Third Save File - First "Mom's Heart" Kill!

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what is up everybody my name is Hudson welcome back to the third save file it's me today we're going to do a couple runs and talk about some stuff first things first let's just jump in as Isaac for those of you who didn't see the first video go watch it this is the start of the third save file big moment here big moment with glitter bombs early bombs it's good really good so since we're starting off the new save file we need to be smart about what and how we unlock I think a big unlock for me to get would be the D6 that takes fighting Isaac as blue baby to unlock blue baby I gotta defeat mom 10 times make that Mom's heart no my no hit save file didn't count the game was cheating very interesting room here I think this should have been runes we don't have any runes unlocked although they did add a new thing called Rune shards which is garbage I feel personally attacked one of my main methods for people starting out was to unlock the yarrow Rune first because if you only had one Rune it would only give you that one Rune so it was an easy game break okay could you just die my God thank you something we also talked about in the last episode was Vin and uh Vin or Kilburn saying that he is now done with Isaac meaning that Isaac is in its final form nice luck pill all these red hearts I'm jumping on the spikes no Boss Rush today not sure how I really feel about fighting angels in this state the state of Minnesota no uh being this week maybe I should save my bombs for defensiveness maybe the spikes won't give me anything I take that back hmm scat me mama or a bunch of Health UPS I'm gonna go with the health hubs right now I'd rather fight the angel in here or I could lure it over the spikes Maybe is there a battery for sale a bunch of battery Shazam Shazam oh double active nice you could use that to get another Health up when we leave [Music] so Isaac being in its final form what does that really mean for us I know a lot of you are going to be worried that I am currently done with this game and I assure you like I said last time the game will probably always be here on my channel in some capacity it's the first thing that really took off for me it's the thing that I'm known for especially if the modding scene is going to be very consistent battery buddy I love you it has also said that uh he wants to do an Isaac too probably be many years down the line but I'd like to be still up on my Isaac still the front runner for when that game comes out golly gee I sure hope that game does not fail and I sure hope Ed does it for real some things that we're currently working on I got my Aiden strict going strong on Twitch and now the third save file which we will be doing between here and twitch nice Maggie unlocks that one too couldn't think of a better run for devil deals Isaac you're looking great nice you know what Ivy bag the first episode of this is not a chance to come out by the time I've recorded this but I am looking forward to hearing you guys responses to everything I said in the first episode I would say that my channel has been sleeping as of late getting out one episode every one to two weeks is is not ideal for me part of this being because of going from three editors down to one part of this being problems with technology that just keep coming up between myself and my editor if for some reason Adobe products just really can't keep up there was a time when I was editing one video every single day I took the road a while back to put out less content but have it be more edited and higher quality it's that constant push and pull between wanting to either be a northern lion or an indie Mouse less views on more videos or fewer videos that get potentially million plus and I've always struggled with that decision and The Grass Is Always Greener it's really difficult pouring your heart and soul into an edit of a video and then you look over and see some YouTubers that are putting minimal effort in unedited content and they're getting 10 times the amount of views that you are but then knowing that the YouTubers that really spend the time to edit their content some of their stuff is Iconic and it sets their career for years to come I don't want to just be a flash in the pan I want to be a well-respected world-renowned YouTuber I want everyone to know me you got me baby Sith Lord coming through don't mind me baby oh my God no stop that's so cringe you're supposed to do the dance like this baby [Music] two-thirds cup one equals power with an IV bag babysitter [Music] this is like a really lucky run I'm gonna go back in and drop two coins back in here why am I dropping two coins PhD PhD gives you double the drop dope [Music] thank you let's go for guppy bye Health hello kittens wow I feel really stupid giving up all of my health now thanks game oh nice though holy crap red chests and good pills yes goodness gracious well you know what guppy gives me flight I can go back and get those chests back there so many deals of the devil I'm not gonna handle this super risky-like yeah probably one more floor let's get it YOLO the hands take this aha that actually worked out really well Somewhere Out There Ed's going I told you that was a good item Edmund McMillan you little [ __ ] wow wow is that all of them that's got to be an unlock right no wait a second we actually get the payouts from these bombs too from Sparkle bombs oh my goodness damn you need to calm down all right yeah that's better that's that's pretty calm bro would I yeah bring it on Mom 's got her in one foot [Music] oh crap we keep going on this one oh no I thought we were done with Mom Samson nice oh my goodness the game's over you've lost Isaac I have The High Ground [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] go to Shoal 100 chance to earn it back so we'll go to Shoal today funny joke [Music] down the show Aiden very nice [Music] no spikes on this floor unfortunately there's no chance for dark room oh [Music] blue laser it's very cool enjoying give me homing and we'll talk Emperor Let's Do It full send the baby demons has got a race oh moly this run wow that was a good run you guys that's the cut scene where Isaac's jump ooh mom's knife Isaac jumps into the toy chest and of course suffocates to death and the game taking place inside of Isaac's mind as he's dying nice safe file let's do a challenge hi bro let's unlock Yara roon I want to hear from you guys what you think the best unlock is smartest unlock four progressions sake oh that's a spicy meatball let's take false PhD your mental pill shot speed down but damage up I will take that gladly we might be a stinky poop but at least we're polite enough to wear a mask no thanks for this room thanks bye big thing with this run we got a pretty touch we got number one so our range is crap but our fire rate's amazing and we have butt bombs and of course flush and petrified poop wouldn't mind giving me something that gives me iframes like a unicorn stump maybe a Taurus [Music] last bomb found it all right worth give me a boss with some ads on it so I can flush them no I mean you guys generate poop though so that that was my main concern right generating poop so I can use my trinkets excuse me can I flush them at the end doesn't do any damage okay nice item though big trick here is to leave and come back when you leave and come back it pretty much resets the poops turns them into normal poops once again the reason I'm doing this is to unlock the yellow Rune I think most of the runes are worth unlocking Yara being a personal favorite certain items that allow me to break the game like clear Rune with the era obviously that's a game breaker D20 for greed mode or a d Infinity D20 is defeating blue baby as Isaac sorry bud gotta go but wait a minute I'm smart about this you could use those TNTs to find a secret room petrified poop is being real nice to me dude I did not give you a coin nice another one speed down damage up just taking it orphan socks immunity to creep I think and spikes two-thirds baby we don't have any special devil items unlocked I guess that doesn't matter because it's a challenge I was trying to say why are we getting Guppies so frequently I think we're just lucky right now but in the normal game we don't have very many things unlocked so we're gonna see a lot of Guppies we're gonna see a lot of shovel that sounds a little bit more exciting than what I have currently I'll take it ditches that sounds a little bit more exciting than what I have so I guess I'll take it three curse rooms and this erase Pella frag stinky poo with flies outfitting can't open that with the stitches all right bye can I touch a hose yes too slow nope oh good one oh one more guppy would have done it how dare you look I'm a flying poop I remember we can walk into Nubs and hosts excellent oh [Music] oh need speed when you have damage peace is that copy again again he's done it again again hello also YOLO my speed oh my goodness .22 speed point one speed that's gotta be minimum we're almost done here anyways another deal with the devil would you calm down look at that damage up no speed down he's super smart why are you looking at me like that Isaac [Music] yep keep in mind I have hive mind so my flies are ding four times my damage which is eleven five two right now admit it it was a little smart admit it I outplayed the game oh final boss almost one footed her again very very nice appear in the basement thank you guys so much for watching let me know your thoughts on this video talk to me about how you enjoy my content and what do you want to see more of thank you so much for watching I appreciate all of you you make this possible can't wait to do more of these I will see you in the next one see you guys [Music] one thing stands in the way of us and ultimate victory today we are officially launching our series on the third save file [Music] [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 96,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: kDqlZSkuoHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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