you thought you could wave a stick fast enough to block bullets there goes Mom's heart deal with the devil I'm attempted to take all of it let's do stole Samuel here okay so we're getting souls for kill dropping some things and stuff we got a Yara that's super good 7 46 standard fire rate I think we can say for certain that the book did break the tier cap Isaac flight never mind forgot about that animation that was awesome do we want 34 look more chests more fun first things first are yera of course we can't see anything you can kind of see this one though Papa fly rock it in the jar boiled baby Lusty Blood book of rev bomber boy and boom our bombs are pretty hot let's see if we can't pull off one chest per room 34 luck oh you already ruined it it's still used Memento Mori but I think at this point in time it's uh kind of has fun a little underwhelming Isaac's heart I can't say no Taurus still have 2.0 speed so we're just gonna tour us immediately when walking into a room yeah this is super lame can I steal Memento Moray when I'm taurusing yeah like free setup for this pack two minus three fire right oh my God but look at my sight oh that's super cool all right pretty cool oh our sigils are connected by a laser wow wow holy moly what just happened look at that look at that look at that foreign I got his head very cool stuff you guys I had a ton of fun checking out this character I'd love to know your thoughts on tainted Samuel in the comments section down below if you're not subscribed don't forget to hit that subscription button especially if you want to see more awesome content like this a little bit busted probably we'll play him again thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one see you guys [Music] remember that mod that adds a side C so far we've seen tarnished Isaac Maggie Kane Judas keeper and now today we're gonna check out tarnish Eden what do we got
Channel: Hutts
Views: 103,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, epiphany, tarnished
Id: l3eeon4-0Gk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 13sec (733 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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