A day in the life of a Star Citizen Salvager.

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hello you beautiful citizens uh how's it going welcome to another Star Citizen video today I'm gonna do a day in the life of your average salvager um a couple of things before we get started on this video this video is probably not going to get that many views right because uh it's just a simple salvaging video it's very long it's not going to be edited so please if you haven't already please drop it a like I really really would appreciate that uh give this video some love for the salvaging squad I don't know if that's a thing but I'm making it a thing to try and get liked about people anyway uh so yeah we're gonna be doing a video where I don't edit and I purely focus on uh salvaging um and kind of just walk through this gameplay loop it's really cool I absolutely love this new gameplay Loop uh it's in the 3.18 patch uh you may have noticed by the way I'm doing a very low risk Target I thought for a bit of fun we would continue my strange desire to kill bounties for Salvage um the only problem is I did a bit of practice and I lost half an engine so when I go forward here you'll see this will be quite entertaining uh let's just level out the camera um one of them's on fire if I go straight forward I slowly turn to the left and which is not as bad as if it was completely blasted but it is pretty damn busted so yeah this may or may not be a terrible idea there are some Stakes on the line we may die on Daymar it's a good time um ideally I can salvage these guys and heal the ship although I don't I think it works like that so that probably won't that won't work but hey I just thought this might be a spicy entrance to the video um after this we'll go ahead and uh go to an asteroid field and do it the proper way but I thought you know for a bit of fun let's let's do it let's live on the edge we got a two Gladius oh my word why on Earth did I decide to do this this is such an awful idea these are actual fighter ships and I'm gonna friendship okay I'm completely outgunned the only thing I have going for me is uh I'm an ace pilot and these are AI so wish me luck also I'm starting with half a damaged ship so cut me some slack uh let's make sure we get a full oh that's one done okay luckily for me the server's a little bit slow oh thank goodness for that that makes me happy you're not always going to have this luck by the way oh damn did that turret just completely take out my bounty for me that's hilarious okay hopefully okay I'm watching please don't explode on impact damn it here it is any Salvage here let's engage the lasers there's not a lot of savage that we had here guys but it's pretty cool nonetheless oh yes right I need to turn off head tracking press Z and now I can now it's power simulator guys look how cool this is I absolutely love this gameplay Luke It's So satisfying uh let's go for the bigger here we go nice pretty cool and like the cool thing about 318 if you don't already know is uh anyone that comes here later on will see this ship kind of just chilling out on the floor and we're like huh someone come along and Salvage this I mean you could come by here later on another day and go huh this is where Ollie salvaged that ship that one time I mean it might still be here I don't know some say it's still here in the desert right so this looks pretty much got but there we go look at that we've got a ship completely uh salvaged pretty much nice right where's that other ship this has been a fun start to the video I didn't have to do a lot it was high stakes and I made it look easy oh oh there's the ship we just exploded oh no oh no oh no the turrets have turned against me no no Shields oh man this is bad oh this is bad oh my word Shield's critical they're still shooting at me oh my word that is I should probably come out of savage mode are we good oh I think we just got out of that how am I looking like how's my engines my door busted open can I not close that yes I can for some reason that was open weird it's a little bit broken though the engine okay I was wondering why the turret wasn't shooting at me it turned out it was just they hadn't spotted me yet let's have a little look what is this oh derelict outpost on Denmark that's perfect mwah Chef kiss if you're doing this yourself I would advise not doing what I'm doing here and just going out to an asteroid field and finding about like ships to salvage I'll show you how to do that in a little bit but for now I'm kind of making it a little bit more interesting for myself so yes bear that in mind oh my word I've just looked at my ship status hmm okay well um I'm going to repair the ship after this interaction and then we're going to the asteroid field here we go all right let's make sure we get this guy because I don't want him blowing up my body I don't know what his name was what was his name like oh Cutlass black are you serious dude I might need your help he's out there he's like nope oh my this is gonna be such a challenge holy oh I don't think I can do this genuinely there's three oh my word okay so the what the wait what they're engaging in comp what the heck is that's a drop ship the AI are turning on each other what okay I definitely want to get rid of the Drake Cutlass first oh it's a drop ship for the oh that's kind of cool oh there's gonna be lots of savage for me then huh I should probably I should probably Target uh this here that's actually amazing that AI is fighting the drop that's so weird I love that though that's so unexpected oh wait are they turning on me now come on this thing is so tanky look at it almost lost his Shields actually we should now that that's quite low okay that's gonna go down nice oh my goodness m50s suck come on come on oh please don't cry Oh I thought it was gonna crash then he's trying to escape oh he's shooting me you cheeky come on this is like so annoying because if I kill this M50 it's going to be literally like no sandwich whatsoever but the delightful uh oh it's full shield again I okay so here's the thing I really want to take on the Drake uh uh cutlers here right why are lights so useless in this game wait it's flying off should I chase after him yeah let's chase after him okay he's lost all his Shields at the back and I've still got some left okay this might work for me oh my dude they did work for me all right cool now we've got some Salvage this this would be so cool if I can salvage this I'm actually salvaging as it's hitting the ground I ain't got time to wait for it to fall to the ground I've got Savage to collect right and now I can salvage that is honestly such a cool experience that's how you do it guys you take on the drop ships wait is that like coming back what the oh no what just happened did that guy just what is the server about to collapse is that what's no there's actually a player in there he just crashed okay no 30k no ah well public test environment I'll see you guys in a moment where we'll have everything back to normal okay I wasn't expecting to record quite so early I've got a location where I'm gonna head to uh but it looks like I've got the same ship because the door is currently broken but the nice thing I guess is that I can repair this ship and luckily for me there's another entrance so uh you know it's not all bad so I managed to repair my ship um I can't seem to buff out the uh back it's really weird I've tried to repair a couple of times and it doesn't seem to be working so that's a little strange the other weird thing is uh uh well I said I would um go straight to the asteroids after that day more thing the thing is this was kind of close we have got the asteroid ring uh just you know over there but this little Bounty was uh just available so I thought I'd give it one more try trying to do what we've been trying to achieve which is blow up a ship and Salvage it um from start to finish if this doesn't work uh we tried you know right uh what do we have a Avenger okay Now Avengers Assemble oh that's beautiful oh it's beautiful oh the shields are down okay that's pretty good nice we got some Savage that's one where's the other guy right he is over here and here's a a Mustang okay [Music] nice all right that went smoothly so this should crash into the ground and then I can salvage it look at that look all these beautiful pieces of Salvage uh any sandwich here hmm not really on the wing oh yeah we're getting some there we go there's a little bit there's not a lot though it's taken me so long to get one SEO of cargo I should have just gone to the Astro first the thing is this is such a cool concept to me like destroying ships and then salvaging them just looks it's just such a cool idea you know uh in practice maybe it's a little more difficult than you you realize but um right G isn't it there we go hopefully now I can actually get some decent Salvage oh yeah not really I think I think we're done there annoyingly okay so in the interest of time I have decided uh to edit the video a little bit so we are gonna head over uh to an asteroid field and actually do what we should have done at the start of the video really and just gone ahead and try to find some Savage so yeah it only took however long this video is so far to actually start the video I guess properly um but yeah we'll see uh hopefully we'll find something really juicy to salvage straight away and I won't spend too long like actually looking um because it's kind of like one or the other oh hang on this would be nice come on let me get close to you I'm not gonna hit a rocket oh my goodness it's risky I don't need a rock I think we're okay what is this whoa whoa whoa what's going on oh my word what the heck happened here what I just found like so much Salvage what okay well that is the fastest I've ever found anything any Salvage whatsoever but holy I need to get a closer look at this is it a ship did someone explode out here or what's going on what did we just get really lucky on a a spawn of um Savage you know what it kind of looks like bodies of parts of a ship not sure we'll never know either way uh it's not really my problem what happened here or where the Salvage come from I'm just here to suck it all up right there we go right turn off that turn on that and let's just make sure we're level get a little bit closer this is actually a really big piece of sandwich you just need to get a little bit closer look we're 150 meters away this thing's massive much bigger than anything else we were salvaging gonna go for the bigger bit here we go wow we've got so much Salvage here we're not gonna have to go looking for any more this whole time which is like I'm so lucky and grateful mm-hmm right that's finished cool I'm gonna have to um make myself a gun here which is a little bit annoying but it's kind of cool you can do that so let's just get on with it got plenty of sours to uh collect but thankfully we can uh create a multi-tool and then we need to make a true hold attachment which is um equipped there we go which is 20 more which is a bit annoying because like you don't have enough to just do it in one take you have to go up do this get back in the seat do a little bit more [Music] there we go that's all I needed let's make the true hold attachment and store lovely and now we're going to attach that to the multi-tool and then we're going to have this uh Auto eject nice so now we can have two lots rather than one all right so now it's a very early and chill portion of the video where we just Salvage and it is honestly a lot of people in the comments of my previous video me included kind of said that it was kind of like a power simulator if we've ever seen that game uh we kind of like just you know trying to get all the gaps strangely satisfying it is good gameplay look there we go that's one SCU so that'll be poking out what is it not doing it I did have Auto turned on there we go rejecting it's a little bit slow that's why I don't know if there's like a good way of doing this slow movements probably like there's probably some like you know tutorial somewhere where you want to keep the valid at like 50 to maintain optimal extraction I don't know at the moment doesn't really matter either way there we go sweet so that's two whole oh my what the that's not what I wanted foreign what the hell good to see all the Salvage laying around though I wonder what happened absolutely mad right uh also I guess it's fun to see if the yeah that works sweet yeah what happened here you see this there's Den in the back of my vulture [Music] luckily it opens still which is good there's our first box of Salvage and we're gonna put it there and then we're going to eject the next one honestly in this situation it might be preferable to go out that way because the ladder is kind of annoying stack that up there beautiful right two down a few more to go and what is that's a weird situation with my hands there it is actually I don't know if they've changed this since the last time I salvaged but it feels really quick to actually collect your Salvage I don't like to say I don't know if they've changed it at all or not but it feels really quick and I don't know why I can move one but not the other right now I've literally pressed nothing different that one's pretty much done can't be bothered to faff around with it we might as well move while it's extracting we've got another panel piece here looks good that's for my reclaimer interesting maybe someone got blown up in a reclaimer it's kind of locked in a really weird spot as well but at least now I'm getting I'm moving around rather than using the joystick thing but at least I'm getting optimal suction of savage you know maybe it will fix now that I've got out of the seat and got back into it maybe I don't know right here we go another bit of Salvage eject it's kind of cool little animation you get I love that put that one on there actually let's just put them next to each other there we go lovely stuff I should probably close that like piracy wise that makes a lot of sense to kind of close it but maybe it doesn't matter that will see any Pirates here today right has this been fixed now yes it has weird just a one-off glitch I guess so good found wow so good I love Savage I don't know what's going on here normally I edit my videos okay guys and clearly there's a reason for that and the reason is because most of the time I'm full of absolute nonsense and it looks so cool that panel though doesn't it though sure good this is definitely like a reclaimer that's blown up or something or it's meant to be something like that because there's so much here I feel like I should come back with a crew and a whole you know reclaimer itself because there's just so much to pick up uh let's find another piece there's so much I don't need to be like Precious about getting every single piece because like I'll never collect all of this and it'd be necessary like I'm never gonna get all of it anyway so I might as well just find these big panel pieces and kind of work on them you know this is like I I think I mentioned earlier but this is the only thing about salvaging right now is I kind of wish this process was automated and I could just sit in the driver's seat the whole time getting in the ladder each time is kind of a pain um it's not that bad I guess it breaks up the gameplay a little bit but and adds time to the task but then right sweet get some more it wouldn't be so bad if there wasn't a ladder but the ladder just winds me up don't ask me why I hate ladders so much but for some reason every time I have to use a ladder in this game it's just like oh such a process you know am I being over dramatic probably is somewhat satisfying though and I'll be very curious to know how much monies we make from all of this I don't know where to sell it I'm gonna I'm gonna assume that I can take it to orison and just sell it there maybe not for the best price but a decent price you know hmm eject and place that up there I'm gonna close the door it's worrying me so we've only got one two three four bits to go so we will be done in not a lot of time at all you know what this would be good for a really good podcast or a long YouTube video you know you know when you're kind of listening to something but you don't really need to fully pay attention basically the kind of content I'm making right now where you can kind of half watch it and it's fine that's exactly what this is good for a bit of Netflix you know like a like a bad TV show that you're kind of interested about or something a rerun you know it's good rerun content it's just it's a noise activity to kind of chill out you know play the space guy space guy play the space role play and um you know then you're done all right down the ladder again I don't know let me know in the comments section guys genuinely curious what you think of this whole Harring to do this manually each time I'm pretty sure it'll be like 50 50 on like what you guys think about it right two more to go I'm actually pretty excited I've never done this much before previously I've only done like one or two and technically we've done even more because we made the multi-tool as well so there was plenty here this is really annoying your OCD that I am not completely removing every bit and I'm being kind of a sloppy salvager that's what they call me you know what I'm just gonna leave that half done just to really warm you up because I I know it's bothering someone and that pleases me I'm a monster right last piece let's get a like Spike for completing this not even live streaming but I'm going for a light Spike come on 60. 70. 80. 90. and a one that's so cool and then we'll head back to Orson and see how much it's worth let's just put it all into place and I'll do you the right I'll do the honorable thing guys and I'll edit the video all right oh God this is a bit awkward now that's a bit stuck on space all right there we go nice bit tight in here in it there's not much room to do this all right yeah hey we did it sweet all right that's all the cargo collected I will do the honorable thing and uh see you down on Orson all right so little update time it is the next day and uh some weird things happen basically I went over to Port olsar thinking I could sell uh the uh scrap that we got uh I even thought we could get it from orison both of which you can't you have to either go to Microtech art Corp or I think there's a third one but I don't I can't I think it's meant to be Orson but it's not at orison yet either way maybe you can I couldn't find it either way I realized we have to go to Area 18 right um I stored the vulture and let me just show you something actually it's it's very very concerning uh well it was at least let me just show you something so if I make sure we're just sat comfortably here yeah it's not gonna crash for no reason okay good I should really be careful actually the amount of times I've pressed the button and it's just throwing me out of the side man that would have been a really embarrassing start to the video anyway if I go down here look at this mess there's no Salvage and you can imagine my reaction when I saw this for the first time I was like I literally raged um until I took it to orison and which I saw that the cargo is technically still on board it's just not physicalized at least I hope so we're gonna go to Area 18 this is such a long story I'm sorry uh we're gonna go to Area 18 we're gonna go to the trade uh place the place where you would normally trade such cargo and then hopefully get a price on the Salvage and we can finally finish the video so I'll see you guys once we get to that all important trade uh area ah oh Corp such a cool place I remember seeing this for the first time and just oh getting Goosebumps it's so cool but we're here going to the trade Development Division of art Corp luckily the doors work that's good right um I'm either gonna be really mad or quite happy or somewhere in between depending on how this goes commodity shop use anyway don't worry Drake vulture aha cool right so first things first I'm very happy because my cargo even though it wasn't in the ship and physicalized I can sell it which is pretty good uh I'm pretty happy 92k so confirm yeah that wasn't too bad actually nice all right sweet job done I'm actually I kind of half expected that not to work so I'm very pleased that did work um 92k for what we did I I'm definitely happy with that I think that's pretty reasonable um the only thing I wish you could do and I don't think there's a way to do it just yet it's like move the cargo off the ship and then move it to say a bigger uh ship such as the uh caterpillar or um I don't know some of the whole ships in the future if I could pull off that cargo and move it with like if I had to do that now I'd have to do some really weird kind of getting the ship out uh parking it getting my vulture bringing it out you know it like it would be much better suited actually to a like a organization you know where you pile up the caterpillar and then bring it home to get some cash because if I look at the map here it's not really I mean you could go to Arc L4 I mean rkl1 uh is that there's like asteroids and stuff here yeah maybe the answer is then rather than doing what we did which was over at Crusader going to Art Corp going to either of these uh going into the asteroid fields and then doing it that way that would be a lot faster um I never said this was a tutorial I just said this is a day in the life so yes this is Star Citizen this has been a pretty profitable day um a few worries here and there in terms of like whether or not it's working but at the end of the day we made money so yeah if you enjoyed this video Drop It a like I really appreciate it and uh subscribe if you haven't already and I'll See You Beautiful People in the next one bye-bye
Channel: Olli43
Views: 124,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star citizen, star citizen gameplay, star citizen game, star citizen news, star citizen guide, star citizen 2022, star citizen alpha, star citizen update, star citizen 3.17.4, star citizen 3.18, star citizen PTU, star citizen 3.18 ptu, star citizen vulture, star citizen cargo refactor, star citizen pes, starcitizen, star citizen salvaging, star citizen salvage, star citizen day in the life
Id: 7vDwJ9KqKro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 25sec (1945 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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