I can't believe this worked.. (Star Citizen)

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so in my last live stream I asked and put out a call to everybody to help me come up with the ultimate Fleet of Fury ships to take on uh originally it was going to be the address but then it turned out to be Javelin so we I didn't know how many people would turn up but the end result was absolutely awesome so as you're seeing here this is a little highlight um this was when I landed over on Hurston and it was absolutely Bonkers because we were just loading up the ships and Gathering everybody we had a C2 another C2 my caterpillar another caterpillar and an 890 jump all loaded loaded up with Furies and it came up it just ended up we got this amazing moment where we had a huge line of Furies and it was awesome so anyway I'll uh leave the Highlight with you if you enjoy this live stream give it a thumbs up and if you haven't already make sure you hit that subscribe button we've actually got new emotes and membership badges now which is really cool anyway enjoy it it's pretty cool thanks for watching whoa whoa okay so before we get into it I just want to say I did a head count and it's around 25 Furies and also we've got around five other people not in Fury so we could have had like 30 odd Furies lined up which is incredible considering uh you know Invictus week and like we were worried we wouldn't get everyone in it was insane honestly the coolest thing I've done in Star Citizen so far I want to get to 50. maybe we can do that make sure you subscribe so you don't miss it anyway here's the Highlight clips this was fun freaking good fun okay guys if we have a ship filled with Furies already can we get off the planet because I do not want I don't want anyone turning up and destroying this all right guys hop on the C2 I'm gonna take off for two minutes you have two minutes to board you know we do not we need want that A2 whoa there we go so there's my fury it's like a whole operation like we've got managers we've got people in charge it's pretty freaking cool we've got another caterpillar dropping in it's quite something right so here's the fury if you want to see a video on this I did one yesterday I connotation through that it's pretty cool this is genuinely quite cool right let's turn the engines on ready up right nice and slow there's just so many people it's so cool right so yeah like I said I'm gonna Park here uh the front because I freaking want the front seat I barely fit bro there we go okay engine off I think we made it oh my word it's tight ready to go this is cool ready to go they say this is Fleet gameplay this is what we want oh easy easy you go bro turn off those engines this is actually something else I love this man this is the coolest thing ever guys brilliant I've just closed up the caterpillar is everyone on board my caterpillar not yet I'm still just got here with Bob with me to pick up my Fury no no I'm talking about people as everyone on my ship who's got a fury on my ship hey firm yes right cool we're taking off from getting atmosphere like I remember recording a video back in like 2015 and I just died when I quantumed oh my word that was freaking cool hang on I need to tell the C2 uh Rex Rex stay there man I need that screenshot this is cool all right copy that right Squad goals if you're coming to the 890 do not land on it please abandon that Aurora all right whoa did you just Quantum that whoa oh my word chill right just calm yourself bro you're right there did you Quantum right into like the ship then oh my word we're so lucky hang on this is really important I need clear comes uh everyone in my caterpillar can you get your Furies and move them out of the ship as quickly as you can slowly because I think mine at the front is glitching in the door and I don't want it to blow you all up yeah yeah about that yeah so let's just sort this out I'm gonna go and investigate yet oh God why is it always me why is it always my ship explode no Dorsey too I might need someone oh God I know that's not what I meant to do oh no no no [Music] no please no stop opening components okay fell over haha it's hard too I'm watching your oh this is terrible oh look at them there's both Ollie just go back to the fancy and open all I did that that's that's why I noticed it because my front door wasn't open and I think it's jammed shut oh god oh no that's fun Duffy yeah I'll just go to like uh new Babbage and get me some WD-40 yeah lithium grease that's a tractor beam um work oh my word what's that oh it's another caterpillar nice I don't think you guys should be this close to this ship just FYI oh my goodness I've opened up a portal to another dimension what is happening right now right so I think weirdly the doors are now alternating between the front and then the others so I can't have both but the good news is I can rescue this massive what the what the what did you white faced through the and to Pilot seat I've pushed the button I pushed the button oh okay I'm gonna hit an engine stand back okay oh God uh I'm gonna go forward if I can't see if anyone's in front of me so you're gonna have to move you're clear I can see it's just Bob please go back I don't want to be responsible for blowing up Bob don't Fleet yeah the whole Fleet explodes GG yeah Okay ladies and gentlemen we have a oh everything's gonna be okay hell yeah all right good job yeah um okay how about this whoever's in the like the C2 the well there's two is there two c2s yeah oh my word can we get the two c twos the two caterpillars and then the jump in the middle although we should probably have the hangar door open for the screenshot are you wanting me to invert and face the other way so that the caterpillar yeah I want us all lined up in like some kind of Fleet yeah we're gonna have the ramps open for them it's probably better if I just turn around because you guys are both lined up say you're it's only you ollie didn't you yeah yeah sorry let me straight let me strafe a bit if you guys look at my stream actually it's probably the best way for you to like line yourselves up so um hang on I'll just pop this down in the corner for now sorry about that oh this looks amazing C2 should probably be above the 890 just to help yeah yeah I agree with that and I accidentally hit oh F4 we know somebody who did that just imagine doing that at this point oh that hurts um there we go that's pretty cool oh there we go look at that look at the stream right now look at the screen Chef kiss that looks nice right cool now we just need the mission we've done the hard work let's get the mission right guys uh chat I'm just gonna come out of the chat for a minute I just want to say that this is such a cool moment and if we actually pull this off it's gonna be freaking awesome we've had nearly 50 new members today so if you want to become a member uh support the channel uh you know what to do just uh hit the join button or go to ollie.gg forward slash join okay so at this point we all decided to go out and attack the javelin that was currently above art cup at Virginia Point uh So the plan was defeat the javelin an impossible task but it would look cool that's what's important chat I'll just come out of the Disco for a sec what do you think of this it looks absolutely awesome am I right we're gonna get Let's uh we've got a whole Fleet we've got the Rebellion oh my goodness look at this I'm gonna do some RP here it's gonna look so good guys we're gonna I've just I've just looked at all you guys chilling there we're gonna have to have you all lined up and then I'm gonna have to do some cool uh uh inspirational speech and then we're all gonna like it's gonna be beautiful it's gonna be the best thing oh my goodness please it's fine it's fine oh my God he said next to the Red Fury a little bit I'm just drifting that eight night Oh I thought it was gonna bullying pit oh my word look at this uh Furies can we line up please like this is unacceptable like right now one single file next to each other military stance let's go sat in the front turret of my 890 a new lot of lined up like bowling please don't shoot me as I fly past that would be lovely just slap my eyes just just this is freaking cool that was me sorry that was me all right men you've come here today to serve your people and protect the planet of awkward we've got an intrusion of the Empire they javelin it's pretty nasty so we're gonna have to line up and uh go against the odds and defeat the Empire once and for all you're probably gonna die but it's gonna look freaking cool and it's gonna make a great thumbnail so are you ready to get furious [Music] no no no no no no no we've got to the end yeah come back come back with all of you I want you all to come screaming past me three two one go oh my God [Music] let's go [Music] don't go past this yeah I'm gonna slow up I got here too quick huh are we all targeting the driver I think so oh my God oh no I gotta go to jail if I die where's the Japanese I've ever heard the javelin oops let's see explosions this is ridiculous we're not making any damage yeah we're not doing anything I can hear the state oh there we go now the station's opening up on everybody now do not do not fire from the 890 please oh first casualty all right Fields haven't even flickered once [Music] I have no more missiles I must become dinosaurs I've seen at least three Furies Go full ballistic and just YOLO into it then come back who died [Music] yes it is wait I think right troops it's not working out we're gonna build Retreat the capsules down below and survive that fight I'm alive still whoever survived was not committed enough that's all I have to say sorry wow you just lost your uh I I mean I was the rocket right okay so thanks for watching guys uh that was a really cool uh proof of concept I cannot wait to actually go after an Idris I'm going to rank up some missions and hopefully get another Squad going that was awesome and uh let me know in the comment section what you thought about it all right see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Olli43
Views: 113,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen game, star citizen news, star citizen guide, star citizen 2022, star citizen alpha, star citizen update, star citizen 3.18, star citizen PTU, star citizen 3.18 ptu, star citizen pes, star citizen 4.0, star citizen pyro, star citizen early access, star citizen leaks, star citizen 3.19, star citizen Invictus week, star citizen fleet gameplay, star citizen multi crew, star citizen multiplayer
Id: 0a5RXn114Ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Mon May 22 2023
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